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  • shapesalad7

    Covid... not going well in China... Still...

    • not being able to show economic growth this year
      Xi will be devasted for the new party congress this Autumn
    • ^ They still have the genocide to brag aboutGnash
  • grafician-5

    "China reports 13,146 Covid cases, the highest since the peak of the first wave more than two years ago, as the highly transmissible Omicron variant spread to more than a dozen provinces.

    "No new deaths reported," the National Health Commission says in a statement"

    • Can anyone trust anything China says? According to the CCP, China has only 4,638 total deaths since the inception of the Wuhan Virus. Yeah okay!utopian
    • China is so full of shitGnash
    • zero integrity in every single damn thing they do._niko
  • Brabo_Brabo0

    • Wuhan? You can!Gnash
    • There seems to be more evidence that it came from the lab than natural origins. It’s a shame this got so political.Chimp
    • The response alone was a tell that it werent natural.Brabo_Brabo
    • And i'm betting the Ukie biolabs had a part in the story.Brabo_Brabo
    • You're a fucking moron.mathinc
  • yuekit4

    People in Shanghai are reporting they are unable to order food, while the lockdown is being extended indefinitely.…

    • Authoritarian governments love locking people up.Chimp
    • People who love being locked up choose authoritarian governmentsdrgs
    • drgs, didn't you say you liked being locked up? Possibly with pink handcuffs? ;)Chimp
    • If the handcuffs are not pink I'm not interesteddrgs
    • Good choice.Chimp
    • I doubt there’ll be a freedom convoy rolling up to Shanghai_niko
    • The Chinese government have gone one step future than the Canadian.Chimp
    • Ha yes. Only 1 step. That's what the Chinese govn likes to hear.pango
  • grafician0…

    "After accounting for lag between infection & death, *1 in 20* cases in Hong Kong currently ends in death.

    To put that into context, HK’s case fatality rate (NB different to infection fatality rate) is currently higher than England’s pre-vaccine peak. Two years into the pandemic."

    • vax offers very little protection against current covid. i bet the difference in outcomes has nothing to do with vax.pr2
    • but it says righ there: "the vaccination rates are much higher"grafician
    • pr2 doesn’t understand charts or data. Remove the variables and indicators and he’ll make his own conclusion and declare himself a genius though.monospaced
    • What's causing the higher death rate?Chimp
    • If you follow the linked thread a few posts down, the reason for the death rate is unvaxed elderly. Sounds like they listened to the same sources as pr2robotinc
    • When Omicron hit, *more than two-thirds of people aged 80+ in Hong Kong were still unvaccinated*, compared to a couple of percent in New Zealand and Singapore.robotinc
    • Lots of Chyna is unvaxed or vaxxed with their shitty no-use vax. Many will die...due to virus and lockdownsgrafician
    • It's possible there is some element of HKers not trusting the Chinese made vaccine, based on discussion with my uncle who lives there.yuekit
    • And of course Chinese vax is less effective than the mRNA one, but you are probably still better off taking it.yuekit
    • you guys like simplistic solutions and explanation, don't you?pr2
    • 1 in 20 dead is a LOT
      Hope your fam will pull thru this @yuekit
      can't you ship them some Western vax stuff?
    • Correction, it seems you can actually get the mRNA ones in HK. They may just be less easily available.…
    • Pr2, imagine covid is Russia and Ukraine is mankind, if they didn’t protect themselves with weapons to fight...ah fuck it why do we bother..._niko
    • Thanks grafician...yeah the situation there seems terrible, first the National Security Law and now this.yuekit
    • bro I considered HK one of the beacons of peace and prosperity in Asia and then Chyna happened...
      So so sad :|
    • @pr2 gave you in this post all the info you'd need to have the same fucking conclusion as the rest of us.
      Yet, you chose differently and we're wrong?!
    • like I said, pr2 doesn't comprehend simple charts and so interprets them his own way and concludes he is more informed than the world's expertsmonospaced
    • When you interpret 2+2 = 5 then bye bye boygrafician
    • HK side specifies “over 80s” NZ side does not. Are they conflating the HK elderly with the NZ general population? 5% CFR is in line for 80+ demo.monNom
    • Bet loads of the dying elderly smoked at one time, can't have helpedGardener
    • True lots of smokers in China although OTOH less obese peopleyuekit
    • hah, thats not a CFR of 4.7% something fucky about these numbers HK = 1.18m cases since feb, 8556 deaths = .56%kingsteven
    • by the same logic NZ would be .05% 10x not 50x deaths... both hong kong and NZ have recorded no excess deaths for 3 years HK has an avg. age of 44.4 vs NZ 38kingsteven
    • NZ is also 24233% bigger than HK and peaked at 5x the cases per day as NZ would satisfy me as an explanation of 10x mortalitykingsteven
    • NZ also has Flight of the Concords. I’m not sure how that’s related but I’m sure they helped.Chimp
  • Chimp1

