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  • _niko-5

    I know evrything's back to normal and people are going on with life but daily deaths in the US from covid are still 3500, highest ever

    • that's a 9-11 attack every day so that patriots like hayoth and pr2 can understand_niko
    • is it in addition of 8200 that die in US every day of natural causes?? or are the 8k+ deaths/day not too much of concern for you?pr2
    • COVID-19 was an inside job!utopian
    • yo! 8200 from 150,000 different possible causes vs 3500 from one single cause?
      you really think it's insignificant ? lol
    • i wouldn't justify it in any way but you had two thirds the Covid cases in Jan 22 alone as all of 2021 - 15 day avg mortality etc. it's going to go down soonkingsteven
    • I guess their logic is that 3500 are going to die from something else anyway? is that the gist? because the lack of empathy and concern is bafflinginteliboy
    • hah, bonkers reasoning from pr2. massive excess from covid... very few flu deaths so that 3500 is all excesskingsteven
    • if you're choosing not to get the jab, we're not stopping the world for you. you can't be more invested in someone else health than that person.hotroddy
    • i wonder how many 3-graders in here understand that VAST MAJORITY of covid death are actually deaths WITH covid and not because of it.pr2
    • Ok but they're almost entirely unvaxxed, so really what are you complaining about?zarkonite
    • you seem to think we deaths for covid like we do the flu...… excess mortality from covid is through the roof atmkingsteven
    • *record deathskingsteven
    • hahaha pr2 keep telling yourself that, it's been debunked a million times over. You're grasping at straws. Time for your milk and cookies and jammy jams._niko
    • oh my god, what a bunch of fools who have zero consideration (or ability) for looking more deeply into data.pr2
    • in UK (though the same is probably true of US), there were 128k covid deaths but only 17k were with just covid.pr2
    • of that 13k were in 65+ yo.pr2
    • if you extrapolate this date and look at your 3500 daily covid deaths, only 100 people actually die of covid.pr2
    • you know, math is a wonderful thing to understand.pr2
    • of 3500 "covid" deaths only ~500 are just covid and of that that only ~100 are of people younger that 65yo.pr2
    • The only cause of death is dying.
      Wake up sheeple!
    • In the UK we don't even require a positive test to say it was covid. This is how deaths are recorded for flu and I'm comparing the two...kingsteven
    • for a 'flu season' without the flu the excess death is far higher than usual because the rona is contributing to the death of old folkskingsteven
    • there is still a 10 - 20% weekly excess with no flu virus to speak of…kingsteven
    • It's amazing that people like pr2 haven't figured this out by now... of course no one dies only of COVID. There is almost always some other complication, likeyuekit
    • respiratory failure. This has been debunked again and again by doctors, virologists etc.yuekit
    • In fact a death where COVID is the recorded only cause is likely a mistake, not the other way around. Did they forget to teach you that in third grade??yuekit
    • "It's not the fall that kills you; it's the sudden stop at the end."palimpsest
    • And he thinks we don't get it while he quotes the anon vaccine adverse reaction report deaths without breaking them down or considering how many it's saving.kingsteven
    • At least apply the same logic to both... Noones even saying it's an unacceptable amount of death, just that it's weird to brush off what was previously alarmingkingsteven
    • We can't comprehend pr2's logic. Our poor third grader minds will never ascend to his plane.palimpsest
    • It's only normal. A higher being will seem like a moron to lesser entities.
      Pearls to swine.
    • Something tells me he will be moving on from comment sectionbogue
    • oh, you dummies:…
    • you guys just like the smell of your own bullshit.pr2
    • Lol “I’m not a real doctor, but I play one on YouTube”_niko
    • @pr2 i've watched that video, you have missed the point entirely. i have underlying conditions and i'm 39. if your over 65 and don't have one, you probably justkingsteven
    • unaware. here's a post i made 2 years ago…kingsteven
    • i work with people in the same role as dr john campbell and they are about as knowledgable as it gets about clinical treatment and statisticskingsteven
    • some medical doctors not so much, i really dont get that 'not a real doctor' viewpointkingsteven
    • Just trolling pr2, not questioning his credentials just that he’s a single voice and his platform is YouTube_niko
    • In the UK excess deaths are now lower than pre-pandemic times.Chimp
    • king, so by your logic, we should all dance around you because you have underlying conditions?pr2
    • stats tells us that an average 39 yo (clearly not you) has nothing to fear from covid. period.pr2
    • no, no one has even suggested that, as the OP said it is odd that restrictions are being lifted just as deaths are (hopefully) peaking for this 'wave'kingsteven
    • you jumped in with your usual irrelevant shit about how they would have died anyway. i've been critical of restrictions since the first lockdown but had to stopkingsteven
    • posting because of idiots like you cherry picking to force their agenda.kingsteven
    • the explanation is there is so many deaths because there were so many cases 15 days before. US has nearly matched 2021 cases already in 2022kingsteven
