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  • Ramanisky212

    It’s back Baby!!!!

  • nb0

    This thread is on like page five. But my friend just caught it this week in nyc.

    Wild times.

    • blame the guy from previous postpango
    • @nb i got it when i got home after 36 hours of travel, and i'm fully jabbed. but it isn't anything serious just colds what looks like goes away in a day or twosted
    • I'm sure it would be much worse without the jab because I was stressful and weak as fuck when I left melbourne.sted
    • double jabbed but still caught it. tee heeBrabo_Brabo
    • the 'worse if you hadnt been' an unfalsifiable comfort blanket.Brabo_Brabo
    • annnnd here comes the idiot. he still believes in gene therapy conspiracypango
    • The idiots here are the ones who took the experimental gene therapy. The virus is no big deal.Brabo_Brabo
    • The virus has killed a million people. The vaccine has saved more. It’s not gene therapy. Wrong on all counts. You’re a moron.monospaced
    • The un vaxxed people I know have had it just the same as the vaxxed. No difference.Chimp
    • Bobo Being Boboutopian
    • Chimp. Confirmation bias? How many people do you know? What's the sample size?pango
    • @Chimp, then how do you explain that most of the deaths are among the unvaccinated? This isn't even close, it's like 90%+.monospaced
  • utopian1

    Hong Kong bet on zero-Covid. Now it's facing a 'preventable disaster'

    Morgues are nearly at capacity, hospitals overwhelmed and, as fears grow of a citywide lockdown, panicked shoppers have stripped supermarket shelves bare.

    Hong Kong -- once lauded as a zero-Covid success story -- is now battling a deadly outbreak reminiscent of the early days of the pandemic, despite having had more than two years to prepare.

    With locally transmitted cases surging past 312,000 in the city of 7.4 million in just the last two weeks, hospitals and embattled health workers have been stretched to breaking point. The numbers are likely to be far higher due to suspicions people are not reporting their positive test results for fear of being separated from families and put into government isolation facilities.

    Although the rampant surge has been driven by the less deadly Omicron variant, Hong Kong's deaths are also rising -- particularly among the city's unvaccinated elderly. According to Our World in Data, which uses data from Johns Hopkins University, Hong Kong reported more deaths per million people in the week to March 3 than any country or territory.…

  • drgs1

    3 weeks since the curse has been lifted (restrictions removed), but I still have face mask abstinence. Just walked into a store: "Oh my god, I don't have my mask on!"
    That constant feeling that something's missing...

    • Keep masks on in closed spaces at least till Summer, just in case?grafician
    • Do you wear your mask in the shower?utopian
    • The only time I take it offdrgs
    • Apparently masks are most effective when in a car alone.Chimp
    • keep the mask, especially when stealing and in bed for fun.neverscared
    • I only wear mine to jerk off nowFNP14
  • Chimp-5

    Peer reviewed paper:

    “Regular use of ivermectin as a prophylactic agent was associated with significantly reduced COVID-19 infection, hospitalization, and mortality rates.”…

    • Drat, if only it was more profitable!Brabo_Brabo
    • How many lives could have been saved if ivermectin was used?Chimp
    • anyone can peer review an article on cureus. if you scroll down to the comments folks are tearing apart the study for COI, political interference and designkingsteven
    • It does eradicate all roundworms, threadworms, and other parasites if used properly.utopian
    • Utopian, are you triggered by the science again? ;)Chimp
    • Yes, I'm triggered by Pseudoscience.utopian
    • fuck off cuntBusterBoy
    • Perhaps stay in side and put your mask on. Some more evidence to trigger you here. https://www.scienced…Chimp
    • Utopian, I know it's hard to accept the science when it goes against your SJW beliefs but do try to stay calm. We'd all miss you if you weren't here.Chimp
    • Username checks out.utopian
    • Have you tried using two masks? It might help you from getting so triggered.Chimp
    • Chimp you sound like the next pr2. Don’t be that fucking stupid. You come off as a first class ass fuck of a soulless cuntmonospaced
  • yuekit0

    Covid May Cause Changes in the Brain, New Study Finds…

    The study, involving people aged 51 to 81, found shrinkage and tissue damage primarily in brain areas related to sense of smell; some of those areas are also involved in other brain functions, the researchers said.

