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    I had not done allnighters for years, but this week i need to, ok, let's go

    • oh boy - good luck. Every time I do one of these nowadays I feel my ever-increasing years!detritus
    • I don't think I'm capable of an allnighter anymore.i_monk
    • I did 48 hours right before Christmas. Thank God for the holiday because it took me out for 2 days after.shellie
    • In the same situation, pulled 16 hours yesterday... prob similar for rest of week. I'm too old for this shitdee-dubs
  • i_monk0

    In my next life I'm coming back as a lighting designer.…

    Look at the price/part breakdown. $260 just for the bent piece of metal. $50 more for the bent piece of metal that attaches it to the wall. With $46 screws.

    (Paolo Rizzatto, 265)

    • doesnt come with bulb?robotron3k
    • $2 bulb.i_monk
    • believe it or can make this yourself.utopian
    • Certainly. Or find a copy for 1/4 the price:…i_monk
    • break down misses: bank/accounting fees + designer fee + producer fee + manufacture fee + assembly fee + storage fee + website hosting fee etc etc etc.fruitsalad
    • Ikea etc can do it cheaper as they have the power of scale + extreme cost cutting on their sidefruitsalad
    • Or China. Here it is on Alibaba for 90% less:…i_monk
  • stoplying4

    Later this week I fly to San Jose for a bts shoot at the legendary Tippett Studios in Oakland. Tippet is the man who animated the chess scene aboard the Millennium Falcon, the Taun Taun, designed Jabba the Hut, devised the animatronics for Jurassic Park, animated the bear in the TED movies, and countless other amazing accomplishments in visual effects.
    Can't fucking wait!

    • Cool man, Tippett is a legend and seems super down to earth, I always admired him, his current santa look makes him look older than he is.
      Have fun!
  • shellie0

    Speaking of mattresses, I'm moving out of my sublet and into my own place this weekend. I think it's time to retire my old spring mattress that's in storage in California and not bother to ship it out here to new york. If i remove some old things from my shipping costs the savings will allow me to buy new for not much more.

    I know caspar is pretty popular and i like that they come shipped in a box which is so much more convinient than a traditional mattress. But, I've never slept on one. I do like a firm bed though and a thin pillow top. Now there are all these competitors to caspar popping up. Would love to know your reviews on the bed in a box game. Any of you made any new purchases you either liked or regretted?

    • why don't you just buy your friends mattress from her?utopian
    • The Caspar is great, amazing cust experience & 100% refund. Sleeps firm but bouncy enough for activities ;) a mix of memory foam and reg foam, firm, soft, coolrobotron3k
    • they deliver in a day and have a store now in SOHO close to the apple store. I just saw the competitors, seems like around the same price range.robotron3k
    • I'm probably going to go with that robo. It's just too convenient. And being as I sweat like a feaverish toddler, a bed that was cooler would probably be bettershellie
    • Have a Casper and love it. I like firm too, and this isn't necessarily "firm", but so, so very comfortable. It took me two nights to get used to it. Go for it!stoplying
    • Casper beds are notoriously the hottest sleeping beds on the market. Pure foam = no breathability. Go natural fibers, fuck that memory stuff, it's a scam.monospaced
    • Their disclaimer that it's a cool sleeper is actually a lie.monospaced
    • no mono, Caspar is 1/4 memory foam and 3/4 regular foam. Air holes added to stay cool...robotron3k
    • https://www.tuftandn…bklyndroobeki
  • detritus0

    Just spent the last 40 minutes swearing at myself and a client I don't particularly like (he never looks me in the eye in conversation and he's a cheap wee cunt with poor chat to boot) as I left a pain in the ass job for as long as I could... but he's back in the country tomorrow so now I need to get it done.

    Despite having explained to him how tricky the job is and how important it is that it's prepped right so that I don't have to waste oodles of time fart-arsing around to get things to fit, he obliviously relayed when he dropped his stuff around "I got these done on the cheap". Alarm bells. I did a cursory examination whilst he was here and realised some redeemable problems, but not quite the full extent.

    So now I've left everything to the last minute I've realised how badly done his cheapness is and now I've got to spent extra time fucking around to compensate for his cheapery.

    So I'm annoyed at him, because he's cheap, but annoyed at myself more because if I'd realised the problem a week and a half ago, I could've with full self-satisfaction told him I'm not going to bother doing his job because he ignored everything I told him and got it done on the cheap.

