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  • Continuity14

    Got a date tonight, first one in over a year-and-a-half of being single. Macedonian woman who lives in Munich, connected with her on OK Cupid on Saturday. She asked me out (and not vice-versa), within maybe half an hour of us chatting. She's attractive, seems interesting, so I happily agreed.

    And now that it's the day, all I want to do is stay home, chill, eat something awesome ... on my own. I'm dog-tired from everything that's happened this year ... pestilence, being unemployed since Jan, changes everywhere, not having had proper holidays in three years. It's all too much, and I just don't feel like I've got tonight in me.

    I'll go anyway, just because I don't want to be an arsehole, but still. Ugh.

    • Feel the same when having to meet somebody these days. It's like we're sick of humans. But do it, push it, you might meet your future wife lolgrafician
    • But don't marry, it's a trap ofcgrafician
    • Earlier I mentioned about a date I went on recently. We went for walks in the park which was generally uncomfortable. No touch or general ease with...Ianbolton
    • each other due to things which were way beyond our control. But in the same way I know I was probably tired and restless. Do what feels right man.Ianbolton
    • I think what surprises me is just how profoundly exhausted I feel; like I simply don't have energy for anything. But, hey, like graf said, I should go ...Continuity
    • ... anyway, and push through it. If nothing else, it's an evening with human interaction. Being holed up solitary isn't healthy long-term.Continuity
    • @Ianbolton Had a date recently, the idea was to walk her home after, we barely made it half way and I called for an Uber...grafician
    • Well, that fills me with the utmost confidence tonight will go swimmingly ...

      Ugh, guys.
    • You'll find the energy to get out and yo'ull be glad you did.monospaced
    • This is what it's like with kids. You are perpetually exhausted — think YEARS — but the option to do nothing doesn't exist like it does if you don't have kids.monospaced
    • Il'l do my best!Continuity
    • I understand you 100%. 2020 blues.SimonFFM
    • @graf dating in 2020 is ridiculous. Everybody seems to have been lobotomised by COVID.Ianbolton
    • Yes go anyway and take it easyi_was
    • Nothing to loose... Try to forget this pest for a moment, sure she wants the same. Qbn energy on the way!! Have a blast and make us proud ;)OBBTKN
    • @Ianbolton 100%grafician
    • Pics?drgs
    • Are you back yet?dee-dubs
    • ^fuck youi_was
    • Go for it!garbage
    • FFS. Turns out, I ended up being into her way more than she evidently was into me. Net result, staying home would still have been the better option. Fuck this.Continuity
    • Bit of a twist I wasn't expecting.Continuity
    • Imagine the same situation but you've been married a few years to this lady. And all you want is a night to yourself, chill, cook something good.shapesalad
    • Instead you got to play good husband and chit chat at dinner she cooks,, but you don't like...shapesalad
    • oh, sorry to hear that @cont! chin up man.renderedred
    • Don’t forget to brush your teeth.
      Good luck man!
    • Good luck next time!.

      @shape, what you wrote is touching...
    • pic?pango
    • Don't beat yourself up @Cont, you have to try. You never know what comes out of something like this.pseud
    • Cheers, lads. At least I got out of the house, and met a real human being, so there's that much gained.Continuity
    • How you feeling @Continuity?Ianbolton
    • Good question. Actually, I was a bit miffed that I ended up being more into her than her into me. It's pretty typical for me when that happens.Continuity
    • Which is especially ironic, when you consider I wasn't feeling like going.

      But yeah, dating in 2020 sucks.
  • grafician2

    Re: ^ post, this is relatable. Discuss...

    • stop being such a pussy and get to it. For those w/o family complaining, suck it up...whatthefunk
    • Word!grafician
    • Yup sorry guys, you REALLY don't know tired until you have kids.microkorg
    • so old at this youngfuturefood
    • Well, let's see ... 'this kind of tired' is often due to mental health issues. So, all of you entitled parents here, trying to one-up: it was your choice ...Continuity
    • ... not to wear a condom. For many people with clinical depression (of which extreme fatigue is a symptom), that's not choice.
      Stop comparing.
    • Too tired correct that sentence.helloeatbreathedrive
    • This pic doesn't imply mental health ffs, c'mon…whatthefunk
    • Not implying mental health, just mental tired, all this info, propaganda, bad news, dunno, it's A LOTgrafician
    • I have a tick skin man, but this year was brutal for many...grafician
    • And we're all still f young man in our 30s-40s?, not even my grandpa at 70-80 was this tired...grafician
  • i_monk1

    Three showers and a bath later I think I've got the camp fire smoke off me. If you're in Ontario, Killbear is beautiful.