    China has started locking up people who come into contact with Covid.

    • Gavin Newsom's wet dreamhotroddy
    • I’m sure a few QBNers would have voted for camps like this.Chimp
  • palimpsest-2

    Gisele Levesque, the first person in Canada to be vaccinated against COVID-19, has died…

    • Not COVID.monospaced
    • She didn't get vaccinated against COVID?
      COVID isn't real?
    • Or maybe she didn't die.
      Death isn't real.
    • Y'all's just fucking retarded.palimpsest
    • She didn't die from the vaccine, that's what natural causes mean. Hope that clears things up for you Pal.ShenanigansTV
    • Everything is crystal clear on my side, buddy.palimpsest
  • Chimp2

    "The measures that still remain in schools reflect a state of alert that has repercussions on the mental health of children, with consequences in the medium and long term. At the moment, mental disorders have increased from 1% to 3% and behavioral disorders have increased from 4% to 7%."…

    • "I want them to take my mask off and also be able to give hugs to friends"Chimp
  • imbecile7

    Tennessee Senate passes bill to allow over-the-counter sales of ivermectin…

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WJHL) – A local lawmaker has co-sponsored a bill that would allow ivermectin to be sold over the counter in Tennessee without a prescription. On Wednesday, the bill co-sponsored by Sen. Rusty Crowe (R-Johnson City) was passed by the state Senate.

    • The anti-parasitic drug ivermectin does not reduce hospitalizations of people infected with COVID-19, according to a large study conducted in Canada.utopian
    • Researchers at McMaster University in Ontario studied around 1,358 COVID patients who were at risk for severe disease.utopian
    • Half the patients were given a course of ivermectin pills for three days and the other half a placebo.utopian
    • “There was no indication that ivermectin is clinically useful,” Edward Mills, one of the study’s lead researchers and a professor of health sciences at McMasterutopian
    • Republitards being Republitards.utopian
    • Chill, Utopian. I know this gets you worked up. Why not let them take it along with other medications?Chimp
    • Who knows if it works. “ Evidence based medicine has been corrupted by corporate interests, failed regulation, and commercialisation of academia” BMJChimp
    • Hey chimp. The vaccine is effective in keeping covid from infection. It isn’t treated with medicines otherwise. Clown.monospaced
    • Iver "The Boneless" Mectindbloc
    • Chimp's username checks out.utopian
    • All my vaxxed friends have got covid, why not let them take this too? Utopian, did you find that safe space you were looking for?Chimp
    • Mono: "The vaccine is effective in keeping covid from infection"? It reduces deaths but it doesn't stop you from getting it or spreading it. Please keep up.Chimp
    • Mono brain still believes big pharma's propaganda from 2021.Chimp
    • A few of my vexed friends caught Covid, they all survived with little to no symptoms without being admitted to ICU.utopian
    • A few of my unvaxxed friends caught Covid, they all had mild to severe symptoms and were admitted to ICU.utopian
    • Good for them. Taking Ivermectin as well as the vax wouldn't have harmed them. If people want to take it, let them.Chimp
    • let them eat cakeneverscared
    • But Joe Rogan told me it works, why should I listen to a medical study by real doctors.fooler
    • Some studies say it works some say it doesn't. The whole industry is corrupt.Chimp
    • 'weed 'em out!', along with bleach, why not? Florida will be next.formed
    • exactly.. prost to it with some lovely bleach flush that horse-delicatesse medicine down with gusto.neverscared
    • icymi, i posted this as ridiculeimbecile
    • LOL, I'm the one getting all worked up...what a Chimp!utopian
    • The reason this 'worked' is the sample of people it worked on - from areas where agriculture animal parasites are prevalent. So an improvement was seen.shapesalad
    • Hey chimp. It reduces deaths because it keeps the virus from becoming an infection. Keep up you fucking clown. Also no need to take ivermectin. Doesn’t do shit.monospaced
    • Ivermectin doesn’t prevent the virus from becoming deadly. No mechanism for even how it could has not been discovered.monospaced
    • Finally it’s not a lie that the vaccine works. Only fucktard idiots claim big pharma lies while promoting horse dewormer. Fucking idiots.monospaced
    • Covid is the “Adults only” announcement at the human gene pool.

