Show some recent work

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  • 8,608 Responses
  • BaskerviIle72

    Not really work, more of a lockdown project to get me away from my screen. I've been working on this oil painting for about 6 weeks. I've always loved the work of Pieter Claesz, particularly his 'ontbijtjes' still lifes. So I decided to do a still life with objects I had laying around in that style. When life gives you lemons...…

    • !!!!!!!nb
    • Magnificent.deadsperm
    • Amazing work. I had to do such things in art school, too, but never was as good as you. Absolutely great! The glass looks just wow. Lemon peel. WOW.SimonFFM
    • Just showed my wife from a distance and she thought it was a photo. Congratulations!SimonFFM
    • The light is amazing. Love the glass especially.PhanLo
    • that's incredible. Can't imagine how difficult it is to do that glass on a jet black bg. The whole thing is beyond my comprehension tb honestFax_Benson
    • Amazing! Wish I had the free time to pursue stuff like this right now :)yuekit
    • beautiful!scruffics
    • Superb!OBBTKN
    • Thanks everyone, I appreciate it. Feels good to do something aside from UX work occasionallyBaskerviIle
    • So beautiful!fisheye
    • sickmilfhunter
    • Fuck this is incrediblepedromendez
    • getouttahere
      from photo or actual still life?
    • Nice glazing :)Gnash
    • @drgs, actual still life, set it up on my mantelpiece. Worked from reference photos too since fruit shrivels and rots etcBaskerviIle
    • Amazing!dmay
    • dude!!!Calderone2000
    • At first I thought this is so well executed. Why did he use a glass that would come from a greasy spoon rest stop but then I realized that would be a great ideaCyBrainX
    • do a scene in this immaculate refined style but it's lousy diner food - french fries, hot dogs, ketchup blobs on the table, dirty napkins, etc.CyBrainX
    • @CyBrainX nice idea. The glass is literally just the Ikea tumblers I use at home.BaskerviIle
    • Wow, your skills are severe! As the judges on Portrait/Landscape Artist of the Year say, ‘there are some incredible passages of paint’Wolfboy
    • As has been mentioned, the rendering of glass with liquid on black is awesome.Wolfboy
    • Incredible! UX is cool and all but man, this is your calling.dyspl
    • Superb work :)mrAtor
    • Fucking nice!bezoar
    • I've long had a preference for genre painting. the nobility of just great painting. Nice value control, as seen in the reflection on the marble top.MrAbominable
    • Thanks for putting up the second and third photos! I thought it was a photo! Awesome work!!mapleT
    • Excellentsinjun
    • My Grandad used to paint in this style.
      Bless his socks though, he wasn't very good. And I'm being generous. RIP x
      SO GOOD, Baskerville.
    • I had NEVER 'til now considered just how fucking hard this shit must have been in the old days, prior to photography. Spot who didn't go to Art School...Nairn
    • Exceptionally good. Fantastic talent!zarb0z
    • Everything said in the notes, your painting skills are awesome. +10000grotesk_neue
    • stellar workdopepope
    • Wow, this has really cheered me up, got a kick from seeing it on the front page. Thanks for such positive comments.BaskerviIle
    • you obviously have an eye for texture
    • Teach medrgs
    • ^why was meowcat banned?drgs
    • because docpozutopian
    • drgz was too slow to certify himutopian
    • wonderful work Baskervilleutopian
    • skillz!! wow nicemicrokorg
    • Absolutely amazing! WOW!Krassy
    • God dammit, that's perfection!Melanie
    • Oh please... this is one of those 'send your photo in and we'll print it on a canvas so it looks like a painting' things!! You can't fool me.PonyBoy
    • in all honesty tho... O... M... G. SO good. :)PonyBoy
    • Absolutely stunning. I can't even pour a Gin-Tonic that looks as real as this.Longcopylover
    • wow indeed!oey_oey
    • Wow! It is unbelievable. What a detailed work and amazing sense of color.Mezzanine
  • face_melter50

    Right. Born to die, 3D is a fuck.

    Since moving over to 3ds Max / Corona Render at work about a year ago and with it all the madness and death Autodesk products bring, there was absolutely no choice but to stab Cinema 4D in the neck and end any type of recreational 3D at home. It couldn't be done.

    Instead, I poured my depressed ape brain into 2D work and digital painting - trying my hand at concept art and futuristic fuckery. All ending in pure misery. But through an unlikely combination of banal Swedish residential architecture, John Berkey, and Robert McGinnis' paintings of tits and ass I stumbled, like some drunken Irishman, into a process and technique that has resulted in a prolonged thrust of inspiration and a satisfying flow of work that has proved to be my most rewarding and enjoyable since fuck knows when.

