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  • doggydoggdog0

    How do Pantone colors work at the printer? If I have a short run job to do and have client's PMS color but it's a small job and I'm sure I could get away with CMYK, is it more expensive to do Pantone or is it easy for any old printer?

    • if it's a small job it's almost guaranteed to be cheaper CMYK. with a pantone they'll need to sort-up the press before/after. whereas cmyk is always rolling.Gnash
    • *set-upGnash
    • printing 3 or 2 pantone colors should be cheaper than cmyk...depends on where you print to the printer. and the client (for cmyk instead of pantone)uan
    • Pantones are either in addition to CMYK, or a replacement for C, M, Y, or K. It's just a specific color ink.monospaced
  • drgs1

    I just noticed if you resize browser window in height, the QBN logo becomes smaller
    If you resize in width, it switches to mobile version

  • M01XXX0

    So I've been watching some porn with a hot actress. She's not well known yet but does some scenes for a high profile porn outlet. And then I noticed on her twitter she's saying that she'll be in London for 2 weeks and is interested in "arrangements". I emailed her and she sent me her rates. 1hr is like £400 with her. So basically many of those porn actresses are real escort girls/ prostitutes. Even though she's pretty. I'm surprised she does this and not just porn full time.

  • detritus1

    I'm not really one for celeb gossip, but I'm slightly irritated that Brad Pitt is having a fling with Neri Oxman, who I've long had a bit of a [n aimless, utterly imagined and inconsequential] crush on.

    I groaned sadly when I saw it in the news the other day and my partner asked what I'd read, so without thinking told her.

    She was a bit irked until I said "fine then, I'll make her my 'freebie' then, ok?" - after she'd pushed me to come up with one after seeing some stupid thing on TV a few weeks back and to which I didn't answer specifically and said it was a stupid concept. Which it is.

    Anyway, Neri - if you ever read this, you're my 'freebie' so if you ever find yourself lovelorn in LDN, look me up.


    Fucking Brad Pitt. What a cunt.

    • Neri Oxman??? Mate...OBBTKN
    • But, yes, fuck BP!!OBBTKN
    • Wait, you have a girlfriend/ partner and you tell her that you have a crush on some other woman?M01XXX
    • Wut? What's wrong with her?detritus
    • @M01XXX. Yeah, that was the mistake.
      In my defence, she brought up the exact topic weeks earlier, so I had an escape route.. . Stupid though!
    • schoolboy error - never admit to a gf that you've got a crush on a beautiful polymath who's dating Brad PittFax_Benson
  • detritus0

    If I had time, inclination and a greenhouse, I'd start growing those California Reapers and adding them alongside Scotch Bonnets at my local supermarket.

  • Hayzilla0

    Serious question.
    Is this narrated by AI?

  • HijoDMaite5

    I just walked in to our dept manager’s office and made the case of why they should move me to another position and pay me an extra 15k per year. i think it went well, he said he would talk to my bosses about it and asked what my pay requirement was and then thanked me at the end for walking in and talking to him.

    • right on man. A few weeks ago I did something similar to my boss. I had another offer on the table, it was better, and we talked things through...kona
    • ... 2 days later I got a large raise to stay. He appreciated my candor and we're cruising along better than ever.kona
    • Yeah especially since this new position requires more corporate communication. He was glad to see that I have the balls to tell it how it is.HijoDMaite
    • I'm doing this like every 3 months. It's not fun but gotta get paid. (Freelance)studderine
    • Get it!shellie
    • Nice. Hope it works out. I asked for a 15k raise, they only gave me 10.desmo
    • I just tried that and got laughed out out my office. I forgot I'm both my own boss and my own underling and shit at both.detritus
    • Damn, I'm my own boss too, never thought about giving myself a raise. Fucking genius.set
    • Fuckit, I've been disappointed with my performance recently so fired myself.
      A weight off my shoulders.
    • Now you can throw eggs at your house 'cos your cunt boss fired youset
  • Ramanisky22

    Ran good at poker

    and played with Anthony Hopkins doppelgänger .. lol

    • Why are your chips powered by USB?Hayzilla
    • haha needed them at full powerRamanisky2
    • Nice! What's that, like $1500-$2000?monospaced
    • I'll play the guessing game.
    • Roughly $2,900Ramanisky2
    • is the guy bottom right clenchingt a Suntory Whisky bottle?Krassy
    • They look like bitcoins...shapesalad
    • Has Hopkins sacrificed a chicken for luck?Wolfboy
  • kingsteven0

    Somehow that phrase "white people" has made it in to the local vernacular... I mean, funny enough on a photo of a shopping trolly full of Nutella but white Northern Irish adults calling out people in the street as 'white people' esp. in Northern Ireland (not the most ethnically diverse place in the world)... do they think there's some sort of loophole where you can use an insult for the intention of showing your superiority, be a bit racist and then self-deprecate because you yourself are white?

