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  • PonyBoy3

    that feeling you get when you're accused of something you had nothing to do with nor even know what said accuser is talking about... yet said accuser is so fucking livid that all you can do is gently walk away and hope said accuser gets-A-FUCKING-GRIP...


    • Is this related to a female? Then you must realize its for entertainment.sofakingback
    • Did she accuse you of cheat on her in her dream?pango
    • Lol pango, my ex did that. Woke up pissy at me for some dream he had. Turns out he actually was cheating on me himself in real life.. Facepalm.sea_sea
    • lol pango, that's a regular occurrence with my gf... she regularly wakes up angry at something I did in a dream. I just try to ignore her bad mood afterwardsBuddhaHat
    • Lol
      Some people am I rite?
  • detritus4

    Gf's away so I'm having a day watching ST: Voyager, smoking weed and afternoon drinking. Sad, yes.

    Even sadder, at the end of the last episode (cool one where 7 of 9 goes all paranoid and conspirational) i thought to myself "huh, they don't have holodeck episodes, so no shitty fantasy episodes, as in TNG".

    The very next episode is all about lieutenant Barclay. In a holodeck.

    As you were.

    It's even got Diana Troi.

    • Although, "in your case, practice is irrelevant". Great line. Fuck Neelixdetritus
    • I take it back. They made contact with home. Not a bad episode.
      Still, fuck holodecks.
    • ..And literally the one after is a full on holodeck episode, set in jolly ol' Ireland. Ffs.detritus
    • i liked barclay in TNG. could never get into voyager though. new age indian guy and boring monotone captain annoyed mescarabin
    • should i give it another go?scarabin
    • Beneath its safe 90s west coast palette it's got quite a few dark-concept episodes. It's not TNG, but some of the stories are betterdetritus
    • This is proper creepy, det. I've been re-watching VOY for the last couple of weeks ... I just finished S6E16, so I reckon I'm only 4 ahead of you.Continuity
    • I enjoyed a Voyager episode here and there, but I'm with scarabin on this one, although the holodeck ep with Barclay is actually quite good.BuddhaHat
    • As I said elsewhere here a wee while back - Voyager's got some really dark episodes and concepts in.. but they're masked by mid 90s Californian pastel bullshitdetritus
    • So I'm quite enjoying it, but I was brought up on TNG, it's MY series. Always will be.detritus
    • Same. For me, it's TNG, the Voyager. I actually dislike DS9, and the least said about Enterprise, the better.Continuity
    • *then VoyagerContinuity
    • Oh, and I'm also re-doing Arrested Development (again) and noticed Neelix in an episode..…detritus
  • detritus1

    One day i will die.

    I wonder if i will recall this afternoon.

    • We'll make surely they include this on your tombstone.pango
    • ^OBBTKN
    • Hows your head today?fadein11

    Going to Barcelona for 3 days next week, and i've got a ton of work to be done before friday, whereby, no exercise or social life till end all of them...

    Hope i don't fall asleep while driving to bcn

  • pango1

    Love it when a show has
    Suggested (and enforced) donation of $30 at the door.

    30 bucks isn't much but why bother call it a donation when it's enforced? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • autoflavour2

    so good.. just spent the last 4 days at Seawalls festival by Pangeaseed In Napier New Zealand.. amazing .. got some great interviews, albeit a bit drunk on occasion.. and then yesterday as a final day trip, we did this bushwalk out to this massive waterfall..
    So many great walls, and some super good people..

    alas reality awaits for me..

  • Paps20152

    The new Samurai Jack season 5 is amazing!

  • bklyndroobeki0

    By far of the Start Trek TNG series (and I'm only on Season 4), the Nth Degree is my fave.

    • whats up with everybody watching these series again? am i missing somethingdrgs
    • that's a good one, I like pretty much all the Barclay episodes actuallyBuddhaHat
  • shellie1

    is anybody here watching big little lies on HBO? It's female targeted subject matter (housewives in the burbs most of - them rich) and something I would usually completely pass over. But, I gave it a spin while my partner was out of town and it turned out to be deeper than I expected.

    • Watching it now. I like that the male characters aren't just stupid side characters like so many female targeted shows make them.monospaced
    • watching it, its good. editing is really well done. music is really good toobrandelec
    • The abuse storyline send very realistic. I know tons of women that make countless excuses for their man's unexcusable behavior.shellie
  • Bennn2

    So sad right now, our cat is in her final days :(
    She's very old, 17 years old. She was showing signs, like lost of weight in the last month, but it all escalated quickly friday.