    “To me, this is pretty convincing evidence that something changes in brains of this overall group of people with Covid,” said Dr. Serena Spudich, chief of neurological infections and global neurology at the Yale School of Medicine...

    "There is strong evidence for brain-related abnormalities in COVID-19...the infected participants also showed on average larger cognitive decline between the two timepoints. These mainly limbic brain imaging results may be the in vivo hallmarks of a degenerative spread of the disease via olfactory pathways, of neuroinflammatory events, or of the loss of sensory input due to anosmia. Whether this deleterious impact can be partially reversed, or whether these effects will persist in the long term, remains to be investigated with additional follow up."

  • grafician-1

    "Shanghai Suspends In-Person Classes at Schools as Covid Outbreak Spreads"…

    • Omicron Variant is very hard to eradicate once you got the initial cases - this is why all countries basically gave up in recent months on all restrictions...grafician
    • Chyna made a big big mistake with their zero-covid policy, they will suffer economically for years to come from thisgrafician
    • 5.9% growth instead of 6%.. how will they survive?Brabo_Brabo
    • The West has taken the brunt of things, I reckon.Brabo_Brabo
    • You don't quite get it, if they don't grow, they crashgrafician
    • Everyone I know who’s had omnicron said it was like a bad cold.Chimp
    • Chimp doesn’t have the brain power to realize it also KILLED thousands and still does. But please share more idiotic anecdotesmonospaced
    • Everyone you know who had omicron probably was vaccinated too. You didn’t know anyone who didn’t survive. Moron.monospaced
    • Chyna has very low vaccination numbers and herd immunity due to their "zero covid policy" locking down cities hurts their economygrafician
    • https://www.reuters.…grafician
  • grafician-1

    “China places all Shenzhen residents under lockdown: AFP”…

    Oh no

    • So supply chain disruptions incoming 3...2...grafician
    • ^ "Port of Shenzhen is the world's fourth busiest container port."grafician
  • PonyBoy1

    Pfizer CEO says a fourth booster shot 'is necessary'…

    Same day China shuts down Shenzhen and daBomba tests positive... *gets out Conspiracy Theory Handbook

    • But wait..I though that the war in Ukraine eliminated the Coronavirus? The news mentions nothing about the existence of the virus anymore.utopian
    • big surpriseGuyFawkes
    • “... for me to receive my bonus”monNom
  • nb-2


  • utopian0

    Omicron BA.2 sub-variant spreading in New York City

    According to New York State health department data, BA.2 is doubling in proportion statewide every two weeks and represents about one in 10 sequenced cases.

    "Between February 27 and March 5, 2022 CDC’s program for HHS Region 2 (New York, New Jersey, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico) estimated 100% of samples were the omicron variant, compared to 100% in the previous one-week period. During this time period, 82.7% of omicron sequences were lineage BA.1.1.529, and 17.3% were BA.2," the state reported.…

    • I really miss lockdowns!utopian
    • If this is aka deltacron then it has the same potentcy as vanila omicron. So, a 'nothingburger'Brabo_Brabo
    • "They" really want another postal vote for the midterms, eh. Cheating caaants.Brabo_Brabo
    • it's not deltacron, that's a nonsence. BA.2 is the dominant omicron strain in the UK, i've had it for a week now it's a mild, fruity covid :Dkingsteven
    • from my experience and others it seems you only test positive for this one once you're no longer symptomatic/ contagious hence 'stealth'kingsteven
    • fuck it, it's better than world war 3.ApeRobot
    • Deaths are now below pre pandemic levels in the U.K.Chimp
    • kingsteven, yes folk I know that have tested positive recently has been a few days after they've been showing symptoms. def stealthmicrokorg
  • Brabo_Brabo-3

    • Get VaXxed so you too can catch it!Brabo_Brabo
    • Get VaXxed so you don't die from it!fooler
    • Pity. I'd laugh like a drain if 0bamma croaked it.Brabo_Brabo
    • And only a year into his 3rd term!Brabo_Brabo
    • How many people do you guys know who have died of omnicron that didn’t already have a serious illness?Chimp
    • i've got omicron but i feel like i'm dying just from reading these side noteskingsteven
    • I had Omnicron at Christmas and I thought it was just a hangover.Chimp
    • yeah, not even a bad hangoverkingsteven
    • I’ve had hangovers that were worse and lasted longer.Chimp
    • YBoBo For Brains!utopian
    • Triggered again Utopian?Chimp
  • nb3
  • mort_-1

  • Salarrue14

  • nb5

    Finally got a booster.


