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  • misterhow1

    How do you know it's time to leave a job? I have fair pay, easy commute, and time off. Alternatively, the gig is increasingly less fun, more babysitting than anything creative.

    Would you take the chance to leave a 'safe' career and jump into something that pays less but is more creative?

    • The grass is always greener....utopian
    • Why is jumping ship the first option? Ask for a promotion or something if you like it there otherwise.i_monk
    • "How do you know it's time to leave a job?"

      are you happy? in the grand scheme its all that matters, fuck the jones
    • I've been told the same Utopian. 'just different grass' always seems to be the reply. I'm a public school teacher. No advancement. No promotions.misterhow
    • Reliable but joyless. Each year it becomes more like factory work. I am not happy and thus I guess I have my answermisterhow
    • cut out time for something bigger, if you really just miss the action. i at least try dig to into something new before considering leaving the place.sted
    • Can you afford to bail with nothing lined up? If yes then do it.BK
    • I wouldn't bail unless I had an offer.misterhow
    • Jumping ship for another teaching job, or do you mean another career?scarabin
    • A design job. I already have a relationship with the prospective gig/people. The job sounds like me. Salary and the pension here that make the choice toughmisterhow
    • i would talk to the prospect friends and see if it's even viable and in the meantime find a creative outlet at home. i know the drive to create is strong butscarabin
    • using work as the creative outlet produces stuff that's never really yoursscarabin
    • 1. Give up
      2. Cry
      3. Stop crying
      4. Grow some balls
      5. DOMINATE
    • I appreciate that perspective. I currently do a bunch of work for them already as freelance. I can see what you mean tho scarabinmisterhow
    • I was in a very similar situation, technically i still am but in the game industry, not design. I was ready to pack it in entirely but it is a very stable...mantrakid
    • good job, and i have naturally progressed to management when i really just love to do the creative stuff, and was doing far less of it. I expressed my sadness..mantrakid
    • to the other studio leads and we basically found ways to try and get me more involved in the stuff i want to be doing, its a challenge and not as 'easy' as..mantrakid
    • straight up getting a 'simpler' job at a studio where i have no role in the leadership etc. but i have been enjoying the balance and get to keep my pay...mantrakid
    • be close to home, health benefits, etc etc. I am super happy i said something, i was very depressed and they were very willing to help me be happy again :Dmantrakid
    • mantra, I appreciate this. Here in the public school world, I'm just stuck. There's no advancement beyond building years of service. I have looked at other...misterhow
    • jobs within my school/state but each comes with other headaches and further takes me away from the art part. My wife is supportive of me looking elsewhere but..misterhow
    • leaving safe and reliable is always worrisome. We'll see where this goes. I'll regret it if I don't throw my hat in the ringmisterhow

    Winter is here, a huge flock of cranes has just passed over our house, on their way to north Africa

    • Fuck it man! yesterday cranes and cranes everywhere in the sky!!!i_was
    • Ok, I'm a day late then... thanks amigo ;)OBBTKN
    • Looks like I'm just below one of their migrating axes, what you saw is the cranes I saw yesterday! loli_was
    • https://cdn.posterit…garbage
    • Time for a rewatch.garbage
    • https://www.movebank…sted
    • common paths, and you can use the search box to find ones with an active sensor.
      look for: 2021 crane
    • Thanks sted!OBBTKN
    • I got footage I can post it if you wanti_was
  • dasohr5

    Huge shout out to Scarabin for coming through on a promise. Thanks man!

  • BusterBoy1

    Wouldn't you farking know it...the morning of my son's biology exam, we've had a massive wind storm overnight...power out at his school! Plenty of schools across the city closed.

    Feels like we get one of these "one in a 100 year events" happening every year!

    • so no exam right?sted
    • his still going ahead...not sure what they're doing for lights!BusterBoy
  • jagara3

    An acquaintance of mine (dude's a bit of a stoner) fell asleep at a party. He then left early morning, and went for a kebab. He took a bus to work, and locked himself in (it was the weekend, but he had a key). He slept on the company couch. He got up sunday, went for a coffee. He went back to work, worked a bit. A few colleagues came in. They seemed a bit weirded out by him for some reason. Sometime late afternoon, he looked at himself in the mirror. His face had dicks, swastikas and miscellaneous swearwords on it.

  • Nairn9

    A couple of decades ago I had a shaved head and fell asleep on a friend's couch. Woke up in the morning and ran into the city centre to go to spend an hour or so walking around Hamleys scouting presents for my wee cousin.