    • so it's actually very few deaths considering. here's another 2 year old post on how lockdowns are ineffective and how if restrictions aren't better thought outkingsteven
    • the dialog will be dominated by idiots…kingsteven
    • if that video was to be interpreted as you intended and i died from covid related pneumonia it would be entirely unrelated to my underlying conditionkingsteven
    • this is why we record all deaths with covid. i'm not saying it's not unlikely i'm saying it's irrelevant.kingsteven
    • Second is guidelines on how doctors should determine if Covid 19 as main cause of death (86% of cases with Covid listed on death cert)kingsteven
    • but none of that matters as we are comparing like-for-like daily death data. and you're just pushing a point that has no relevance to the conversation tokingsteven
    • people (i know in my case) that thought restrictions were too heavy handed and are happy to see them lifted... utter stupiditykingsteven
    • king, just like saying only 17k people die from covid is wrong so is to say that 3500 die per day from this virus. both are fraudulent statements.pr2
    • and it kinda blows my mind that i'm one of the few lonely voices here challenging obvious fiction of such statements.pr2
    • As I said, the daily reports are any mention of covid on the cert. When analysed to find if covid was the main cause of death it's been 86% throughout thekingsteven
    • pandemic so peaking at 3010 deaths when cases peaked at 1.3m in a day 28 days before is very encouraging.kingsteven
    • If you are over 50 it's very unlikely you won't have diabetes, heart conditions (that don't contribute) and if not and you go to ICU with covid you will likelykingsteven
    • Have hypertension or another condition. Doctors write down anything on your death cert and the lower figure is people that surprisingly die with only covidkingsteven
    • Covid melts steel pillarsmicrokorg
    • But as John Thompson even says in that video. excess deaths on a 5yr AVG compared to covid deaths is the most accurate and the US is beyond 3500kingsteven
    • UK has been below for nearly a week now, so hopefully it'll go that way everywhere soonkingsteven
    • I remember when the vaccine adverse reactions paper came out you wouldn't entertain the idea of co morbidities even though the people getting itkingsteven
    • Where overwhelmingly in groups with co-morbidities and the paper was mostly about how to interpret the (less reliable) data. If your going to pretend tokingsteven
    • Be scientific, at least apply the same methodskingsteven
    • excess deaths is a reliable data to judged excess deaths. how that excess happens is another story that you don't want to conciser.pr2
    • many many excess deaths are not covid but the covid fear that stops people from getting treatment for other sickness.pr2
    • where the hell you get 86% number from? absolutely noting i read says that.pr2
    • there is a weekly and monthly mortality analysis from ONS, previous FOIs give a tally:kingsteven
    • Deaths involving COVID-19 (any mention on the death certificate) 63,864
      of which, deaths due to COVID-19 (underlying cause) 55,714
    • (around 87%) this is not the same figure as the weekly report (deaths mentioning covid) or the gov't stat (deaths within 28 days of infection)kingsteven
    • there is a rigorous process for analysing death certs to determine who would have died otherwise or 'due to covid' which is covid as underlying causekingsteven
    • the 'due to covid' number is the number used to determine the proportion of the excess deaths... but if comparing to flu (as i was earlier in this thread) orkingsteven
    • ILI graphs like the CDC one i shared you can use all cases recorded on death cert because this is how it's been done with flu for decadeskingsteven
    • there's obviously a different demographic breakdown due to age but that's also included in the analysis... otherwise it's comparing apples to orangeskingsteven
    • the deaths where only covid is on the cert is an interesting stat (obviously the wording of the FOI was very specific) but its not particularly useful onekingsteven
    • can't be arsed finding the stat but a very high proportion of covid deaths are from bacterial infection in the lungs which negates a lot of existing conditionskingsteven
    • this url is too long to share here (tried earlier) it's the methodology for determining 'due to covid' in the UK if you google it it'll come upkingsteven
    • 1. u gotta compress your thoughts. they get lost in an endless litany of small 4-liners.pr2
    • 2. u misunderstand comorbidity definition. i'm pre diabetic so based on comorbidity list i should be concerned BUT i'm also in good health and not fat...pr2
    • by stats i most like belong to 40 yo group that will be healthy DESPITE by so-called comorbidity.pr2
    • thus your analogy that lots of 50+ yo have comorbidities is quite far from reality of how covid will affect them.pr2
    • i'm usually walking the dog and on qbn on my phone soz. but you have misunderstood. it is pre-existing conditions excluded to bring the number to 17kkingsteven
    • not co-morbidities... your diabetes and my minor childhood heart condition would be on our death cert in the unlikely event of death and therefore we would bekingsteven
    • excluded from the 17k 'only covid' even though they are unlikely to contribute.kingsteven
    • the figure you are looking for that excludes co-morbidities is 'deaths due to covid' where the death cert is analysed to see if covid was the main cause ofkingsteven
    • death, and that figure is around 86% of reported deaths with Covid on the death cert.kingsteven
  • shapesalad-3…