    • Been there many times. Great camping.Gnash
    • I try and hang on to that campfire smell as long as possible :)Gnash
    • If your clothing is made from natural fibres - cotton, wool etc. putting them on a warm radiator helps gets rid of smoke smell - normal and cigarette.face_melter
  • kingsteven7

    Ordered some sunglasses and a new snare drum from Germany last week, just looked at UPS tracking for both and they arrived in the UK in the same shipment.

    By end of day Thursday Steven be like

    • Looks like a Queensteven, low in testosterone? ; P

    • That's their royal high 'yes qween' steven to you... actually the hair is pretty much spot on :Dkingsteven
    • be sure to post in "making beats" when it arriveshans_glib
    • there was a drummer thread on here back in the day. keep thinking about finding and bumping it...kingsteven
    • ^ do it!OBBTKN
    • lolgrotesk_neue
  • oey_oey0

  • FawnDog3

    Was at the grocery store and saw a woman pull her mask down, sneeze to the side (where all the fresh produce was) pull her mask up and continue shopping, like it was normal behavior.

    • one of those moments where you wish you could blink your eyes and she'd blink out of existence?Nairn
    • That's fucking revolting.
      Although, I commend you for not losing your shit, and punching her in the back of the head for it.
    • Which is what I would have been really tempted to do.Continuity
    • self defensemoldero
    • Nancy Pelosi stopped for veggies after getting a haircut?Krassy
    • lol Krassy :PPonyBoy
    • I sneezed the other day while I had my mask on, my first instinct was to take it off before I sneezed - had to check myselfGnash
    • I guess our reptilian brain isn’t programmed to like sneezing with ones’ nose coveredGnash
    • Yeah, I was gonna say, she may not have even realized she was doing it. It's especially true when people are shopping and running primarily on auto pilot.SteveJobs
  • ideaist40

    My wife is having an interview for an artist / illustration role in a corporate environment.

    3rd / 4th round and things are looking/sounding good.

    I have open headphones and i'm trying not to listen BUT I can't not listen.

    Empathizing as I've been there; this job COULD change her and (by connection) my life.

    Send +++ QBN vibes.

    Limit the hate.


    • Good luck both! Art is needed these days...grafician
    • Good luck for you both!PhanLo
    • Regardless, we drink beer(s) afterwards with OR without mascara on her and/or my face(s).

      : )
    • Best of luck :)Gnash
    • +++ QBN vibes sentethKrassy
    • Good luck Mrs. ideaist!!OBBTKN
    • pics?drgs
    • come on!stoplying
    • Break a leg!scarabin
    • Questine: did she upvote Money Margenb
    • ^^^^^grafician
    • What's a corporate artist job?omahadesigns
    • Making covers and illustrations for a magazine or newspaper for example.sted
    • Good luckpango
    • Godspeed, ask for more money!whatthefunk
    • Coincidentally I’m having a creemore as I’m reading this lol, not sure if you still live there_niko
    • send nudes!utopian
    • Best of luck!Sellies
    • Outside of Creemore now 6km in a hamlet called Dunedin.

      Xo all and keep the positive going while we can.

      Georgian Bay QBN meetup y’all!
    • hooray!garbage
    • Creemore!! One of my favourites! Impossible to find out west! Best of luck!Static_Line
    • Still waiting to hear re: Money Margenb
    • good luckmilfhunter
    • 4th round? Jesus. Good luck!section_014
    • ^ my thoughts, too.SimonFFM
    • NOT a direct "Money Marge" result, BUT I guess I upvoted it and it carried through to her by association?!

      THANK YOU ALL!!! QBN +++ IS REAL!!!

      : )
    • Best of luck to the both of you. I think I remember meeting you both at a QBN Drinks NYC event before the Apocalypse.CyBrainX
    • "and (by connection) my life", yep she could at some point leave you, happens a lot.i_was
    • "she could at some point leave you" - Bartender cut you off last night @i_was?

      ; )
  • utopian0
    • how come?inteliboy
    • busy i guess. maybe he got no time for shits on qbn.pango
    • I'm sure I saw him post here but a couple of days ago.Nairn
  • omahadesigns-5

    Did Kyle Rittenhouse defend his life by murdering 2 people?