    Like, I can't even recall the last time I was genuinely content and pleased with my creative endevours. Maybe the first time I managed to do decent eyeliner. I dunno.

    There is no deep, cosmic, exploration. No profound flannel about the human condition and A-R-T. The gig is simple.

    The nuts and bolts of it is me taking pictures of buildings then recreating parts of them in Photoshop using a couple of brushes, some weird colours, and my extended SUNN O))) playlist built from Scandinavian live bootlegs and album releases.

    I will now push the BROADCAST! button and hope that the links show correctly.

    • doooodscruffics
    • really good work. nice paletteDoris_McSquirter
    • these are greatFax_Benson
    • These are ace!thumb_screws
    • Thanks. I am genuinely pleased with them and from these I can see opportunities to move forward - different subjects and themes. Portraits perhaps.face_melter
    • Composition and color are out of this world. A pleasure to view. Thanksmonospaced
    • yep, love these, keep em coming.fadein11
    • Love em! Really good Face!PhanLo
    • Fuck. These are awesomeGnash
    • switch do blender its anti-madness there...neverscared
    • I love them all, great stuff man! +
    • Fantastic @face_melter.ideaist
    • great work!utopian
    • great work man! Love itBennn
    • Great stuff. And interesting you mention Robert McGinnis. You both do great work!SimonFFM
    • Really digging these!fattymcgrizzle
    • Very good. Not sure I've ever seen anything quite like it.Nairn
    • 1 and 3. Nice work.garbage
    • really fucking nice
    • I'm into theseDaithi
    • Nice! Great style and colors.bezoar
    • Do a video, would love to see the process of making them!dee-dubs
    • They're great by the way!dee-dubs
    • niiice workprophetone
    • where's the thumbs up button ? :) love emurbanturban
    • these are great i love them! Would buy prints of these, lovely!pedromendez
    • good to see some Berkey&McGinnis tits n ass fans here :D
      nice stuff, keep it going :)
    • Love em. Start selling some prints!instrmntl
    • this is amazing man! what are you using tool wise? ipad and pen? wacom? mouse?_niko
    • very nice, thanks for sharing some of your process as well! Keep at it!brandonp
    • SweetNBQ00
    • Aww. Thanks all! The kind words are appreciated. Prints are def. in the future, I have a few more completed but want to round off this set of photos first.face_melter
    • As for process, it's Ps and a Wacom with some stylised, acrylic-like, brushes. I stripped everything back so now only work with four or five brushes in total.face_melter
    • very nice compositions. the color is yours!api
    • i could see some nice simple type on these as a series of dj mixes_me_
    • This is great, I'd wear all of them on a tshirt.zarkonite
    • I'm as much impressed by the beatnick intro to this work as the work itself but both are a jolt to the senses. This is the best thing in this thread in a while.CyBrainX
    • i liek it it reminds me a bit of ian francis and joshua keyes.only thing id change up is even mroe brush blend digitally for more analog detailed style.
    • also be great to mix in some actual throwups. the colors and brushes allude to it but be a nice layer and mix in the actual lettering. always also allows
    • another layer fo depth in meaning.
    • fantastic workdopepope
    • Again, thanks everyone for the compliments. Just the motivation I need. 9-5 sucks the fucking life out of me, so these are my escape. More soon, for sure.face_melter
    • That is some really great work! Keep 'em coming please!pseud
    • Awesome work. Great sense of composition and colours.Mezzanine
  • BaskerviIle53