    It was only when I headed back that I phoned my friend who asked whether I'd cleaned off the word 'COCK' he'd written in big letters on the back of my head. Clearly, I hadn't


    I got him back a wee while later by shunting him out of the door at the last minute at some random station on the last tube home.The look of confused shock on his face as the doors closed was priceless and still imprinted in my memory. Delicious.

    • I can picture all of this.monospaced
    • That's amazing. Back in the day I had a similar night, but I was the deplorable party that drew a cock on the back of my best friend's neck.garbage
    • Woke up bleary, and took a very long walk to a diner for recovery. She was a former D1 volleyball player that was scouted for the US Women's Olympic team.garbage
    • It might have been the hangover, but that was the hardest I have ever been hit.garbage
    • Ah friendship.Wordsworth
    • Lolscarabin
    • Well playedsted
    • Another certified classic courtesy of Nairn.stoplying
    • A nice comb over would've been useful.Brabo_Brabo
  • jagara1

    If you suffer from some pretty massive chronic anxiety issues like I do, I recommend not delving too deeply into the topic of A.I.

    I personally really have to start ignoring that shit and worry about Skynet up until the actual second the mimetic poly-alloy T-1000 knocks on my door. At least I'll be able to sleep until then.

    If you, however, are fine with feeling deep dread about the near future of humanity, have a look at this:

  • scarabin2

    I just found out the kangaroo’s favorite food is grass. Those swole-ass, t-rex lookin’ motherfuckers are out there just picking and eating fistfuls of the stuff.

    I swore they ate other kangaroos or lizards or something.

    Learn somethin’ new every day.

  • shellie1

    Boy was I excited, I ordered a fancy hot dog for lunch. What arrived was a breakfast burrito, with mayo to boot -- maybe the farthest from each other from a contents to execution. Typically a breakie-rito would be a welcome surprise but they really went for broke on gross with this one. I got a refund but I couldn't get past two bites of the thing.

  • sarahfailin1

    they said you can't play three trumpets at once...
    FUCK YOU!!!

  • sted0

    How many of you had a power outage in the last 30 days?

    • Not me. Brooklyn.nb
    • not me. canadapango
    • nothing to report herei_was
    • Nein hereOBBTKN
    • i don't recall ever having had a power cut for non-practical reasons here in the UK (house had one a few months back, due to works down the street).Nairn
    • Yup Toronto but happens once in a while after a storm, typically once or twice a year_niko
    • Yup, Seattle too. Ironically just across the street from a historical restaurant that claims to not have had a blackout in 70yrs. They made the best of it byGreen_Pork
    • cracking open champagne and having fast food burgers delivered.Green_Pork
    • Yep, Dublin.mort_
    • Trees fell in a big storm last summer and took out power for most of Long Island foe a day or so.monospaced
    • Non. Copenhagen.jagara
    • No, oddly also Seattlerobotinc
  • scarabin4

    Fruit chad sez have a healthy snack today

    • Sorry, you can't get this ridiculously inflated body eating watermelonsOBBTKN
    • . o O ( So how do watermelons get their ridiculously inflated bodies?? )Nairn
    • Also..…Nairn
    • You get it by LIFTING watermelons_niko
    • Nah, steroidsMilan
    • By lifting steroids? I think watermelons are heavier, matescarabin
    • what's heavier, 10kg of steroids or 10kg of watermelon?Milan
  • Nairn4

    Did a job a while back for what i thought was either something like a company that makes exercise bikes or for some high-end-ish health..Thing. I figured what I was doing was for some chi-chi promo event.

    Nope, turns out it was a tobacco-free nicotine pouch, some sort of snus sans-baccy.

    These guys -

    I just realised as I stood in line at a local shop and spied their logo amongst all the tobacco stuff. I was audibly like "what in the fuck?". I shoulda charged more... .

    • Lol doing design work and not even knowing what the company sells?!nb
    • Who said I was doing design work?Nairn
    • I did all the "fulfilment of 'Things' stuff", working with a designer. The logo was only dumped in at the last gasp, by which point I was already neck-deep in.Nairn
    • tbh, looking at the photos I got back from whatever it was I helped with, I really don't understand WHAT the fuck it was I helped with, haha.Nairn
    • I mean, it came out well, and my client did a good job, but... I don't understand What it is she was working on. I've dropped her a line to ask.Nairn
    • Had never heard of velo, just googled it on my computer and now I get instagram-ads on my mobile... it's all one messed up soup.Longcopylover
  • Gardener3

    Bit of a long shot for my American friends but today (Sunday lunchtime) I'm doing a record fair in a pub in Milton Keynes for the first time in years. I've got so much stuff to get rid of including hundreds of CDs and singles for a pound a pop (6 for a fiver) so if you're anywhere near the middle of England come and say hi! AND claim a FREE exclusive limited edition mix CD (I've only got ten to give away so come early).…

  • omahadesigns-4

    How much money do you need to have in the bank before you quit your job and go freelance?

