Proud dads...

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  • 534 Responses
  • HijoDMaite61

    My baby girl is a college grad! :) BA in Business, Summa Cum Laude. <3

    • wow amazing, should be proud. your baby girl is officially smarter than 99% of QBN.hotroddy
    • ^++YakuZoku
    • Congrats!Krassy
    • "Signs your getting old"NBQ00
    • Congrats!Chimp
    • felicitaciones a tu hija HijoDMaite! seguro que tu familia esta muy orgullosa.BuddhaHat
    • thanks guys :)HijoDMaite
    • lol@hotroddy :D not just smarter...
      congratulations! to both of you :D
    • Amazing!!! Congrats! Is it weird that we all get proud for members of the QBN family?_niko
    • Congrats!!!
      LOLL @ hotroddy
    • Fantastic! I have a degree in Bidniz.stoplying
    • Awesome! Congrats hijo!sea_sea
    • Congratulation! It's an achievement for both of you.
      One day my little one will be in those shoes.
    • congrats!prophetone
    • Nice one! You don't look old enough.Fax_Benson
    • Well done mister!Calderone2000
    • congratulations to her and to you for doing a great job man. plus you are looking good and happy!oey_oey
    • Felicidades Hijo, buen trabajo!! Eso si, la chica ha salido a la madre ;)OBBTKN
    • Let this be a lesson to all those that want to follow their dreams. ;-)
      Congrats !
    • How to join the 1% club of QBNdrgs
    • they grow up so fastpango
    • Enhorabuena Hijo, seguro que la abuela está orgullosa! ;-)Miesfan
    • congratz!milfhunter
    • congrats! next generation qbn'ers are coming :pBeeswax
    • Sweet :)Gnash
    • iWoodutopian
    • Awesome. Congrats!mort_
    • Congrats!!fisheye
  • err64

    Hey QBN!
    Meet my son Rocco
    He’s 5 days old today!

  • moldero50

    I'm famous now

    • haha greatutopian
    • yessssinteliboy
    • every kid needs a dad like that and
      a yt channel to show the torture :)
    • "Is he Japanese?" my partner just asked as she walked in as I watched this, lol
      Love it, mold.
    • Because Mother Russia loljaylarson
    • I've been playing this with my kids last couple weeks.. you guys just taught me you can get the soup from the pot with a plate.. Mind BLown!dee-dubs
    • Should get some incentive money from the qoob.ben_
    • Newstoday Tee too! :)microkorg
    • looking at her channel, she has probably have done more work in a year that most of us herezaq
    • Your daughter got my boy hooked on Slime Rancher! :)Melanie
    • Get on Twitch!jaylarson
    • Just saw it lolpango
    • Awesomebezoar
    • amazing! and the shirt!prophetone
    • THE SHIRT!ArchitectofFate
    • damn that shirt hahaernexbcn
    • haha, that is so cool!Fabricio
    • Yes!! Muy buena Moldero...OBBTKN
    • bahahahahans_glib
    • Haha amazing man love itpedromendez
    • Haha nice Moldy.
      I kept seeing Borat when you spoke.
    • damn front page!! lol thanks guys!!moldero
    • Wawaweewa!moldero
    • Old-skool All Your Base reference!evilpeacock
    • Brilliant man! Was jumping around to see if your fake accent ever broke lol_niko
    • is not fake, i crush you!moldero
    • ha! :)_niko
    • Looks like a truly fun time together with your daughter. Well done!stoplying
    • First!Bennn
    • haha, this is brilliant :)fadein11
    • Loving the OG NT tshirtBaskerviIle
  • whatthefunk42

    Our daughter Mia weighing in at 8lbs 4oz and 20" long is in perfect health! 3 days old and I'm already wrapped around her lil' finger. After a few days of being sequestered in a hospital room while wearing a mask 24/7 it's great to be back home with our new family. We couldn't be happier - here we go!

    Cheers to all and I hope everyone is well!

  • Gardener45

    my lad's very thoughtful (and cheap) handmade bd card!

