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  • 846 Responses
  • scarabin28

    My favorite part about the NFT delusion is “but it’s supporting artists!” When it’s a seemingly impenetrable marketplace to many artists and in most cases seems to cost them money overall in minting fees ‘n’ shit.

    If you really want to support an artist, just buy a fucking print. Buy the original. Take home that sculpture. Don’t make us jump through fucking hoops and engage in what is essentially gambling to get by.

    That’s not supporting artists, that’s forcing artists to support your weird fucking crypto/blockchain obsession

    • same for animation and all digital art too... lousy argumentation that its not working without a token.. u own nuffin with the token except some stoopid tokenneverscared
    • anyhow...neverscared
    • scarabin 2024dyspl
    • Artists dont need support. Art is like peeing -- its something you do when you no longer can hold back, when you absolutely have to tell the world something.drgs
    • A regular artist has to do just as much marketing and schmoozing. they have to get their art into shops/galleries or in front of people to make those sales.microkorg
    • If lack of money/support is stopping you, fuck off, you should not be doing art. There is way to much garbage produced these days, esp musicdrgs
    • that requires effort too and only likely local sales.microkorg
    • Theres no big fees associated with Tezos. Said many times previously, that's the chain that artists are choosing. Community is fantastic.microkorg
    • it just seems like the NFT world isn’t filled with actual artists so much as it is filled with crypto bros cranking out shit with phone apps pretending it’s artscarabin
    • Meanwhile, actual artists are sitting on stacks of prints and studios full of actual workscarabin
    • Basically i’m just lazy and mad about itscarabin
    • "Community is fantastic" sounds gay as fuck
    • Scarabin, the stupid high sales and crypto bros are in ethereum. Tezos community is not like that at all.microkorg
    • Amen scara, amen.garbage
    • So you went against my advice in the 2nd paragraph and became an ETH bro? wow. I thought I laid the sarcasm down hard enough but obv not.cherub
    • I thought "$100" in gas fees, and "outclassed" and "fail" would have been enough to convince u what will happen if u try ETH but I guess not.cherub
    • On tezos the "fees and shit" cost less than 25cents. If you can't afford 25cents, there are even faucets you can tap.cherub
    • oh i forgot about the faucets! yes when you get a tezos wallet you can apply to a faucet and get (a few?) dollars to get you minting your first piece for free.microkorg
    • if that's not great 'community' then I dont know what is?!microkorg
    • Maybe a crack dealer giving you your first couple of hits for free? ;) lolol.microkorg
    • yes, good idea ,, great community of crack addicts ... very funny,how old are u 4 ? tezos is irrelevant one can make a living there..neverscared
    • he wanted NFTs to magically float into his wallet, along with the knowledge of how to get started, how to mint, how to curate, etc... when that didn't happencherub
    • And tezos is so clean you can use it as carbon offset.palimpsest
    • he decided NFTs had failed him. Lol. There's a learning curve dude. You can't fire up some new software having never used it before and create a masterpiece.cherub
    • How many of you naysayers have actually given it a try?
      Actions speak louder than words.
    • Inorite? Palimpsest just came out of nowhere and taking the NFT art world by storm. sToP HaTiNG scarabin! Take notes.. you might learn something from Palimpsestcherub
    • Put your money where your foot is.palimpsest
    • go live your dream... lolneverscared
    • Eat ass.
      Fuck other people's wifes.
      Mint NFTs.
    • add - we love crack community - and you are there.neverscared
    • I can't wait to look back at NFT's in 10 years (for art). It makes less sense than the dotcom debacle did.formed
    • the blind delirium after the bubble burst is closer to 10 months than 10 years... financial learning curve is constantly flatlined.neverscared
  • microkorg24

    So I kinda did this.....

    It's an idea that's been in my head on the backburner for ages and then when I heard about NFTs and CryptoArt I thought this would be the perfect platform to launch something like this on.

    I've designed 24 new tartans, each for a Clan. The clan names, as you can see are Scottish insults. Each clan will only ever have 10 members and each has a reigning Chief.

    This is the spiel:

    "Scottish insults are brutal yet beautifully poetic and concise. These choice words and phrases are as colourful as our beautiful land, ingrained into the vocabulary and collective consciousness of Scots everywhere. They deserve a greater recognition within our heritage, they deserve their own clans, they deserve their own tartans!"

    Have put them on OpenSea as it's the only platform that makes sense for this huge amount of NFT 'minting'.

    Would really appreciate any feedback, spreading of the word, sharing of links etc.




    So now I've unloaded this idea onto the world it's time to get my artworks up too on a personal account!