    • how much fat do you have on your belly?AQUTE
    • I did it with 5k. Pretty stupid but worked out in the end. You’re forced to make it work._niko
    • One year salaryOBBTKN
    • Quit all the mass media subscriptions: spotify, netflix etc. Minimal costs. Put reserves in bank+crypto.shapesalad
    • I wouldn't do it without at least 6 months full expenses saved away, and that's pushing it.monospaced
    • at least 25 years of save salariesutopian
    • @utop, "slave salaries"?

      Sorry, no glasses near...

    Going to a late evening "basque traditional music fest" with wife... She loves these things, a bore for me.

    "Marriage things"

    • if you were traditional basque garb with a billowing white shirt, could you wrangle a quick wank from her as you listen, or is it a stand-up affair?Nairn
    • *wear, sorry, brain's a bit spastic still, see below post :)Nairn
    • well now, there's a questinehans_glib
    • It's a rural traditional music + dance fest, in a remote area. No time for funny erotic things there... Just ugly girls, lumberjacks and drunk farmersOBBTKN
  • Nairn0

    Fucking hell, I had three hours in work this afternoon due to MidgetChildcare constraints with nursery, etc. I get in and BOOMPH, a fucking migraine visits. Thankfully my migraines don't hurt, but I turn into an aura-blinded, brain-dead spastic that can't actually do anything for the duration.

    I'll be lucky if I manage a half hour's worth of productivity today.

    • lol - my desktop's clock hadn't accounted for hour going back, so I left in a panic at 5:20 to pick kid up from nursery. As I'm nearing I wonder at whyNairn
    •'s not as dark as it should be. Check phone - I'm an hour early. Fucking migraines make me so, so stupid.Nairn
  • misterhow4

    Inadvertently dressed like Shaggy today. I can't knock the gal who noticed. When told, I paused then my shoulders dropped and the realization set in. Observant people are my favorite people.

    • I included a photo in case your first thought was the amazingly talented rappermisterhow
    • ^ She call me Mister Howtastic?kingsteven
    • It wasn't menb
    • It's me too, but with glassesShenanigansTV
  • babydick4

    Kyle Rittenhouse trial begins. Predictions?

    • He gets off.PhanLo
    • 2024 GOP Candidatecapn_ron
    • ✓ Acquitted Of All Charges
      ✓ Hired As A Fox News Anchor
      ✓ Endorsed By The Republican Party
      ✓ Trump's Vice President Pick 2024
    • The judge is weird as fuckbabydick
    • omfg, the judge ruled they CANNOT refer to the 3 people he murdered as "victims" in the trial. WHAT. THE. FUCK.monospaced
    • That’s crazyinstrmntl
    • Who caresGnash
    • a lot of people cares. this trial will show where the law stands. who's at fault when you wave a loaded gun on the street causing a scene, then get into a fightpango
    • and shot someone. self defence argument is some time invalid when you had the chance to retreat but didn't. this will make it clear if self defence can bepango
    • applied in this case.pango
    • Yes, this will surely clear it all upGnash
    • awww we agree on something again.pango
    • Recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Given by T- Rump in 2024's State of the Union address.Percrushin
    • Who?drgs
    • this kid…
    • I predict people will be triggered. We’ll yell at each other over it a bunch and make some memes about it and go to bed more divided than everscarabin
    • i disagree. gnash and i finally agreed on something.pango
      Good chance he will be acquitted
    • Ouch, that’s gotta hurt. Check out the prosecutors reactionGnash
    • Looks like the other guy should be charged with attempted murder insteadGnash
    • i guess you do care. :Ppango
    • kinda fun to watch how wrong all the wokeus dei wereGnash
    • i agree. and we agree again.pango
  • Bennn0

    What the what?

    Posted in r/Adobe

    • Poor zeGnash
    • Is he/she assuming the tutorial person's gender? I smell a cancelation brewing, and it smells like a taste of their own medicine.GuyFawkes
    • very exhausting lolbabydick
    • Having undo as Command Z was definitely written for right-handed people and to piss Gen Z offIanbolton
    • I command z without my right hand.monospaced