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  • _niko1

    your cherry picked 5 ministers out of a possible 25,000 worldwide (countries, provinces and cities) aside, with 5 seconds of using the internets properly you can see that the following are ACTUALLY the

    Danish Health Minister



    LA (is beingpuerto-rican a health issue?)

    • It's a fucking funny meme you cuntRendle
    • I absolutely love the fact you've just spent time trying to find healthy looking health ministers on Google images. That is fucking hilarious.Rendle
    • Was Quebec seriously in the top 3 you could find? LOLRendle
    • These were the health ministers during the first wave of covid. Who would have guessed that health ministers change from time to time?Rendle
    • lol no man, just showing you the ones you posted but current versions. Not ministers from the 80's in all their mulleted glory._niko
    • yeah and the Quebec dude is a Erdogan clone which is a whole other issue_niko
    • If this is the only thing you can spend time pulling me up on then I assume we're in agreement about the vaccine. LolRendle
    • ok, you win, now go back to the tomato question_niko
    • la lady has been reanimated compared to her previous picturehans_glib
    • Google Maggie de Block. Surely we can all just laugh at the fact that she was genuinely the health minister of DenmarkRendle
    • Google is corrupt MSM. You'll have to go to Denmark and laugh in her face.Fax_Benson
    • to be sure, to be sure.Fax_Benson
    • I'd have to laugh at the left side of her face and then walk for a few minutes to laugh at the right sideRendle
    • Funny_niko
    • FYI, Maggie de Block is the former health minister of Belgium. Last time I check, Belgium isn't Denmark.Continuity
    • At least unlike some of the other conspiracy nuts/ fascists on here and in general you have a sense of humour._niko
    • If you're going to go down that road to try and score some cheap points, at least make an effort, you cretin.Continuity
    • You're right, I got the country wrong.Rendle
    • Niko, you're in support of locking people in their homes, forcing them to close their businesses and firing people unless they take experimental injections...Rendle
    • ... and you think I'M the fascist? Wow.Rendle
    • You think that we shouldn't have open debate or discussion about the dangers of said experimental injections, and I'm the fascist?Rendle
    • I'm championing freedom to choose, and freedom of debate, and somehow you've rationalised that I'm the fascist here?Rendle
    • You’re not having a debate, you’re screaming at everyone much like a certain moustachioed Bavarian gentleman_niko
    • Or Austrian whatever, you’ve been proven wrong so many times with facts, figures and just logic and still you won’t accept that you’re wrong_niko
    • You follow a strict unwavering narrative and hammer square pegs into round holes of logic just to try to make it fit_niko
    • So much so that we’ve all given up and have started throwing tomatoes..._niko
    • Well. GMO tomatoes.Continuity
    • Apparently, there's a difference.Continuity
    • There isn't?Rendle
    • I used to have a certain amount of respect for you continuity, but, what?Rendle
    • maybe it's not him and its you?pango
  • Akagiyama14

    • + tomatopalimpsest
    • Poor tomato.Continuity
    • Is that tomato contagious?Continuity
    • Anything to divert from acknowdging the fact that the vaccine is killing people. I get it.Rendle
    • Of course it is, dear.Continuity
    • How many people did the vaccine kill today rendle?monospaced
    • Well, I think we can all agree that tomato is poorly. It got the jab, and it looks like it won't last the night.Continuity
    • :)))))sted
    • That's just what big tomato wants you to thinkrobotinc
    • Big Bolopalimpsest
    • When is Rendle going to die from the vaccine? Hurry up and bore off.shapesalad
    • See it's when we start wishing death on people that things start to become a bit weird. Really? For having a different opinion?Rendle
    • Got wooshed there, because the joke is that vaccine wouldn't kill you. Back to plane mode with you.garbage
    • You seem equally gleeful about all of the vaxxers dropping dead from their uninformed decision making.bogue
    • Certainly not full of glee, though I do believe the world would be a better place if everyone that believes everything the TV tells them were gone.Rendle
    • For any kind soul out there, I still don't know how a GM tomato is not a tomato.palimpsest
    • Think of it as tomato+.
      Solanum lycopersicum superius.
    • Finally!
    • I don’t trust the sauce.MrT
    • Will you change your tune when people aren’t actually dying of the vaccine? Like will you disappear?monospaced
    • According to Rendle there are NO HUMANS dying from the vaccine.palimpsest
    • Mono you can't even do basic maths, and you think I owe you some sort of response? Lol to thatRendle
  • palimpsest2