    • 60p as I'm 60 today!Gardener
    • d'aawwwwscruffics
    • Happy Birthday fellafaxion
    • Happy 80th anniversarydrgs
    • I think you mean 78Gardener
    • Pricelessmonospaced
    • That is class. Happy birthday!mort_
    • Happy birthday!!! Enjoy your dayOBBTKN
    • Happy birthday, sir!Continuity
    • HBD!
    • lol 60p. Three words: "It's ya birthday"garbage
    • Happy birthday - are you officially the oldest (and wisest) QBNer?dee-dubs
    • When I think of "Gardener", I think of records. So a perfect match! HAPPY BIRTHDAY from Germany!SimonFFM
    • Nice. Assume he found it in a box of second-hand birthday cardsFax_Benson
    • HBD from Chicago! Also— so great.wordssssss
    • you are all so kind, thank you for your kind words fellow QBN'rsGardener
    • HBD. How did I know this was yours before I even saw who posted it.fooler
    • Love this ❤️ Happy 60th!PonyBoy
    • What's on the B-side?
      Happy Birthday!
    • Happy b day! Creative lad you got!aliastime
    • love it! happy birthday! :)sea_sea
    • haha happy birthday!YakuZoku
    • Haha, happy birthday mate. Hope it's a blinder. Could you rip that 45' into MP3 or something for us all to hear?! ;-)Ianbolton
    • Happy Birthday!koma_
    • Lonelypedromendez
    • Happy Happy Brithday, this is all great!MrT
    • nice color choices your kid made!sarahfailin
    • incidentally his present was a usb with jingles he had made for my radio show... and chocolateGardener
  • HijoDMaite49

    Our last baby is done with High School! :'-(
    Come September she's off to UC Irvine and we will officially be empty nesters! WOW.

    • Congrats!Palindrome
    • Congrats!!!!oey_oey
    • A year and a half ago I was thinking the same thing, our oldest (only one at the time) was off to college... then baby Francisca decided to show up...dmay
    • Congrats!Beeswax
    • wow incredible. I should get started with the whole kids thing. D :shellie
    • congrats hijo!garbage
    • So fucking cool.Nairn
    • @shellie I waited till I was 41. Downside is im gonna be an old ass parent when my little one graduates Highschoolerr
    • congrats dude.. my eldest is only 10.. so a while yet.autoflavour
    • Congrats!Krassy
    • Thanks you guys!HijoDMaite
    • That's excellent, you did it!slappy
    • bravo ! the best.neverscared
    • Mazel tov!Gnash
    • @err - you and me both.
      It was 42 for my partner and myself.
    • Congrats!formed
    • Happy photo! Congrats.Fax_Benson
    • Had our first at 41, second at 43. Don;t think i'd like to have kids much older than this unless you've got bags of energy and dont mind little sleep.microkorg
    • 37 and I feel the time is coming but I already lack energy and love lots of sleepkalkal
    • congrats dudeCalderone2000
    • Congrats! I'm 42, my first is 10 months old. My wife wants another, I'm not sure if I'll survive having two.aliastime
    • congrats and good luck to her :)sted
  • monospaced36

    New Year’s Eve, 4:30 pm, my son came into this world. He opened his eyes and looked at me, and looked around at the world and took it all in, so calm and collected and brave. I am overwhelmed with love and could not be more proud of my wife and what we’ve created. Happy new year everyone!

    • Congrats mono, take care of mum and kid, enjoy!OBBTKN
    • Congrats Mono!bulletfactory
    • Sounds like he landed in a good place, congrats!spl33nidoru
    • Congrats ⓵⓶ ⓷⓵ ⓵⓻utopian
    • Congrats to you and your Missus, mono!! <3PonyBoy
    • Thanks guys. Best day of my life!monospaced
    • Didn’t know you were expecting mono, what a great end to the year! Congrats!!HijoDMaite
    • Joy! Thanks for sharing with usnotype
    • Big congrats dad!!robotron3k
    • Congrats, mono!grotesk_neue
    • Wow congrats, awesome timing :)sted
    • Awesome, Congrats Mono!moldero
    • WOOT WOOT!!pango
    • Mad love to my disfunctional online family. Happy new year! I’m overcome with emotion.monospaced
    • Wow, congrats!pinkfloyd
    • Congratulations, what a way to ring in the new year!whatthefunk
    • Felicidades!Salarrue
    • Awesome stuff, great way to start the year.eryx
    • NY BABY!pango
    • Aww that's the best. Congrats Mono, best to you and your family. What's his name?!sea_sea
    • Congrats man!instrmntl
    • onya mono!inteliboy
    • His name is Ethanmonospaced
    • bible inspired or Ethan hawk inspired?pango
    • lol... ok i'll let my self out....pango
    • Big congrats to you and your mrs monofadein11
    • congrats sir!!! happy new year to your family and you!!!loool
    • congratulations! Best to all of you!uan
    • thumbs upd_gitale
    • Congrats monospaced! What a cool time to be born..yuekit
    • Wonderful news. Congrats :)
    • Wonderful indeed mono, congrats and may fortune bless your lives! :)
    • Well done! Congrats!riskunlogic
    • :)monospaced
    • Post a pic of mini mono soon!robotron3k
    • Sweet! happy new years, dad.Gnash
    • Congrats!!!Krassy
    • Pretty Wild! Congrats man!plash
    • Congratulations!PhanLo
    • Great news! Congrats!stoplying
    • Congratulations!chukkaphob
    • Congrats. Hope your all doing well and fuck yeah on the timingmugwart
    • Ya NY and birthday all on one day. Saves time. And always have days off.pango
    • Congrats Mono :) This is beautiful news!!Fabricio
    • Congrats man.Beeswax
    • Wohoo. All the best to you and your family.Longcopylover
  • CALLES32