    Painted a portrait of my old man for his 70th birthday.
    Oil on linen

    • +1Gnash
    • That is absolutely amazing!! <3
    • that's a badass gift, man. and from his son– he'll be proudscarabin
    • Beautiful!Melanie
    • amazing work, he's gonna love it.sofakingback
    • amazingMiguex
    • Awesome job! And a touching tribute.dopepope
    • Excellent.sea_sea
    • amazing!Krassy
    • I am a waste of human skill. I applaud you for being a higher species.wagshaft
    • a+sted
    • love this..great work dudesureshot
    • Very nice, maestro!OBBTKN
    • awesome personal birthday present!microkorg
    • fantastic - well donefadein11
    • Just lovely.MrT
    • sickeningly good, thanks for making me feel like a waste of space!dee-dubs
    • Really like that,wheelBoy
    • Better than most things in UK's National Portrait gallery.fruitsalad
    • ... Jesus Christ! This better be your day job. Too much of a waste if not. Your dad will be so proudmugwart
    • Stunning. Really...
    • the lips are distressing me...sorry. does your father really has lips like that? like the mouth is closer to the observer. you know like turned.
    • I mean it's an amazing picture and you have incredible skills but I feel somehow intrigues by the lip. impressive colors.
    • Needs some lens flare, but showing progress. Good to see you've been keeping an oar in on this wee hobby, Baskerville.detritus
    • ...which is to say, I'm in awe. So, so good!
    • god oey - can't stop looking at the lips now.fadein11
    • Beautiful workGlitterati_Duane
    • mad skillsernexbcn
    • If I was your dad, my comment would be "son, please paint in my hair, I miss my hair son."fruitsalad
    • wow! your dad must be very proud man, dope skillsmaquito
    • The pic here is very small so it makes it look better tha what it is in real life
    • damn bro.. owning itautoflavour
    • i_was has to be the single-most poisonous and embittered user on here. Have you ever said anything positive, ever? Anywhere?detritus
    • i suspect you're a pseud account for someone here who hasn't the balls to be their true cunt self under their normal username.detritus
    • Sentimental value: A+
      Artistic Value: C-
      Pat on the back from social network: priceless
      Artistic feedback from that network: D-
    • I'd wager that it's easier to get 'good' results from a large-format painting, so his weak attempt at negativity is gutted before it's out the door anyway.detritus
    • i_was simply reeks of jealousy and bitterness, the poor little wet queef.
    • lovelyutopian
    • Thanks everyone, didn't expect to return to QBN to find such nice comments. I'm an interaction/innovati... designer by day.BaskerviIle
    • Drawing/painting is just a hobby, I don't profess to be an artist, I mainly just enjoy the process/craft. Illustration not artBaskerviIle
    • Excellent work. Really.stoplying
    • you just became his favorite son.
      great job dude.
    • woah... what a wonderful gift... beautiful work, baskerville :)PonyBoy
    • The artistic value of this painting is clearly mediocre, if you can see that, that's normal : you're a graphic designer.
    • This painting has a superior artistic value…
    • it's a painting of his father, you pathetic bilious upchuck. I'm sure you think you're coming across as smart and haughty, but you're just a cretinous nonent.detritus
    • Nasty, nasty, nasty. I'm sorry you feel the need to compensate in this manner.detritus
    • hehe... don't waste your time, det. All the info (gift for dad, not a 'fine' artist by day etc) should halt any critique... except from petty douchebags. :)PonyBoy
    • *grumbles*detritus
    • I have an utterly respect for your skills
    • Me too, oey. Muchly.
    • It's just okay...
      Jk, it's fuking awesome!
    • yep - great piece of work. ignore the haters.fadein11
    • Very impressive mate.HAYZ1LLLA
    • damn dude!GuyFawkes
  • dopepope53

    Sculpted a StarWars Wampa for a private commission. It was turned into a limited run of large scale kits.

    Additional images :……

  • stewart47

    The Electric Flying Connection is a new industry association, where forces are joined to accelerate and expand the value chain of electric flying. They asked my to design their logo and visual identity.

    • I really like this - bravo!Nairn
    • Sweet
    • check plus!misterhow
    • Like it a lot!OBBTKN
    • Smart & coolNBQ00
    • ❤ Love it! ❤PhanLo
    • Nice - would love to see more!bulletfactory
    • That's very nicepedromendez
    • very goodneverscared
    • Excellent!
      the E works!
    • great concept and execution, it looks and FEELS nice, kudos!whatthefunk
    • Topologically inaccurate flight pathdrgs
    • That's a nice and smooth cloud sailing.sted
    • love the mark, hate the fonthans_glib
    • @drgs maybe its a Glider? :)sted
    • @hans, good one, it's not a font (yet)stewart
    • Nice, Is that Elon's plane!utopian
    • So fresh.

      So clean.

      It stays.
    • clever and pleasingdopepope
    • Nive work!dbloc
    • I see the 'E' in the flight path, but it'd be cooler if you could see E F C in the a loop. And maybe 3 nodes/dots on the loop, for the connections.shapesalad
    • Also i'd not have the red in the gradient, and i'd keep it all electric aqua blue to white gradient. To convey the 'electric' thing.shapesalad
    • It's nice, but the connotations could pump stronger. The logo mark on it's own is not conveying anything, almost looks like a knob pointing up left.shapesalad
    • ^ LOLpango
    • mister stewart once again returning design balance to this website I visit on a daily basis. Very nice, palstoplying
    • If anyone knows about looking like a knob it’s you, shapescarabin
    • get rid of the gradient. the font does not fit.
      hmm.. go back to the beginning.
    • As well executed as it is conceived.
      Great work.
  • stewart52

    The producer of this prize-winning children's film has asked me to design a paper model of the little flying robot that has an important supporting role in the film. The model sheet is sent along with children's magazines.

    These are really fun projects and I'm glad they know where to find me!

  • stewart44

    I designed this ship paper model, commissioned by the police. It's their tough "P5" patrol vessel, to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the seaport police. I really enjoyed designing it!