      I'd eat you alive. Though I wouldn't want to get infected with that mRNA.
    • :)Rendle
    • It just shows what kind of a man, using the term loosely, that you are though, posting photos hereRendle
    • What that neck do?palimpsest
    • There's mRNA everywhere now, it's like forever chemicalsyuekit
    • You're commenting on the neck wrinkles and not the forehead ones? lolRendle
    • Could catch a frisbee with my foreheadRendle
    • Ribbed for my pleasure.palimpsest
    • You do look like a bit of a gay cunt, to be fair...Rendle
    • Shall we get back to discussing the vaccines or?Rendle
    • If that neck do what you say it do
      You can swallow evidence
      They'll never have a clue
    • I seeRendle
    • For the record, despite my persona here, I'm full of love and I'm sure if we were all in a room together we'd get on fine, despite disagreeing on certain thing.Rendle
    • sRendle
    • The thing is, I never disagreed with you. Go back and read it all.
      It's all you, baby.
    • Let's keep it 1000, it doesn't matter a single bit if anyone agrees with you or not because having a conversation is not what you're about.palimpsest
    • https://www.diggitma…pockets
    • I've fought off at least 7 of those 5G batsRendle
    • idk what happened, you argued much more sensibly in the paststed
  • yuekit0

    • There's evidence that every country that administered the mRNA is experiencing excess death since.Rendle
    • In 2020 when the was excess death, after they literally closed hospitals to anything other than covid, you people said that covid...Rendle
    • ... was responsible. Now we're having excess death in 2022 from heart attacks and strokes, and hospitals are open, you people are..Rendle
    • .. Saying that it's because hospitals are overwhelmed. You'll say literally anything to bolster the opinion given to you by the television.Rendle
    • Hospitals WERE overwhelmed during covid thanks to anti-maskers and anti-vaxxed like you. The 17% bump on heart attacks was the result of people not_niko
    • Getting the help and treatment they needed during THAT time period. Sheesh_niko
    • You must be joking. They cancelled all appointments, all checkups and pretty much all surgeries.Rendle
    • I'm sorry but you asserted it without evidence and so I'm dismissing it...again, without evidence.yuekit
    • You're more than welcome to dismiss it.Rendle
    • Oh was able to see a cardiologist regularly through covid. You’re full of shit rendle. “They” cancelled all appointments. Wow ignorant AFmonospaced
    • In the UK they cancelled ALL appointments unless they regarded COVID. You're welcome to prove me wrong you half wit...Rendle
  • shapesalad0

    Her name is:

    Maggie De Block…

    For real.. she's De Block.

    • lol. It's things like this that make me sure we live in a simulation.Rendle
    • She was the Belgium Minister of Social Affairs and Health. Block that.shapesalad
    • and her sister Annie de WedgeRendle
  • pango6

    I guess we don't talk about 5G anymore

  • robotinc1

    @rendle can you 'splain to me how an mRNA vaccine changes your dna? and by 'splain I mean list sources that can 'splain it to me.

  • shapesalad0…

    A high-level Pfizer employee was caught on undercover camera by Project Veritas when he inadvertently dropped several bombshells which we're confident will be subject to extreme damage control over the coming weeks.

    Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer's Director of R&D, Strategic Operations - and an mRNA Scientific Planner, said that the company is exploring a way to "mutate" COVID via "Directed Evolution" in order to anticipate new strains for their Covid-19 vaccine

    "One of the things we [Pfizer] are exploring is like, why don't we just mutate it [COVID] ourselves so we could create -- preemptively develop new vaccines, right? So, we have to do that. If we're gonna do that though, there's a risk of like, as you could imagine -- no one wants to be having a pharma company mutating f**king viruses," said Walker, adding that he believes Pfizer scientists are going about it slowly "because you obviously don’t want to advertise that you are figuring out future mutations."