    Hello Everyone. Someone feed us after midnight!

  • Nairn28

    One more to the club with a little girl, barely three hours old.



    • Congrats! Terrifying... yes... exhilarating... yes. Best thing to ever happen to you... yes.slinky
    • Big congrats!fadein11
    • wow! that's great, i had no idea that was even on the cards. hope mother and daughter are doing well.hans_glib
    • :)Gnash
    • Ey, I didn't know about this plan yo!! Congrats, enjoy, now starts the best part of your lives, hugs for the mother too!!OBBTKN
    • Congrats! Hello no sleep and wonderment.PhanLo
    • Thought you brought a little girl to the club on the first read lolpango
    • congratulations!monospaced
    • OMFG, Nairn reproduced. There ought to have been a law against that.

      I kid. ;) Congrats!
    • Congratulations Nairn!Bennn
    • Congratulations!CALLES
    • Huge Congrats!Krassy
    • Congrats.
      Enjoy the silence as long as you can. :)
    • Congrats Nairn!Salarrue
    • congrats!!!PonyBoy
    • congratsrenderedred
    • who won the name battle?Gnash
    • Congrats!!!dyspl
    • Congrats & Welcomedbloc
    • Congrats. Welcome to the best part of your life. :)mg33
    • :)utopian
    • Congrats man!yuekit
    • No way! Congratulations old friend :)
    • Nice one! congrats. our new one is 5 weeks and still terrifying ;)microkorg
    • congratulations!Bluejam
    • nice one Nairn!Fax_Benson
    • big congrats buddy :)exador1
    • Really happy for you!!stoplying
    • bravo! all the best!api
    • Thanks all! x
      I get the impression I'm never going to sleep well again... .
      @gnash - spelling aside, we actually agreed, weirdly!
    • sweet :) good health to the three of youGnash
    • You’ll sleep well again. In a few months. Hang in there. Take all the time from work you possibly can. It’s worth it.monospaced
  • oey_oey37

    My second child was born early in the morning on the 2nd of March.

    After three days of short contractions with 10 minutes interval suddenly it went up the hill and after one hour and a half it was over.

    My partner took a paracetamol around 11pm...fucking respect no matter how it would come out, women are beasts in the best positive way possible.

    We are very happy and our 4 year old daughter is just really up there to have a little sister.

    • "really up there full of happiness joy"oey_oey
    • Congrats! Mine are also 4 years apart :)monospaced
    • congrats Oeyutopian
    • I'm sooo fucking tired...hahaha!oey_oey
    • but can't complain you know, my partner only slept the evening after cause she was full of hormones, joy and adrenaline...oey_oey
    • ...fucking hell!oey_oey
    • Congrats!PhanLo
    • Congrats! I don't have to tell you because I'm sure you've heard it a thousand times but the second kid isn't twice the work, it's 10x the work. godspeed! :)_niko
    • Congratulations! My kids are only two years apart but the second one did NOT feel like 2x the work at all. And you’ll be surprised how much you forgot aboutnb
    • Congrats oey, enjoy the best years in your life! <3OBBTKN
    • congrats!ok_not_ok
    • Welcome to child ownership AGAIN!!! 2 and through bud. Godspeed to you and yours. : )ideaist
    • Congrats! I have two myself, the later was born in June. Two kids is greatrobotinc
    • second?! they're multiplying!pango
    • ^ LOL!oey_oey
    • Thanks everybody, I really appreciate it.oey_oey
    • congratsss!milfhunter
    • Parabéns, felicidades!dmay
    • Congratulations!stoplying
    • thanks! muito agradecido!oey_oey
  • mg3330

    Happy to welcome our new son into the world today!

