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  • sarahfailin1

    Sober November! Day 4... so far so good!
    Just cutting out alcohol of course.

  • drgs0

    Someone fell from a climbing wall at my gym, the paramedics are here and everything. Can't believe I missed it

    • did it survive?uan
    • Yes. Someone was sloppy with their climbing equipmentdrgs
  • Beeswax0

    Do you guys use Stremio?
    Its the most amazing software on my computer I think.
    I just found that I have access to the whole Masterclass series here. IPTV channels, Sports, movies, series, independent stuff from around the world. It's the revival of the torrent.

    Last time when I travelled to US I wanted to watch my show at my mother-in-law's house, following week they got a letter from their internet provider that "maybe a minor in the house is committing copyright infringement"
    So be careful if you're in a place where you can get caught for this.

    • Going to check this out. Had Masterclass sub for a year and loved it. They keep adding great new people all the time.microkorg
    • ugh ... hard to get excited for just taking what everyone else pays formonospaced
    • Downloaded the app. Its just all trailers, how do you get the streams. Masterclass is just all the trailers too. Wheres info on how to use it?microkorg
    • You need to install the Video Courses addonBeeswax
    • You need to install the CRIMINAL CONTENT THEFT addonmonospaced
    • mono, how much do you pay for subscriptions every month to get that angry in a chat?uan
  • i_monk1

    Presenting my brand audit and reco's to my boss this week. A bit anxious because he's the one who built the new brand a decade ago and it's my job to point out all the mistakes and oversights.

    • areas for improvement, you mean ... new opportunities ... not mistakesmonospaced
    • ^thisrenderedred
    • Oh I know, but 26 pages of "this is what you missed" is a lot.i_monk
    • They’re rebranding because he knows that it needs to change. Chances are he already know the issues. As long as your points are valid you will be fineGnash
    • Maybe push the 26 pages of "you're shit" to the appendix and focus on what the landscape looks like for a forward thinking, relevant and well-brandedben_
    • educational institution is?ben_
    • Hey don't worry, someone did the same thing at Facebook a few months ago and look what we have today! voila.nb
    • Guys I said "a bit" not "I'm shitting myself in terror". And yes he knows some of the issues, that's why they created this position.i_monk
    • The remainder of the doc is the recommended road map.i_monk
    • lol, best of luck man... if I remember where you landed correctly they could use a refresh badly, so exciting times if you spearhead it!ben_
    • I know right? Thanks!i_monk
  • grafician15

    After 15+ years in graphic design, really considering getting into painting...

    Or contemporary art installations. Might see me drop a napkin in a modern art museum...wish me luck!

    • Best of luck!…nb
    • if you can support yourself fucking do it. Godspeed man!_niko
    • Hell yes.bezoar
    • Yes, painting is a stable career.omahadesigns
    • Thumbs up!SimonFFM
    • Bored of gd too, very hard to get a good or interesting gig, good things are not easy... But, sometimes you get tired. I do illus and comic to compensateOBBTKN
    • Something you love, you do for fun... And back to the rollercoaster. Good luck in the art world mate, go for it!OBBTKN
    • The thing with art installations is that there is no proper work until you get an exhibition. Painting would be a more practical route.deadsperm
    • Art is the noblest of human endeavors.nb
    • are you already into it?Bennn
    • Do itcannonball1978
    • @bennn gettin some canvases this week, will do mostly the rules of graphic design, but translated to paiting...abstract... maybegrafician
    • @OBBTKN tnx, it will be a brutal journey, but after doing agency work for 10-15 years, we tend to get a tick skin so...will trygrafician
    • @deadsperm yup, that's my thinking also, we'll see, will post here my progressgrafician
    • Glad to see so much support, ty guys!grafician
  • omahadesigns-4

  • microkorg0

    Great to see I'm not the only one jacking in a job here and looking for something new ;)

    I've got just under a couple of weeks left at my current place.
    Job hunting at the moment.

    Myself and a couple of others started a digital company back in 2009. In 2015 we were acquired by a large ad agency and group and not really been that happy there with the setup since. The digital work has got less cooler and less challenging and I've been involved with more print stuff and it's just not doing it for me so I'm moving onto new...

    ... looking to go inhouse at tech/finance with a purely digital focus doing UX/Product Design. I've got friends working in similar positions and they report the work/life balance being far better than agency life and there's more scope for R&D and development.

    So that's the plan. Kinda shitting it and kinda exciting too!

    • Def recco in-house tech strat gig...robotron3k
    • Cool - in a similar vibe here, 10+ years agency work - looking for a similar shift... best of luck!pedromendez
  • PonyBoy2

    anyone here using services like or

    Curious how happy you are w/the price / service / quality / freshness / difficulty to cook etc...