    • Kewlutopian
    • How much did it cost you to mint and publish each item? And are there any Opensea fees for publishing and or fees for selling on their platform?utopian
    • There's only one transaction fee needed with OpenSea that's why I went with them for this project. Was about £65.microkorg
    • Then they'll take 2.5% per sale I think, I don't pay anything, it comes out of the sale price. They are a good model for this kind of project.microkorg
    • All the other platforms I'd have to pay per minting as posting. Would've cost thousands! Lolmicrokorg
    • These are great. I had a mind to buy 'Rich Cunt', but I am not that rich of a cunt, sadly. I hope a proper rich cunt finds this and claims it.monNom
    • You're awesome. Just wanted to say it.garbage
    • Where did you signup for your initial account?
    • Did you go here next to Connect Your Digital Wallet? https://rarible.comutopian
    • Or did you set-up your account and digital wallet all at Opensea?utopian
    • Once you have set-up your Opensea account...are you allowed to upload and desk your NFT art on other marketplace websites such as: https://makersplace.…utopian
    • If you could provide me/us will the best way of: setting an account, minting, uploading images, etc.. on the Opensea platform that would be fantastic, thanks.utopian
    • monNom haha yeah that one was for fun and priced accordingly ;)microkorg
    • Utopian, just signed up metamask account and put a couple of hundred quid in it then signed up to OpenSea using that wallet.microkorg
    • Everything is free up to the point of minting your first NFT then you get a one-off charge to setup everything. Then after that its all free again...microkorg
    • ..with fees coming off final sale not out your pocket. Mind though that theres diff rules for auctions! If you ACCEPT a bid YOU have to pay the GAS fee.microkorg
    • You can use same wallet over multiple platforms. SOme platforms it seems talk to each other so can view what NFT assets you have on each platform.microkorg
    • Haven't tried it yet but it looks like you can have multiple 'Accounts' in MetaMask which I assume would allow you to create different accounts on OpenSea...microkorg
    • ..that are not connected. My plan will be to get some artworks up on there then looking to get on Rarible where you can 'follow' to setup more of a network...microkorg
    • more likely folk see my personal artworks. U cant do this with Opensea you need to promote via social etc.microkorg
    • Looks like Foundation is the legit one to be on as you need an invite so theres less 'noise' on there and more legit art.microkorg
    • So was going to get personal stuff on social and opensea then try to find myself a Foundation invite ;)microkorg
    • Thank you Microkong :)utopian
    • And thanks for all the Upvotes!!!!microkorg
    • What am I buying here ? a jpg ? a unique id ??
    • An idea, a concept ?
    • Great use of NFT!zaq
    • Some good names on there. Really well presented too. Bampot is such an underused word sadly. :-)PhanLo
    • Nicely executed. I totally don't get it though.mort_
    • If someone buys it, what do they get?monospaced
    • They get the NFT and associated jpeg certificate. Is this lost on anyone other than the Scottish know Scottish banter? Lolmicrokorg
    • When you buy an NFT you get an NFT.
    • Some NFT's (JPGs. GIFs, MP4s) also come with the original art work (Hi-res art, the actual painting and or original source files). This depends on the artist.utopian
    • Would you download a car?palimpsest
    • Would you milk a cat?mort_
    • SO BRAVE!Hayoth
    • Some of them are very similar to real Scottish clan tartans.
      Bawbag = Maxwell
    • *Imagine that the NFT scene pops like an overheated bubble; all blockchains die and take all the blockchain art with it. But imagine that you'd downloaded andneverscared
    • backed up the ten thousand most expensive and/or popular NFT artworks.neverscared
    • drgs, at the bottom of the certificates there's a disclaimer. This is a Parody. Any resemblance to an actual clan or tartan is purely coincidental.microkorg
    • Nice. Good luck mate.Hayzilla
  • microkorg14

    Just realised how nonsense this all is!

    Battling to get on whitelists or to beat bots to purchase something that's "limited edition" yet the creator has made tens of thousands of them. It makes the buyer feel special but really it's just taking the piss!

    Meanwhile to create and sell these products we're fucking up the environment. Fakes and exploitation are rife.

    Are these REALLY collectibles? Are they worth their initial cost or even the price that ultra hype brings?

    Then we've got hip hop celebs, sports stars and athletes getting involved all releasing their own ranges or special editions.