    These fuckers should be shat on like dicks that actually say "lol". Fuck your internet humor, not one of these cunts would use a real insult. Real insults don't self-deprecate, real insults are named after sex things and delivered in your official role as a representative of the human race!

    Look at those cunts, look at those dicks. Fuck 'em. Wankpuffins!

    • ^Jesus, these people.
      You can hate yourself for yourself, you know? You don't need to blame your fucking skin colour. Assholes.
    • Everyone knows you can't be racist to white peopleset
    • Pffff white people. Am I rite :Ppango
    • hah, i was fucking enraged by this yesterday. surrounded by students all the time, rage inevitable. if you thought millennials were boring cunts...kingsteven
  • Maaku0

    How can you be the manager of a dev team and not be able to explain that you need a simple introductory screen for a walk-through video?

    Seriously, he can manage a group of React developers but every time it comes to requesting a design change he can't phrase a simple fucking sentence describing his needs.

    • So funny the manager of my device team is the same way and speaks like Sylvester the cat...robotron3k
  • set-6

    At least a few times a month I share a tea with poor foreigners who get on the train called the Gatwick Express, obviously assuming that it stops at Gatwick Airport, but it doesn't - lol

    I have no idea why the Gatwick express is get to Brighton from London, which goes through Gatwick Airport, never actually stops there. I reckon I've told at least 10 people how to get back to Gatwick.

    • Share a train!set
    • lol, I was picturing you giving half a cup of lukewarm Southern Rail tea to a gaggle of refugees.Fax_Benson
    • Not suggesting that you wouldn't of course.Fax_Benson
    • Me too Fax, lolOBBTKN
    • lolset
  • stoplying0

    I was introduced to this prologue from a play by William Saroyan yesterday and I really liked it.

    "In the time of your life, live -- so that in that good time there shall be no ugliness or death for yourself or for any life your life touches.

    Seek goodness everywhere, and when it is found, bring it out of its hiding-place and let it be free and unashamed.

    Place in matter and in flesh the least of values, for these are the things that hold death and must pass away.

    Discover in all things that which shines and is beyond corruption.

    Encourage virtue in whatever heart it may have been driven into
    secrecy and sorrow by the shame and terror of the world.

    Ignore the obvious, for it is unworthy of the clear eye and the kindly

    Be the inferior of no man, nor of any man be the superior.

    Remember that every man is a variation of yourself. No man's guilt is not yours, nor is any man's innocence a thing apart.

    Despise evil and ungodliness, but not men of ungodliness or evil.
    These, understand.

    Have no shame in being kindly and gentle, but if the time comes in
    the time of your life to kill, kill and have no regret.

    In the time of your life, live -- so that in that in that wondrous time
    you shall not add to the misery and sorrow of the world, but shall
    smile to the infinite delight and mystery of it."

  • SimonFFM9

    Just arrived in a beach hotel. Less romantic than it sounds but friendly staff. I bought two beers and will go to bed anytime soon. Tomorrow morning is the shooting, my gear is at the shooting location already. My life is good right now. Very good.

    • Fuck you Simon!
      Let's switch life.
    • How many people do you plan to shoot tomorrow? ;) you have a good vantage point and escape plan?monospaced
    • Lol too soon?pango
    • you've just been flaggedCGN
    • Lol at "Fuck you Simon!"
      But yeah, i'd switch jobs too.
  • detritus0

    I know you must all assume I live a brilliant life - rich and plentiful, successful and wonderful - given my cheery and positive outlook on here, but if I'm honest, these last few months have been absolutely shit. Not being front-page on Google is a fucking killer where new client business is concerned. If it weren't for my regular clients and their referrals, I'd be fucked right now.

    Anyway. Steps taken, web traffic building back up - a corner to turn in my near future, I'm hoping.

    Today - two clients absolutely fucking sang my praises. One was just some human on the street, the other someone very well respected in an industry I dig. Both super-appreciated, both quite needed, I'm sad to say.

    I can get through this.


