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  • i_monk0

    Scrolling through my ffffound bookmarks, saving what still interests and inspires, before it's all gone.

  • Ianbolton1

    Played football on a plastic pitch last night. Slipped and took half the skin off my knee/leg. Fuck, it kills today.

    Thanks. Bye!

  • moldero4

    Website design round 1 done,

    Time to fuck some shit up on it before I deliver it to my client to give him something to focus on before he starts making me change stuff there's nothing wrong with based only on his personal preferences and his extensive experience in only browsing shitty mom and pop websites.

    • Haha, do you really do that? Not a bad idea.set
    • Gives them a sense of being involved and creatively managing while simultaneously being manipulated like the bitch that are. Like it.set
    • hahahaha, never occurred to memonospaced
    • Have used this technique before. Has worked most of the time. Give them something to focus on aside from the design. Something they can comment on and change.umbee54
    • I've been on tv commercial shoots before, the director always ads a missplaced red scarf or something in the scene just so the client can chime in and feel_niko
    • I started doing this at Y&R 15ish years ago, because they allowed account managers to chime in on the creative shit really fucking up the final productmoldero
    • delivering shit quality at an inflated price is the reason they lost all of their big accounts, all YRSF has left now is doing propaganda ads for Chevronmoldero
  • GeorgesII0

    is whatsapp down?

    • nope its working. try againkona
    • wife in canada can't connect
    • what about your wife in germany, can she connect?Gnash
    • Yeah they've been having problemsnb
    • just asked in a group chat... now they think i'm stalking people and started calling me creep... Thanks georges....pango
    • lol @ gnashfadein11
  • fourth0

    my crazy client redesign story:

    I'm on this pretty cool website redesign. My concepts were good, and the direction they picked is really cool. The only red flag is the Operations Manager is supposed to create ALL the content for the whole site. I thought kk weird, maybe she's a good writer.

    It's been 3-4 weeks and we've had 3 "content meetings" where I say "I need this content, so I can create the imagery. make sure it fits in here" and she says "ok sounds great, I blocked off the next week to write it all."

    The project deadline is today and I've received nothing. She's given me excuse after excuse. The past three days it's "my house flooded", "I've had to sleep at my friends house", "my charger is in my house and the property manager won't let me in so I have to buy a new one."

    Finally yesterday she sent me something for one section of the site. Imagine a header, 3-4 sentences of text and an image off to the side (standard what every site looks like). Well the text she sent is 4 fucking paragraphs long for this one section.

    And now I have to go present this shit today with Lorem Ipmsum and placeholder images to her and 3-4 others from the company and it's going to be so awkward. How the fuck do I handle this?

    • You present it with Lorem Ipsum and if asked about why, tell them you haven't received copy. You don't owe her anything.detritus
    • Just use the excuses you got as placeholder texts, it will work 100%.sted
    • hahah, brilliantdetritus
    • no stress - client missed their own deadline - put your feet up.fadein11
    • relax until it all arrives in one batch, perfectly composed and they say we need it by tomorrow :)fadein11
    • lol sted, just made my dayfourth
    • what detritus saidmonospaced
    • you could also be the fuckin' hero and write a little bullshit marketing diarrhea yourself, and show this woman that her job is so easy the web guy can do itmonospaced
    • of course, charge for it, but then they just have to revise itmonospaced
    • A similar thing happened to me on a freelance job two years ago. Contact wasn't including changes from her boss, so I'd send revisions and get asked where alli_monk
    • her changes were. Eventually the contact fessed up she hadn't passed any of them along to me "so they can all be done at the end". After that she wasn'ti_monk
    • the contact anymore.i_monk
    • If you don't give guidance or control the content, this is what happens. Clients don't have the expertise, time or resources.monoboy
    • You'll end up re-hashing a pile of shite at huge cost (time) to you and the end product will be total bobbins. Been there. Never again.monoboy
    • huge time = more $monospaced
    • Only if you make that clear from the outset. Otherwise, it's bohica time.monoboy
  • detritus0

    I took yesterday off for my partner's birthday.

    We ended up in some food place in town, near where all the 'Silicon Roundabout' bullshit is.

    it's years since I've worked a job where I didn't need to mostly be in my studio, so I watched with idle amazement as some guy put together web assets on his laptop and then uploaded using filezilla using the restaurant's wifi.

    I was a little jealous.