  • jagara6

    A few years ago, I needed to throw away an ancient top-loaded VCR that i owned (yeah, I own a VCR, still). An rare thing (at least for this day & age). Wood panels, odd buttons, mic input, weird plugs on the back. Not something you see often these days.

    I was in a hurry, and I didn't have time to properly dispose of it. So i simply left it on the curb in front of my house, so i'd remember to take care of it later.

    When i came back, there were two of the same, rare-ass VCRs standing next to another.

    Can someone try to figure out a reasonable explanation for this?

    • Put a pile of money on the curbscarabin
    • It's called art, look it up.deadsperm
    • Oh, it was art all along? I get it.jagara
    • Did you get it wet or feed it after midnight?Morning_star
    • UV light exposure mixed with 5g signal helped it's atom's split resulting in a duplication at a molecular level into two identical VCR's.shapesalad
    • Would be awesome to customise it inside into a kick as bread toaster.shapesalad
    • Alex and Chad are twin VCRs separated as babies when their parents are killed by a crime boss...calculator
    • ... Twenty-five years later, they join forces to exact revenge on the people who killed their family.calculator
    • Still have that Renegade box set?
      They just want one last ride
    • wake up, possibly you just dreamed it. also qbn isn’t real if it starts doubling...api
    • wake up, possibly you just dreamed it. also qbn isn’t real if it starts doubling...api
    • hahaNairn
    • asexual reproductiondrgs
    • Check the serial numbers Blade Runner 2049nb
    • @nb haha... i should have :)jagara
    • you started a movement, later that day, those same VCRs appeared on curbs all over the world.ESKEMA
    • They live in packs in the wilddmay
    • On a serious note, a good explanation is you had a neighbour with an identical model, and seeing yours, he also got rid of it.ESKEMA
    • either that or you were drunkESKEMA
    • I wanna push every button, and twiddle every knob on this thing.
      God, I love physical interfaces.
    • This is a very early version of a VCR. I bet it's from the early 80s.It's way bulkier than the ones I had and toploaders were out of fashion by the mid 80s.CyBrainX
    • I don't even know what those knobs on the right do.CyBrainX
    • Listen to scarabin.garbage
    • Well, I'm fairly certain one of those knobs would be to adjust the tape tracking, for when the tape goes a bit funky.Continuity
    • cool storyBennn
    • Reuniting old lovers. destined to duplicate together.shellie
    • Hey baby.... wanna make a copy?shellie
    • Evidence of the multiverse. Agreed. Check the serial numbers. They match.misterhow
    • This should go into conspiracy of the dayMondoMorphic
    • @shellie lol, stole the thread.garbage
    • Knobs on the side are for UHF / VHF channel selection :)jagara
    • physical interfaces = satisfactionapi
    • How can you justify just leaving shit on the curb? do you live in a third world country?ArchitectofFate
    • @ArchitectofFate no, Denmark. And i left it there for a few hours, to dispose of it properly, later. In the appropriate "electronics" bin.jagara
    • I disposed of 2 VCRs that day
  • scarabin0

    Anybody watch Svengoolie? I’m trying to find ANY episodes with the original Sven but am having no success

    • Trying to put together a collection of classic horror hosts stuff so if anyone has leads on ghoulardi or dr creep or any of that stuff lemme knowscarabin
    • Of course, I hope you are aware of Dr. Tongue’s Evil House of PancakesGnash
    • I don’t think i can ever make pancakes without doing that bitscarabin
    • I still do it anytime I make pancakes for my kids.Gnash
  • face_melter0


    That VCR thing reminded me of when I was clearing out my apartment before I left the UK. I decided to bin almost everything I owned apart from my books and vinyl and the Quicksilver G4 I was using at the time. All the bulky shit I dumped onto the street for pickup (in Glasgow, at the time, if you left large items on certain street corners they were collected on specific days by the scaffie wagon). This included my x-large Sony CRT monitor that I stole from an old job, a dismal tv with knackered buttons, a rickety computer desk, and a few assorted boxes with magazines, papers, old clothes, whatever.

    I go down and dump everything and return to start cleaning, 15 minutes later I idly looked out the window and the desk, monitor, and tv had vanished along with some of the boxes, the other box (with the magazines) was left. I guess the local neds weren't into old copies of Computer Arts and queer erotic fiction.

    Living in Partick was a fucking ride, to say the least.