  • nb5

    “According to Pfizer, about 3.8% of their clinical trial participants experienced fatigue as a side effect and 2% got a headache [after receiving a booster.]

    3.8%? 2%? I call bullshit!

    Me, last night and today:

    • I got the Pfizer booster back in January.
      Not a single side-effect.
    • Could a massive pharmaceutical lie? This couldn’t be!Chimp
    • ^ Name checks out.Continuity
    • Well I got chilllllsnb
    • They’re multiplyingnb
    • lol @nbstoplying
    • it's electrifyingimbecile
    • a slight migraine that last about 3 hoursutopian
  • Chimp-5

    “ A study concludes that masks in schools are not associated with lower transmission of COVID”…

    • FCM mandates in schools were not associated with lower SARS-CoV-2 incidence or transmission. Mask mandates != mask usekingsteven
    • it seems the pupils didn't wear masks at lunch & play and a few other errors in the analysis. still not peer reviewed + will likely get a substantial edit soonkingsteven
    • Scotland has much tighter mask rules than England yet has higher number.sChimp
    • Also think of all the harm masks have done to children's education.Chimp
    • I mean, youve just done it again. Mask rules != people wearing masks. I don't support mask mandates and just said they don't work.kingsteven
    • masks do work, if you actually wear them.kingsteven
    • In lab tests masks work but in real life situations the evidence that they work is dubious at best.Chimp
    • So much harm has been done to children being forced to use masks for an illness that doesn't affect them.Chimp
    • A kid could infect his entire fam tho'
      Around here now, children get infected at school then go infect other family members - sure, it's Omicron, but still...
    • So the masks weren’t effective but they did harm an entire generation’s mental health. More people died of suicide than Covid in Spain.Chimp
    • @Chimp That's a disingenuous interpretation of the facts. While Spain did have an uptick in suicides, it was due to Spain fumbling the way the handled..garbage
    • ..the pandemic from the outset, to needing to have ridiculously severe lockdowns to get a hold on it. The increased suicidality is a metric of..garbage
    • ..oh shit we were doing this wrong. People weren't killing themselves over masks. They were watching their friends and family die and couldn't go outside.garbage
    • But if they did go outside, they would essentially be killing themselves because Spain was being ravaged.garbage
    • https://www.ncbi.nlm…garbage
    • You can't deny that masks have played a massive part in the unnecessary fear and thus have played a part in the suicide increase.Chimp
    • Just look at the countries that had softer restrictions and compare them the places like Italy. These restriction don't work. Only virtue signalers want them.Chimp
    • Any, covid is over now. Only the most extreme SJWs use masks these days.Chimp
    • Hey chimp. Tell me more about the harm masks did to kids. Do you even have kids? I do and they didn’t cause harm. Idiot.monospaced
    • Only people scared of masks are the biggest pussies around like chimp. Loser bitch scared to wear a mask like a fucking science denying asshat.monospaced
    • I bet you’re the kind of fucktard that tells his dentist masks aren’t useful. Bitch.monospaced
    • Talk to the parents of the kids that have killed then selves. Only SJW idiots deny the damage they have done.Chimp
    • I’m sorry you are so triggered by facts. Classic SJW. Go back to your safe space. We’d all miss you if you had a stroke or something.Chimp
    • Sorry mate, but I sent you a full study on Spain, actual facts and numbers that show that the slight uptick in suicides are due to watching their friends..garbage
    • ..and families die and then having a severe 5 week lockdown with 1 hour outdoor time. Why? Because they didn't start masking and SD immediately.garbage
    • And you have anecdotal evidence of claims that kids killed themselves because they had to wear masks. It's not the masks, it the unending pandemic.garbage
    • I'm guessing what you read is sourcing studies from AIER. It's a libertarian think tank so don't get scared.garbage
    • The right has really jumped on this:…garbage
    • They only mention masks once when they very unprofessionally add an editorial in their conclusions. But you know, libertarians are gonna libertarian.garbage
    • /novelgarbage
    • You’re triggered by other peoples kids who you’ve been lied to about by propaganda because you’re a goddamn pussymonospaced
    • I’m triggered by morons like you who have no stake in the game acting like your facts are based on reality and pretending to care about kids. Fuck off.monospaced
    • Btw. Covid killed millions of people you heartless cunt. Go back to your safe space of bigotry and ivermectin in your vagina.monospaced
    • @mono Real talk, there's no need to get foamed at the mouth. Chimp's wrong and I laid it all out there for him to (not) read. He's only little.garbage
    • No need for mouth foaming. People have different points of views.
      More people under 50 died of suicide in Spain than Covid, sorry if this fact triggers some.
    • My opinion is that masks played a big part of that, especially when you're forced to wear them in the street and kids had to use them while playing sport.Chimp
    • My friends kids are now too scared to go outside without a mask on.Chimp
    • Your opinion isn't the fact though, which was my point. The studies I linked show that the uptick in Spanish suicides..garbage
    • "3671 people died by suicide in 2019 in Spain and 3941 people died by suicide in 2020." since you won't read it.garbage
    • Aren't all children, and it's not children going "OH GOD I HAVE TO WEAR A MASK GUESS I'LL KILL MYSELF". So maybe just admit you're wrong.garbage
    • I'm not going to get foamy or triggered, but if you want to keep going I'm going to bill you because one of my bread and butters is medical publishing.garbage
    • That's fine you have a different opinion :)Chimp
    • I literally get paid to know the things you can't seem to grasp. So maybe stop bringing shoptalk here for me, it's fucking Friday.garbage
    • I have some cheap cloths going that might help wipe the froth from your mouth and keyboard. 10€ each, interested?Chimp
    • Bit of a stretch to consider measured responses and data sets as frothing at the mouth. You just can't admit you're wrong, and you have no legitimate response.garbage
    • And that's fine, I had no expectation of you actually learning anything, I'm just posting facts for posterity, counter to your firehose of bullshit.garbage
    • Children were not harmed by wearing masks. I have three of them and they're all totally fine. My son even wore one at his sisters bday party this weekend.mathinc
    • I asked him why he did that, and he replied that he wore his mask because he still had a cold and didn't want to get anyone sick.mathinc
    • So anecdotally (not unlike your biased studies), mask use in children helps them empathetically think of others wellbeing.mathinc
    • ..Just to be clear, you're responding to chimp, right? Only asking because per usual, he never provides sources or data.garbage
    • And that's because there's no data that concludes with "MaSkS mAkE KiDs KiLL tHemseLvEs".garbage
    • Also high-five to your son. Must be refreshing to see a selfless take from the kids.garbage
    • Yes, in response to Chimp, and all people who claim masking children is child abuse.mathinc
  • yuekit5

