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  • bjladams24

    I've been working out of my studio here in Knoxville for the last 5+ years and a smaller one on the same block for the few years prior to that. I've just paid the last rent here and have sold our house and am packing up the fam to move back to NZ.

    It feels kind of bittersweet... I love it here, but also excited to change things up a bit. Business has grown and is steady enough that I don't need to be here anymore.

    We're moving to a pretty small community on an Island about an hour off the coast; there are a few small towns scattered about and while i'm looking fwd to finding a new studio to work from i'm more excited to slow my pace down and have less irons in the fire.

    • what about the truck??!?!?!hans_glib
    • godspeed to you. sounds greatGnash
    • the truck is going to my dad for now - he wants to do some bodywork on it.bjladams
    • Wait. I'm totally lost here. Knoxville is in the States right? You're moving to New Zealand right? What you mean move back?oey
    • plus LOL @ hans. plus what Gnash said.
      dude, I love your work and pictures. One of the few things I miss in having a Flickr account. Wish you the best!
    • All the best with the move. Sounds idyllic where you are going!microkorg
    • Do you still have my print?pinkfloyd
    • oey - wife and I moved here to Tn in 2005 from nz.bjladams
    • I still have our print :-)bjladams
    • My dad is always telling me to move to NZ as there's no one there... well this ruins that! ;-)shapesalad
    • yaypinkfloyd
    • Been following your work on insta for a while - love your style. best of luck with the move. :)pedromendez
    • beautiful. best of luck.docpoz
    • obligatory upvoteimbecile
    • There goes my Tennessee trip! lol jk Looking forward to the next adventures. Don't unplug, I still want to commission a portrait with my pets from you! xDsea_sea
    • I'll be in LA in a month, Sea - we should get beer and maybe juice boxes for the kidsbjladams
    • awesome, can't wait to see photos of your new island lifestyle!canoe
    • its better than old zealand for sure!pango
    • Sweet! I volunteer as tribute and or tour guide if needed. lol :Dsea_sea
    • Judging by that bottom photo, I'd call this a big-time win. Congrats!nocomply
    • Congrats Ben. The wife and I are planning our exit now as well. So long rat race!noRGB
    • sounds fantastic! happy for you!SimonFFM
    • cheers all - def looking fwd to it.bjladams
    • Good luck with the move. If you’re ever in Australia ...MrOneHundred
    • I went back to AKL from London a few years back, but found it all too parochial and left for NY. I hope downshifting from Knoxville will be a little easier!hardhat
    • Good luck to you and the family Ben!JerseyRaindog
    • Awesome! Godspeed!Krassy
    • Very cool! best wisheschukkaphob
  • autoflavour1

    life has been on tumble dry the last few days. Monday my four year old broke her arm at kindy in the late afternoon.. we were at the hospital until 11:30pm .. broke just below her shoulder so they can put a cast on it.. just a sling.. on a 4 year old.
    needless to say she doesn't sleep much.

    then last night (Tuesday) at around 10:45pm .. we let our dog in but she had eaten some mold from a bin which was being soaked. she had the crazy tremors and agitated.. left her at emergency vet at 1am.. $1450 later we picked her up this morning.

    Her arm is going to be done for 4-6 weeks.. so so long to have a helpless 4 year old .. its like having a baby again.
    I feel so sorry for her. 3 days after her 4th birthday..

    • can't put a castautoflavour
    • not to mention the dog is a 11 month old Labrador puppy.. so she is big but stupid and full of energy.. not a good mix with a small child with a broken armautoflavour
  • docpoz-5

    Still obsessing over the font in my upcoming book...

  • docpoz-5

    How can anyone follow this ridiculous political system all year, every year and not be a complete sociopath?

    DIssing Trump is not effective, it's petty and I'm over the repetition of that. We should look for solutions.

    It's ridiculous and I'm done until the next elections.

    Tuning out now.

    Never conform...

    • omfgmonospaced
    • Mono does not approve of your blaise feelings about President Trumprobotron3k
    • Fanatics. I think it was said in the Politics thread how Americans love to belong to a group and diss the opposite side just because they want to see them lose.Maaku
    • It does remind me of a sporting event, maaku.docpoz
    • I just hope people are nit so blinded by tgr competition that they are blinded to real environmental problemsdocpoz
    • And i wrote this blog just to irk the mono. Notdocpoz
    • I cant write today. Forgive my shitty diction.docpoz
    • I just think it's really lame to just give up on getting rid of the worst president that has ever existed.monospaced
    • Ah. You want to go full impeachment? Thats going to be tough but if you feel thats the proper solution go for it. But the Trump has a lot of support...docpoz
    • Im so didisillusioned by the whole system, I want our inustrial machine to be more responsible and efficient veralldocpoz
    • I need a progress report on corrupt justice systems, clean energy deployment, peace treaties with international enemies....docpoz
    • Education numbers, health care issues....docpoz
    • Not this constant snoke screen of he said she said bulllshitdocpoz
    • The system is on a treadmill.docpoz
    • Meow meow meowdocpoz
    • I didn't mention impeachment. I just feel it's a duty as citizens to expect more from a president, and to voice our concerns regularly.monospaced
    • you wrote "get rid of" but whatever, trump is an assholedocpoz
  • Bennn-4

    Anyone in here into Minimalism?