    Lassa + Covid + Flu for the winning death combo....

  • inteliboy0

    two weeks down and its still lingering... like a weird symptom-morphing cold that never ends. Did have freaky heart pains which wasn't fun... Cant wait to get 100% and get the fuck out of the apartment.

  • drgs0

    SARS-CoV-2 human challenge…

    36 British volunteers aged 18-29 years had themselves infected with the original SARS-CoV-2 (the first variant, virus planted through he nose).

    18 got infected, the rest did not notice anything.
    16 of the 18 developed mild symptoms. 12 lost sense of smell.


    • Careful, Neil may pull his tunes from our mix threadGnash
    • And to think folk are getting their kids jabbed. They'll rue the dayBrabo_Brabo
    • Such large sample sizes.ShenanigansTV
    • Yet another senseless Bobo comment.utopian
    • It’s well known that it doesn’t effect the vast majority of under 29s.Chimp
    • I need to know why some people get no symptoms whatsoeverdrgs
    • If it's lab made then maybe the virus is designed to target a particular demographic - the ill, old and fat.Brabo_Brabo
    • It's war by another means. The Chinese wants revenge for the sacking of the Summer Palace.Brabo_Brabo
    • You sound like a moron bobomonospaced
    • discuss what?inteliboy
  • Chimp2

    Are the truckers winning?

    “Alberta ends its vaccine passport: ‘These restrictions have led to terrible division’”…

    • Damn the psyops is winning. Soros chuckles (in evil lair)PhanLo
    • ditching them here this week too in northern ireland, they say they're no longer necessary... but i say thanks 5000 miles away truckerskingsteven
    • Lots of Truckers from outside Alberta, eh. Will other Provinnces follow likewise?Brabo_Brabo
    • Lol as if the truckers had anything to do with this decisionnb
    • Alberta has been anti-restriction forever.nb
    • In the small town where my brother in law lives in BC, they had signs saying you couldn't shop in the store wearing a mask.PhanLo
    • Every state and region is discussing rolling back restrictions. The truckers did nothingnb
    • wow, what a coincidence!Milan
    • the two most conservative provinces with the most trucks per capita ending their vaccine passports during trucker anti-vaccine protestsMilan
    • Yeah massive coincidence.Chimp
    • Meanwhile Austria are fining people thousands of euros for not taking a forced vaccine.Chimp
  • PhanLo3

  • uan3

    masks in public transportation till end of march and 5 days isolation after positive test. all other measures gone.
    starts tomorrow.