    • SlashPeckham
    • wow... just congrats man! I have no idea how to do thatBennn
    • that's coolFax_Benson
    • Wantmonospaced
    • I'm printing this out.deadsperm
    • Wow.webazoot
    • very cool!where_am_i
    • Damn cool!SimonFFM
    • +1dibec
    • Excellent @stewart. Such a cool, unknown QBN skillset in the house.ideaist
    • super cool! I will enjoy putting this togetherbezoar
    • That is some good ship right there! Nice work.stoplying
    • sweet!robotron3k
    • Yes!!!maquito
    • very niced_gitale
    • NICE!! What tools / process?Projectile
    • Looks great!dopepope
    • So good - and still done by 'hand' (ie. no Pepakura, etc)?Nairn
    • so much fun going on hereutopian
    • Thats awesome, I want to assemble it!instrmntl
    • so good!Miguex
    • fantastic work. congrats.fadein11
    • woah... this is rad... talk about a dream project!PonyBoy
    • A dream project, lol
    • hell yes... a public project w/a beautiful finish... a dream indeed (would love to have something like this in my folio).

      i_was, lol
    • ********
    • lol thumbs up is gone
    • Tools/process: only the shapes of 5 bow parts were calculated in Cinema4D. The rest is easily done 2D in Illustrator as the most of the shapes are simple boxes.stewart
    • H O L L A N Dmilfhunter
  • palimpsest36

    I present to you the proof of concept for the first Panopticon service. This activity monitoring service shows active members, topics and time of activity. Panopticon services open the gates and invite members inside the tower. As services, their mission is to serve the community.

    Panopticon is for the people. The people are not for panopticon.

    • Haha, awesomeGnash
    • Love the paletteGnash
    • Thanks!
      You know what's up.
    • oh my flol.

      we have so underestimated you.
    • you sick bastard.Nairn
    • is the logo a toilet paper roll?Krassy
    • I take the Fifth.palimpsest
    • What the hell. Can you change range somehow?drgs
    • Not yet, it takes some time to backtrack (quotas). I'll put this on hold and work on the backend a bit.palimpsest
    • I'm preparing to give y'all something raw for the 2021 data real soon. I want to move on to other services, at least get them started.palimpsest
    • how are you going to monetize this project? ;)Krassy
    • I AM NOT.
    • Collect upvote data and make a list of top rated users. Use AI to predict how suicidal the author is, make top 10 listdrgs
    • GDPRgrafician
    • Call the police.palimpsest
    • 242 active users over the last 7 weeks. I can probably name the first 40, who the hell are the remaining 200drgs
    • While it's possible to get sidenotes and votes but that would require making frequent calls and I would max out my quotas. So that part is on hold.palimpsest
    • You're on the top 10, drgs, fosho!palimpsest
    • QBN ProPro™SlashPeckham
    • Nice!Chimp
    • lol, wtf!?dbloc
    • epic :Dsted
    • you can predict whether there's a fight happening or not by who's on top of the listscarabin
    • this is brilliantfadein11
    • holy smokes that's great!Daithi
    • Last 7 weeks:…
    • That's the spirit, drgs!
      The data checks out.…
    • This is next level.
      You splendid, filthy, beautiful mind, you.
    • wow, just wow._niko
    • I thought that NBQ00 quite the site.utopian
    • Awesome!ESKEMA
    • Amazing *golf clap*thumb_screws
    • wow.garbage
    • I'm only 47 - what is this ?_me_
    • whoa, well donecolin_s
    • A+inteliboy
    • wow, thats awesome!Bennn
    • this is fucking bussin'mantrakid
    • WHOA - Impressive worknecromation
    • I'm not buying it.oey_oey
    • It's fucking brilliant!oey_oey
    • Nice. But I don‘t get it. It‘s just stats who posts what and how much on a given date?NBQ00
    • @nbq - you didn't get an invite to Panopticon Pro?fadein11
    • It do what it do.
      I appreciate the reception. Thank you all.
    • you deserve it, great piece of workfadein11
    • i don't get it! it just says "Loading data...
      " for me and nothing happens. what am i missing?
    • just waitsted
    • dont know what it is but looks nicemicrokorg
    • does this tally side comments, or just posts in threads?monospaced
    • Sick !GuyFawkes
    • Interesting to see that you have 80 more 'regular' users than I worked out a year or so ago.Nairn
  • PhanLo44

    Finished this today. It's based on a folk tale from 1649 about a kid who went to fairy parties on Calton Hill near Leith. One time some soldiers tried to get the kid to show them where the entrance on the hill was and and the fairies got upset and murdered him.
    Fun times…
    It's house paint and acrylic gouache.