    Ethan William Gallegly
    Born 10:37am
    8 lbs 11oz

    Can't wait for our daughter who is 2 1/2 to meet him. She's been staying with family since last week.

  • zaq31

    I'm super proud of my 15-year-old son and his passion for music. His grandma taught him piano. When I bought him a synth, he mastered it in no time, starting to produce his own tunes.

    Today, a music label released his track. What's impressive is that he wrote the Spanish lyrics himself, despite us speaking English and Russian at home. Moreover, he hired a girl from Columbia as a singer and a guy from Puerto Rico using his birthday savings.

    I would appreciate it if you give him a like. It will encourage him to continue.…


    Here is a video of him practicing piano

    • Wow .. outstanding young man and a big HIGH5 from me.Ramanisky2
    • Wow, impressive he's a pro at 15. Colombian pop artists are dominating lately. I'm sure he's heard this tune…
    • smart to focus on the Spanish speaking market as it's HUGEhotroddy
    • Nice...good for him!utopian
    • Thumbs up!SimonFFM
    • 15 years old and explicit lyrics :-D
      Congrats man!
    • stud.dibec
    • Something to proud of. Well done. And you too for buying him the synthCalderone2000
    • Thank you, guys.
      @hotroddy, yes, I hear him listening to Bad Bunny a lot.
    • Liked :)Gnash
    • gtfo, this is your kid? this is great.Nairn
    • That’s awesome! Congrats!instrmntl
    • Awesome!YakuZoku
    • Amazing, love the track. Will play it on my weekly radio show on and share itriteshpatel
    • @riteshpatel thank you, please let me know when is your showzaq
    • Bien trabaja Dadcanoe
    • i hate that horrible autotune (any autotune for that matter) but good for him, top production job, effing well done.hans_glib
  • microkorg40

    Our youngest is 3 today.
    I asked him "What does it feel like to be 3?"
    He replied "I don't feel 3 yet."
    I responded "When do you think you'll feel 3?"
    His reply "When I get my cake!"

    • hahautopian
    • NiceGuyFawkes
    • Thug Life ⌐■_■NonEntity
    • I still remember the blue motorcycle I had on my 3rd year birthday cake. :)kaiyohtee
    • Class :)mrAtor
    • deal-with-it.gifKrassy
    • I too have a 3 year old; they giveth AND taketh away! High highs and low lows / precious moments / Cheers @microkorg!!!ideaist
    • Share his photo when he gets his cake.CyBrainX
  • robotinc25

    I get to join the club!

    Maximilian, 8lbs 22in and he and mom are both in excellent health.

    @whathefunk I now recognize the kp swaddle

    • Welcome to child ownership!

      : )
    • Congratulations little buddha :)
      And a great name too! (That or Maxwell were my options if we'd had a boy)
    • Congratszaq
    • Nice!stoplying
    • congrats!PonyBoy
    • congratsutopian
    • congrats!renderedred
    • congrats!bezoar
    • !!!!moldero
    • Congrats!duckseason
    • Whooooop! CongratsPhanLo
    • welcome and congrats! :-)oey_oey
    • bravo!api
    • Congrats!Krassy
    • Congrats and cool name for the lil dudeRamanisky2
    • Nice, congrats bud! Embrace the infant stage, they grow so quickly! We're on week 21 - it's flown by...whatthefunk
    • Max is almost as cool a name as scarabin. Congrats!scarabin
    • Congratsgarbage
    • Welcome to the jungle!ben_
    • Watch it bring you to your shun n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n knees, kneesDRIFTMONKEY
    • bravoneverscared
    • Congrats!Gnash
    • Congrats and welcome! It's a sweet ride. My only tip: Get a new Spotify & Netflix user.maquito
    • Congrats! With luck you’ll get to sleep a full night in 4 months... I did :)dmay
  • HijoDMaite35

    Super stoked about my youngest learning to mix. She played a proper 90 minute house set on Christmas night for the whole family lol!