    • Also realised I miss working with other people, if only to be exposed to differing methodologies and techniques. It's been a LONG time since I worked in a teamdetritus
    • working anywhere, anytime was one of the main reasons I went self employed.fadein11
    • and he was prob rocking filezilla being ironic - dat shit is old skool man.fadein11
    • it's what I use. It's an FTP program.
      it does what's asked of it.
    • FTP is dying - long live FTPfadein11
    • Was only kidding - but it is an old prog rarely used by young devs these days. I know because I use it :)fadein11
    • I tend to use Windows Explorer for the odd occasion I need to upload, it doubles as a simple FTP client.face_melter
    • Mm, I did do that for a while but stopped for a very good reason, which I forget now. Doesn't it leave the connection open all the time, or something?detritus

    Acyclovir, you're a fraud... The pain is still here, hello to another no sleeping night!

    • "Hello internet. In case you didn't catch it the first time, I have a contagious sexually transmitted disease as well as a sore so bad I can't sleep!"monospaced
    • silly me ;)OBBTKN
  • whatthefunk0

    Booking a trip to London with my father for June. He taught Shakespeare his entire teaching career so as a retirement gift I'm planning a trip. Any advice on areas to stay in London, I see a lot of hotels in the St. Pancras, Bayswater, Paddington area. Thinking of staying in London for a few days and then driving outside and Air Bnbing it. Any advice?

    • Go to the globe theatre, they do midnight performances. Always wanted to do that.mugwart
  • SteveJobs1

    Looking for something in a drawer and noticed my passport that hasn't seen much use in a couple years. Opened it to see the expiration date... it expired today :o

  • PonyBoy0

    anyone else SICK of chasing content??? fuck my head hurts

    I'm working w/a number of teams across the country right now... we're using an online system to manage and track requests (that I have fill)...

    so fucking tired of clicking on a request only to have to go chase down a number of fucking things...

    these idiots will post something like: Ad for 'Local Newspaper'... need by Friday.

    Great... WHAT FUCKING SIZE?? Is this B & W / Color? What are my printing specs?? WHAT THE FUCK IS THE AD GOING TO SAAAAAY????????? Is this for an ONLINE AD for the Newspaper?? Is it ANIMATED?? Does it have any clickthrough data / tracking??

    So many fucking questions...

    I have a spreadsheet being edited by 6 diff people. One person is AMAZING at providing details... the rest are SHIT.

    sick of fucking chasing content ffs


    • that sucks. it also kinda sucks when there's more than one point person for details. that can be problematic.shellie
    • lol, I had almost the exact same request yesterday.Gnash
    • yup, all the timemonospaced
    • Sounds like you need a quick trip to the Punches For thread.stoplying
  • utopian11

    I'm going to hospital to say goodbye to mom before we pull plugs on her..this sucks!