    • lovely workfadein11
    • Cheers Fadein!
      I like painting those boxes but they're magnets for dog pee so painting the bottom parts were rough.
    • great work!Krassy
    • Super cool. Do you apply to the city for this sort of thing or just renegade it?scarabin
    • Nice!GuyFawkes
    • Did you paint it on site? Or is it a wrap that you painted and applied? Great work man_niko
    • @scarabin this one was paid for by the company doing Tramworks on the road but I've painted a few over the years, never as detailed though.PhanLo
    • @_niko I painted it on site over two days, got a bit fiddly near the ground level.PhanLo
    • gorgeuos!neverscared
    • Awesome! I love it!brt44
    • that's greatFax_Benson
    • Love the color palette!Leigh
    • love it, nice workBluejam
    • In a town close to Frankfurt, they just invite artists to do art like yours (German article): https://www.hessensc…SimonFFM
    • Nice. In Taiwan they paint all of those street power box things, with local landscapes:shapesalad
    • https://www.lenscult…shapesalad
    • Cheers folks!
      @Simon, yep, Germany like France has had a healthy attitude toward public art. Like it's just part of the culture.
    • That project was really successful with good public interaction, but the council folk don't see the benefit. So instead of building on it they move on.PhanLo
    • I sometimes get messages from people that say a certain painting lifts their mood everytime they see it. That's the power of public art. @shapesalad Cheers!PhanLo
    • This is really superb, Phan!Continuity
    • You're growing up before our very eyes @PhanLo!!!

      So... Proud...
    • Awesome, dude. As alwaysGnash
    • Killer stuff. I truly hope nobody tags it or defaces it. Really dig the color palette!stoplying
    • You can't go wrong with eye alignment, just requires a straight line
    • Only in Scotland could fairies murder some cuntNairn
    • Hey, Phanlo - do you have any decent how-to/educational resources on painting over projected images? I have a client wanting to do a 12m-wide design...Nairn
    • ...which is impractical for the 36"x24" stencilling sheets I usually use. (I often register multiple sheets together, but his design doesn't fit this well)Nairn
    • Love it!mort_
    • @ I_Was he's pretty Slothed out in that sketch for sure.PhanLo
    • @stoplying they get fairly hammered with dog pee and people spit on them a lot too. It's really random how long they last, the lack of outdoor boozing helps.PhanLo
    • @Nairn Depending on how complex it is, I'd usually create some grid points with tape that I could align the projector up with. I've been using watercolour...PhanLo
    • pencils to draw stuff on walls as it can be removed reasonably easy with a wet brush. So get one near the colour your painting.
      Get some frog tape to mask the..
    • area off you want to paint then block it in with a mini roller. We just painted a tech company's floors and they wanted a giant QR code, that we just gridded...PhanLo
    • out. Then frog taped out the design. Think we were about £180 in tape by the end of the job.PhanLo
    • But little guide points to register will really help. Look forward to the Nairn blog post about it ;-)PhanLo
    • Nice PhanLo!!! Now that you have the template for the boxes, you should create your own gorilla art campaign...and plaster the city with them.utopian
    • @Utopian, yep for defo, I reckon I can get away with undercoating them a colour and putting a sticker on the main face. I look like an old workman now :-)PhanLo
    • Súper cool!Chimp
  • where_am_i41

    I recently went back to freelance so have cut a new show reel.
    Had to make a 1min cutdown for social and cant share the long one yet due to tvc air date. Aaaanyway have a watch, preferably with headphones! Will share the longer version in feb

  • jasonabc45

    Made this for fun and I'm making more for instagram. Because why not... shameless plug:…

  • dyspl31

    After 10years not having a portfolio up to date, I finally gathered my work. Going through that many years of archive was draining. Some days you’re happy with it, a few days later looking back at it not anymore.... Rinse and repeat.
    It took me a while but it’s at a point I’m happy with:

    • wow ...
      that’s a gorgeous portfolio you have.
      very nice.
    • Fucking dyspl, bringing the talent home