      All idiots get out
    • Hey mono, whats up with the anti science statements? Perhaps put your mask on and find a safe space.Chimp
    • i typed this whole comment about the human gene pool and fucked it up. Ironicscarabin
    • Wait no, it worked. I’m just really really highscarabin
    • smoke that horsedewormer... it sounds healthy ..neverscared
  • api2…

    China acts like it's still Delta. They should switch to a controlled infection and protect the old. Everything else is not doable with something so contagious like omicron.

    • Do these people know how fight back? If you know that you are going to be grabbed and beat the fuck up...fight back!utopian
    • Agreed, utopian. Once there's a breaking point, maybe they will.MondoMorphic
    • for them - being non vaxxed and with no natural immunity of any kind - even omicron is deadlygrafician
    • Omnicron isn't as dangerous to the non vaxxed as Delta.Chimp
  • neverscared0

    • that was quick? like wasn't this just a day ago that it was dropped? either way predictablecolin_s
    • (Pops streamer) yayPhanLo
    • lol, that was just yesterday! Gee, i wonder if they'd be reporting it if the justice that overturned the mandate wasn't a trumpetGnash
  • Chimp4

    Excess deaths in Europe are well below pre-pandemic levels and have been for some time.…

    • today they added +3400 to the death list count in austria for the last 2 years which goes up to 20.000 now...neverscared
    • I don't think that changes the fact the pandemic ended a while ago.Chimp
    • Austria still has less deaths per million than France, Italy, Spain and Portugal.Chimp
    • didn't actually ended, just transitioning into endemic *rolling eyes*grafician
    • That means the pandemic is over *rolling eyes*Chimp
    • technically, but regular folk understand by this that there's no more virus :)
      while the virus keeps infecting
      see FUCKING CHINA RN :))
    • people just stopped caringgrafician
    • Depends on what you mean by "regular folk"…Chimp
    • In Europe there are less deaths than normal so it doesn't really matter how many people are infected. China is another matter.Chimp
    • Depends on what you mean by didn't ended.palimpsest
    • Heh…
    • Hahah I love those memesChimp
    • @Palimpsest "No it never didn't not end, yes", you mean?Chimp
    • Nopalimpsest
  • Chimp2

    Excess deaths in the UK have been below pre-pandemic levels for a while now.

    • you can't kill the dead a second or third time.uan
    • So these are all the people that would have died in a year or two anywayChimp
    • we are all gonna die in X years. where and who draws the line.uan
  • grafician0

    covid rip

    • Not done yetnbq
    • Looks like some on QBN are sad to see it end.Chimp
    • ^ There's probably rational middle ground between them and youbogue
  • utopian-1

    It's back bitches!

  • nb2

    I was on a flight yesterday and the pilot announced that “masks are no longer required thanks to an EXCELLENT JUDGE from Florida”

    A few people cheered, then a dozen little inane, annoying conversations broke out all over the plane. Within seconds, people citing “research” and arguing over each other.

    “Oh there’s plenty of research that masks don’t work”
    “Look I’m not saying Covid is fake, it’s just not really what they’re trying to scare everyone”

    All of them total morons. Anyone with half a brain and some self awareness kept their mouths shut.

    It was in unbearable. Until we were up in the air it was like I was living in a real live QBN comments thread.