    Walker claims that "directed evolution" is different from Gain-of-Function research.

    "Don’t tell anyone. Promise you won’t tell anyone. The way it [the experiment] would work is that we put the virus in monkeys, and we successively cause them to keep infecting each other, and we collect serial samples from them," he said, before saying calling the Covid-19 natural origins theory bullshit:

    "You have to be very controlled to make sure that this virus [COVID] that you mutate doesn’t create something that just goes everywhere. Which, I suspect, is the way that the virus started in Wuhan, to be honest. It makes no sense that this virus popped out of nowhere. It’s bullsh*t."

    "You’re not supposed to do Gain-of-Function research with viruses. Regularly not. We can do these selected structure mutations to make them more potent. There is research ongoing about that. I don’t know how that is going to work. There better not be any more outbreaks because Jesus Christ," he continued.

    Walker also admitted that Covid-19 mutations were going to be "a cash cow" for Pfizer.

    Walker:Part of what they [Pfizer scientists] want to do is, to some extent, to try to figure out, you know, how there are all these new strains and variants that just pop up. So, it’s like trying to catch them before they pop up and we can develop a vaccine prophylactically, like, for new variants. So, that’s why they like, do it controlled in a lab, where they say this is a new epitope, and so if it comes out later on in the public, we already have a vaccine working.

    Veritas Journalist:Oh my God. That’s perfect. Isn’t that the best business model though? Just control nature before nature even happens itself? Right?

    Walker:Yeah. If it works.

    Veritas Journalist:What do you mean if it works?

    Walker:Because some of the times there are mutations that pop up that we are not prepared for. Like with Delta and Omicron. And things like that. Who knows? Either way, it’s going to be a cash cow. COVID is going to be a cash cow for us for a while going forward. Like obviously.

    Veritas Journalist:Well, I think the whole research of the viruses and mutating it, like, would be the ultimate cash cow.

    Walker:Yeah, it’d be perfect.

    He also explained that Big Pharma and government agencies such as the FDA are not working in the best interests of Americans.

    Walker:[Big Pharma] is a revolving door for all government officials.

    Veritas Journalist:Wow.

    Walker:In any industry though. So, in the pharma industry, all the people who review our drugs -- eventually most of them will come work for pharma companies. And in the military, defense government officials eventually work for defense companies afterwards.


    Veritas Journalist:How do you feel about that revolving door?

    Walker:It’s pretty good for the industry to be honest. It’s bad for everybody else in America.

    Veritas Journalist:Why is it bad for everybody else?

    Walker:Because when the regulators reviewing our drugs know that once they stop regulating, they are going to work for the company, they are not going to be as hard towards the company that’s going to give them a job.

    Watch the entire video below:

    Jordon Trishton Walker:…

    • chew on that one fellas.shapesalad
    • where are those bombshells exactly? he talks about the method how a company trying to be forward thinking, it is presented as if it were something evil.sted
    • as if the vaccine developments so far didn't proceed in this way. why does he sometimes mentions pfizer in 3rd person?
    • He’s like a black researcher version of Quentin Tarantino_niko
    • Project Veritas?pango
    • yeah fake-o-keefested
    • Forward thinking, lol. As if Pfizer can predict genetic mutations.IRNlun6
  • _niko2