    • fuck..... sorry man...pango
    • damn mansince1979
    • :( sorry, dude :(
    • fuck dude, that's rough. you know you can vent here if you need it...scarabin
    • man that sucks.. peace to you broautoflavour
    • woke up sad with a couple things right now and first thing i read is your post. this is ultra fucked. fuck. sorry to hear that man. stay strong utopian. hugs <3oey
    • hearts out to you and your family.omg
    • stay strong mateOBBTKN
    • sorry to hear.BusterBoy
    • Sorry to hear.Maaku
    • Man, really sorry to hear :(pinkfloyd
    • That's terrible news man. Stay strong the best you can.HijoDMaite
    • at least you get to say goodbye. good luck man.sarahfailin
    • So sorryMrT
    • no words dude...vent here whenever you feel like it.sureshot
    • So sorry to hear this :(
      Vent away on here.
    • I just watched her die in front of me, the heartache.utopian
    • Life is short...If you are fortunate enough to have a mom give her a hug and kiss for me.utopian
    • :(
      My dad had a massive stroke 6 years ago - UK had massive snow so roads were terrible - I got to hospital just in time so he squeezed my hand when nurse said
    • my name - we then watched him die slowly for 12 hours. Horrible. I feel your pain mate. You sounded like you were a great son though this last year from whatfadein11
    • you have said about it on here. It gets easier. Best wishes to you and your family.fadein11
    • It's good that you were present in the moment.cannonball1978
    • xdetritus
    • I've done this twice (father and brother). the definition of heart breaking and the worst...sending lovebabaganush
    • Shit. Sounds awful man. xIanbolton
    • Sorry to hear that. Its tough. Hope you are okDillinger
    • So sorry to hear. My thoughts are with your family.Gnash
    • Sorry to hear utopian. All the best.emphor
    • sorry for your family's loss utopianIRNlun6
    • really sorry to hear about your loss.mugwart
    • :( Sorry to hear, good luck and stay strong.Bennn
    • Oh man so sorry. I'm calling mom.monospaced
    • :( oh man...oey
    • Very sorry to hear that utopian!yuekit
    • :-(Krassy
    • ; _ ;i_monk
    • oh man, so sorry, Utopian. Stay strong. :-(chukkaphob
    • I'm so sorry to hear, good to see others share their stories. Stay strongmartinadolfsson
    • I don't know you, and I can't even imagine how you feel. But my thoughts are with you and your family.Longcopylover
    • Harsh, man. T_TDRIFTMONKEY
    • Feeling for you, man. Reaching out to my mom right now.aslip
    • fuck man, sorryjaylarson
    • damn....condolences utopianstoplying
    • My Deepest condolences, sorry to hear...Please stay strong.antimotion
    • shit man, condolences. please take care.bezoar
    • So sorry man. Stay strong.maquito
    • Oh wow, I'm so sorry for your loss utop :(
    • Sending my condolences my friend.robotron3k
    • Whoa, that's heavy man. Sorry for your loss.garbage
    • That's some heavy shit you're going through. Stay strong, fella!mort_
    • Thanks everyone, I really appreciate all of the love and support.utopian
    • dude, sorry to hear. keep your head up!dbloc
    • really sorry utopian. sending love. if there's anything i/we can do here in NYC... name it.bklyndroobeki
    • hope you're okay. sorry you're going through this.cbass99
    • damn, sorry to hear brother, i went through the same with my dad for about 15 years till he finally past 2 years agomoldero
    • So sorry to hear that utopian.lowimpakt
    • loosing a parent is tough, hope the support from your loved ones bring you peace during this difficult time. my deepest condolences to you...sted
    • Thoughts to the best QBN'er.meffid
    • Hope your hanging in there. I don't know where you are based but please let me know if you need a hand around London way.mugwart
    • fuck. sorry to hear, man. keep your head up.lvl_13
    • Very sorry to hear that utopian.Jetserf
    • Sorry for the losskgvs72
    • I know we're just a gaggle of shitheads, but we're your gaggle of shitheads. My condolences.garbage
  • drgs1

    Funkify your life

  • face_melter0

    Going to see Deafheaven in Copenhagen tonight. Was originally planning to go to the Depeche Mode gig at home which is also today, but I decided to make a trip of it - took the direct train from Stockholm, now i'm sitting in my hotel room watching Sunshine on the telly before I head out for food.

    Pinbacker has just shanked Capa, btw.


    ok_not_ok. You're username is prophetic.

    Unless you hate Radiohead, still sardonic.

  • HijoDMaite2

    So I watched Jimmy Fallon the other night when he had Chris Rock on.

    I think to myself "OK, I haven't seen him in a few years let's check out what he's been up to.."

    His first joke is something like, "BLAH, BLAH Oh, that's what white people do!"

    Second joke: "Ahh!! that's when you smoke CRACK!"

    really??? in 2017 and he's still on that shtick?? How lazy is that?

    yeah I know. Get off my lawn..

  • Fax_Benson2

    My miniature cactus is suddenly growing wildly. I'm quite proud of myself for not having killed it already - but I don't want a regular sized cactus. I want it to stay small. I guess this is what parenthood feels like.

  • kona1

    I had a little fun on Facebook today as some muay thai video came through (odd) on how officers can quickly and kick assly remove people from their car.

    I replied something to the effect of "This is incredibly helpful! This info will definitely help me get my children out of the vehicle during our morning day care drop offs."

    Since then it's been about 50/50 of muay thai bros wanting to rip my head off vs laughing out loud and finding it funny.

  • face_melter3

    Well, that well and truly fucking happened. 70 minutes of being absolutely pummeled in the chest. So much better than when I saw them in Stockholm - sound was better, room was better, mix was better, and I was wearing ear plugs which do their job amazingly. A wall of noise - a beautiful, crashing, thunderous, pulverising wall of noise.

    So glad I decided to make the trip down. Next up: Slayer!


    Wife removed a little ash tree from the garden, planted it on a small pot and i am going to take care of it and convert it on a bonsai.

    It is going to be funny knowing my taking-care-of-plants skills... I bet it does not last a month

    • I read hash tree. I thought "what's that? I wont two of those!, sounds good enough o me."oey
  • pango3

    Finally down to 5 emails in the inbox. from 50 maybe....
    feels good.

    • You still have time to go celebrate Gringo de Mayo!HijoDMaite
    • but i'm asian... will they accept me?! lolpango
    • Pango Livin' La Vida Loca®utopian
    • Just wear a sombrero..nobody will notice you asian my dude!sureshot
    • Lolpango