    • did anyone cough during the flight?BabySnakes
    • Yeah for sure lots of coughing. I coughed myself many times. My wife, too.nb
    • “Excellent Judge” lol
      This pilot has your life in his hands.
    • I hope you wore your muzzle. I just got off a flight and no one wearing them (including attendants)hotroddy
    • the most mask adamant are usually the first hypocrites to not wear them as they care about the law applying to others more than themselves.hotroddy
    • https://www.thelance…MrT
    • Some people never accept Covid over.Chimp
    • Like I said, it was like living inside a qbn comments threadnb
    • Nearly a million dead from the covid in the US now, be a shame to let the numbers drop off before such a sad milestone.PhanLo
    • QBN Airlines is ready for takeoffshapesalad
    • Even if covid becomes long gone i'll still be wearing masks on flights.microkorg
    • REAL LIFE QBN THREAD!!! DYINGautoflavour
    • The mask Nazis are out in n force today.Chimp
    • 'mask Nazis'
      have a word with yourself - you're a fucking mess.
    • Brooooo if any of the comments in this thread make you think “mask nazi” you are losing your grip on reading comprehensionnb
    • “I hope you wore your muzzle”
      “I’ll still wear my mask”
      Chimp: “mask nazis!!!!”
    • the science behind the mask is shotty. get your shot and be done with it. people who support mask mandates are those who wield it for political power.hotroddy
    • airplanes have better air filtration systems than restaurants but people still clinging to maskshotroddy
    • I don’t care about mandates. Also consider if the pilot came on the mic to support mask mandates, he’d risk being fired.nb
    • Anyway this post isn’t amount mask mandates. It’s about the lunacy of American discoursenb
    • Hahah you're so trigged by "Mask Nazis". And you're the ones supporting Chinese style restrictions. Hypocrites.Chimp
    • We’re supporting them how? Dude you’re inventingnb
    • Where I am, all mask rules are gone, but some folk still wear them due to their own concerns, which is fair enough.PhanLo
    • People who still use masks have a poor understanding of science. But hey let them do what they want.Chimp
    • Trust me ... you want to wear a mask on a flight. Sorry but where do you think the air comes from? Get a cold sore once you land in Hawaii.rootlock
    • A cold sore? What?nb
  • YakuZoku1

    Please no

    • Wow look at these far right republicans!!nb
    • no those are liberatrians.pango
    • shit.... i think i know one of them on the video...pango
    • *libertarianspango
    • but libertarians and far right republicans can overlappango
    • Lefty hippiesGnash
    • its like they're so far out there, they're starting to meet at the other end of the loop.pango
    • a bunch of low IQ, mental dipshit, cultists.utopian
    • Imagine showing up here and not realizing you’ve wandered into a camp for moronsnb
    • Covid is so 2021.Chimp
    • chimp. did you have rift with family during covid?pango
    • pango, triggered much?Chimp
    • I think it's time you lot learned to move on.Chimp
    • Lol yes I'm so triggered.
      That question wasn't event made to antagonize. But I'm the one triggered LOL
    • pango, relax, it's ok. Find a safe place and put your mask on.Chimp
    • I won’t put anything in my body that’s a foreign and unknown substance ...goes to narcopocco proceeds to do 58 different types of drugs_niko
    • Also if this is the alternative to organized religion I might just start going to church again lol_niko
    • I mean everything about Christianity is absurd but maybe not as absurd as what’s happening here..._niko
    • it gets better and better. Underground Railroad. helping Black slaves escape the horrors of the south is EXACTLY the same as trustafarians escaping a life_niko
    • full of privilege and wealth and a tyrannical government that is trying to help them stay safe and healthy._niko
    • and now we're on to nazi conspiracies...._niko
    • chimp. lol its a simple harmless question. but i guess it touched a nerve. qbn hurt you too much.pango
    • im sorry if that question offended you.pango
    • It's ok pango, chill. You're getting to the age were heart attacks can be brought on by offence and getting worked up.Chimp
    • lol well i tried.pango
  • grafician-2

    "By February of this year, 58 percent of the US population -- or more than 190 million people -- had been infected with Covid, according to an antibody survey carried out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published Tuesday"…

