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  • kona1

    Dang. The QBN police were too quick on removing the Earth Elements post. Here's what I left for them on facebook and their blog.

    Hello Earths Elements. My family and I recently bought one of your bowls and it gave me visions of some emergency response team that walked in on an absolute bloodbath in someone's house. The kitchen was basically painted red with blood, and the owner was dead on the floor. His innards were torn out, and trash/filth was used to stuff the empty cavity in his body. He was still alive when he dialed 911. Turns out, a gang was really pissed off at a rival gang, so they decided to use the innocent man as an "example". The only time I've ever almost thrown up from a spiritual vision. Please advise.

    • the Earth element post? what was that?oey
    • confusedtravolta.gifrenderedred
  • since1979-5

    Laughing at the thought of my girlfriend getting thrown up on by a homeless guy on a subway. Poor thing.

    • Why did you throw up on her?detritus
    • Cause your mom gave a bad blow jobsince1979
    • your poor girlfriend. i feel bad for her too. not cause of the throw up though.......

      i kid, i kid.
    • This guy still makes mum jokes.
      Like, on a regular as well.
    • How's your odor today Detritus?since1979
    • Yeah I'm on the mom jokes thing right now. Gotta tighten that upsince1979
    • All the neggs showing up.since1979
    • yuri/omg never left us!GuyFawkes
    • omg had a baby troll and it showed up as since1979.capn_ron
    • I'm not Yuri or omg. I'm hedge.since1979
    • I created qbn. Enjoy it, my children.since1979
    • asshat alertpockets
    • I bet it was hard trying not to laugh and be supportive at the same time when she told you!mugwart
  • detritus0

    I'm perplexed as to why so many people on here misspell my username as detrius.

    It's like people are all passive aggressively doing it on purpose, like dinky used to with my original name here. The cunt. RIP.

  • since1979-2

    Checkng out the freelance roll call and realizing I'm out of my element. You guys are all web peeps. Probably time for me to hang out in another forum, honestly.

    Codings not my bag, baby.

    • https://thumbs.gfyca…pockets
    • don’t leave us again yuri!GuyFawkes
    • We're in different worlds. When I joined here I was a flash designer which was the lamest job I've ever had.since1979
    • Then flash died lol.since1979
    • My boredom is contributing to my wanton fuckery. Hence joke threads like my last two threads.since1979
    • yuri/omg/since we barely knew ya.capn_ron
    • Hi mentally moronic capnron. You are stooooopidsince1979
    • Yeahh. Fuck this shit. Too dumb now.since1979
    • i'm just envisioning the graphic when i eventually click on your name. it makes me smile.capn_ron
    • Nice website... Not.since1979
    • awe, did you get butt hurt? you like to dish but can't take? poor since. poor poor since.capn_ron
    • Nah I'm good nyah nyahsince1979
    • Your website could use some sprucing up. It looks like a generic templatesince1979
    • I guess that's it can fly in lame ass San diegosince1979
    • i really did hit a sore spot on ya there bud. don't take it so personal, you like to give it out but can't take it.capn_ron
    • Try taking an advanced course in graphic design if you ever get your gedsince1979
    • I'll be in New York soon. let's grab a beer and talk about sites and stuff.capn_ron
    • No thanks.since1979
    • i don't worry about people talking trash about my design when they don't have anything up. and i'm sad you don't want to grab a beer.capn_ron
    • I'm not sore I'm just counterpunching and really wouldn't hang out with you anyways.since1979
    • Yeah try another template or something.since1979
    • sad life you live man. sad little life. put up a site at least if you want to play games.capn_ron
    • I work in film now. Im done.since1979
    • Just pick a better template. Check out design trends.since1979
    • Aahh who gives a shitsince1979
    • since1979 is definitely yurimonLMFAO
    • I'm pokemonsince1979
    • LOL!
      Almost as good at team_zissou
  • shellie1

    I've had the thought about what it must have felt like to be a murderer who thought they got away with it, only to be sweating bullets sometimes decades later when DNA testing and nation wide criminal databases became common.…

    But, I don't think this fertility doctor who decided to use his own sperm instead of a donor was prepared for to automatically match parent/child connections in the year of our Lord 2018. He is fucked and the affected family deserves all his millions.

    • I sometimes dream that myself and friend killed someone when we were 'kids'. They seem very real and there's been a few times ive woken up from ...microkorg
    • ... such a dream and considered phoning a mate to ask "erm, did we kill someone, you know, when we were kids?"microkorg
    • whoa that is heavy and a really good premise for a thriller.shellie
  • since1979-5

    I have nothing left to add.