    I'm hoping I won't have 'Suicide is painless' going around my head as an apparently regular ohrwurm on my walk to work each morning any more... :\

    • Didn't help that a very expensive and hard to replace component on my machine imploded a month before xmas, when I had a shitload of work booked in.detritus
    • Four weeks out of commission at one of my most important parts of the year really fucked everything up. Ho hum.detritus
    • I don't assume anyone in here is living a brilliant life, I'm also a creative so I know the huge amount of bullshit we have to deal with on a daily basis.Maaku
    • Just vent with anything after's just one of those days.Maaku
    • What do you do design-wise?shapesalad
    • Not enough. I use what I know to make stuff for clients that gets output in a variety of 2d materials. Also some gd stuff for side projects & a couple o'clientsdetritus
    • Nope. Never assumed that.pango
    • laser-cut'n'etched stuff.detritus
    • You did too, you slut.detritus
    • Sorry for you det, been there, get out of this negativity, and try to do long walks and don't be all day focused in bad things...OBBTKN
    • I know, it is not easy with this grey cloudish sky for months... but sun it's comingOBBTKN
    • Fuck it... Where the heck are you??? stupid ball of gas?!OBBTKN
    • ^ Lurking over Portugalshapesalad
  • shellie3

    I was so parched and someone just handed me a can of Coke. Ugh... it's Coca-Cola Zero Sugar, Zero calories. What kind of bullshit is this?

  • mugwart1

    Just finished brewing my first batch of Kombucha. Holy shit the raw stuff is so much better... think I'm pissed though, been T total for 4 years now not sure, could just be happiness I'm feeling!

    • Nice work. Grate some ginger root and squeeze into the finished stuff. I sometimes add fizzy water, it’s good!MrT
    • Where did you get your culture from, if I may ask?detritus
    • Researched online. In the end ebay. If you want (and can wait a month or two) I'm happy to hand some overmugwart
    • Perhaps, thanks! I'd just read the other week about someone using a thimbleful from a pre-botted fruit-infused kombucha, which I found unlikely.detritus
    • Lovely! I got my kefir culture on ebay too. Slightly odd opening up a bag of soggy bio-culture mulch bought on ebay... but worked out perfectlyset
    • Man tastes so much better than the shopsmugwart
    • I think I'd rather suck on a shop than a man.detritus
    • haha, opps!mugwart
  • detritus1

    Just turned up to work later than usual, but half an hour early for a meeting I had arranged for 1pm. On the way in found myself hungry and despite having increasing reservations about eating pork, bought two bacon rolls - two - which I ate as I walked. Was finishing stuffing one into my face when I walk through the front doors to the studios and see sitting in the cafe the usual array of bright young things and a chap in a suit, looking out of place and know instantly he's my meet.

    Why turn up for a meeting half an hour early? Why?

    My walk is 40+ minutes, and I had emergent meat sweats to boot, so am basically a shambolic sweating mass of incoherence. Can't shake hands because of bacon grease and ketchup drips. A great first impression.

    Never turn up early. Never.

    • Is he Japanese?shapesalad
    • No, very English. My Japanese clients have never turned up early. Nor particularly late either, mind.detritus
    • he turned up early as detritus' place is so far north he assumed it'd take far longer to get there than it did.hans_glib
    • "i don't want to keep the talent waiting, no no no."hans_glib
    • gosh he must be sooo creative, i mean look at him - sweaty, covered in grease and ketchup... god, i can taste the talent!"hans_glib
    • I've got the obligatory Italian-supplied fisherman's wool hat and over-sized scarf on, so he used the word 'artistic' at least three times. I am very much not.detritus
    • grease and hat say otherwisehans_glib
    • scarf, hat... instead of PSB, we should try to photoshop identikit how we imagine QBN's to appear.shapesalad
  • set-11

    This is new, too, ja?

    • no, hahadetritus
    • I only know because I often end up swearing at myself when I cllick that instead of the last # on mobile, as content loads in. Every. Fucking. Time.detritus
    • Oh right, I thought it was just the three before...set
    • fancy arrowGnash
    • ^ cheers. do you use evernote as well? I've had it installed for years but never devoted the time to make it part of my process.Gnash
    • I nevernoteset
    • lolGnash
    • mew to meplash
    • I'm still not convinced this isn't newer than the other threeset
  • pockets2

    qbn is changing O_O

  • pango5

    Defug... It's only Thursday night?

    • I almost got out to get shit faced....pango
    • Was way ahead of you... had 1 beer at my local, had great music and a good looking crowd, waited for a 2nd but was like... let me GTFO so that I can be NOTnotype
    • hung over for work tomorrow. Glad I made that decision.notype
    • u getting shitfaced now? here's your chance!notype