    • sick folio dyspl!YakuZoku
    • Absolutely stellar work. It makes me feel like retiring.CyBrainX
    • Lovely stuff! Totally worth the effort of getting it all in order.BaskerviIle
    • awesome work!Nutter
    • Laaaaaaa vache. Là, ça c'est un book.
      This is monstrously good work!
    • Sweet. Nicely put together, as wellGnash
    • Lovely, your font style is remindful of QBN's very own hydro74. http://legacyofdefea…utopian
    • Thanks :) I’m definitely leaning toward tech style. I have my fair share of Hydro74 goodies!dyspl
    • ❤️
    • A++++++_niko
    • Nice work, it was worth the effort. Love the custom type work.slappy
    • Super good! I remember seeing that Akira project, love it all.PhanLo
    • Slick!!bezoar
    • Very nice!MrT
    • Vraiment très joli.Longcopylover
    • sweetArchitectofFate
    • I want to take another look but the url is brokenSlashPeckham
    • Sick work. Gives me hope. I love seeing that stuff like this is still being done. 100percent looks cool too!pseud
    • noiceemilfhunter
    • I have been riding and racing moto since 1987. Always have been a fan of 100% products. Their design in on point.BonSeff
    • Glad to know an old school QBN'r is a driving force there!BonSeff
    • as the French say "SuuPer"dibec
    • Great photographyHayoth
    • Nice. Rickrolled.skinny_puppy
    • Really nice!bulletfactory
    • I’m very lucky to work with so many talented photographers & video makers, and athletes. Great assets makes everything easier for sure!dyspl
    • Very very nice workprophetone
    • can't believe nobody said it...prompts?_niko
    • It’s all handmade, Ai and GMO free :)
      Seeing athletes to their thing is a treat really, Witnessing MXriders wall-ride mountain cliffs is something else
  • raphi43


  • bezoar38

    Molding and casting work for Kris Kuksi.

    Chess Set (28 sets)

    Holiday Ornaments

    I can't remember exactly how many of these. 50-100?

    110 sets

    • I can’t even imagine what a nightmare it was to mold all that! Were your masters 3d printed? How does he work?scarabin
    • Whoa...totally bad ass, an amazing attention to detail. What are the pieces being in cast in?utopian
    • Amazing!lemmy_k
    • WhoaNBQ00
    • holy shitpango
    • Great! Are you still making Archosaurs or was that a one time thing?palimpsest
    • So dope! How did you make them? 3D print? Mould?maquito
    • I would buy one.maquito
    • Thanks! It was an arduous project for sure. He handmakes a basic form and adds the smaller details after I mold and cast. Silicone molds and urethane casts.bezoar
    • The dinosaur stuff is still moving along. Got a huge project in the works right now for a museum in New Jersey. Lots of big stuff to install this fall.bezoar
    • I am... an instant fan.
      jesus christ i love this work.
    • Living the life!palimpsest
    • I think it costs like 10k or somethinginstrmntl
    • AmazingKrassy
    • @drgs wish I could play against you with these pieces and boardKrassy
    • @drgs wish I could play with you.
      No pieces.
      No board/
    • Fuckin wow man!GuyFawkes
    • lol, have you been supping margharitas early this afternoon, palimpsest?Nairn
    • *Early morning.
      That's what happens when you have to synch your drinking schedule with your kids' school schedule.
      Modern problems require modern solutions.
    • Incredible work, really dig them. Thanks for posting.PhanLo
    • Ooh, laser-etched chessboard. That is a surprisingly obvious idea I've never had.…
    • I’ll trade the finest hellraiser box i can make for any of your failed casts ;)scarabin
    • +100garbage
    • Nice!!PonyBoy
    • Haha, scarabin asking the right questions! Great work, bezoar
      Should've said prior. I'm envious of your client here :)
    • absolutely awesomedopepope
    • Thanks everyone. Kris is a great friend and it's nice to lend a helping hand to his projects.bezoar
    • Sublimecanoe
    • damn very nice!atomholc
    • Oh fuck off with giving me an creative inferiority complex. Sorry I mean, stellar work.jagara
    • This reminds me of those crazy expensive chess sets made by the Franklin Mint in the 80s.CyBrainX
    • Those holiday ornaments make me wonder what holiday they're for. I'll assume it's for the Airing of Grievances / Festivus.CyBrainX
  • vnamy37

    Here are some previews of the last shoot I produced end of last year for a personal project.

    • My!Nairn
    • NiceGnash
    • looks like paintimbecile
    • Beautiful_niko
    • Thank you! We swapped model last minute and reconnected as she is very much a Botticelli.vnamy
    • *reconceptedvnamy
    • look gorgeous. Is it a photography project?dkoblesky
    • wow!renderedred
    • Yes. Did it as a personal photo project that we pitched to editorial.vnamy
    • 3dsmax, lol
    • she's quite a doll. what camera was it?
    • Beautiful. Love the color treatmentscarabin
    • Canon 5Dvnamy
    • sublimewagshaft
    • Very nicetoemaas
    • splendidutopian
    • yeah it does look digital I guess
    • This is wonderful!Continuity
    • love itmilfhunter
    • Wow Wow!SlashPeckham
    • Sweeet.PhanLo
    • Best quality work I've seen on QBN. Finally some class.shapesalad
    • Award-winning work right hereok_not_ok
    • Lush!JerseyRaindog
    • Awesome work, really love these! Can you tell us more on lighting, equipment?
    • Thank you so much! We used a lighting tech that has worked with the likes of Peter Lindbergh. Make up artist is the official one for Balmain. A+ team.vnamy
    • And if you click in to see it bigger the double exposure effect was in camera, not retouched.vnamy
    • Beautiful stuffstoplying
    • Lovely stuff.garbage
  • SimonFFM36

    Remember my attempt in creating fake pubic hair in the shape of a bunny logo? Fortunately, i have given up this pathetic attempt.