    • So you went through an Anne Rice phase too, eh?Nairn
  • Gnash1

    For scarabin

  • Ianbolton0

    Went out at the weekend and got pretty wasted with a few friends. By 6am my friends Kat and Maxx set me up a bed in their living room. By 10am the sun was coming in through the window and outside noise was pissing me off. I went to get into bed with my mate Kat and I suppose she rightly kicked off, even though I'd done it a few weekends previously with no issue. I apologised, got my stuff and left. I was knackered and hungover.

    Text her yesterday to see how things were and she went ape shit saying I was out of line for taking so long to text and not even apologise. She said i'd done it before and none of her other friends would ever dare do that and how I should take responsibility for my actions. I said if I'd known she was so pissed off my original text would've been a bit more fulfilling and made a light apology which pissed her off even more. Do i beg forgiveness or just call this one a day as I feel like absolute shit, and she really has a knack of making feel like this. It doesn't take much to make me feel this way recently anyway.

    • Did you try to PIITB?
      Be honest...
    • Can you translate the first paragraph to english?dasohr
    • Were you trying to sleep or trying to bang her?scarabin
    • you need to learn to sleep wherever when you're drunk mate lol or drink responsibly ffsakegrafician
    • Intentions were purely to sleep. I should've just gone home. How do I delete this post?!!Ianbolton
  • Nairn2

    I love Kate Bush, and have been repeating a thing Gardener linked in the listening to thread for the past day or so.

    I just realised I've listened to Kate Bush croon - beautifully, mind you - "Washing Machine" over and over.

    At least, that's what I think I heard.

  • grafician2

    Raining af here, welcome Autumn...

    • niceKrassy
    • thunder, flashes, all that, beautiful!grafician
    • Been windy here. Welcome spring!BusterBoy
    • Oh yeah, cold & flu seasonmoldero
    • There are forecasts of 34°C and zero clouds here, suuummmeerrrrOBBTKN

    Snowpiercer, what a fucking dumb piece of shit.

    I hated the movie, but decided to watch the show. How the fuck is this thing liked? It makes no sense whatsoever. Everyone is fucking dumb as shit, the loopholes are endless. Why do humans spend resources making shit shows like this? The only good thing on it are the actors, but they end up loosing all credibility by saying and doing stupid shit. Really annoyed by this fuckery which is also fucking stupid on my part.

    • I never watched Titanic either mate...grafician
    • Titanic had logic. This has noneESKEMA
    • I liked the film. Even though the idea was a little silly. Started to watch the show, but fell asleep.PhanLo
    • i like Jennifer Connellypango
    • someone got their balls pierced.utopian
    • I liked the concept and turned a blind eye to the movie plotholes, but the series is just dumb like most series churned out from netflix this last year.ArchitectofFate
    • i enjoyed the moviemilfhunter
    • here's a good review of the movie: https://infinitefree…ESKEMA
    • yeah - totally agree - started watching this and just felt uneasy with everything about the show.

      Review: A large bag of shit™
    • I liked the film. Didn’t know there was a tv adaptationGnash
    • Spend resources to make shit like this ? because they're dumb stupid people who watch it.i_was
    • yes, and they could be watching something better. Thats not an excuse. You should be better than thatESKEMA
    • I include myself in the dumb people who watch, because I watched it.ESKEMA

    Ok. Within my way of doing things in life... "wasted" 3 weeks of confinement-vacations doing ANYTHING other than drink beer, pool, bbq and drag my flip flops here to there.

    Now, back to work.

    * The best of it; started riding again, now when everybody are hanging their bikes (at least the roads will be empty).

  • Hayzilla1

    Jesus Christ. Embedding a YT video with closed captions in different languages showing automatically is hard! It seems to have a fucking mind of its own.

  • dasohr1

    Is there a way to listen to music with friends online? Say I want to show my sis a song, she's here I am there, how do we connect?

    • Zoom? Share screen?Hayzilla
    • Skype? Share screen?Hayzilla
    • https://chrome.googl…Hayzilla
    • Spotify shared list ?i_was
    • put your telephone on speakerFax_Benson
    • Thx! didn't think of Zoom, should look into Spotify. Still haven't jumped on that bandwagon.dasohr
    • Discord.
      You can both hear straight from Spotify instead of over the screen share.
    • Plus seperate volume control for each account's volume, +music volume.pango
    • If you're on QBN discord I can show you how.pango
    • You can also try QBNMusic©i_was