    But it's too late for that now. Far too late.

    I'm an idiot.

    God, I really dislike him.

    I've wasted an extra five minutes whinging about him here now too. God, so, so irritated.



    I've had to scan this three times to ensure I've not mentioned anything specific that could tie me to him. Can't have a repeat of public spaces abutting with the personal, whatwhat. :|

    • Now I know I'm going to find anything else to do and leave this shit 'til tomorrow, so I can end up in a REALLY bad mood with myself/him/others.detritus
    • What's the bets on him just happening to be a QBNer now?detritus
    • On HER sorry, HER.detritus
    • In moments like this i like to daydream that I send the client a jpeg of a shit or something equally offensive and/or terrible and offer it up as job done...dee-dubs
    • "what do you mean it wasn't what you were expecting? I thought this is what you were looking for??" - prob career ending move but would bring huge satisfactiondee-dubs
    • So you're saying i should turn all of his, sorry her circles into penises? I'm not against the idea.detritus
    • Yes... it's a great way of firing him/her/neutral with a giant 'fuck you' to boot!dee-dubs
    • I ended up finding a neat, but time-consuming solution to this.detritus
    • what kind of project?monospaced
    • I'd rather not get too specific at this point - made that mistake here before! I'll mention when the time's past...detritus
    • (it's not very interesting)detritus
  • since19791

    i like chilling w girls im not going to date in a completely plutonic way.


    having no attraction helps.

    does your friend want to know you dont find her attractive? probably not.

  • wagshaft8


    Our team pulled down four ADDYs in Seattle. Hangover once again included.

  • pockets0

    moved servers to media temple, dedicated wordpress...been a dream compared to site5

  • pockets0

    prolly a thread for this but what is the best export settings for HD video uploads on youtube for adobe premiere?

    i got a gopro and have been using premiere (pc) but my final uploaded videos look like shit

  • since19790

    VHS hot right now.

    • 80's Retro Megapack for AEsted
    • was hot last year, getting played out nowmoldero
    • thats the point molderosince1979
  • Bennn24

    Dont want to be over dramatic here, but we've put our cat to sleep this evening, she was 17 y-o.

    I know that kind of stuff looks unimportant for people that dont have animals or that dont love and respect animals. But for people who have a pet that they love, they understand and they understand even more if they have ever put a furry friend to sleep. It's very tough.

    Just wanted to share this with you guys, if you have a pet, love him as much as he love you, their lifes are very short.

    This is the last picture of her before the vet arrive. I'll never take picture of her again :(