    Now, I am happy to announce that my cover for the 50th anniversary of Playboy Germany is out:

    It's an art project. 50 years. 50 covers. And I was among the 50 artists to produce one. I was totally free to do what I wanted, it only needed to have a reference to Playboy.

    And it's not some online project, you can really purchase a printed magazines with my cover:…

    In case you wonder about the water melon... Playboy embodies for me longings and the promise of a never-ending summer ;-)

    • Nice dude!scarabin
    • Here's an overview of all 50 cover designs: https://shop.playboy…SimonFFM
    • haha this is even betterhans_glib
    • I would have woven the cover itself out of pubic hairscarabin
    • ahhah niiice :D that's far bettersted
    • thanks, guys!SimonFFM
    • Were you trying to photoshop pubes onto the watermelon?shapesalad
    • ++neverscared
    • Noice!Continuity
    • Congrats man, iconic!robthelad
    • Much better!!!monospaced
    • Thank you!SimonFFM
    • Super coolbezoar
    • not to be a kiss-ass, but honestly, i think yours is the best of them. there's some neat ones to be sure, but i think you nailed it. Lovely work Simon :)exador1
    • Wonderful to hear, thank you! Ana Dias one is nice, too. I like the size s on the label, somehow ironic.SimonFFM
    • Great work.CyBrainX
    • Awesome! Congrat!formed
    • Awesome!YakuZoku
    • organoleptic!zardoz
    • Wow, Super Cool! Congrats Simon!dbloc
    • Very cool - huge congrats and amazing work!!!!mantrakid
    • Creative work. Well done! Congrats, SimoN!Krassy
    • Yeah that's it. Use your skills.stewart
    • Congrats Simon, the cover looks amazing.microkorg
    • It’s 4:11am and I am going to meet with Continuity in 4 hours. Need to grab some sleep. Thank you, guys. Had an amazing party!SimonFFM
    • congratulations !d_gitale
    • Thank you so much for your kind words!SimonFFM
  • Fabricio41

    Hello guys and girls :)
    Wanted to share with you this last project I worked on, for Cirque du Soleil, and their new show -Axel (that is currently touring around North America)

    The briefing was to design and animate a 3D scenario inspired by some old 8bit games and battle scenarios, and bring in some vintage elements. They were super easy going to work with, and gave me a lot of freedom :) One o the best experiences I've had in a long time :)

    (hopefully the images will show up properly...)

    • I just found this footage of one of the parts I worked on, filmed by someone on twitter:…
    • nice!Gnash
    • EPIC!monospaced
    • congrats!utopian
    • I wonder what the view was like from the performers' perspectives!jaylarson
    • Filmed vertically, of course. Great work by the way.CyBrainX
    • Thank you so much guys :)
      @jaylarson I dont think the view is really good, the projection of non-aliased graphics, looked quite bad on the ice :(
    • @CybrainX hahah! it drives me crazy those vertical videos... WHY WHY!!! :PFabricio
    • awesome!moldero
    • This is so cool :)Maaku
    • Excellent!SimonFFM
    • Love it!inv
    • nice!!milfhunter
    • that's fantasticFax_Benson
    • Wonderfulrobthelad
    • superb!fadein11
    • Crazy good! Congrats man!antimotion
    • makes me think of the original Tron movie from 1983... amazing work Fabricio :)exador1
    • dope! They are great to work with.ben_
    • well done!ayport
    • Talent. Design. On QBN. Can you believe it?ideaist
    • Excellent stuffMrT
  • Fabricio42

    Made this gif last weekend in between projects.
    30 frames animated frame-by-frame in a 12 fps project.