  • Ianbolton0

    After 5 years out, I've recently joined Facebook again. As soon as I signed up it suggested people I know, almost like it hadn't deleted my old account all those years ago. It's rather creepy and now question why I really felt the need to sign up again

    • Welcome back, Neo.Maaku
    • they don't delete your account!mugwart
    • now you can quit again!MrT
    • did you sign up with your phone number #?notype
  • shapesalad0

    Now that the ear plug fashion is over, don't those that went full into and now have floppy ears look out of style. Oh well...

    • bluetooth headphone plugs might seem to be the next step up!robotron3k
    • i know a few people had them closed, and others had lobes removed to correct it... both look natural tbh + many more that don't give a shit.kingsteven
  • clippingpatheu0
  • Hayzilla0

    Looking for that website that demos 'responsive' logos. Anyone remember?

  • microkorg1

    Looking to buy a new winter jacket.
    The last couple of down coats I've bought have been when I've been in china. You get a lot of bang for your buck.

    So the little down coat I have is a brand called BOSIDENG, so been checking out their shop on AliExpress.

    Chinese clothing brands really annoy me with their crap english words that spoil their clothing. e.g theres a nice jacket with "DEMOCRACY - Free & Open" in large print on the back (kind of ironic seeing as it's china) anyway ....
    I'd LOVE for them to use really nice tDR style thick fat chinese characters on their clothing. Even if it did say "DEMOCRACY - Free & Open", people in the UK would be non the wiser and would just think it looked cool.

    On my first trip to china I expected to come home with some really cool chinese typography on tshirts etc but sadly no.

    Japan is different though, they embrace their own language a bit more and can appreaciate the cool as fuck tdr style typography.

    • Some well-priced military parkas, M-51 and M-65 jackets out there, well under $100 bucks...robotron3k
    • They had a store near Bond Street Station. Closed it due to Brexit, but opening up again.shapesalad
    • shapesalad, the Bosideng stuff is well pricey over here though. Crazy prices! Over in china its just an average brand.microkorg
    • Completely by coincidence the wife had been checking out the BOSIDENG (chinese) website and is on about getting her mum to buy a haul ....microkorg
    • ... of stuff and bring it over when she comes in January. Means I have to wait a month or two for a nice coat but worth it.microkorg
    • "Closed it due to Brexit, but opening up again." so, actually nothing to do with Brexit at all then?Nairn
  • mg331

    Working late at home and binge watching old Incredible Hulk episodes. I can't decide if I want to look up and watch the Hulk parts or the Bruce Banner parts. :(

  • monNom0

    Tonight I discovered that my sour cream had gone sour. I didn't realize such a thing was possible.

    • Such a Sourpuss!utopian
    • this is relevant to my internetsdocpoz
    • Evidently there is more than one level of sour. Who knew?monNom
    • LOL @ docoey
    • astute @ monNomoey
  • notype0

    How do you manage a co-worker who will
    not give others a word in edgewise?

    I work with someone who's young (likely 27-29), he is whip-smart, but never gives others the floor to talk. Can be a detriment to our efforts. I often step in to give others the floor and or interrupt him to keep the conversation on track (even when there's an agenda that's been set).

    The way he talks about our clients is pretty degrading -- pinning his disdain to me as well which I don't share. I've been avoiding meetings with him, but he's one of our product owners. I can see the behavior linked to some kind of childhood trauma which makes it difficult to have a conversation with him about.

    • Take him aside and describe to him bluntly about how he interacts with others (or not), so he realises it? Failing that, stand behind him and SURPRISE KANCHONairn
    • Use him as a secret weapon. Keep him isolated like a gimp and let him loose on difficult clients.soundofreason
    • Tell him I'd would be helpful if he listened more and spoke at the end...Hayoth
    • Or treat him like a human being and talk to him in private about the problem he poses to the team.soundofreason
    • His childhood traumas should be of no concern to you if he can keep his attitude in check.soundofreason
    • Cut off his thumbs and set fire to his chair.i_monk
    • is it a white guy?oey
    • try and be honest to him.mugwart
    • Tell him not to speak when someone else its talking, its a bad habit and annoys the shit out of everyoneSlashPeckham
    • Be blunt. It has nothing to do with him being right.cannonball1978
    • After everything he says you then say "I completely understand your perspective on this however, I'd welcome contribution from others. ____ what do you think?"shapesalad
    • And place emphasis on the word 'understand'. Keep going like that. Lead by example. And also speak purposefully a little bit slowly to him, to help slow him.shapesalad
    • Whatever you say, start it with "This is your first warning..."Maaku
    • I really hate cunts like that.pedromendez
    • Start emphasizing manners at meetings by setting the tone yourself. Make him adjust else you need to gently but firmly correct him in front of the team.robotron3k
    • And don't waste any time in taking him aside for a "talk", it's not worth any amount of talent to do that, it's called work for a reason.robotron3k
    • If he's dragging you into his negative remarks as an unintended accomplice, make sure to tell him you don't share his opinions and if he insists, have the...ben_
    • confidence to spout it from his own soapbox. We've got one person like that where I'm at, I just avoid projects with them, but fortunately I can choose.ben_
    • "Dude, can you shut the fuck up for a minute?" when he does it. If he get's lippy, settle it outside. Winner gets to hook up with Jenny from accounting.section_014
    • Fire him for fuck‘s sake.SimonFFM
    • Everyone can have their place.Nairn
    • We are friendly with each other and I actually do think he's a genuine. I'll have him join me for lunch some day and be school him on the value of listening.notype
    • Wish he knew how to ask the right questions instead of gabbing so much.notype
  • docpoz-8