    • Norway abolished all restrictions/masks starting this weekdrgs
    • It feels weird. even if I was expecting it. I wonder how long it will take to adapt my mind and how society will react.uan
    • Nooooo my wife is going to have to go back to the officenb
    • I miss the announcement of a state banquet for the population or a national holiday for a week.uan
    • same here, was out at the weekend and felt good tbh ended up partying in student halls ffskingsteven
    • What about the "we are all going to die of covid"?ApeRobot
    • It was all a lie.palimpsest
    • I don‘t think anybody expected the 5G chip implants & certificate dictatorship to be true stories.uan
    • It killed a lot of people. Look at the cases, hospital admissions and deaths in the UK over the last month. Far below excess deaths for weeks. I fear the returnkingsteven
    • of the flu in its absence...kingsteven
    • what age, medical conditions, and so on.....for two years now....ApeRobot
    • If it killed so many people where's the data?palimpsest
    • i'm up for almost 6-7 hours, still thinking about what data you're demanding here. I'm going to get some sleep now (4h max). Can you please elaborate on that?sted
    • imagine thinking its a lie... like thousands upon thousands of humans could corroborate together on a single lie and never spill the beans. fkn lol.inteliboy
  • nb0


    where is it

    let me ask you this

    Where is the data


    • just woke up, looking at qbn trough a coffee, nice sunny weather outside, with fluffy clouds, all quiet, I hear only one bird signing.I'm restless bout the DATAsted
    • more people have found the data than i havekingsteven
    • But wherenb
    • The data!nb
    • what is the data saying?sted
    • there are people dying of covid that have never died beforekingsteven
    • LOLpalimpsest
    • It’s right next to the clitorisscarabin
  • hydro742


  • palimpsest2

  • neverscared1…

    Ottawa protests: ‘strong ties’ between some occupiers and far-right extremists, minister says
    Public safety minister speaks after arrest of extremists accused of plotting to kill police officers in Canada border town of Coutts

    • yawn.Brabo_Brabo
    • What's extreme here is the tyranical imposition of Martial Law.Brabo_Brabo
    • In normal times mandating experimental gene therapies would be considered extreme for an illness that causes *at worst* mild sniffles.Brabo_Brabo
    • An illness so bad you oftentimes dont even know you've got it!Brabo_Brabo
    • Of course, no one i going to say, these are normal vaxxed people that are just angry.
      The are extremist alt right neo nazi etc....
    • qbn´s far right winger up there are upset that they caught some of their busenbuddies.neverscared
    • You’re a bit naive if you can’t see that the legacy media have an agenda here.Chimp
    • What is the legacy media’s agenda? And why are they in cahoots???nb
    • not as a deadly agenda like the legacy of your far right wing kissy kissy darling boys getting a cell to rott where they belong.neverscared
    • The legacy media has decided it's integrity comes second to the number of clicks it's articles receive. Thus is is focussed on vomiting 'news' that illicits...Morning_star
    • ...outrage and offence to encourage interactions. Suggesting anything is 'right wing' gets a very strong response from both the left and the right.Morning_star
    • Wait... People brought arms and ammunition to a peaceful occupation is not news worthy?pango
    • LOL Bobo still talking about gene therapypango
    • Bobo Logicutopian
    • Lots of old men yelling at clouds in these notes.ideaist
    • Do you guys not realize that the alt media gets most of their news from the "legacy media"?yuekit
  • yuekit6