    • Oh, Facebook's better.since1979
    • Tell me more...renderedred
    • Know any good film production forums?since1979
    • No, sorry.renderedred
    • If only qbn design with film topics ooofsince1979
    • So you're into film I see...renderedred
    • That's what I dosince1979
    • So, be our film thread star instead of fighting with ppl, just like chuka does bewbs...renderedred
    • I don't fight with people. I make jokes but designers aren't known for their humorsince1979
    • It's just not gonna work out.since1979
    • I thought I saw a fistfight invitation, no?renderedred
    • lol@renderedredutopian
    • What would work for you? I mean, deleting SetPSB ain't happening as you can see...renderedred
    • Yes I challenged monos rigid dry anus to a boxing match.since1979
    • Can I go home now?since1979
    • See, there you go, what's wrong, tell me.renderedred
    • Honestly, I think he's mental.since1979
    • I mean what's happening with you, I know mono is mental ;)renderedred
    • And I think most of the people left here are future serial killers.since1979
    • Now delete my shit please.since1979
    • Like who, I have my horses in the race, really.renderedred
    • They don't play with a fair deck. Especially that nurse Ratched.since1979
    • Qbn used to be an inspiring place but it's turned into a shit show.since1979
    • It's a club for the last few shitheads that have stuck around. And it's there's now.since1979
    • And they are old, disgruntled, uninspired bores.since1979
    • Let's make it better! Why quit? And who is this nurse you refer to?renderedred
    • Of course theyre coders.since1979
    • They are machines.since1979
    • Been here since 2004. Do the math.since1979
    • Nah man. It's too stupid.since1979
    • relax man, for real. it's the interwebs. we are supposed to have fun out here.renderedred
    • I'm relaxed. I'm waiting for deletion.since1979
    • LOL!!!monospaced
    • https://thumbs.gfyca…pockets
    • If you want film thread you should make one. Why depend on others?pango
  • oey10

    yo since, cheer up man!

    I ain't got much for shellie and though I'm a graphic designer I spent my last y 10 years basically doing graffiti and drawing and doing all sorts of jobs, sometimes freelancing or giving workshops.

    I opted out of commercial work and the ad world after my first year. done for life.

    at 40 I finally found a place to settle and have an atelier and peace.

    I invested all my time in getting a top level language certificate (German) though I could speak the language already.

    I did a 6 months training as web designer.

    and spent the following six months writing a business plan and go through all bureaucratic ordeal to get support from the local unemployment center to start my activity as a freelancer.

    I'm registered as an artist but I offer services in illustration, graphic design, web design, mural painting, graffiti workshops...

    all sorts of things I've been doing for 20 years already.
    and I did a fucking lot...

    I have a portfolio (trying to settle on a web page for 5 years now) but I really don't have the quality and quantity and really personalized work like others here and come to qbn mostly as someone who doesn't show his work besides murals.

    I learned a lot with QBN'ers/ettes and I'm here for a mix of fun, community, check great advice, get inspired and learn.

    I don't mean to write actually about me but give you an example how i feel when i see the great talent here and I've been hidfing for more than 10 years with my stuff instead I want to point out how great QBN is and how inspiring it can be and that helped me somehow to build my path with firm conviction that I can progress and develop my skills.

    QBN is great and it can be greater if we all want it to be greater.

    I don't have any hostility against you never had, can't remember you being a troll until that recent post.

    When I wrote that long post I was half serious half making fun cause I had a meltdown already and have a story of depressions.

    So, I will not feel happy if you quit or stop popping by.
    Just stay and try to get the best out of it.


  • since19791

    I'm not upset I've just realized this place isn't for me anymore. Obviously, this sight does not communicate. It's a design fail in itself.