    • Time to go back to creating things people actually need.Chimp
    • *popcorn.gifNairn
    • Told you...grafician
    • Doh! Sorry, This was a post meant for the 'Sneakers' thread. My bad.
    • u run a sneaker companny ?neverscared
    • some sweatshop mining in kazachstan and china ?neverscared
    • I listen to my gut feeling. Good advisor.SimonFFM
    • :)fadein11
    • it's funny cause it applies BOTH to sneakers and NFTs. LOL! was that intentional? taking the piss with this post? clever. i likeKrassy
    • not so clever.. considering NFT is only a virutal token ... spot the difference...neverscared
    • shitty sweatshop or not at least u have something to wear...neverscared
    • @neverscared I meant that microkorg's post is clever (not NFts)Krassy
    • i know...neverscared
    • if u use nfts for sneakers it would be accurate... so its just a useless comparisson of two lousy things..neverscared
    • justifying one idiocy with another idiocy ... never a good thing....neverscared
    • lolfadein11
    • NFT = Not Fuckin Trainers :)sab
    • Only sell NFTs, never buydrgs
    • NFts are speculation & conspicuous consumption laid bare. That's why they're a great comparison and mirror to all lesser forms.palimpsest
    • bored apes can´t differentiate between michelangelo and da Vinci, but know the latest sweatshop sneaker creation.. the best art community.neverscared
    • My trainers smell kinda fungible.mort_
    • ^ lolKrassy
    • It’s early days of this new tech and ecosystem. Give it time to iron out the creases. The underlying concept is valid, to make a digital item non fungible.shapesalad
    • Don’t dismiss it too soon. Instead find a way to navigate it and play it, as you’re early and it’s a rare chance to build a reputation in a new sector.shapesalad
    • In regards to nft. Sneakers are plastic shit. Get proper leather shoes and look after them, will last you a life time.shapesalad
    • NFTs are a flip game and hot potato. People making bank though, but will definitely be some heavy losers.BH26
    • ask anyone outside of your circle if they know what a nft is...ArchitectofFate
    • Poggersautoflavour
    • i inverted my opinion and see how kool it all is and bought my first bored iam becoming rich rich rich..neverscared
    • dohh sorry this post was meant to be for the - nft douchebag of the day - threat. my bad
    • bots are jackin up prices and purchasing sneakers ? any links that substantiate that claim ?neverscared
    • "The underlying concept is valid, to make a digital item non fungible." As well as that may be, that is absolutely not what NFTs can ever (ever) promise.Nairn
  • Leigh25

    • hahadopepope
    • Meme's used to be generalized...

    • I own this meme's non-fungible tokenKrassy
    • so Leigh has to pay for posting it or or what rights do you exercise over it exactly?sted
    • I already sued Leigh. QBN is next. Then you're next for commenting on this post, etc. It's humanity evolved with all this NFT stuff, you know. Modern times.Krassy
    • I own one of the people in this memedbloc
  • palimpsest13

    Hot drop coming in.
    face_melter & palimpsest collab.…
    Minting in process. Hit that notification bell.

    • I'll give you 5 dink doinks for that right now!GuyFawkes
    • Current bid is at 60 schmeckles. I'll rent it to you for 5 dink doinks for the duration of the bid.palimpsest
    • I'll give you a special home grown pubic hair collection in a rare used tissue packaging.sted
    • What are the chances of getting a rare legendary red pube? I'm only investing in rare legendaries right now.palimpsest
    • Yeah that's difficult to get hold of these days. I only offer the classics now, like the German Blonde or Gandalf the gray.sted
    • @GuyFawkes Hold onto your dink doinks, the price of schmeckles is drippingsted
    • I be dripping once the bid is over.palimpsest
    • < This is the shit that keeps me coming back. I love it when people run wild with creative based on the content here. \m/kaiyohtee
    • Boom! So Rona, very NFT such crypto! Love itChimp
    • Talking steroid syringe Joe get ready...neverscared
    • At least Joe owns his baldness. tee hee
    • owns his brainlessness too. theheheneverscared
    • All this talk about Daddy Rogan's shiny dome is going to get GuyFawkes wet.
      Fever dreams, I tell ya.
    • I finished the first 4 of the new Ozark, Darlene is just a simplified Wendy Byrde.
      where is the drop you cunts?
    • didnt robo came up with baldness regurlary either ?neverscared
    • Smash That Like Button!utopian
    • I wish that it said "Rogan Rona"utopian
    • no ape? hard passKrassy
    • I’ll give ya 0.000420 lol cubes for itthumb_screws
    • It’s RODAN you fool! ;)futurefood
  • bogue14

    I’ve decided to take a job leading the product design team at MakersPlace.. an NFT marketplace. I don’t know a lot about the space (just what I’ve gleaned from podcasts) so this is a real opportunity for learning after feeling pretty safe in my last few positions. Will be referring back to this thread often to continue to expand the knowledge base. Wish me luck!