    The aftermath

    • Classic project Veritas entrapment gotcha journalism._niko
    • Lol dude thought he was on a date and was trying to impress his date with bs in hopes of getting laid. I think we’ve all been there_niko
    • As costanza famously said: I once told a girl that I invented the phase ‘pardon my French’_niko
    • Haha. Ya, I totally lied to get laid! Nice tryGnash
    • Nothing at all about vaccines killing people, maybe he was saving that for the second date.yuekit
    • Nothing about this story is really about vaccines killing anyone... read up on the possible gain of function research being made to ‘stay ahead’ of the virus, yuePonyBoy
    • That was the conspiracy up until yesterday wasn't it? :)yuekit
    • I think maybe some caution is needed considering their past actions.…
    • it's weird that he doesn't act like he's responsible for anything at all, he is like a whiny bitch. this just makes harder to believe that he isn't an actor.sted
    • Google has scrubbed all results on him and his LinkedIn is gone. They are panicking because they know we're on to them.palimpsest
    • not too sure why everyone is losing over this covid mutation thing. after all it's simply using virus as a vector for delivery, a technology that;s been aroundhans_glib
    • @hans_glib
      What is "using [a] virus as a vector for delivery"?
    • @palimpsest yeah i see that too, those things can be done by himself... i'm not questioning his existence just that the importance of this is not so huge.sted
    • "i'm surrounded by five white people"zardoz
  • yuekit2

    Dr. Robert Malone sues other anti-vaxers for calling him a mass murderer and controlled opposition.…

  • inteliboy0

    can all these antivaxxer conspiracy Q types please...

    Go get your bachelor's degree...
    Apply for medical school....
    Finish Ph...
    Attend medical school...
    Pursue your residency or research training...
    Receive your medical license....

    Then maybe beat your chest in a decades time.

    • So you can’t have an opinion different than mainstream news outlets or government bodies. Apologies but fuck you and the horse you rode in on.Morning_star
    • A real 'friday night' proposition. Sober up pal.zardoz
    • AGENDA99! Give me the bleach!fadein11
    • there's opinion, and then there is full blown misinformation and armchair experts analysing data from medical journals...inteliboy
    • we're far beyond any point of people just having "opinions"...inteliboy
    • lol opinionsmonospaced
    • Aren't religions organized conspiracy theorists? With the conspiracy taking even a larger scale. I'm ok with both.
      They stay.
    • demanding your ignorant opinion on scientific fact be respected is most of the problem.imbecile
    • ‘Opinion’ is all there is. This thread, in particular, is mostly ‘my ‘expert’ is better than your ‘expert’. The science isn’t settled and probably won’t ever...Morning_star
    • The mess of misinformation, agenda driven media outlets, motivated reasoning and over simplification makes for a fog of nonsense and fact which is ...Morning_star
    • ..impossible to pick apart in the side bar of a design forum.Morning_star
    • The medical and scientific community didn’t spend billions and years of time to form mere opinions. The media is not the scientific community. Opinions lol.monospaced
    • It’s easy to question shit on a YouTube video without evidence. That’s opinion. It just isn’t grounded in reality or evidence.monospaced
    • This post is extremely hyperbolic, but it’s satire. The point is that the only people who are touting conspiracies aren’t in a position to question the sciencemonospaced
    • in case you misread it the first time... "demanding your ignorant opinion on scientific fact be respected is most of the problem."imbecile
    • @mono do you think that the ‘scientific fact’ you hold as the gold standard is always disseminated through political or media savvy mouthpieces?Morning_star
    • Do you also think the same scientific fact we (public) encounter is exactly reflective of the scientist(s) discovery.Morning_star
    • I don’t think it’s a global conspiracy to hurt anyone or anything nefarious. News is disseminated by news channels like them or not. Or gov. That’s how it worksmonospaced
    • @Morning_star Are you saying we aren't able to figure out what scientists think?yuekit
    • Over 70% of the world has taken some kind of vaccine. It's been extensively studied. If the vaccines were dangerous it'd be impossible to hide this absent someyuekit
    • ultra-paranoid conspiracy. At some point you've got to have some faith, not in the government or drug companies necessarily, but in the basicyuekit
    • ability of society, doctors and scientists, to figure something like this out.yuekit
    • I think Morning_star is talking about global epistemic skepticism. He rejects all knowledge.palimpsest
    • @mono which news channel’s and which government information should I consider as trustworthy and which should I ignore? And when I have a question about...Morning_star
    • ...whether I should vaccinate my kids, or if I need to wear a mask outside, who do I ask?Morning_star
    • @yuekit I don’t disagree with you at all. But the ‘figuring out’ is still going on. The expectations of vaccines abilities and the evolution of the virus ...Morning_star
    • ...require constant and further analysis and research. The suggestion that you can’t ask a question unless you have a PHD is rediculous.Morning_star
    • @palimpsest. Think for yourself, question authority. Always.Morning_star
    • Exactly. Not only authority, knowledge itself. Descartes' evil demon.palimpsest
  • BusterBoy3