    • sorry to hear, bennGnash
    • sorry to hear man, 17 years is like losing a best friend. make the most of the time with her, and I hope she doesn't suffer any more than she has to. peace.BuddhaHat
    • Damn. That's a really, good, long life for a cat and you should know that you were able to provide that, spending quality time with her through her life.monospaced
    • thanks guys. She surely is a lucky one, we respect her like she's a human. She had a wonderful cat life.Bennn
    • stay strong, benn...thats tough times.stoplying
    • She had a good man / family helping her make it to 17 (that's some good pet-parenting!)... sounds like she's had a wonderful loving life. <3PonyBoy
    • Fight fire with fire.Maaku
    • So sorry to hear that benn.
    • hang on buddy. life sucks,and this is is part of it no matter how much you don't want it always does. the best thing you can do is to remember the good things..sted
    • (-is) whatever 17 years that's some serious friendship...sted
    • feelsApeRobot
  • detritus0

    This is on the wall in the cafe out front here..

  • detritus-2

    Shit, I just came back in to grab my phone to take a photo, but by the time I got out, she was gone.

    There was a decade-old Mercedes Estate loudly emblazoned with crap vinyl swirly text saying '' all over it. Peering into the drivers seat, there's some 50-60 year old trollop sitting there on her mobile (to her credit, she stopped to use the fucking thing, unlike a lot of cunts). On the back of the car is a full height printed vinyl of her sleazing around in a dreadful fur coat.

    At first I thought "huh, well good for her if she's ok advertising her whoredom on her car as she drives around".

    When I came back in I put in the address and, welp, she's not a prostitute per se, but she was a Page 3 glamour model at some point...

    Nut bag.


    I'll never be able to understand other people's egos.

    • tbh, i was initially more impressed by her impressive use of the tax system, as I assume she paid fuck all on her car..detritus
    • points for the effective use of "trollop"stoplying
    • Haha. Holy shit she seems like a wonderfully confused woman!Ianbolton
    • haha, yeah - the more I saw of her the more I appreciated her nutsness!detritus
  • maquito1

    I'm putting together a 324 slide powerpoint.

    Happy monday.

  • i_monk1

    I plan my day around catching Grand Designs reruns on CBC at 1.

    • Cool how can I watch this?nb
    • VPN and stream from the CBC site. Their media player isn't the more reliable, though.i_monk
    • *mosti_monk
    • Seasons one and two are on Netfliximbecile
    • Not in Canada :\i_monk
  • Bennn1

    • sell outGeorgesII
    • drones and boosted boards and shitutopian
    • oh, what did he "sell out" exactly? Was he the champion of some anti corporate movement? I remember he did a few big projects with Corps. before.sofakingback
    • After all isn't the idea to gain currency and disregard females with unpleasant attitudes?sofakingback
  • i_monk0

    Time to get shelves for some of these blank walls...

    "Hungarian shelves" according to pinterest/instructables, because someone saw them in Budapest.

    • (not my pic)i_monk
    • What are you doing in my apartment?!%sted
    • Standard stalking.i_monk
    • I just have a lot of milk crates on casters...pango
    • I cant recommend Rakks enough.deathboy
    • A single bracket costs more than all the lumber I'd need for this.i_monk
    • I think a generics brackets from Home Depots would do just fine. Just get nice lumber.pango
    • come on thats just not true. all lumber is cheaper but u have more labor including a need for a nice table saw, and less overall load strength.deathboy
    • i think i spent like a buck 150 for my hardware and less on resawn pine i beat up up for a antique walnut finish. but too each there owndeathboy
    • heres a shitty cell image of mine…deathboy
    • n/m, I was looking at the suspended bracket price.i_monk
  • HijoDMaite7


    I made these a few months back in my living room and they have just been perfect. super easy to buy everything at home depot, have them cut the boards, then sand and stain the wood. one day project for sure.

    if it's in the budget for you use the red oak!

    • By the way all those boards are loose and able to be rearranged.HijoDMaite
    • Hijo this is beautifulbklyndroobeki
    • I used to purchase these columns way back. my dad helped me install this in my studio way back. good memoriebklyndroobeki
    • (Not my pic btw) i dont think i even own that many books.HijoDMaite
    • I came across these earlier. We had something similar when I was a kid, I just prefer the idea of using wood for the uprights. OTOH, adjustability is a bonus.i_monk
    • Nice one. I actually just made the "copper pipe" version of this from Home Depot (but with cheap as chips Hemlock from a local upstate lumberyard)hardhat
    • Poor men's vitsoe?
    • I quite like Ikea's elvarli system as well you can really drill holes into the wall.…pango
    • "... As well if you can't drill holes in the wall..."pango
    • fabulososofakingback
    • I thought it was Cadovious I've got this stuff in my house :
    • Nice!!!set
    • Ikea Elvarli…
    • I might go this route in the bedrooms. I wonder if my dad still has all those shelves... the uprights were brass I think.i_monk
    • the uprights come in three sizes at home depot. also in brown, black, bare metal or white. just find the studs and drill.HijoDMaite
    • Read Oak was already 3/4 inch thick by 11.5 wide, so just have them cut to the length you need. My top shelf is all books and ended up being about 64" long.HijoDMaite
    • Post a pic already!i_monk
    • sure. when i get home from work I will dust my shelves and take photo for you guys.HijoDMaite
  • since19790

    You prop em up to tear em down.