    • A molecular biologist explains some of the mistakes made by *British accent Dr. John Campbellyuekit
    • Dr. John Misinformation, PhD Nursing and what not.utopian
    • He debunks this videos claim about there being no major blood vessels here.…Chimp
    • molecular biologist seems to know very little about human anatomy.pr2
    • How many injections has this molecular biologist given compared to a nurse with a PHD?Chimp
    • The WHO, CDC and other organizations say it's not needed.…
    • I don't think it's a huge issue whether it's done or not but Campbell was claiming it was the cause of the vaccine side effects.yuekit
    • A linguistic expert needs to teach him how to pronounce covid.shapesalad
    • as this guy mentions he doesn't really claim anything, he just talks about papers and usually adds a disclaimer at the end. it took about 100 sidenotes tokingsteven
    • 'debunk' that 17k death claim pr2 was backing up with his video. but john campbell just discusses the FOI, which was worded very specifically tokingsteven
    • obtain the lowest number and deliberately using 'underlying causes' which can only be interpreted as 'only covid on the death cert' by the ONSkingsteven
    • maybe a medical professional shouldn't have been hooked in by that but it's much easier to criticise in hindsight, he's usually the first to discuss any newskingsteven
    • unlike most of youtube the comments on his videos can be quite insightful.kingsteven
    • I’ve never seen so many people triggered by a guy who reads facts from scientific papers.Chimp
    • He found the facts!palimpsest
    • He knows all the data, he has the best data.palimpsest
    • Glad people are calling this guy out. He started off meaning well. Quickly got out of his depth but obviously wanted that youtube money so chased views,BaskerviIle
    • Science is a collaborative process, beware under-qualified lone voices on the fringes who don't engage with the wider scientific community.BaskerviIle
    • I don’t think many of the papers he reads are “fringe”. But hey keeping on running with your mask on to virtue signal how woke you are.Chimp
    • hahaha, does he run wearing a mask? that's almost as bad as the ninny who sleeps in one.Brabo_Brabo
    • neither are quite as bad as the ninnies who got theit kids jabbed.Brabo_Brabo
    • No one's saying don't listen to his channel or he should be cancelled, it's just a video of things he got wrong.yuekit
    • Using a mask outside is idiotic at best.Chimp
    • Keep in mind the guy's videos get millions of views, he's probably the #1 channel on YouTube for info on COVID.yuekit
    • ^ Here's another video debunking his claims that ivermectin has the same mechanism as Pfizer's COVID drug.yuekit
    • I remember some people here insisting that was true. As Baskerville said in science the idea of other people reviewing your work is pretty central.yuekit
    • Yep, it’s not science if it can’t be challenged.Chimp
    • "There's a sucker born every minute"
      – P. T. Barnum
  • AQUTE0

    Corona ain't shit but hoes and tricks. Real ones coming yo! - Bill Gates…

    • He later quoted the science by saying; Corina viruses are like buses, you have none for 100 years the. 3 come along at once.Chimp
    • I love lockdowns and wearing masks!drgs
    • yes! more gov't oversight. z democrats crossing fingers xxhotroddy
  • Salarrue1

    • not possible... trump would have never got it if this is true..neverscared
    • I aint caught it, but am no oil painting. debunked!Brabo_Brabo
  • neverscared-2

    The Queen tests positive for Covid
    Monarch, 95, experiencing ‘mild cold-like symptoms’ but expects to continue carrying out light duties…

    • GSTQ!Brabo_Brabo
    • How can she survive this deadly virus?Chimp
    • asked like a true legendary moron... with a vax of course...neverscared
    • How effective are vaccines against omnicron?Chimp
    • Yes we all know vaccines have saved a lot of lives. But why does Canada still have mandates?Chimp
    • Do idiots still not understand the difference between variants?inteliboy
  • utopian0

    • thats too badhans_glib
    • It also turns you into a deep sea fish that lives in the darkness and has a transparent body.Chimp
    • Omicron or Delta? Or both?inteliboy
  • shapesalad-4