    Can we just give the anti vaxxers, conspiracy alt right nutjob fuckwits a chunk of the earth...let's call it 10%...and they can go there and do whatever the fuck they like. Shoot each other...get everyone sick...not pay taxes...ANYTHING.

    As long as they can only stay in their 10% and never leave.

    • they can have the bottom half of flat earthimbecile
    • They have that already, it’s called Florida_niko
    • heh. another variation of the previous post's lunacyzardoz
    • you guys have some serious issues.zardoz
    • And what are those zarbobozmonospaced
    • You want Liberia, but for retards? Also, no taxes? Fuck, stupid cunts should pay extracrazyprick
    • I can just picture it now, everyone barefoot living in dirt floor cabins, fucking their sisters and smoking the finest meth. State motto: Owning the Libtards._niko
    • oh, so west virginia?imbecile
    • Like a leper colony?monNom
    • More like apartheid or concentratiion camps. A mere modest proposal.zardoz
    • Niko called itmisterhow
    • Ahh yes the Hitler youth have arrivedHayoth
    • lol put your mask back on and take your tenth booster for a virus with a 99.9% survival rate you little pussy cuntRendle
    • you're welcome to tryIRNlun6
    • sorry, I'm just catching up after a while awayIRNlun6
  • Rendle-15

    Excess deaths in 30 countries

    • Look at all the downvotes LOL. All these people so deeply in denial. He's using official data. Time to face reality chumps.Rendle
    • He cites all of the sources in the description. You won't look though, because you don't want the uncomfortable truthRendle
    • You'd rather the comfortable lie. Pathetic.Rendle
    • yeah Rendle this is nuts. all those excess deaths were people who didn't get the vaccine and now have complications from covid._niko
    • take care of yourself man, you might be next. go get checked out just in case, covid is a ticking time bomb for the un-vaxxed.
      we'd miss you around here :(
    • I think 50% of those excess deaths are also from people overdosing on Horse de-wormer and bleach injections._niko
    • just make sure that the tinfoil hat is secured tightly so the %G waves don't penetrate into your covid-compromised brain._niko
    • oh he's still herepango
    • set you win. you finally annoyed the fuck outta us.
      now what? what's next?
    • Now we wait for you fools to get to the point where it's physically impossible to deny the truth.Rendle
    • By all means keep taking experimental injections and genetically modifying yourselves over a virus with a 99.9% survival rate. That's your free will.Rendle
    • not this geriatric plonker... the way he pronounces covid as "ko-vid" does my head in.shapesalad
    • Mark my words you are in the group of the last fools on earth to realise your mistake. Don't say you weren't warned.Rendle
    • All right. We consider ourselves warned. Now, off you go to bother another forum somewhere on the internet. Your job here is done.Continuity
    • whistling past the graveyardzardoz
    • @Rendle, that's cognitive dissonance!
    • Can you just hop on your boat and fuck off into the sunset?crazyprick
    • Why is it these q types latch onto outliers like John campbell, though ignore the scientific consensus?inteliboy
    • This can't be directly attributed to the vax. Stress, depression, lock downs, loss of jobs, family... etc. So many factors causing death from a pandemic.IRNlun6
    • ...long covid_niko
    • This is nonsense, look at the first one. The USA has 1.2 million excess deaths since the pandemic started.yuekit
    • But 1.1 million people in the USA officially died from COVID. The remaining ones could have easily just been COVID deaths that weren't counted or the stuffyuekit
    • IRNlun6 just mentioned. No reason to connect it to the vaccines.yuekit
    • *gets advice from a nurseutopian
    • Continuity thinks I'm taking to the 4 or 5 brainwashed morons that believe everything the TV tells them and that the pharma corps want to make them healthyRendle
    • LOLRendle
  • inteliboy3

    "Mark my words you are in the group of the last fools on earth to realise your mistake. Don't say you weren't warned." Rendle

    Lol isn't this word for word the warning we got about 5G from set?