    • I suspect it could be higher as not all people generate antibodies.Chimp
    • "~920,000 of confirmed American deaths are in age 50+
      which equates to 1 in 125 chance of dying from Covid in this age group"
    • 70% is enough for herd immunitydrgs
    • who give's a fuck about covid, Ukraine is the new subject of discord.ApeRobot
    • Actually, it's the Depp/Heard trial.ETM
    • According to pr2 it was 100% over a year ago so this is obviously fake news.monospaced
    • 3/4 kids got it too, according to the CDCgrafician
  • utopian5

    I just tested positive, I'm thinking about going to a MAGA event near me, to wipe out all of the unvaccinated and denier chimps.

    • Ya, that 99.7% survival rate is so dangerous...Hayoth
    • I thought your vaccine worked Mr Putopian??Hayoth
    • Hayoth. You missed the memo over two years ago when it was told to us plainly that the vaccine doesn’t stop infection, it prevents death and serious illness.monospaced
    • But it seems as long as morons like you ignore this simple fact you can keep attempting to make this idiotic argument and high five each other like fucktardsmonospaced
    • When was the last time you took a vaccine? Perhaps it's worn off.Chimp
    • Was that after 2 or 3 vaxs? Speedy recovery.BH26
    • RIP Utopian!YakuZoku
    • I don't really want to wade into this debate, but even the anecdotal evidence for preventing death and serious illness came from Israel when CFR looked like 3%.monNom
    • It's like a 1.5 year old number. Has that number ever been reassessed based on our present understanding of the seriousness of the illness?monNom
    • chill you're gonna make it, but just in case what's the pass for QBN?grafician
    • Our village idiot still doesn't understand how vaccines works. Definitely dropped on his head as a baby.utopian
    • How are you feeling? Sicky sick? Or just positive and feeling okay?stoplying
    • Get well soon :)Chimp
    • Fast recovery!OBBTKN
    • Get well soon!mort_
    • Flu like symptoms: sore throat, headache, head fog, extreme fatigue, appetite loss, body aches, etc...utopian
    • I had it at Christmas and it was little more than a bad cold and went with if 5 days. Hopefully you’ll get over it quickly.Chimp
    • Get better buddy!YakuZoku
    • MoronElwin74
    • lol at using Israel stats. fuck me it never ends with the covidiotsinteliboy
    • Anecdotal evidence? Many millions vaxxed, almost none dying from covid compared to unvaxxed. This is not anecdotal. Derp.monospaced
    • it wasn’t what the trials were designed to measure. They were looking for a vaccine. It was noticed anecdotally, but hard to double blind study now...monNom
    • you need people who have A: not been vaccinated. B: never come in contact with covid.monNom
    • justifying violence/killing for having the 'moral high ground'. Something out of the cultural revolution. We should jail u in your apartment instead like Chynahotroddy
    • stfu idiotmonospaced
    • These morons don’t even believe the virus exists you fucking moron.monospaced
    • let me know when you get the virus so we can lock you uphotroddy
    • Looking back its scary to see how many were in favour of Chinese style lockdowns.Chimp
    • Where you at hotroddy? I can stop by any we can discuss crony capitalism.utopian
    • sounds good utopian. I'm looking forward to meeting you. I live in Los Angeles but am currently in Miami avoiding the dystopian nightmare that is California.hotroddy
    • Which has higher Covid rates, California or Floria? Which has the most authoritarian restrictions?Chimp
    • mono won't answer that chimphotroddy
    • When facts don't support the narrative.Chimp
  • Chimp5

    Denmark becomes the first country to halt its Covid vaccination program.…

    • Hooraynb
    • And perhaps you understand why...dumb cunts everywhere.BusterBoy
    • "Omicron Could Be the Beginning of the End of the COVID-19 Pandemic"…
    • "Far from scrapping its vaccination program altogether, however, the Danish Health & Medicines Authority said there will probably be a need to vaccinate againfadein11
    • in the fall"fadein11
    • Much like the flu vaccine.Chimp
    • Yes. Because it works.monospaced
    • Yep, it's over because of herd immunity brought on by Omnicron and the vaccine.Chimp