    • Mono has blue apron I think.pango
    • On principle alone I would never use one of those services. It almost disgusts me how wasteful they are and the pathetic laziness they represent.monospaced
    • Just a quick glance will tell you that the price to quality and freshness ratios are a disappointment at best. An insult to anyone who can cook.monospaced
    • Wait... Someone here uses it.... I'm pretty sure. Just forgot who... Lolpango
    • For those on a budget... and not a smug twat (lol... calm the fuck down, mono)... feel free to still chime in and not let Chef Smugnuts keep you from sharingPonyBoy
    • Tried it on a promo once. Cancelled the next day. Flavours ranged from 'meh' to 'yuck', and regular pricing wasn't a compelling value.monNom
    • Very happy with GUSTOsinjun
    • We use hellofresh for 3 meals a week and it's alright. I love to cook, but travel a lot for work so sometimes it's just nice to have a no-brainer in the fridge.ben_
    • I question the packaging waste as well but can't complain about the freshness of the food - we buy most of our groceries from a local co-op so it pales inben_
    • comparison to that. All the meals are easy to cook, but I guess that depends on your experience cooking. They have tons of promos all the time, if you wantben_
    • a referral code I'll gladly send you one, but not sure if it works across the border.ben_
    • I've been interested in this sort of thing for a while. Pricing looks good just can't make that leap for some reason.Hayzilla
    • Learn to cook and buy your own ingredients. It's really easy.i_monk
    • @i_monk, be careful, you're coming off as smug ;)monospaced
    • We've used Hello Fresh and have gone back to it a few times because its cheaper than eating out, and easier than planning / buying ingredients for a meal.mantrakid
    • Almost everything we've had has been a delicious meal and has given us ideas for future meals that we do end up just picking up at the grocery store next time.mantrakid
    • On busy weeks with lots of kid activities after school, etc its super convenient—right there in the fridge, ready to make. Hello Fresh: It's a load off.™mantrakid
    • @i_monk Have done for 20yrs mate. Thanks for the tip though. Genius. Looking to try an alternative as even Gordon Ramsay must get bored of his own repertoire.Hayzilla
    • This site seems to be boiling down to just the conceited hipsters who dont watch TV, are Michelin chefs and knit their own wellies. Stifling real peoples chats.Hayzilla
    • Im normal. Im here.mantrakid
    • If you go to Blue Apron's site, you can access all their recipes for free. So, you can cook anything you want without orders.monospaced
    • What do you need these services for if you're even a half decent home cook? Try new recipes if you're bored. Blue Apron isn't sending you anything you haven'ti_monk
    • already cooked yourself or couldn't find in a shop if you knew to look for it, so what's the advantage? Paying more? "Genius" indeed.i_monk
    • I used it on a promo. The meals were decent, but the ease of use is nil. Just get a recipe and go to the store. Plus, it's insanely wasteful.section_014
    • +1 i_monk / section_014 / mono / etc

      they're evil products.
    • If they packed them in returnable, reusable Tiffin Tin like packaging, as some clever mail order/pick up service, I think they'd be ace. But they're redundant.Nairn
    • @hayzilla - if this: "conceited hipsters who dont watch TV" pertains to our exchange the other week, you're hilariously off-target. Like, ridiculously so.Nairn
    • I mean, I may be conceited. But I'm not a hipster who revels in the idea of not watching TV. TV's great. Just not on sunny Sunday summer evenings. For me.Nairn
    • It's a luxury item. However, I cooked a meal with my Mom a few years ago - she had a trial - and it was really cool to just cook with Mom.stoplying
    • ^
      That's how ad campaigns are made.
      "t was really cool to just cook with Mom"
    • If you compare the price you pay to the actual cost of ingredients you get, you'd quickly realize what a ripoff these all are.monospaced
    • The idea is intriguing though. The cheap bastard in me can’t justify it though.monospaced
    • my friend worked at UPS and would take some home if they were open, and it does spoil fast either waycanoe
    • I had a free trial of Hello Fresh about a year ago. I would say avoid them. It's all just door service for people who are too lazy to cook.garbage
    • Which is a quality nobody should have. And I think there was a recent buyout, and they seem desperate to get people back.garbage
    • I think it was because I was an early adopter, but they're spamming me like crazy with offers of $80 of free meals, and it's not even worth it.garbage
    • My wife subscribed for a few months to hello fresh, I ended up doing all the cooking, tons of errors in the recipe printouts. super wasteful packaging.BonSeff
    • cookbooks and youtube videos took its place. Stock up your spice rack and order grub to cook via amazon prime whole foods delivery, just gotta meal plan.BonSeff
    • Go to a market, buy something that looks interesting, google a recipe for it when you get home. Just saved you S&H.i_monk
    • @Bon Yeah the recipes were off on mine as well, and the packaging was a disaster.garbage
    • The only reason I haven't added them to my spam list is that I'm genuinely curious if they will ramp up to $100 of free meals.garbage
    • Whats all the bad packaging chat? What do they do?Hayzilla
    • Blue Apron ships ~10 million pound of plastic packaging a year. Some of these kits ship individually wrapped garlic cloves.i_monk
    • @Hayzilla Hilariously overbagged. In fairness to them they have since made changes, but when I used them it was almost equal parts plastic / food.garbage
    • wow, look at all the fucking smug chefs ;)monospaced
    • Oh, mono... <3
      I got my free box, fuckers... the ingredients look aight... guess I'm making something asian tonight - I'll let you know.
    • Are you appropriating my culture?!
  • SimonFFM11

    According to Tablet/Forbes, the hotel where my photographs are hanging is one of the 25 coolest hotels in the world:…

    That's pretty nice.