    I haven't had the chance to mess around with the controller much since work keeps me super busy. But my daughter's taken a liking to it and is killing it. :-)

    • Noice!YakuZoku
    • Awesome!Krassy
    • Good stuff :)spot13
    • Bien por ella!!OBBTKN
    • Sounds like a cool christmas at your place!SimonFFM
    • Post her mixes sometime, if she puts them up.jagara
    • lol @utopianmilfhunter
    • Fuckin YES!DaveO
    • Hey, I know I can google this but what’s the go to for recording mixes? And posting on Band Camp maybe?HijoDMaite
    • sound cloud still a thing?pango
    • The only real place for DJ mixes is Mixcloud and YouTube and Souncloud will remove most mixes with copyrighted material.jagara
    • There are probably other services.jagara
    • And Bandcamp is for selling your own music, not DJ mixes.jagara
    • Jagara thanks!!HijoDMaite
    • @HijoDMaite Mixcloud has a 10 mix maximum on the free tier. has none. Just a bonus tip ;)jagara
  • mg3337

    My daughter turned six yesterday. :)

    • A day unfortunately overshadowed by the chaos in DC. It was nice for her to be home and tune the news out and focus on her special day.mg33
    • Happy birthday and congrats! My son older son turned 6 on Jan. 3.nocomply
    • Such a great age - I loved this time with my kidsGnash
    • congrats! Mine is turning 7 tomorrowzaq
    • Mine turned 3 on New Year’s Eve.monospaced
    • she has my eyesutopian
    • :)utopian
    • My daughter just returned to college in British Columbia.boobs
    • Congrats!!OBBTKN
    • Happy birthday!
      I can’t even imagine how hard it can be to isolate her from these things to feel good when there’s enough trouble in the long run.
    • Her eyes tell that you’ve done a good job :)
    • congrats!oey_oey
  • Longcopylover24

    I invite myself to the club.

    Tonight my first son Vincent Alexis was born.

    Small but strong and healthy. Wife is fine too.
    It was quite an easy ride – I was told. (I did not get the whole story since I passed out a few seconds and found myself on the floor.)

    Up to a totally new chapter.

    • Congratulations! good, you passed out...must have been the last time you got sleep for the next few month;-)uan
    • Great name! All the best.
      We need a Dad's advice thread now!
    • Lol at the passing out. Congratulations and welcome to the club!microkorg
    • Congrats!PonyBoy
    • So you were down the business end eh? Happy Birthday Vincent.faxion
    • congratulationsd_gitale
    • LOL. Congrats pussy ;-)Hayzilla
    • awesome congrats!moldero
    • Congrats! Happy to hear it was a smooth ride. Mine is due in 8 weeks. I hope I don't pass outmonospaced
    • Congrats Sir! @uan - 100% about the sleep... zombie parents.umbee54
    • Welcome to child ownership Longcopylover! I NEARLY passed out as well; homemade protein bars every 15 minutes or so and a mid labour Budweiser kept me alive...ideaist
    • Well done. if I can give any advice it's to always remember that it's not that he has become your son, it's you that has become his father.Gnash
    • you've taken on a sacred role in his life. lead with your heart. best of luck to your familyGnash
    • Well wishes of good health. I still think you're all insane for having kids though.garbage
    • Pango winsHayzilla
    • Congrats. Nothing can compare to the awesome sight of a little person with your face being squeezed out of your wife's vagina. Did you cut the chord?monoboy
    • If I close my eyes now I can still picture the arrival of both of mine. Epic experience.monoboy
    • Congratulations, You are in for the time of your life! Welcome to the club.eryx
    • Congrats! It's a job I never knew I wanted, but now I could never live without.bulletfactory
    • Congrats!!!kona
    • Congrats! Enjoy the magic!Krassy
    • Congrats! It's an awesome feeling isn't it?dbloc
    • Congrats man!! Sleep all you can now, bla, bla... but try to enjoy all the days you are with your son, work less, live more, and bring love! Welcome to the clubOBBTKN
    • Best Club Everstoplying
    • congrats! having kids is awesomesausages
    • this is great! congrats!!!sureshot
    • Haha, these are so many good comments. Thanks everyone for the wishes, this community is really weird in a great way. That's why I like to stalk around here.Longcopylover
  • dbloc25