    • likefadein11
    • really coolBennn
    • lovedBeeswax
    • lovelyJaline
    • this rules.Al_dizzle
    • Love it.HijoDMaite
    • fantasticRamanisky2
    • reminds me of this…
    • yupmoldero
    • so much fucking work, bravo!utopian
    • wowpinkfloyd
    • Very nice, love the styleyuekit
    • Fabricio all my respect. It's beautifulsted
    • cant even imagine the tons of keyframes involved ... a lot of thought and detail here.Ramanisky2
    • This is fantastic.CyBrainX
    • Ramanisky2, 30 frames. He said it in his post ;)Bennn
    • Excellent work!MrT
    • Bennn, not total amount of frames ...
      keyframing each individual piece of imagery within ... assuming he created this in After Effects.
    • Fabricio .. was this done in After Effects or ToonBoom?? or something else.Ramanisky2
    • Wow guys! Haha, what an amazing response, thank you so much :)Fabricio
    • Ramanisky, I animated on Adobe Animate CC, and exported the PNG's to After Effects, and added texture and treated a bit the colour there.Fabricio
    • And you were right, it has 30 frames of duration, but in total there are around 500 individually drawn frames to compose everything, frame by frame.Fabricio
    • But they were simple animations, each one of them, so it didnt take super long.Fabricio
    • never used Adobe Animate CC before, now I see its exactly like Flash which I also haven't used in over 8 yrs now
      Still super nice job Fabricio. I'm jealous.
    • love itMiguex
    • Give it a go Ramanisky! It has gotten much better since Flash. If you want, I can share the source file of this with you, both Animate and After EffectsFabricio
    • Oh dude that would be awesome
      Please please please
      Thnx Fabricio
    • Super cool sir Fab!Chimp
    • so nice!! so all the drawing was done directly in Animate CC, they're all vectors? Would love to see those sourcefiles too...Calderone2000
    • Sesame Street-esque. I love it!jaylarson
    • this is a nice commentbliznutty
    • fuckn awesome, love the styleGeorgesII
    • super coolbezoar
    • Saved!jagara
  • stewart37

    It gets better and better :) I got a call from an aerobatics pilot who wanted a paper model of his beautiful Pitts Special racer. It has become a striking scale model of 35cm / 14″ wide. The paper model consists of 80 parts that can be cut out and glued together.

    A PDF download of this model will be available soon, if you want a link I'll post it here in this thread.

    Oh and if you want to fly with this beast, you can book a stunt flight. Be ready for forces up to 6G!

    And cheesy ones with clouds:

    • Holy shit. So Good!

      in two years you'll have made actually- flyable versions of these, I think ;)
    • The propeller of this scale model can already rotate like the real deal, so who knows!stewart
    • Awesome!Gnash
    • BrilliantBluejam
    • Nice! It looks fantastic! I vote yes for a PDF, I will build it with my son and keep it for me :-)omer
    • So good dude.PhanLo
    • Stunning!! Bravo!OBBTKN
    • Love it bro!stoplying
    • So good! And the fact you found such a cool niche is great!dyspl
    • So good again and again.MrT
    • great execution!utopian
    • Does it actually fly and stay a float?utopian
    • insane !dopepope
    • Awe come on, now you showing off :). amazing work!ArmandoEstrada
    • why the fuck can't I upvote twice?!PonyBoy
    • amazing, i'd be all over a PDF of this, my "kids" would love it :)_niko
    • Hell yeahGuyFawkes
    • The one qbn’r with the job every other qbn’r would love to have (besides SimonFFM) :Pmaquito
    • great stuffgarbage
    • awesome man!brt44
    • amazing, really well done.hans_glib
    • You are really good at thisCalderone2000
  • tank0239

    Some personal work. My second son was born a month ago.

    Saul Ray’s birth card is a 28 page magazine.

    It celebrates beauty, flowers, typography and colours. It serves as an introduction to people and ideas we think will be valuable in his life.

    I’ve drawn these illustrations in last months in the late hours and are references to: Basquiat, The Moonlanding, The Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller, Keith Haring, Saul Leiter, Saul Bass, Saul Hudson (Slash), Saul Williams, Flowers, Where The Wild Things Are, ...

    The cover is an abstraction of a wild sunflower that blooms in August. The colours are bright and most of the text is set in bold, colourful type. Printed on Munken Pure Rough, a nice paper with natural colouring and a tactile feel.

    • Dude. Seriously. Well done and pricelessmonospaced
    • Nicelemmy_k
    • Stunning. Nice one!!bogue
    • Dude, thanks for making me feel like a lacklustre parent!

      ; )
    • Love it.nb
    • Reminds me of the old days when a man might build his son a crib or a high chair from scratchnb
    • I mean the "old days" like decades before I was born lolnb
    • That's lovely.
    • This is really great! This will be cherished for a long time. and congrats on son no. 2!desmo
    • Beautiful. What a great project.mg33
    • That's really nice. Can I ask is this a traditional thing & what is the purpose? Is it something for your son or something that gets sent to family and friends?Wolfboy
    • this is what I like about designersscarabin
    • LovelyCentigrade
    • Brilliant
    • Excellent work. Happy Friday indeed.MrT
    • Fantastic work!Chimp
    • this is lovely, incidentally i have a friend (great avant-garde drummer/percussionis... called Saul Rayson, so this has reminded me to get in touchkingsteven
    • This is beautiful. And I can smell that paper/print. (Yes, I love sniffing books and paper.)Longcopylover
    • Lovely idea and great execution. And congrats!Daithi
    • lucky kid :)PonyBoy