
Out of context: Reply #68957

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  • shellie2

    so tired I fell asleep at 8:30 and woke up at 3am on top of my sheets in full dress and shoes. ( -_____- ) but can i just sleep in for one time, ever? Does anyone else experience that the older you get, the less your body allows you to sleep in when you have the chance?

    • dude... it's not even 8 yet! go back to sleep!pango
    • Yup, no matter how late I'm up I can't seem to get more that 6 hours in. I need sleep.sea_sea
    • ^ same here. i wonder if the environment has a lot to do with it.notype
    • Amateurs! Sometimes I can sleep for 12 hrs.pango
    • eat more carbs particularly before going to bed. and get exercise.hotroddy
    • I must be dead exhausted to sleep more than 6 hours. I fell so many times asleep in the discipline lately :-(oey
    • I never could sleep in...but I am up at 6am everyday, no alarm needformed
    • sounds like you had some fun last night or the day before? :)
      it's completely normal to wake up early when you end the day like that.
    • recently i had to stop smoking weed before going to sleep because it actually doesn't allowed me to calmly sleep. passed out but woke up 4-5 hours later flushedsted
    • i rock 5 hours sleep or less most nights and rarely sleep in past 6.30trooperbill
    • I'm the opposite, the older I get the easier it's getting to fall asleep, takes about 7 minutes to drift off these days.robthelad
    • No more than 3hs for one time since the baby was born :Pmaquito

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