    • Good luck. Get that paper!palimpsest
    • Hope you're being compensated reallllly wellnb
    • Not that the job will be bad or anything... just that this job should be paying lots!nb
    • What sort of products does MakersPlace make?dopepope
    • NFTs.palimpsest
    • Obvs they make a marketplacenb
    • sweet! good luckGuyFawkes
    • Run.grafician
    • COURAGE! nice one!~stoplying
    • Don't get me wrong.. I have reservations.. and I'm not in it for the art this time.bogue
    • But I do feel like the internet is changing in a way I no longer fully understand. And this feels like a way to connect back into this change that's happeningbogue
    • What part of money laundering fuck cuckery you don't understand?
    • lol babydickmonospaced
    • Haha.. most of it. So hopefully I’ll be a better money launderer when this is all said and done.bogue
    • Anyway, good luck, man.
    • @bogue this position is about supporting the creators and developing new products for the NFTs space and not producing actual NFTs right?sted
    • oh and good luck :)sted
    • Just make sure they don't pay you in NFTs.palimpsest
    • ya.. correct. Auction experiences, collection experiences, drop experiences, and creator minting experiences.. and whatever else we come up with.bogue
    • and I do get paid in cold hard cash.. but one of the perks is a 400$ a month stipend to buy NFTs on the platform. So we'll see about that.bogue
    • "Get yourself something nice"palimpsest
    • Congrats on the job, MakersPlace is one of the premium marketplaces where you need an invite to join. The $400 each month to spend...microkorg
    • a pretty decent perk. If you invest wisely and do some well timed flips you could make a lot of money.microkorg
    • When you get started there, please action getting rid of their inaccessible text colours - light grey and orange. :)microkorg
  • mantrakid11
    • How much did minting cost?R_Kercz
    • first one was like $100ish but subsequent tokens were about $40-50 each depending on the time of daymantrakid
    • Thanks for the infoR_Kercz
    • dope stuff.neverscared
    • Hey, mantrakid. I will buy this from you. This making it a hiatoric first NFT transaction between qbneroszaq
    • * Thus making it a historical first *zaq
    • Submitted a Bidzaq
    • like that grid long did it take to buy Eth? I am waiting on that so I can get into the game....they say 3-5 days?dkoblesky
    • I don’t get what “purchasing” a $100+ animated gif gets youscarabin
    • I literally just saved it for free?scarabin
    • 3-6 pm est is sometimes a good window for lower gas feesBH26
    • @scarabin by saving it you don't own it though. This concept of a digital artwork being your property is what is truly revolutionary.palimpsest
    • scarabin, it's not a $100+ animated gif, it's $1000+ animated gifs and it's for rich FOMO cunts who don't know any better. Create, troll and profit I guess._niko
    • Having the file on your computer doesn't have any profit as does the selling it on the market. The file you saved is worthless.palimpsest
    • AWESOMEdopepope
    • How is “owning” an animated gif revolutionary?
      What does owning it even mean? Unless i’m going to make a licensed product line it’s worthless
    • tweet it, I'll retweetdopepope
    • Btw mantra, this is beautiful work, my query is not a criticism of your skillscarabin
    • Blockchain is just record-keeping. For some reason people got excited about that and started making records of things for no reasonscarabin
    • Good stuff Nate, love the black and white one.PhanLo
    • I get excited about the work. And cool people making money for cool work. but I hear u scarabin.dopepope
    • LOVEsea_sea
    • i guess it makes more sense if you think about it as a donation to the artistscarabin
    • Mad Skillzdbloc
    • @scarabin, yeah i was definitely where your head is at at first. But its a whole scene / community of collectors and artists buying & selling work, its neat!mantrakid
    • In a way it also acts as a statement on the value of art or just things in general. Value itself is a construct... Whose to say a tomato is worth X, etc. etc.mantrakid
    • @zaq - you rock thanks for bidding, i dont see it on my page but this whole thing is still super new to me.mantrakid
    • @dkoblesky - i hooked up coinbase and had a transfer from my bank to ETH within an hour or 2 i think. It was super convoluted at first but i think i have a...mantrakid
    • handle on how it all works if you want just drop me a line - and I can help answer questions. It took me like 6 hours to figure out what i was doinmantrakid
    • But i have plenty of info now and its going smoothly now that ive minted a few things.mantrakid
    • For me, i basically just consider the costs to be a loss, i dont really expect these to sell, i just wanted to see what it was all about, etcmantrakid
  • JackRyan9

    Just minted this guy...hahahahahaha.…

    • LolzGnash
    • Now we talking!palimpsest
    • Hahafuturefood
    • And at 100 ETH pretty cheap too!NBQ00
    • So, let me get this straight: you grabbed two images off Google, and now you're asking almost 200k for them?Continuity
    • This is the first use of NFT I can really get behind, conceptually. Go, JackRyan!Nairn
    • I can't even wrap my head around this.
      WTF am I doing wrong with my life?
    • fuck yeah! :D
      Continuity think harrddrrrr
    • I didn't just grab these off Google, its my OC bro...hahahaha.JackRyan
    • I'm the guy in the middle.JackRyan
    • I'll give you two dirty socks and a half eaten tuna salad for it.
    • I remember the evening of the first image. When did you get the gang back together for the victory lap image?brandonp
    • Hah! Last year I think? For Mark's birthday. We all had the same clothes still, except for Brad's shirt.JackRyan
    • Oh my god yes.garbage
    • LOLpango
    • Yaasssss!maquito
    • QBN Mugsfaxion
    • How much did it cost you to create this item (token, fee,... whatever it all is)?Calderone2000
    • I think it ended up being around $65.JackRyan
    • I think it ended up being around $65.JackRyan
    • I'm your first follower dudeCalderone2000
    • ^ Nice!JackRyan
  • PhanLo14

    Sold my first NFT today. Bought a Lambo and a yacht.