    Part of the covid RNA sequence that codes for the spike protein, turns up in a patent filed by Moderna a few years ago...…

    • Odds of the sequence matching are worse than the euro millions lottery.shapesalad
    • Naturally matching.shapesalad
    • thats some dailymail clickbait bullshit right there, more fodder for the DYOR covidiotsinteliboy
    • just comparing to the old withdrawn paper on similarities with HIV to compare the length of the sequence (because it was thought spurious due to length)kingsteven
    • and this would seem to be shorter again? err. i'll wait for someone to review those calculationskingsteven
    • I think you always need a second opinion on these claims. It's just too easy for us as lay people to see a scientific paper and assume it's right withoutyuekit
    • knowing how other experts in the field would interpret it. Big if true thoughyuekit
    • Agree. Just putting the information out there.shapesalad
    • Wether this is true or not, there has been a lot of suspicious things going on with this pandemic.Chimp
  • Krassy4

    is this thing over? poof? just like that?

    • Like A MiracleAQUTE
    • pr2 was right.palimpsest
    • 1,972 folk died today in the US, 137 in the UK. Suppose the news cycle got bored.PhanLo
    • wonder when it officially is claimed as endemic? world needs some good news...inteliboy
    • Yeah, still a shit tonne of people dead each day. I guess we just tired of it all. And (mostly) only poorly peeps expiring.hardhat
    • The the U.K. has below average deaths now so those who died probably died “with Covid”.Chimp
    • If you go by excess deaths, it’s been over since Christmas in the U.K.Chimp
    • I think all the restrictions will be gone this week where I am.PhanLo
    • Mission Accomplished!

      Only a couple thousand deaths in the US over the last week.
    • It's always been about excess deaths really, omicron replaced the flu this year and now the new strain in the UK seems its continuing the trendkingsteven
    • Endemic isn't good news. It means the weak links of our species have allowed a virus to gain a permanent foothold that will take forever to shake.garbage
    • said it elsewhere but more Aus deaths since the start of 2022 than in the entire previous two years. Election looming so distractions welcome.MrT
    • I mean, in an ideal world and all that but given that the UK's health minister just romanticaly attributed 'love' to breaking his own lockdown measures andkingsteven
    • cheating in his wife and everyone seems to be supporting a Ukrainian journals pleas to start ww3 because they don't like his buddy Boris I'd call a 5 yr drop inkingsteven
    • life expectancy a winkingsteven
    • it's spring / summer time in the northern hemisphere. the last mutation looks like a mild one. let's see what happens till next fall / winter comes.uan
    • War has upstaged itBennn
    • If you listen to what virologists are saying there's no particular reason to think this is the end. Another variant could easily come along.yuekit
    • Remember one year it also looked like it was ending. Clearly the world is gaining more immunity over time but is it really enough?yuekit
    • More people it passes on the more likely for it to mutate.pango
    • corona hype = 50% actual disease + 50% media focusdrgs
    • Another more deadly variant of the flu could come along but it's not that likely.Chimp
    • The next, deadlier, variant will be a cover story for VaXx deaths. I've never been wrong.Brabo_Brabo
    • < you got that from some media. they managed to convince you by writing they know the truth.uan
    • My local Vicar just got it again. It's still out there. I still wear a mask in stores.shapesalad
    • It's still out there like the flu.Chimp
    • There's a new terror out so we don't have to worry about the previous terror.MondoMorphic
    • ^
    • Stay scared guys.Chimp
    • Ya really scared of big gov and big pharma taking away my choice and freedom.pango
  • nb0

    Y’all remember when Covid was a thing?

    Those were crazy times

  • sted-1

    Get free at-⁠home COVID-⁠19 tests

    Every home in the U.S. is eligible to order #4 free at-⁠home COVID-⁠19 tests. If you haven’t already, order yours today.

    Starting next week, every home in the U.S. will be able to order an additional set of 4 tests.