Out of context: Reply #42

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  • mantrakid11
    • How much did minting cost?R_Kercz
    • first one was like $100ish but subsequent tokens were about $40-50 each depending on the time of daymantrakid
    • Thanks for the infoR_Kercz
    • dope stuff.neverscared
    • Hey, mantrakid. I will buy this from you. This making it a hiatoric first NFT transaction between qbneroszaq
    • * Thus making it a historical first *zaq
    • Submitted a Bidzaq
    • like that grid long did it take to buy Eth? I am waiting on that so I can get into the game....they say 3-5 days?dkoblesky
    • I don’t get what “purchasing” a $100+ animated gif gets youscarabin
    • I literally just saved it for free?scarabin
    • 3-6 pm est is sometimes a good window for lower gas feesBH26
    • @scarabin by saving it you don't own it though. This concept of a digital artwork being your property is what is truly revolutionary.palimpsest
    • scarabin, it's not a $100+ animated gif, it's $1000+ animated gifs and it's for rich FOMO cunts who don't know any better. Create, troll and profit I guess._niko
    • Having the file on your computer doesn't have any profit as does the selling it on the market. The file you saved is worthless.palimpsest
    • AWESOMEdopepope
    • How is “owning” an animated gif revolutionary?
      What does owning it even mean? Unless i’m going to make a licensed product line it’s worthless
    • tweet it, I'll retweetdopepope
    • Btw mantra, this is beautiful work, my query is not a criticism of your skillscarabin
    • Blockchain is just record-keeping. For some reason people got excited about that and started making records of things for no reasonscarabin
    • Good stuff Nate, love the black and white one.PhanLo
    • I get excited about the work. And cool people making money for cool work. but I hear u scarabin.dopepope
    • LOVEsea_sea
    • i guess it makes more sense if you think about it as a donation to the artistscarabin
    • Mad Skillzdbloc
    • @scarabin, yeah i was definitely where your head is at at first. But its a whole scene / community of collectors and artists buying & selling work, its neat!mantrakid
    • In a way it also acts as a statement on the value of art or just things in general. Value itself is a construct... Whose to say a tomato is worth X, etc. etc.mantrakid
    • @zaq - you rock thanks for bidding, i dont see it on my page but this whole thing is still super new to me.mantrakid
    • @dkoblesky - i hooked up coinbase and had a transfer from my bank to ETH within an hour or 2 i think. It was super convoluted at first but i think i have a...mantrakid
    • handle on how it all works if you want just drop me a line - and I can help answer questions. It took me like 6 hours to figure out what i was doinmantrakid
    • But i have plenty of info now and its going smoothly now that ive minted a few things.mantrakid
    • For me, i basically just consider the costs to be a loss, i dont really expect these to sell, i just wanted to see what it was all about, etcmantrakid

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