    • Just the one Lambo?!microkorg
    • Congrats if you genuinely sold your first NFT today though!microkorg
    • 0.2 ETH so not quite Lambo levels yet hehe. Still seems strange that people will buy a jpg but I’m fine with it :-)PhanLo
    • Cheers Microkorg!PhanLo
    • good for you. fleece those fuckers!hans_glib
    • Nice dude, what platform did you use?_niko
    • It’s on Opensea, my mate set up a sort of gallery so he did all the work really.PhanLo
    • During a gold rush, set up a brothel.palimpsest
    • Congrats!OBBTKN
    • how much is the minting these days ?neverscared
    • Minting is nothing on OpenSea for Artist . Buyer pays.microkorg
    • dont u have to have one piece minted first ?neverscared
    • Congrats man! Your work is fantastic!antimotion
    • link to the one you sold?dbloc
    • It's also posted on here I think so just right click it :-)PhanLo
    • I don't get it. Does it not show as sold or is this another one for sale? Forgive my ignorance.dbloc
    • Still trying to figure all this out.dbloc
    • If you look under the title it says 2 owners, there's 5 in the edition and one was bought by…PhanLo
  • neverscared13

    The NFT market has imploded to almost nothing over the past month, with sales in every single category almost completely drying up.…

    thanks for all the exuberant toxic hustle my fellow designers.

    • no more lambos only wildfires and drought....thanks to the masters of the universe in silicion valley ... ;)neverscared
    • I just hope a few of you made some coin from the craze.inteliboy
    • ShockingGnash
    • *poof*, like all things 100% digital, there is nothing but supply/demand, no substance (not yet anyway)formed
    • Haha from the beginning this was shit
    • @formed Yes, an old Rembrandt will always be more valuable
    • Told ya. Fucking shit. I'm glad its dead.
    • babydick can you predict some stocks next pleasegrafician
    • And if those artists who sold it don't re-advertise the NFT in the future and if cryptos are bleeding nobody will buy that shit again.NBQ00
    • what do stocks have to do with NFTs, grafician? babydick was rightmonospaced
    • We did it!drgs
    • its forever , was the slogan all the time... flippin embarrising.neverscared
    • I'm no expert when it comes to stocks, sorry. Don't risk too much, I guess? Hard work is better than looking all day at charts and shit.
    • I invest in stocks and I don’t look at charts all day and shit. I only check to see how much I made or lost once in awhile.monospaced
    • you guys really take everything literally? It was a joke about the "foretelling" powers of babydickgrafician
  • microkorg2

    Lots of criticism over pissing money up the wall.
    Would be interested to know how many of you guys

    - pour money into souping up their cars they'll never get back
    - pour thousands into music making machines that they're never going to get an income back from
    - buy fuckin' SUPREME gear
    - Have expensive eating/drinking tastes ... it all comes out the same way

    (Sidenote: All of the above are in no way GOOD for the environment)

    Why do you do it?
    It makes you happy. It's a hobby. You feel part of a community.

    If I can make art in my chill time, rather than watching Netflix that keeps me happy and sane. If I end up making a few quid from it then 'woohoo!'.


    I will say I have learned my lesson of minting on Foundation when GAS is high and have pissed away a chunk of money doing this (about £300) but will get that back at somepoint.

    • i kinda agree...

      spend your money on what you want and fuck the rest...