    • RIP kitty :(

      sorry about your loss B
    • this is the hardest part of caring for our friends :/scarabin
    • Its a cool last pic Ben! Bummed for you man. :(HijoDMaite
    • :(i_monk
    • <3PonyBoy
    • :(Salarrue
    • sorry to here :(fadein11
    • hear*fadein11
    • I'm sorry for your loss Ben. Euthanasia is so hard when it's your pet. I'm sure you gave her many years of happiness and love.cannonball1978
    • (not that it's ever easy)cannonball1978
    • Benn, sorry she is gone. I am sure she brought many loving moments. the photo shows a really loving girl!capn_ron
    • so sorry bennn.dorf
    • :(Melanie
    • I was surprised at my uncontrolled sobbing while I dug a grave for our cat a few years back. There can be a strong connection between a cat and a person!nuggler
    • Sorry for your loss. I have 2 female siblings, I dread the day I'll have to say goodbye to them :(ernexbcn
    • She had a happy life.
      That is the most important.
    • sorry dude. I want to hug you.sureshot
    • :(loool
    • aw your cat looked so damn wise.inteliboy
    • I've lost a few in the past and feel your pain. Sorry to hear, mate. 17 is a ripe old age for a moggy and I'm sure you provided her with a great life.set
    • I have an old cat too. I hope he lives foreverCalderone2000
    • I had a cat called Smudge. He was so friendly, probably due to his wild cat nip addiction. I loved that junkie cat.mrAtor
    • beautiful cat. RIP, little one.Gnash
    • Sorry man. RIP fella.robthelad
    • 17 wow what a grand ole' beauty. I am sure you gave her the best life she could ever have wished for. RIP little kitty. I am sorry for your loss B.rabbit
    • Thanks a lot everyone for your comments, really appreciatedBennn
    • all the feels manmonospaced
    • I had to put my 16 year old to sleep on december 5th. He was very sick. Sucks but it gets a little easier over time.CygnusZero4
    • Remember, its MUCH harder for us than it is for them. They just go to sleep peacefully like they did 1000s of other times in their lives.CygnusZero4
    • Shit, I wish I could die like they get to. Best way to go.CygnusZero4
    • True Cygnus, thanks. And sorry for your lil friend.Bennn
    • The house is so empty right now, its gonna be tough for a few days for sure, she was a big part of our daily activities around the house.Bennn
    • Sorry for your lossformed
    • We feel you. RIP Kitty.Longcopylover
    • grieve then welcome another into your life. :Djaylarson
    • aw . I'm so sorry. It's the worse feeling. I had to do the same a few years ago. It's OK to grieve.lynley
    • So sorry to hear. What was her name? We've had to put down many over the years, and it's horrible every single time. The hardest was our boy Simba, a fluffyelahon
    • orange Maine Coon. He was 7 or so when my son was born, and they were best buds till the day he died a couple of years ago. Zach still misses him. =(elahon
    • her name was a slang french name that means small bear :)Bennn
    • That's tough Bennn.
      Sorry for your loss
    • RIP
      On s'attache à ces petites bêtes là...
    • Really sorry to hear it man, it's heart-breaking. I was absolutely distraught when we had to put our 19 year old cat down, I know how you're feeling right now.BuddhaHat
    • I hope it gets easier for you soon.BuddhaHat
    • Really sorry for your lose.mugwart
    • Sorry about that, I had to put down two of my kitties in the last year. It's tough.zarkonite
    • Sorry ben, you made a merciful choice. 17 years is a good run.sarahfailin
    • Instead of allowing a natural passing, when old cats are too fatigued and tired to feel any pain, you paid cash to have her killed. Then posted it. Sick FuckBustySaintClaire
    • Beautiful kitty. sorry, for the loss.
      Just lost my dog of 17 yrs as well in Feb. I still hear his barking at times.
    • RIP :(Squiddy
    • If nothing else, this place has compassion when it counts. Sorry about your kitty, Benn.stoplying
    • thank you all again!Bennn
    • like no other....RIP kitty!utopian
    • Sorry to hear. We had to do the same to our old fella on Christmas Eve a couple of years ago...was very hard.
      RIP buddy.
    • Sorry Benn. It's a horrible thing to go through but the right thing to do.MrT
    • Glad you did it at home. We took ours to the Vet...which I REALLY regret now. :(BusterBoy
    • T_Tpango
    • <3 so sorry benn. Hugs to you and your family. That look in her eyes breaks my heart. *hugs favorite kitty.sea_sea
    • My condolences Benn. 17 years is a good run, and she lived like no one. RIP.garbage
    • thanks allBennn
    • what was her name ?srhadden
    • post some silly pics of when she was younger also!srhadden
    • :-(
      so sorry.
    • <3bklyndroobeki
  • HijoDMaite0

    here is a piece of mine, maybe i should paint those screws lol

    • +1
      I'll see if my dad still has the brass hardware and give that a go in the bedroom.
    • why is the left side of the top shelf higher?sted
    • Ohhh. I assumed the pictures below were actually yours.set
    • optical illusion? i don't know, but the right side seems higher to me. Pretty sure I used a level on all the shelves.HijoDMaite
    • lol now that's weird :) I was writing by a reversed point of view, it's the right side... well i copied the image into ps to check it out :)sted
    • yeah, your shelves aren't level dudemonospaced
    • rustic but functional. perhaps keep the bigger books on each end to reduce the mid shelf sag?fadein11
    • wtf? looks so crooked now that I am paying attention. I need to check again when I get home.HijoDMaite
    • the right bar looks a few inches higher in general, or that top board isn't straight ... or maybe your camera just caught a fucking weird perspectivemonospaced
  • autoflavour0

    god damn Walter Benjamin and the Art of Mechanical reproduction.. this is like the 3rd time ive had to deal with this shit in my uni career, and its still not any clearer to me than it was 8 years ago..

    its taken me days to write a 750 word review of this shit.. and im still not finished..

    what the fuck

    • great book though. one of every art students must readfadein11
    • yep, must as in they force you every fucking time..autoflavour
    • reads*fadein11
  • fourth2

    Go into a client site today and they're working on a program that's catering to millionaires. Literally asking people to fork over a million dollars.