    • *site
      Oh fucking hell
    • because the logo and the title of pages and the burger menu are not aligned? at least the logo and the menu no?oey
    • just go do something else then, why do mods have to go out of their way to delete you when you’ll just be back anywayGuyFawkes
    • personally i think your funnyGuyFawkes
    • stick aroundGuyFawkes
    • No I want to delete it so then I won't be tempted to come back.since1979
    • I have manic impulses.since1979
    • I'm a comedian in a room with coderssince1979
    • Sheeshsince1979
    • LOL!!!monospaced
    • coders need comedy like no oneGuyFawkes
    • uh oh, mono said “LOL” do you want to “fist fight” him now?GuyFawkes
    • I personally would like to see more film threads. I make music videos but I'm prepping to shoot my first short this, year.shellie
    • Kthxbyeeesince1979
    • If you're a film maker you should bring those kind of discussions here. You might find you're not the only one.shellie
    • Meowwww. Check my threads sonnnnsince1979
    • And again, Facebook is better at communicating context and emotion. Something qbn lacks.since1979
    • https://thumbs.gfyca…pockets
    • But I do love the qbn design overall aesthetically other than for contextual shitsince1979
    • The inability to edit is a total bummer too, thoughsince1979
    • You can always use the parental control to loke your self out. Why depends on other people?pango
    • Lock...pango
    • Shut it Pango. Go get laidsince1979
    • ¯\_(ツ)_/¯pango
    • Lol. Bye byesince1979
    • How are you still posting? Whats the point of all this drama then?pango
    • I'm a film maker (and coder!). I kept the content out of here as it was more design focused. I'd love to chat about 180 rules!mugwart
    • I don't think this place has had a theme or focus for at least 10 years. Post whatever you want, man...set
    • So that's what a meltdown looks like. Seek help bro.garbage
  • since19792

    And I quit, in a blaze of NEG!!!!

    Where's that moderator threaddddd?

    • hmm going to leave now, i don't want to see cunts like this when i'm back ;)sted
    • Now this ain't none of your concern, boy. Run along to your mother, hear?since1979
    • I thought you'd quit?MrT
    • Fuck's sake. I've seen less flouncing and drama on an episode of RuPaul's Drag Race.face_melter
    • It's always the downvotes that breaks them down.soundofreason
    • lol facefadein11
    • lol he actually quitsted
  • eryx1

    On a more positive note. I saw an amazingly beautiful woman today. We were working on a well site and this 18 wheeler shows up. The woman who got out of the truck was over 6 feet tall, blond and strong.

    Every guy on site was gobsmacked.

    It was great!

  • oey0

    so, life goes on...

  • Fax_Benson1

    • Still not safe dude! Better stay inside, less crazy in there than out here!mugwart
    • How sick of this guy are the Ecuadorian embassy staff? Surely he's outstayed his welcome.mandomafioso
  • mugwart0

    internet made me chuckle:…

    Spielberg meet Lara Croft. Lara meet Spielberg!

    • Laurent Croftspl33nidoru
    • This is so blinkered and misguided - IJ is specifically a very male character. Explore Ravenswood's arc (ark!) or create a whole new character, at least.detritus
    • “We’d have to change the name from Jones to Joan, and there would be nothing wrong with that.” just sounds vacuous and patronising to women/audiencesdetritus
    • It does as much as it just sounds wrong.mugwart
    • bit meta here but I believe everything has a time and space of existence. IJ worked for it's time and did well in its time but its no longer relevant.mugwart
    • Create a new character. Simples! The universe seems infinite ... have fun with imagination.mugwart
    • This is what happens when masculinity is redefined as a problem to be fixed.i_monk
    • ^ +1Gnash
    • yeah I get and agree with that.mugwart
  • whatthefunk2

    After searching hi and low I finally found replacement globes for my curb lamp. Apparently trying to find the exact glass globe became far more challenging than I anticipated with height, width, opening, and lip being the variables. Found an exact match of a different lighting fixture and confirmed globe measurements with seller - NICE!

  • pockets5

    Happy National Burrito Day!

  • sarahfailin2

    Just rewatched Superbad last night for the first time in a long time and GOD DAMN. That movie is so funny. It is too real.

  • scarabin_net0

    every once in a while i see an ad or something where it's a train map but the routes form a secondary image. anybody know happen to know what this is for? i'm trying to track it down so i can use it as a reference...

  • Maaku0

    So I am working on removing crackle paste with paint removal, specifically Citristrip Stripping Gell. Hopefully, it works out and I'm able to save a polymer clay tile I've been working on.

    Any tips on using this stuff or something similar?

    • Drink it with a splash of vodka.i_monk
    • Will it dilute?Maaku
    • Everything dilutes, but what you can dilute with depends upon what it's based on - is it alcohol or water-based.. or some thing else?detritus
    • I believe it's water based so I should be fine.Maaku
    • Keep it out of reach from little ones if you have em. Looks like S'dlitenotype
  • kona16

    Last night while our three kids were sitting at the kitchen table eating, I had grabbed the carton of eggs from the fridge which was inside a plastic Jewel bag. I sat the eggs, bag and all down next to the stove and cracked two open to cook. I left the carton in the bag because they were a little messy still from letting the boys color them for Easter.