    • im not being facetious._me_
    • Jesus, this is boring the read... how old are u ? 11 ? that u have to write self defence boredom like this. it´s hysterical !neverscared
    • What if don't do any of the above? What if I lead a very frugal life? Does that mean I'm better than you?palimpsest
    • exactly _me_microkorg
    • Grandpas engage! Diaper crew, all in! Do it for Romania!cherub
    • This is a dumb argument, a basic false dichotomy.
      Somebody owning a car does not justify another selling/buying NFTs.
    • not about owning a car. about the hobby of souping up cars. you NEVER get back the money you put in.microkorg
    • The human's need to belong to a group is a capitalists dream come true.shapesalad
    • if u enjoy stuff that runs on petrol and destroys the enviromennt i.d say go for it...microkorg
    • If it makes people happy then great, but in terms of buying, I don't personally get it at all. On the other hand, would be interested in selling.kalkal
    • I don't get the Buying part either. Why someone would part with megabucks for a jpeg, but they DO and they love to collect.microkorg
    • And I'd never thought myself a collector but on HicEtNunc i've found myself collecting pieces.microkorg
    • While if you enjoy stuff that ruins the environment I would say DON'T go for it.
      Live your truth though.
    • The things you list give pleasure in return for money. Not sure what your point isdrgs
    • I get £ in turn for my pleasure (doing art)microkorg
    • I pleasure myself for £ on OnlyFans.Nairn
    • It’s all good, the problem is the “haha you idiots look at me I got lucky and made millions off these useless things and the rest of you are too dumb to” crowd._niko
    • i do 1 (just bikes not cars), 3 and 4... i love it. I know people that just sit on their cash, dead boring. enjoy it while you can...necromation
    • Looks more like the nft fans still use diapers, coz they never have never grown up from their baby mindsets ... alone reading this post
    • u can do what u want and love it... but i guess u are on the crap side of history when u have to write an - what aboutism - to justify.neverscared
    • Def in this category. Examining my reactions.doriangrey
    • still better to do somefing for romania than for the cryptodouchesphere.neverscared
    • lol, you might get that $300 back? You didn’t have to spend it in the first place.monospaced
    • doing non of these things. living a simple life.milfhunter
    • Do you do all of those things, microkorg?Nairn
    • some rich sillicion valley fart problably found 50.000 sheep that give him 300 buckeroos for minting.. he fooled you, dont be fooled twice.neverscared
    • So basically Microkorg, you need to get the permission of a bunch of Romanian hairdressers on an internet forum, before you spend your own money. Got it?cherub
    • not a just a bunch... a very special bunch of hairdressers... sadly enough the nft babies have no hair on the head... but shit in their diapers and toxicity atneverscared
    • their fingertips with their co2 burning hustle.neverscared
    • ExactlyESKEMA
    • It’s indeed sad that he has to write this, but it’s because of people like you neverscaredESKEMA
    • That always think they know bestESKEMA
    • His new name is "always scared of his own shadow" and "always regurgitating Elon Musk propaganda" (ie. crypto causes CO2)cherub
    • No car, no Moog, Supreme is for retards, I don't drink and I rarely eat something expensive. No Netflix, it sucks balls.
    • lol at the response. let the guy enjoy the thing he enjoys. who gives af.inteliboy
    • I wish somebody could take this over the top response and draw a caricature of all the triggered clown old grandpas that got upset over thischerub
    • Ben Garrison may be the man!fadein11
    • You're welcome.…
    • Palimpsest always delivers.Nairn
    • *Tips fedorapalimpsest
    • thanks, if it would be from an intelligent person i would take - they know best - stuff seriously, when it comes from an anti-intellectual it´s puny affection.neverscared
    • not only anti- intelllectual but also a lying losers https://www.theguard…neverscared
    • guess that goes hand in hand right cherub.. you are probalby too dumb to evalute, because of dumb though.neverscared
    • buahaha, i think cherub is deep in the crypto crash shit...that elon musk comment is very desperate.neverscared
    • What percentage of NTF collectors are out there because they genuinely like it vs the ones who thing it might be a money spinner?kalkal
    • *think - I'd wager there are more cash grabbers than the actual genuine "I do it because I enjoy it" collectors.kalkal
  • ********

    Shit is dead

    • Close enoughgrafician
    • Nah, my crypto mate is saying it'll make a comeback. Just get a roadmap and next year it'll be flying again.PhanLo
    • Twitter is also about to make a comeback!utopian
    • lets see how this comment and thread ages. I imagine just like the bitcoin one...inteliboy
    • The technology has other appliances. However, the 1000$ cat gif market might be dying or dead.jagara
    • finallymilfhunter
    • I was being sarcastic, I really hope they die because they're just another layer of fucking lameness.PhanLo
    • hipsters on the front line of commoditisation. next wave NFTs synonymous with negative equity. buy a car and the NFT represents the loan contract etc.kingsteven
    • This has to be the epitome of consumerism - paying ridiculous amounts for literally nothing. Thank God it's finally dead.formed
    • folks wallets with a 90% devalued beeple artwork (that they've just realised is utter shite) alongside a NFT thats just a HSBC logo representing their debt.kingsteven
    • Time to buydrgs
  • zaq13

    • loltank02
    • "I don't believe in NFTs, so let me try to get attention by creating content about NFTs"ESKEMA
    • hahautopian
    • Sold this gif as NFT for $500KNBQ00
    • Never seen so many designers jerking each other off as on twitter these days with the nft stuff.neverscared
    • Post some examples, never scared :)NBQ00
    • not worthy the time... :)neverscared
    • HahahaGuyFawkes
  • milfhunter5
    • I still can't believe this but apparently it's true?NBQ00
    • What those numbers correspond to:
      "In under half a year, one artist’s multi-edition NFTs have a footprint of 260 MWh, 160 tonnes of CO2 emissions."
    • You can't just go posting numbers willy-nilly.palimpsest
    • LOOK AT THE NUMBERS! its uuu alot!milfhunter
    • 1000000000000000 is also a lot!palimpsest
    • It is what it isgrafician
    • what bugs me out a little is that designers like gmunk, who pushes shamanism and psychadelic drugs, shamelessly post pictures of nature and say how beautifulneverscared
    • the planet is, and then pull out their nft hustle.. isn´t that hypocrisy at its best?neverscared
    • Financial profit trumps everything. It's a game changer.palimpsest
    • Gmunk is now spamming his twitter with NFT‘s. He just sold some video for $20K.NBQ00
    • well, not really, the wildfires will trump everything espeically newly accomplished richness in californianeverscared
    • We should all go and hug a tree, say we are sorry, delete our NFTs and put or Apple toys away. Then stick to mud sculptures and drawing in sand with twigs.shapesalad
    • Crypto will not survive 2020sdrgs
    • Money laundering, speculation, pyramid schemes...
      The revolution will not be televised.
    • I like your thinking @shapesaladmilfhunter
    • @shapesalad nope, we should wait till the tecnology is mature, proof of stake... timing is important,neverscared
    • @shapesalad
      It's too hard counting to one thousand so let's get rid of numbers.
    • the trick is not that it uses PoW the trick is basically it's a scam, new users need to put money in so that the older users cash outgrafician
    • THEN it's the pow and no, poS not solving anything as that reduces security of the blockchaingrafician
    • also if they are waiting for pos, there are already PoS blockchains, nobody uses those, it's just a pretext to delaygrafician
    • and no, there will not be an incentive to not use NFTs or crypto in the West, as all the dirty mining and energy loss is in the East mostly Chinagrafician
    • remember last time we said "ah it's something far away in Chyna, it won't affect us" it was 1 year ago and it was a global pandemicgrafician
    • Ok, I am convinced not to go into NFTs.SimonFFM
    • Grafician, same was said when Bitcoin was $10 then $100, then $1000 and so on.NBQ00
    • Stop making artists feel guilty!Gnash
    • You guys just don’t understand that some sacrifices must be made for new art to flourishGnash
    • Not everything is gloom and doom. Plant some basil and you're good. Art finds a way.palimpsest
    • Besides, is climate change really man-made? I’m not so sure anymoreGnash
    • Gnash has a point. We've created a toxic society were people are afraid of everybody's judgment. Why is it to hard to say "Bitch, I wanna get paid!"?palimpsest
    • @Gnash Do we even exist?milfhunter
    • that's the spirit, milfGnash
    • Gnash getting more converts, preaching the good word!palimpsest
    • Is man not part of nature? Is a brick house more artificial than a robin's nest? The current state of nature is the work of nature itself.palimpsest
    • ^ would you mind if I NFT that little nugget?Gnash
    • (i've already planted the basil)Gnash
    • XD
      Just get me my cut.
    • palimpsest, it's not cool using the word Bitch. Ask Continuity.NBQ00
    • @NBQ00
      What's not cool was being a little bitch about it. Get over it!
    • isn‘t this rather a sign that global capitalism is putting value in art? if the free market shows the way, it means we are putting energy in artistic creations.uan
    • I am surprised there isn't more outcry for the energy/heat crypto/nft's produce. At least with other products, they bring some value to the world.formed
    • crypto/nft's, not so much, purely based on speculation without anything tangible (well, beyond the energy suck).formed
    • " it means we are putting energy in artistic creations."
      Literally. ; )
    • Jesus we need Jesus in our lives, let the light in and it'll all be ok.shapesalad
    • @NBQ00 hahashapesalad
    • fuel for the fire !neverscared
    • No wonder why the gas prices are so high
    • How is energy costed into the crypto equation, then? 77 years x my annual electricity consumption must be paid for somewhere?Nairn
    • seems like FUD to me.inteliboy
  • drgs11

    I'm annoyed by these NFTs already

    • do you need a hug?fadein11
    • anyone that falls for these willformed
    • I’m annoyed that I don’t know how to monetize it to idiots. I guess to really make big $ you need a big social media following.NBQ00
    • Signs you are getting old.utopian
    • My QBN posts are for sale, btw, let's cut the middle man and just paypal me the moneydrgs
    • ^you got to mint your postsrenderedred
    • Just take my word, the post is yoursdrgs
    • Just realized, NTFs are basically receiptsdrgs
    • Yep. People are so excited about receipts they’ve started buying stuff that’s essentially worthless just to get onescarabin
    • Very tired of it as well.Fabricio
  • neverscared8

    An NFT of Jack Dorsey's first tweet bought for $2.9M is now valued at less than $4…

  • microkorg10

    Realised that it's been a year now that I've been creating, selling and collecting NFTs.

    These are my creations from the past year. Some 1 of 1's, Some editions of 10 or 20 and a few generative pieces that sold in their hundreds.

    • congrats to your first nft anniversary you are pushing the limits....neverscared
    • to gas us all to death with co2 .. ;) just kidding..tezos forever right ?neverscared
    • Certainly on most of my latest generative works are all tezos based. Gas prices really priced me out of minting on FND. But they seem to have got sensible againmicrokorg
    • Couple of tezos generative projects in the works for when fxhash relaunches out of Beta. And another AI series that may be my first mints on OpenSea.microkorg
    • Also an audio/video piece thats already finished but Im not sure what to do with yet.microkorg
    • How much $ have you madedrgs
    • I've not 'cashed' any NFT earnings into FIAT. In terms of value currently in crypto I've got more than I've ever earned in a year doing freelancing on the side.microkorg
    • And probably the same again in terms of NFT's I've collected that've increased in value.
      Nowhere near a Lambo yet!
    • So good, would love to see better resolution on some of the city sci-fi can't really tell what they areHayoth
    • @microkorg, do you use Manifold for your contract or simply mint on the platforms?antimotion
    • good for you.milfhunter
    • i guess if u cant even put a price on what your value is you have earned its kinda fugazi fake, so more than freelance.. 6000 euro then ?neverscared
    • Never. £12k sitting hard wallet. About the same worth in Jpegs I could sell today. Then my tezos collection.microkorg
    • Antimotion, just use the platform contracts for the moment.microkorg
    • Hayoth, all the 'sightings' pieces are on Foundation. You can click to see them high res there - then right-click-n-save ;) https://foundation.a…microkorg
    • I've lost/invested about 20$ FYAT (mouthed as CHYNA) in minting and buying but art is priceless.palimpsest
    • Thanks micro. I used to photoshop robots into classical oil paintingsHayoth
    • Nice!scarabin
    • Thanks, MK, appreciate the response ; ) wonderful pieces! Best of luck on future drops!antimotion
  • Nairn10

    Bluntly - if people like some of yous'ere are making moolah off this shit, then good for you and may you reap it.