    The largest ivermectin trial conducted so far concludes there is no difference compared with placebo.…

    • why are they even botheringhans_glib
    • Just about half a year ago, around 100k people per week in USA were getting prescriptions of this drug to treat COVID.yuekit
    • Covidiots everywhere...heads explode.utopian
    • There was a first class moron around here who was all about it too.monospaced
    • Ivermectin + doxycycline is the protocol I follow.Brabo_Brabo
    • But by all means, enjoy your 5th boostas clotshotters.Brabo_Brabo
    • Bobo don’t you mean Ivermectin + doxycycline + Jesus?_niko
    • Doctors in Japan were prescribing it. Perhaps those doctors were all conspiracy nutters.Chimp
    • They weren’t prescribing anything effective.monospaced
    • And how stupid would you have to be to think ivermectin was an alternative to an actual vaccine, and believe it prevents covid.monospaced
    • Bobo the Clownutopian
    • i heard its described for folks and works really good for folks beneath the 2 neuron count in the brain.neverscared
    • Bring that bleach and injected sunlight back, please.fadein11
    • I think the world has moved on from Covid.Brabo_Brabo
    • It's all cost of living crisis and WW3 now.Brabo_Brabo
    • If the world has moved on, why are you still brushing your teeth with ivermectin?imbecile
    • I tried it no effects. Except my voice went a little hoarse.BH26
    • There was never any strong evidence ivermectin cures COVID, the whole thing was just bad online science mixed with contrarianism.yuekit
    • People be like "oh so They don't want me to take horse dewormer?? Well then..."yuekit
    • what make you guys think there aren't any idiots in japan?pango
  • mort_4