    I walk in and they tell me "We need you to do 4 or 5 logo variations for this program. But only spend a few hours on it we have other design things for you to do"

    Are you fucking kidding me? That's literally ~$60 bucks a "logo" and 30-40 minutes on each one. You really expect to get a proper luxury identity that quickly?

    Some IT guy was quitting or let go and he walked up and said goodby to a few people and said "today is my last day." I was thinking to myself.... you know what? it's my last day here to. I love being a contractor.

  • shellie0

    A corny movie score, bad foley and shitty mixing can make an otherwise watchable flick impossible to finish.

    • Which?HAYZ1LLLA
    • I can't say. Its an aquaintences work (producer). Sound in the post process can suffer if the budget isn't balanced.shellie
    • Oh it's something you are working on. I thought you meant a film you'd just seen on TV or summin.HAYZ1LLLA
    • No it's a movie that had a wide release. But my friend wrote and produced it.shellie
    • the writing was good. cast was good. It made 6 million in profit in theatres. Anything sound related was bad, though. It was a success nonetheless on paper.shellie

    Anybody watch Atlanta? I watch the first 1.5 episodes last night. WTF happened with the shooting outside the shops at the start/end of the first episode. It was late and I was tired but couldn't work out what happened and why they were free to walk about and leave in episode 2.

    • Great show. Their take on the "canned" episode is stellar. Even better than the Mr Robot sit com episode, IMO.DRIFTMONKEY
    • ^ So no information on what I was on about?HAYZ1LLLA
    • Sorry dude, its been a while since I watched.DRIFTMONKEY
  • GeorgesII-3

    I haven't been here in such a long time, that when I write Pic in the address bar,

    pic of the day was replaced by picclick,


    • you were here 2 days agofadein11
    • yeah, but that's weeks in Egonia.detritus
    • life moves pretty fastFax_Benson
    • pmsl det - you are on form lately hahafadein11
    • fadein I haven't posted a single thread in months and barely spend anytime here compare to b4, can you stop riding muh dick pleazGeorgesII
    • yup detritus, it's incredible how much thing I have produced these past months, It kinda blow my own mind, time flies too fastGeorgesII
    • Good for you, Georges. I'll await your coming back here in two days for an overdue breathless hint at personal growth!detritus
    • lol fax haha.
      Georges - stop getting so triggered - your enlightened saviour comments are noted regularly. If you can't take it back don't dish it out - simples
    • you have posted stuff within the last 2 weeks and not just comments - jesus, are you losing ya marbles?fadein11
  • scarabin0

    workin' on a cop show. have to watch 4 other cop shows to understand the references in the creative brief.

    i hate cop shows.

    i love paychecks, though

    • Could be worse, you could be working on a pitch for Preparation H.detritus
    • yeah, truescarabin
    • maybe you can learn a couple of new choke holdsCALLES
    • Columbofadein11
    • You should have to get tazed before working on a cop show. In the bum.capn_ron
    • reality or episodic drama?shellie
    • tell us moreGeorgesII
    • back when i did that sort of thing, we had to watch 'Shanghai Noon' about four or so times over a day or so for some promo we were doing for it. not fun.detritus
    • Christ, that was 16 years ago.
    • haha. that sounds tedious!

      afraid i can't say more about it yet. NDA and such
    • Watch The Streets of San'll love this cop show.see_thru
    • This one is amazing:…
  • duckseason0
  • detritus0

    I use the word 'cunt' quite a lot, especially when typed, online.

    My job involves a lot of emails including the word 'cut'.

    Not for the first time this week, I've nearly sent off an email with an amusing but unfortunate typo.

    • I was chatting w/ a photography client & at the same time chatting w/ friend. I typed: "yeah this is the chick that wants me to PS her camel toe!"...HijoDMaite
    • and I nearly sent it to the client!. My heart dropped. :-/HijoDMaite
    • I often send...
      "Warm retards,
    • hahaha hijo — multiple IM windows are always dangerous!detritus
    • I can only think of immensely politically-incorrec... responses to the idea and potential uses of 'warm retards', so I'll just leave it at that.detritus