    • what mistake? a warning would indicate we could avoid this fate. rendle is nothing short of a mental patient with internet access.imbecile
    • couldnt you see?! because he warned us that's why we're saved! how? i dunno. but we are!pango
    • Five Gee still hasn't had enought time to show its effects.palimpsest
    • We'st mu'snt discard hi'st warnings.palimpsest
    • You haven't realised I'm set yet?Rendle
  • palimpsest1

    "Nicotine is neuroprotective.
    Nicotine is great for us, it increases acetylcholine, dopamine and epinephrine.
    It leads to heightened focus, improved memory. And it can offset neurodegeneration in Parkinson's and Alzheimer's."
    - Andrew D. Huberman

  • zardoz2

    comments are golden

    • The Majority Report are commies, your argument is invalid.palimpsest
    • Fuck The Majority Report. One horny black dude said some shit which is edited by people that use deceptive editing techniques. Fucking morons.crazyprick
    • Exactly crazyprick_niko
    • Pfizer's press release cofirms they were doing Gain of Function. They arent denying anything the horny black dude saidzardoz
    • zardoz, quote the part where they're saying that plz. thnxcrazyprick
    • It's all out there in the release. They admit the directed evolution, swapping spike proteins, preemptively developing their treatments etczardoz
    • https://globalcovids…zardoz
    • Now, i'm guessing you'll brush this link off because it's author is discredited or a 'grifter'.zardoz
    • Anyhow, here's the quote: "You're gaining function, you're creating a new function in virus one by adding elements from virus two,"zardoz
    • "It's all out there in the release" Okay, here's the release:…crazyprick
    • Robert Fucking Malone? Are you shitting me? Hahahahahahahahahaha...crazyprick
    • Congratulations, you played yourself so fucking hard. Oh my lordcrazyprick
    • what's the issue exactly? morons lap up the fear mongering as usualinteliboy
    • I stopped reading at "Majority Report are commies". Lol, they are centrists at best, and lucky to have low hanging fruit like Project Veritas.garbage
    • I didn't know you was the lefties gatekeeper, bruh.palimpsest
    • "Centrists AT BEST"palimpsest
    • I hope you realize that this means that in your mind they are actually right wing.palimpsest
    • What's centrist in America is right wing in other countries. Maybe they've put their hand on the rudder, but I don't keep up with the MR anymore.garbage
    • When Brooks died it became more of a Pelosi fest, and there was that whole debacle where Seder spazzed out on Peck.garbage
    • "What's centrist in America is right wing in other countries."
      Just listen to yourself.
      And keep Brooks' name out your mouf!
    • How often have you left the shire?palimpsest
    • I honestly don't give a fuck what you tell the rest of these people. Just know that this is going down in my books.palimpsest
    • Bringing up Brooks like that when trying to make a point just shows your true colors. Pathetic.palimpsest
    • Fucking radical that you are, how many countries have you lived in that makes you think that America's right is the left for the rest of the world?palimpsest
    • Going down in your books? lol. If you think the MR hasn't shifted center since Brooks passed (Rest in Power), you're lying to yourself.garbage
    • I normally like you pamps, but only when you're not confused.garbage
    • One of us is confused. From your response to my first comment you're the one that looks confused. I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to party.palimpsest
    • I was just saying that what passes for the left in America is not what passes for left in actual first world countries.garbage
    • Reaching across the aisle will bite Dems in the ass. They've somehow forgotten that the current GOP tried to kill their own VP..garbage
    • ..and a failed hammer attack on Pelosi. And if you don't think Pelosi isn't "centrist at best", look into her finances.garbage
    • Alright. