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  • BusterBoy3

    Was at the beach yesterday with the family. Setup my seat and umbrella...reading my book. A lovely looking young lass sat down a few metres from us...probably mid 20's. Killer body and quite a small bikini, so made for a nice afternoon.

    After a while, this middle aged, very overweight bloke decided to sit a few feet to the right of this girl. He looked Greek or Macedonian...something of the sort, dressed in a white singlet, budgie smugglers (look it up)...balding on top with a freaking man bun at the back. Takes his singlet off..nice pair of man boobs. Hairy back and a couple of gold chains around his neck".

    The girl was happily reading her book when the fat bloke asks "what are you reading". Poor thing looked like she wanted to teleport to Uranus. Fat bloke then starts going on and on and on..."it used to be about books vs sport. now it's books vs the internet. I tell youse video killed the radio star".

    This went on for probably half an hour. The girl reading her book, nodding occasionally and the bloke just talking and talking non stop.

    She gets up to go for a quick dip...did I mention she had a killer body. Thong at the back...had to make sure I didn't perve too much.

    She comes back to her towel and fat guy is pretty quiet for a while. Then out of the blue, he starts packing up and says to hot girl..."off to the pub now...want to come for a drink?". Me sitting there thinking she's probably so relieved he's leaving...

    She says "sure...which pub?". She gets dressed and off they walk together.


    • Judge McJudgery.Hayoth
    • prob just thirsty after her swiminteliboy
    • Haven't heard anything on the news of any women being abducted yesterday...yet.BusterBoy
    • Well you were the one perving at her and he was the one a asking her about her book and discussing literature.Fax_Benson
    • Yes indeed I was...for a short period. And yes, he was discussing literature. "I read one of the Harry Potter dumb I tell ya".BusterBoy
    • great story!notype
    • When you told the story I was thinking of Flavio Briatore, old F1 boss. https://motorsportst…SteveJobs
    • ^ if that was the case, the story would make perfect sense.SteveJobs
    • Prob. a hookerOBBTKN
    • Well pointed out Fax ;)microkorg
    • That guy is going to get #metooedsoundofreason
    • the generosity of women never ceases to amaze me.exador1
    • think about all the times you saw a super attractive girl, with a guy that just...wasnt.
      then think... what is it about 'that' guy?
    • lol...i recall when my wife was in University, I'd already started working (2years older) but I'd go to the Uni pubs with her etc...exador1
    • this guy in her year had a HUGE crush on her, and would flirt with her whenever I wasn't around... one day we met at one of the pubs, and apparently the nextexador1
    • day he was all 'I can't believe you're dating that guy! you're way to hot for him' etc...
      ... which...suddenly made me 'that guy' I guess...
    • anyhow, I suppose it's true... my wife (girlfriend at the time) was WAY better looking than I am...for sure...
      but...she still chose me :)
    • 26 years later, it still makes me smile :)exador1
    • Gotta shoot your shot.see_bee
    • Probably milked the guy for drinks and a meal and then got cash for “cab fare”autoflavour
    • You gotta play to win.pango
  • sarahfailin-2

    I'm just going to say, Kylie Jenner is really hot for a trans woman.

    • okay thenmonospaced
    • You have never been to Thailandpango
    • true that pangoimbecile
    • Kylie Jenner is a brave, wreckless driving ugly trans woman.pango
    • Wait... Which one is this? I actually don't know which on is which one.pango
    • his name is Bruce!monospaced
    • That's the thing. Do you get to decide what your name is, or the public?pango
    • lolmonospaced
  • notype0

    In using Bumble, Tinder, etc. are we exploiting each other?
    A sort of low grade/impotent arranged marriage of the 21st century?

    • Arranged by who? I've tried it and most of the time the women are less attractive than I think. Or photos are old.freedom
    • If anything it's a way for average women to get attention from guys who wouldn't bother with them in real life.freedom
    • Or for guys who normally couldn't get any.pango
    • My brother-in-law met his wife via Tinder. They dated for 3 years, had a beautiful baby, and named him “Tin”. JK. They’re happy af. Baby is called Phillipmaquito
    • Alain Badiou talks about it more eloquently than I ever could in his book "In Praise of Love" < recommended btw.notype
    • I recently had a date from Bumble after swearing off of it. It was a wonderful hit. She's definitely into me and I'm trying to figure out why I'm terrified.notype
    • It’s only as good as the people you meet. Whom are users just like you. Which means everyone’s experience will be different.pango
    • Complaining about women using old photo it’s because you’re only looking at it from your own perspective.pango
    • Dudes use old photos too. Not everyone is photogeneric and most people really don’t know how to take good photos of them self.pango
    • People with more money to spare will actually hire photographer for their profile photo. Which is a service I provide lolpango
    • Yes.lucas_logan
    • good luck notype. Just go along with the ride. We work through ourselves through a healthy relasionshipmugwart
    • it's the finding that "healthy relationship" that is the key. dates can be really bad to find that gem.notype
    • ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...Polisz
  • freedom0

    Can you host two websites on the same hosting?

    • depends on the host and the planpockets
    • most likely and ^renderedred
    • if it's virtual dedicated server or plain dedicated server yeah, you should be able to. If it's shared, most likely not.Boz
  • drgs0

    How many of you use hair conditioner?

    • Only on my beard.i_monk
    • Only for down therepango
    • Nope.maquito
    • Pango, long toe hair?maquito
    • Ya I’ve got hobbit foot. They itch.pango
    • ^ lol I've always imagined you as sort of QBN's Sam Wisemugwart
    • ... Who's Frodo then?pango
    • I don't own one but from time to time I use my girls one and I love that silky smooth feeling of my hair it gives memekk
    • Every daygreyandred
    • I use an air conditioner.. does that count ?autoflavour
    • Not once have I used it, and I'm not sure what it doesdrgs
    • About once a month. It's of more noticeable use on long hair, where it makes me feel like a Scandinavian sun-kissed summer princess.Nairn
    • Washing your hair every day's a terrible idea, conditioner or no.Nairn
    • My hair is 2-3mm long. I don't even use regular shampoo. I do put lotion on my head though in the winter.section_014
    • ^^ ... I've been called frodo a few times ... dont have hairy feet but I'm from a shire and I have curely hair!mugwart
    • Same. I haven't used shampoo in years.DRIFTMONKEY
    • ^^
    • No offence but I don't wanna be your Sam. Or Sam in general lolpango
    • @drift, you don't wash your hair?monospaced
    • didnt mean that in the final film context!mugwart
  • maquito4

    Currently working for a client who recently launched a product that slashes death risk by 31% in a particular type of terminal cancer. Healthcare / Pharma may have it’s ups and downs when it comes to feeling proud bu working as a communications partner, but it really feels good to know that the bastards, sometimes, reach such positive results.

    • just in case, I'm not advocate of big pharma, nor a negligent cunt. I just happen to make a living in a very controversial, but not always disastrous terrainmaquito
    • Ironically, big pharma is out to solve problems and advance human healthcare. In most cases they aren’t even the bad guys.monospaced
    • Phew, mono. If I could even be succint enough to explain just a little of what I have learned in these 9 years working for them..maquito
    • Dudes have extremely political structures. they kill each other to ascend. Ridiculous budgets. But the real deal is the patientmaquito
    • I’ve had the chance to talk with guys that speak with their eyes full of tears about patients. Blah. Not a subject for a sidebar monologue.maquito
    • There's no profit in dead people, mono, but there's also no profit in curing people. The whole business is built on keeping people alive but unwell.set
    • ^ I don't subscribe to that conspiracy. If one money grabbing cunt can cure you and sweep all the profits immediately they will do it.Hayzilla
    • You only have to look at the majority of medicine from big pharma to see that it's not a conspiracy at all, it's very evidently true.set
    • No chance I'm getting in to a qbn argument though so each to their own my darlings.set
    • The only two issues I've been to the doctors over in the past decade is problems with blocked nose and issues with heartburn/acid reflux...set
    • In both incidences, I was prescribed drugs that would essentially have to be taken for life in order to mask the symptoms, in truth making the issues worse...set
    • if you were to come off them. I didn't take them and instead looked for the cause of the problem, something that doctors, ime, don't seem to give one shit aboutset
    • "Mask the problem with these expensive drugs that'll be a real bastard to come off, and forget about the actual reason causing your symptoms, Sir."set
    • ...but you have every right to believe differently.set
    • @set, your experience is very common, and the problem lies with the doctors themselves more than the pharma companies. Many people do need those drugs.monospaced
    • I think it's great you found alternatives. I hope it makes you feel better to know there ARE doctors who consider alternatives first over meds.monospaced
    • The doctors don't profit directly from prescribing more drugs. Some are quite lazy though, and pharma makes it easy. But they're good people most of them.monospaced
  • shellie16

    I like new boo too much too fast. Slow down, Shellie. Be cool.

    • Hmmmm...robotron3k
    • not to be judgmental or anything but that's pretty damn fast considering I read you broke up fairly recently no? Take it easy.Boz
    • Doesn’t Boz need to hit the gym to keep Fat Boz away?LMFAO
    • Ya that's what she was telling her self. Thx for repeating.pango
    • Thy rebound power is fierce!robotron3k
    • nothing wrong with liking someone, keep going where you want to go girlmekk
    • Start with a slow simmer, then let it take it's time to a rolling boil!stoplying
    • enjoy life! You seem pretty cool - so I'm pretty sure he's feeling the same thing. If not then defo move onmugwart
  • notype0

    I had a scheduled "hangout", to take a class with a woman I know from my local gym. I live nearby, and figured I'd go in at the time we were going to meet and let her know (we hadn't exchanged #s as yet.)

    I was surprised at how much she was amazed that I'd come by to say I couldn't make it.

    Is it a general MO that people don't communicate? Or stand people up often? I felt awkward for receiving thanks for such a small gesture. Actually I was the one who was apologetic for not being able to attend. Sometimes I think I communicate a little too much though.

    • Sorry for the typo in ¶1
      I wanted to let her know that I was unable to attend the full 60mins of the class -plus have a small hip injury I'm resting from :(
    • Have to work tonight, but here I am on QBN. lolnotype
    • Well, I feel like my dad with what I’m about to say, but certain values are not common nowadays: e.g: small gestures.maquito
    • It sucks to watch while people are getting more and more desinterested in the word and commitmentmaquito
    • good to hear your perspective maquito, reminded me of Stevie's tune…notype
    • ...good point, are we the same age?notype
    • 37?maquito
    • Dude. You old school gentleman.
      I would have just called.
    • Manners are key. Need to bring them back without the old world sobberymugwart
    • thanks guys :)notype
    • pango, I didn't ask for her #, easily could, but I don't want to go therenotype
    • I cancelled the date. Man, I felt bad. Definitely for the best.notype
    • ^ oops wrong thread. This in regard to the long distance relationship...notype
  • oey1

    It's going to be a long night, I'm placing 83 records to sell on Discogs...

    I wish I could sell them all at once for the half of the price they're really worth, that would make me really happy!

    • You tried this? Probably get a third of their value. Just scan all the barcodes with the app.
    • oh! have to check that. but I managed. and in the process a housemate of mine bought me 10 records :-)oey
  • pango1

    Had a no POST Panic with my pc computer.
    Good thing i assemble the damn thing and knows enough to figure out the faulty part.
    one of the RAM died... :[

    and oh gawd my computer was dusty... cleaned the vent and everything.
    i think i'm gonna go buy a duster and walk on sun shine.

    • beep
    • my tower actually doesn't have a speaker for some reason.pango
    • ^not common anymoredrgs
    • Ya I haven't checked every computer tower for speakers for years.pango
  • Hayzilla0

    Gold sticker for anyone that can identify the actor who plays this woman in Idiocracy...

  • SimonFFM16

    Me for the new edition of Playboy Germany. You can see the pictures at — probably the best photos I have ever taken. The girl is from Germany‘s Next Top Model.

    • I see the guy with the bounce board has the best job.robotron3k
    • Nice short!pango
    • I love the gash shot!utopian
    • Skanky whores all day and night.utopian
    • ikea 2020 bedroom catalog in the workssted
    • Robo - Yup guy with bounce board at least has something to hide his boner with lolmicrokorg
    • It was his first time attending a Playboy shoot with me. He's a damn cool guy. https://www.instagra…SimonFFM
    • "Boner board" I need one of those walking around NY in the summer...robotron3k
    • lmao robosea_sea
  • utopian3

    Funny...I am now getting spam/spoof bot calls from my own mobile number. Fuck you AT&T and Apple!

  • shellie8

    I just got approved to take over this apt from my roommate. This place is so rad. I'm so happy right now.

    • shellie, seems everything is working well for you. single, new job, apt, new projects...oey
    • I've read your posts and there was a difficult time with many issues. sky seems to be cleared now. cool!oey
    • Its true oey, things are lookin up! Now I'm trying to just be in the moment and appreciate it.shellie
  • canoe6

    "I'm very impressed with the work, by the way! I've hired many logo designers over the years and nothing is closed to the quality of your work."

    Every morning should be like this!

    • That would mean that everything is open to the quality of your work. Which isn't necessarily a compliment.

      JK. Bravo.
    • Glad I don't share a cube with this guy ^canoe
    • Maybe he's just used for logos before? ;)microkorg

    Had a moment yesterday, parked in my car in Oceanside, waiting for my girl to show up for dinner. Sitting there, windows down, a friend I haven't spoken to in a while called me. I had the radio on, speakers then switch to bluetooth phone and we're talking. Here's the cool part. My friend has a radio show, so he's got that deep, articulate DJ voice. So it sounded/looked like I was talking to the radio. And the radio was talking back.

  • stoplying1

    A friend recently took a job here. They sell/buy/trade cameras and lenses if anyone is in the market.

  • lucas_logan-8

    glad to come back and see everything is still crappy angsty shit released by miserable corporate drones.


  • drgs4

    "What are you listening to" thread is what we should be modeling our society after
    There are no downvotes
    If someone posts something you don't like, it's just not your music taste, and you move on with your life

    • I know what thread I need to participate now. With down votes.pango
    • i like this.notype
    • not pango's comment, drgs' comment LOL, kidding, but ...notype
    • Try posting Nickleback...jagara
  • notype3

    Put a bit of cash $$$$$
    in my mailbox
    for my postal person
    over the holidays

    I'm kind of a new tenant, never met them ...but whatever, it was the holidays :)

    I wasn't expecting this or anything really, but no more junk mail or any kind of mail at all from former tenants in my box, name only.

    Mail that tenants litter all over the floor (that isn't theirs theirs) gets picked up (felt so bad about that for them)

    From my little gesture, such a kind return to not have to deal with other people's mail.