    As the eggs cooked I walked over to the table to get water for the boys. It was then that our most mischievous cat decided to climb into the jewel bag. I heard an intense meow, then crash, and I turn to see the cat had gotten its’ head stuck in the handle opening of the bag. As the cat fell from the counter, luckily missing the pan on the stove and knocking off the utensils and plate I had placed up there, I ran to try and grab her to help. Mind you, our floors are hardwood, I was wearing thin socks, and our cats aren't declawed. Imagine what I'm telling you next if it were the mother f*cking ice capades.

    She raced frantically across the floor towards the office and I gave chase, too fast unfortunately, as my socks slipped on the wood floor and my left knee crashed hard into the corner of the cabinet.

    As I laid scream-laughing in pain, I watched helplessly as the cat raced straight towards the leg of our office desk. I was now in a panic as I thought for sure the cat would either break its’ poor neck or its’ legs. The cat was on one side, the bag, still around her neck pulling a carton full of eggs still on the other wrapped themselves around the leg at full speed. The speed at which the cat was running flung the jewel bag around and catapulted all but 3 eggs out of the carton and onto the office floor. It was amazing actually...

    The cat gathered herself and still with the bag stuck around her neck, ran for the front room. I gave chase and didn’t notice all of the yolk on the floor. I slipped and the fall (I’m told) resembled something that one would see in a comedy movie where the persons feet go straight up above their head and they fall flat on their back.

    The cat finally jumped to the front room chair and managed to back its’ way out of the bag’s handle, but not before the bag shot up and onto the chair launching the remaining eggs onto the wall and floor.

    The kids were screaming bloody murder.
    The cat was meowing bloody murder.
    My wife was laughing hysterically.

    My knee was bruised pretty badly and I was covered in eggs.

    After a few minutes of cleaning off I figured I’d go upstairs to check on the cat. I walked into our sons’ bedroom and there’s the cat on the bed, all calm, giving me this look of “oh hey how’s it going what are you doing here?” like nothing had happened.

    These fucking cats man.

    So, I’m icing my knee and taking some Advil for my sore back. And no, I didn’t even think to take any pictures of the madness as the kids were in full-on hysterics.

    The cleanup was awful. We lost a lot of good towels last night.

    I can't even think about eggs as the thought alone conjures up the smell which makes me want to vomit.

    • lolpockets
    • classic kona story, lol.grotesk_neue
    • what's a jewel bag?fooler
    • haha - holy shit. that's a gripping story! glad you and the cat are (basically) ok.bulletfactory
    • enjoyed thatfadein11
    • haha, sorry fooler. Jewel is a grocery store near us. It was a plastic grocery bag.kona
    • damn. eggs are a nightmare to clean up.shapesalad
    • Best method I heard is to take a hairdryer and 'dry' the egg, then scrap/brush it out of sofa etc.shapesalad
    • this is the dog that worried the cat
      that killed the rat that ate the malt
      that lay in the house that kona built
    • haha, longform blog posts about personal disaster are my favourites!detritus
    • Good story, well written, spills and thrills....eggcellen... poststoplying
    • *SLAPdetritus
    • hahahaha. Excellent.
      Well composed too !
      The writing that is.
    • hahaha "We lost a lot of good towels last night" classic domestic war story.kingsteven
    • "I gave chase" < I liked that.notype
    • funny story dude and yeah I enjoy your prose as well.HijoDMaite
    • i'd say tl;dr but man you can tell a story. catapulting. word of the day.jaylarson
    • hahaha what a story Mark!
      it could easily trun into a tragedy if the pan was knocked down.
    • someone needs to comic strip this or create an animation.mrAtor
    • Lol, great story, cheered up my friday morning no end!dee-dubs
    • Wait till you see what your cat has planned for you this evening! Mwhahahahahah!microkorg
  • shellie10

    Hell yeah I murdered that interview. I think I'm in. It sounds like a really cool collective of people. I was told I'd be getting upcoming RFPs and current SOWs over the weekend so we will see. Here's hoping!

    • well done, fingers crossed!spl33nidoru
    • do it!GuyFawkes
    • winner winnerinteliboy
    • wait, your interview ? or that friend you helped (which you've now internalized as your own)Gnash
    • No gnash, my interview. But my friend I helped, she got the job and she starts in a week. Im looking forward to stealing her away once she gets more experienceshellie
    • :) niceGnash
    • https://uproxx.files…Maaku