    2 New Additions to the family

    Maxon Hurst Brown
    Born @ 8:58am
    6lb 2oz
    18" 3/4 long

    Cy Denson Brown
    Born @ 9:01am
    7lb 6oz
    20" long

    • Welcome! Handsome boys you've got there, and you can tell they already have a secret between them :)monospaced
    • wow, amazing, congrats dude!
      I don't know much about twin birth but that seems super close together. I heard it can take 30 minutes between births or more
    • amazing - they look so alert!
      Massive congrats dude
    • ^ niko, me a twin, 11mins between.shapesalad
    • But that is close! Double the trouble, congrats!shapesalad
    • I'm a twin, with only 2 minutes between.monospaced
    • It was a c-section so they pulled them both out pretty quicklydbloc
    • congrats to you & mama, hope everyone is healthy
    • double congrats!!zaq
    • they look like PSD mockupsutopian
    • congrats dblocutopian
    • Congrats! Daddy dblocbezoar
    • Whoa! Welcome to the twin club. Are they identical? Mine are nearly 5. I'd tell you how challenging it is, but everyone else is going to tell you that.mathinc
    • The best part about twins is witnessing that bond. It's like nothing else. Every night is a slumber party. They're an unbreakable unit. If I scold one of them,mathinc
    • the other one defends her. They're bolder because they have each other. It's neat to witness it.mathinc
    • jesus h christ they look like plastic dolls. is that in phone shit or just the light
    • Congrats in stereo!mort_
    • go away deathboymonospaced
    • congrats! they look like mini Kraftwerk.uan
    • So amazing to see such strong expression on both of them! So lovely!
    • Keep them BOTH away from QBN as long as you can! Welcome to child ownership!!!ideaist
    • Congrats, twins are definitely an interesting ride. Mine are 11, and for the record were born 4 mins apart, with the second one a breach birth.evilpeacock
    • Big congrats to your family! They look so alert at such a young age. Best friends for life!nocomply
    • Congrats x 2!stoplying
    • Thanks all we're excited and very sleep depriveddbloc
    • @mathinc. they are fraternaldbloc
    • Congrats! Enjoy the ride!!!Krassy
    • awesome!moldero
    • Congrats! Fraternal twin here as well. Enjoy the ride!BonSeff
  • duckseason25

    I'm a dad!

    • Welcome to child ownership @duckseason!!!

    • wow% what a cutie :D
      job well done :) congrats!
    • Congratulations.webazoot
    • She's precious! Congrats!nocomply
    • Congrats! Welcome to the best part of your life. :)mg33
    • Congratulations, and welcome to the club! Let us know if you have any questions.monospaced
    • All the best to all of you. Have fun.
      (And have some sleep as long as you can :))
    • Congrats!Krassy
    • Congrats!PhanLo
    • Congrats! Next month it’s my turn :)dmay
    • thank you for the good news! all the best!api
    • wow! congrats!renderedred
    • Congrats! We're 36 weeks today, getting close ourselves. Happy for ya...whatthefunk
    • Congrats!bezoar
    • Awesome news.. Welcome to Gen Cautoflavour
    • congrats!!!loool
    • congrats!!!loool
    • Get out of internet now, and go to sleep ;) Congratulations to your wife and, ok, you too... Enjoy!!OBBTKN
    • Welcome to your new life!stoplying
    • Beautiful lil'duckling!
      Enjoy! x

      ps. I dig those shoes.
    • congrats!!!!!moldero
  • HijoDMaite29

    It's not all doom and gloom for the next generation. My oldest is a year out of college and has been almost a year into a killer job. She graduated a year early from college (tons of AP classes) and was doing some bookkeeping on the side during college for extra money. Just basically helping a family friend with her accounts using Quickbooks. She also took a part-time job at her college, working in the Registrar's Office, basically a work-study program. This would give her some office politicking experience early on. Her degree was in Business Admin, so as soon as she graduated, she took the Real Estate exam and passed it. She had been watching that silly show 'Selling Sunset,' lol. Anyway, her dream of being a high-end RE Agent was crushed by the current state of affairs in Real Estate here in California.

    So she decided to take a little vacation with her sister to Barcelona for a week before getting back to searching for a job. She got back around Thanksgiving last year. She got into working on her LinkedIn account and networking as much as possible. She is definitely an extrovert, so this was not difficult for her. When she was in High School, she dreamed of working for Disney since we have always been a Disney family with passes. So back then, I had her create a LinkedIn account, and I told her to send emails to a bunch of Executives at Disney Corp to express her dream of working for the company. To her surprise, she received several replies from pretty high-up people giving her advice and inspiration on how she could make it happen. I think this was key to showing her that networking really works. It was the same idea when I encouraged her to befriend her professors at her university and other school administrators to have as mentors. She continues some of these relationships, and they have written her letters of recommendation on her LinkedIn Bio and for job applications.