    If you caught someone stealing and appropriating your art, would you kill them in cold blood?

  • docpoz-12

    Isn't it weird how lima beans taste like pork?

    • Isn't it weird how you're having gustatory hallucinations?jagara
    • it was the seasoning.docpoz
  • pango10

    This new girl we have (22-24yrs old?) is really eager to learn things from me. And she think i'm really good at what I do. awwwww.

    • well?Gnash
    • training who'll take your job? (hope not)chukkaphob
    • show her qbn... if she likes it she's a keeperArchitectofFate
    • pango, she friendzoned you bro. Don't get your hopes up.NBQ00
    • Is there a word for being friendzoned and being used at the same time??robotron3k
    • Mehhh i don't date people at work.pango
    • ^ this. pango that's the best decision I've made in my life. I did it once and I swore never again. unless it's a goat.oey
    • quit job?shapesalad
    • pango has a crushdrgs
    • i want some pango tm pics!renderedred
    • Pango's got the butterflies 'n stuffKrassy
    • offer her after hours private tuition ..autoflavour
    • get in thereok_not_ok
    • Ha not gonna date her. The thought never came up. I just thought it's really cute. Also the feeling of being admired.pango
    • Also a revelation why old man likes to date younger girls. The power dynamic. You have so much to offer.pango
    • I'll admit. I'm starting to feel old. Even thought 3/4 of you will probably say "BITCH PLZ!!"pango
    • Can't command your heartdrgs
    • Dope. She wants to be your protégé.notype
    • Btw not calling you a dope, I think it's dope (just clarifying, some ppl are sensitive here - me being one of them lol)notype
    • didn't even know dope is an offensive word. lolpango
    • Bitch plz.
      on another note, don't show her qbn, we all know how that works out.
    • now i want to get her this shirt.…
    • Teach her wisely.
      delegate qween here. lol
    • All I got from this is that Oey fucks goats.Maaku
    • ^lolpango
  • docpoz-10

    T he c lo uds are pretty nic e

    can see th

  • shellie2

    so tired I fell asleep at 8:30 and woke up at 3am on top of my sheets in full dress and shoes. ( -_____- ) but can i just sleep in for one time, ever? Does anyone else experience that the older you get, the less your body allows you to sleep in when you have the chance?

    • dude... it's not even 8 yet! go back to sleep!pango
    • Yup, no matter how late I'm up I can't seem to get more that 6 hours in. I need sleep.sea_sea
    • ^ same here. i wonder if the environment has a lot to do with it.notype
    • Amateurs! Sometimes I can sleep for 12 hrs.pango
    • eat more carbs particularly before going to bed. and get exercise.hotroddy
    • I must be dead exhausted to sleep more than 6 hours. I fell so many times asleep in the discipline lately :-(oey
    • I never could sleep in...but I am up at 6am everyday, no alarm needformed
    • sounds like you had some fun last night or the day before? :)
      it's completely normal to wake up early when you end the day like that.
    • recently i had to stop smoking weed before going to sleep because it actually doesn't allowed me to calmly sleep. passed out but woke up 4-5 hours later flushedsted
    • i rock 5 hours sleep or less most nights and rarely sleep in past 6.30trooperbill
    • I'm the opposite, the older I get the easier it's getting to fall asleep, takes about 7 minutes to drift off these days.robthelad
    • No more than 3hs for one time since the baby was born :Pmaquito
  • notype1

    I no longer care.

    • ?oey
    • oey, i quit wanting, trying too hard, doing, worrying, caring. i'm getting exhausted.notype
    • im suffering from this and depression as well. Hang in there.mugwart
    • maybe it's good to "let go", a little... work has a little bit to do with it.notype
    • Good. Now start caring about select, essential things.jagara
    • will take that in jagara. thanksnotype
    • ah! I totally understand notype, believe me.
      +1 jagara!
    • Interesting…notype
  • Gardener3

    100 years and on and I come across one of my grandads old ceramics,
    a WW1 gun - from Bowness, Cumbria

    • I thought it was a hash pipe first ...oey
    • no hole at the other end I'm afraidGardener
    • Lovely part of the world. Nice gun tooMrT