    • Which hotel (I didn't read the article)?ben_
    • Lindley Lindenberg in Frankfurt, GermanySimonFFM
    • Love their promo vidsGnash
    • I shot pretty fun stuff for them yesterday, too.SimonFFM
    • cool hotel!Krassy
    • I remember those photos and project, what a win for you - traveling and shooting.canoe
  • Nairn11

    Currently: Cutting some pieces for an artist who will be doing an installation in the world's first Vagina Museum, in Camden LDN.

    Perfect work for a cunt like me, eh?

    • well that's my new fact for the day, the vagina museum.hans_glib
    • Is SimonFFM going to get inducted there?robotron3k
    • I somewhat doubt it - it's a pretty feminist-looking place.Nairn
    • how are the personalities there?renderedred
    • Wow the things you never thought you would be doing, eh?eryx
    • Pretty sure every vagina is a vagina museum.scruffics
    • Get them to pay up-front. The museum won’t make it to opening day. Surely to get protestedGnash
    • I am a feminist, too.SimonFFM
    • Perhaps. Different sort though.Nairn
    • "i have an internet friend, simon is the name, one of your flock. very feminist. can he send in a few of his works?" DO IT!renderedred
  • i_monk8

    That went well.

  • canoe3

    Working with a VW aftermarket parts company and taking the time to look at all their old ads, etc... kinda fun.

  • OBBTKN13

    Yesterday my oldest daugther turned 17... Time flies my friends, time flies.

    Flies, not like a bird, no, more like a figther at mach 2!!

    • oh nooose that's the age they find love and run away with boy :(pango
    • meh... I've got a 12 cal for hunting boars, this boy must talk with me firstOBBTKN
    • You’re so toughscruffics
    • :)scruffics
    • #ProtectTheHymendeadsperm
    • lol @scruffics, so tough yes ;)OBBTKN
    • Make sure to hang your firearm prominently over the mantlepiece.zarkonite
    • sheet, you're old :Dsted
    • Aw, cute.omahadesigns
    • :Ppango
    • My daughter turned 18 a few weeks ago.boobs
    • :( thoughts and prayers.pango
  • stoplying1

    Woke up to a broken furnace this morning, called repair. Went to give my boys a freshie (haircut) after breakfast and midway through the second haircut, the clippers broke. So took the boys to the barber and ordered a new set of clippers. Still no heat so time to start first fire of the season in the wood burning stove. I think I'll make some soup.

    • our central heating controller went down last night as well. luckily it's stuck in the "on" position so we're in tshirts and shorts at the mo...hans_glib
  • NBQ001

    I used to be a somebody. Now I‘m a nobody.

  • PonyBoy-3

    Eric Ciaramella!!!!!!!!!!

  • omahadesigns-2

    How do some people do manual labor or heavy lifting jobs? I just moved and never want to do it again just carrying boxes and taking it slow.

    Do I need to go to the gym more?

    • Short answer is yes; as you age muscle memory is limited. I did masonry work for a day and pissed syrup for a week; NOT built for it.ideaist
    • omg, what does "pissed syrup" mean?monospaced
    • strenuous exercise can cause blood leaking in the urinary tract, mono—it's gross & frightening (Google 'Blood in runners urine' or 'exercise-induced hematuria')PonyBoy
    • I've experienced it more than once in the past too... usually has to do w/dehydration and being out-of-shape afPonyBoy
    • Although... being out-of-shape really isn't the factor... athletes deal with this... usually it's just hard strain on the bodyPonyBoy
    • Start deadlifting, you'll thank yourself for doing so when you're 70.zarkonite
    • All of this is correct. @monospaced my organs were working overtime and I didn't eat/hydrate properly so my body was broken THUS thick/dark urine. *thumbsdown*ideaist
  • Nairn5

    Currently: in a hotel in provincial England, drinking canned cider, working on last minute printable details for A Thing I do every year, which starts early in the morning, whilst listening to Ukit's techno recommendations. Drove for 6 hours to get here today. Hadn't eaten, hadn't shat, I'm fucking buzzing in a really odd way and there's a full length mirror to my side and I keep catching visions of myself and don't know who the fuck the person in the reflection is.

    Once done, am going to go and try a Vegan doner, accompanied by a backup Chicken doner.

    • Sounds like the beginning of an adventure novel.zarkonite
    • Canned cider... Oh my, you're going downhill fast mate ;) Sounds surreal, prob. a side effect of this pissOBBTKN
  • sarahfailin-5

    if you want to acknowledge something in an absolutely neutral way using math, instead of giving it a +1, give it a x1. Any positive, integer number of people can upvote a post in this way and it will not increase or decrease in number value.


    Rains to seas, it's humid, cold and dark...

    Nothing more to say, this and that I'm an idiot for not going riding everyday this summer, when we've got the sunniest one in decades!

    Now, go to the corner and cry, big boy