    As soon as she started to get herself out there on LinkedIn, she received a few job offers in things like social media management and the like. These are some of the low-paying jobs recent graduates end up doing today, which is evidenced by some of her peers from college and high school. I kept reminding her that if she wanted to live in Southern California and buy a home one day, she would need to make a substantial salary. At least get into a position with a high degree of upward mobility. Yes, I am guilty of always encouraging my girls to pursue STEM careers and to leave the arts as a hobby or side gig. Some may not agree with this mentality, but it's what I did. It was even a point of contention between my wife and me when I would express my concerns about her early dream of becoming a school teacher. "She only wants to be that because it is the only profession she has been exposed to," and "$40k a year salary will not be enough to live comfortably in SoCal," I would explain to my wife. She has to be exposed to more careers and professionals before she can make up her mind. So keep holding out, I would tell my daughter. Give it a few months; the right job will present itself. Take advantage right now that you don't have any debt or bills. Her incredible grades in H.S. earned her a big scholarship, which basically brought the price of her private school to the cost of a public school, so she had minimal loans for college. Sure enough, the right offer came in. An outsourced accounting and financial firm asked her to interview with them. She later found out that the HR girl doing the scouting liked her LinkedIn, and of course, had gone to the same school as her. So she reads the job posting and it's for an Executive Assistant to the CFO of the company. Of course, having some bookkeeping experience allowed her to be considered since she would be in that world. The job opening said between $85-105k salary starting, 100% remote, yearly bonuses, monthly commissions, and unlimited PTO. I couldn't believe it. Is this really what companies are offering 21-year-old kids today? So she gets the interview and kills it. They offer her the position, and the hiring manager asks her what salary she expects. She panics and says, "uh, like $90K," so that's what she gets.

    Fast forward to seven months around August this year. Her boss LOVES her. She is basically coordinating all the sales teams now and is doing most of the onboarding for new clients. She is a beast! Not afraid to have courageous conversations with sales teams about performance metrics and has learned to usher in new and prospective clients. So her boss gave her a huge raise. She is now making $115k per month plus averaging about $1500 in commission from the sales teams each month. She is a Zoom queen! lol. She works a lot, but her bosses are teaching her to manage her time and balance her work and self-care like going to the gym. She lives with us now and pays us rent and her portion of the car insurance. We have converted part of the garage into her private office too. I'm going to slowly transfer more bills to her, but I want her to save money. Last month she and her sister went back to Spain to see Madrid this time. I am so happy that she is learning the value of hard work and getting this exposure at just 22. I sometimes feel bad when I hear other friends that have kids and are just bumming around or wasting time doing silly stuff like drinking all the time and smoking weed, stuck in low-end jobs. When I was her age, all I cared about was drinking and girls. I know that it's okay to have fun, and no big harm came from it for me. But for many of my peers, it did not end well. I wish I had strong role models at that age and earlier. I basically feel like I wasted about 15 years of my life getting messed up. I just thought I would share how proud I am of my baby girls and hopefully, it gives you guys with kids some motivation to encourage your kids to go out and grab life by the balls!

    • You’ve done real good Hijo.Ramanisky2
    • :) every gen thinks the next gen is doomed. but that has always been some what exaggerated .pango
    • Great! All I hope is that my kids find their 'thing' – whatever it is. Something constructive they want to get out of bed to do and participate in society.DaveO
    • no sabes si todavia estan contratando?VectorMasked
    • On a scale from 1 to 115k, how proud are youdrgs
    • Did I get right your oldest is north of one mill a year? Fun... I better get my kid to do STEMS.maikel
    • awwwee good for you and herNutter
    • Haha big typo. That’s per year not month. Vector, I can ask.HijoDMaite
    • Money is not everything
    • I'm happy for you that she's thriving and you are proud of her. Even if I'm one of those people that doesn't agree with that mentality.palimpsest
    • super happy for you and your family Hijo!!!!!exador1
    • agreed 100% with everything you've posted. My daughter is in Uni for Poli-Sci, and wants to go to law school after that. My son wants to major in film / theatreexador1
    • production. both are high-achiever types, and i couldn't possibly be prouder of them :) I'm with you dude... i think the next gen is in good hands :)exador1
    • train them up in the way you want them to gorobthelad
    • good stuff, hijo!stoplying