    Just recognise this is the peak of a wave of utterly ridiculous shite that - in its currently-accepted format - is of absolutely no value or worth.

    Fuck all the crypto twats and finance cunts that are bloating this shit into some apparent significance whilst knowing of the entirely empty foaminess of the foundations. Really, just die.

    That said, I'm curious to see what Actually-Useful variant on this technology comes up with. Early days.

    But NFTs are shite. Please know this.

    • Bookmarking this so I can come back in two years and see how utterly wrong I am, lolNairn
    • Actually - there's an idea for a shit small webapp in that: "Bookmark this and remind me about it in X days".Nairn
    • You are not wrong. NFTs are shite right now.palimpsest
    • i'm disappointed that the protecting these artworks wasn't first priority, i think that would have made this level an "Actually-Useful variant" :)sted
    • At least tulips smell nice.
    • I posted something here a while back that speaks to that sort of solution, sted:…
      No blockchain tho :.(
    • when the beginning of sth is shit.. it should be just left ... otherwise it just destroys... but greed is just to attractive for too many. and then we all canneverscared
    • pay for their mistakes... history repeats itself sadly.neverscared
    • @Nairn thanks, i'm checking.
      @neverscared think of these times like its the wild west before sheriffs were invented :)
    • yes.. not a a massacre on indians and buffalos ...but on the enviroment..good comparrison.neverscared
    • not a good idea to compare your movement with uncivillised times.neverscared
    • You would call these civilized times in the crypto world?sted
    • I'm bookmarking this statement too. "But NFTs are shite. Please know this." -Nairncherub
    • other clever statements: "The internet won't last, it's just a fad."cherub
    • "Why do I care that this facebook has my data? It's not like they can do anything with it."cherub
    • I did a show with a guy from Bristol back in the early 2000's, he had exhibited a brick with a crude cave painting he'd hid a museum. It sold for £10,000PhanLo
    • I thought who'd buy that? It's funny, but really it's an expensive joke. Turn's out he's a multi-millionaire and I'm on QBN.PhanLo
    • NFT's kindo remind me of the early street art boom.PhanLo
    • There are investment firms that used to play in the art world, actively hiring motion designers etc, to create loops of their artists artwork to turn into NFTs.shapesalad
    • They have deep pockets, and clients with even deeper pockets. NFTs will evolve to 'something' meaningful. At the moment it's very early. Dismiss it at your ...shapesalad
    • @cherub - what technology do NFTs per se deliver vs. the enitriety of momentum that was computer communcations, at the point that was said?Nairn
    • ie, shitloads of internet smarts, way above my paygrade -vs.- some low grade Time/Newsweek/ Wapo journo (can't recall) two generations ago?Nairn
    • If i memba right, he was ridiculed at the time for that statement, but let's be retrospectively speculative, why not?Nairn
    • I'll say this - a block should never need more than 640Kb ;)Nairn
    • looks like your are running a double strategy to keep it hyped up... the wild west thing and the digital renaissance slogan..neverscared
  • mort_17

    • I like it. It also points out the futility of marriage.CyBrainX
  • NBQ001

    Paris Hilton: “NFTs have literally taken over my entire mind and soul,” she tells me. “I’m obsessed. It’s all I think about. I’ve never been so excited about something in my life because I really see this as the future. I’m just so obsessed with it that I actually have dreams about it every single night.”…

    • LolNBQ00
    • that's not hotKrassy
    • http://www.dirtyandt…grafician
    • Say no more, I’m in!Gnash
    • she'll say anything for the right pricerenderedred
    • I'm about 2.5 Paris Hilton's entire mind and souls excited about my Tesco delivery this eveningkingsteven
    • Paris Hilton is 40nb
    • I wonder what I would do if I was born rich.
    • every single night ? she must really be into it... what´s that dream about ? CO2 gasing the planet probably...neverscared
    • She gets it.palimpsest
    • Her bj skills are wack as fuck
    • Her entire mind? That’s not saying muchfuturefood
    • Shes following lots of small artists on twitter leaving them totally stoked. She seems to be participating in the social a bitmicrokorg
    • ...and of course she's launching her own NFTsmicrokorg
    • Of all the things to go ‘all in’ on. LOLmort_
    • kudos. she was in the crypto game way back.inteliboy
    • She'll pay one of friends to purchase one of her NFT's for millions and then pay them back the same mount to get free PR and boost her value, just wait.utopian
    • She sounds like Bennnmonospaced