    You tear em down to prop em up.

  • drgs2

    good morning!

  • shellie2

    My friends new boyfriend has pissed the bed drunk many nights in a row completely ruining her mattress and waking her up and requiring her to wake him up too because hes still asleep in his filth. I say she should get him to get her a new mattress while hes still feeling embarrassed and guilty and then dump him. Mattresses can be expensive. No way he's going to man up and replace her shit if she breaks up with him before he makes the purchase. What kind of 30-something man still pisses the bed, anyway? That's "out of control of your body" drunk and to me, that's a big sign with flashing lights on it, "Caution, this man is really 3 toddlers stacked on top of each other in a trench coat." I've honestly never experienced anyone close to me doing that. But I assume my knee jerk reaction if someone wet the bed beside me more than once, i'd lose my cool for sure.

    • Dude can't handle his alcohol, time for your friend to set some serious boundaries. Cut way back on the sauce or gtfo.HijoDMaite
    • That's quite depressing. Dude needs help.DRIFTMONKEY
    • I just feel like these are problems you come across when you're in your 20s and just learning how to party. At this point he's just an alcoholic. She has a kid.shellie
    • Im sure she wants to create some sort of family but id say keep looking.shellie

      1/10 ,would not pee in her bed ;)
    • I'd dump him and take the loss. Unless he has prostate cancer, he's trash and should be taken out... he should have OFFERED to replace the mattress like anyzarkonite
    • decent human being.zarkonite
    • I'm not sure I've been so drunk that I pissed myself sleeping. *licks finger, scores air*detritus
    • had a friend who used to do this loads - wasn't an alcoholic. Now a Doctor. Don't be so quick to judge.fadein11
    • He had always been drinking when it happened though.fadein11
    • I have friends who would get hella pissed and sleep piss in cupboards, on sofas, etc. But they were in their early-mid 20s, and it was occasional.detritus
    • As a fairly moderate drinker myself, if I pissed myself more than once in a year from booze I'd have major klaxons going off in my head.detritus
    • @Detrius but did your urine filter through someone else's bed for your unsuspecting girlfriend to roll onto? I cringe at the thought.shellie
    • When new mattress is purchased, throw a mattress protector on it. And get a Casper - they rock!stoplying
    • As I said, shellie - I've never been so drunk I pissed myself or a bed.detritus
    • lol. poor bloke doesn't know we are all discussing his bad habit on here.fadein11
    • of course he should pay for a brand new mattress, and of course she should reconsider letting him in her bed againmonospaced
    • drunk or doing crack? never heard of a drunk person peeing the bad for being really drunkernexbcn
    • At least he didn't shit himself. That's a thing too.cannonball1978
    • it might be okay, I read somewhere, women don't like "nice guys" they prefer bad boys... a guy pissing in bed is pretty badrobotron3k
    • Signs of alcoholism, not just handling your alcohol.Hayoth
    • what a piss boy, signs of an immature fucking cunt.utopian
    • if he's not offering to buy a new mattress just out of common decency then he's a cunt and needs to be given the boot... drunk or not!dee-dubs
    • he probably was sleeping at her place because he pissed up his bed completely.robotron3k
    • Or, change the mindset and think of it as a waterbed. Of sorts. A piss-stinky one.detritus
    • New mattress and give him the boot.garbage
    • lol, robo, you pee the bed too, or are just into making bed-wetting adults look cool?monospaced
    • I dated a girl that would piss the bed nights in a row from drinking. Her reaction "not agin" told it was common. She also drank out of a chew/spit cup once.sofakingback
    • But yea, red flag. move on, theres no time in our life to fix someone or stick with them. I also dated a mentally ill person, fuck that. move on. save yourself.sofakingback
    • dang, poor dude can't afford going to the doctor to check what's going on? it may be some blatter disease or something, it has nothing to do with drinking :(feel
    • Yeah, piss drunk is not attractive.sea_sea
    • I'd say a bladder thing if he EVER did that when he wasn't drunk. She hasn't mentioned anything abut that. If so that would be cause for loving concern.shellie
    • It'd be a completely understandable health concern but not confronting it if thats the case is also pretty immature for a man in his late 30s.shellie
    • nope. 1 strike pissed bed rule!
      he's out!
    • Jeez man, it's a bit of piss. Get over it.robthelad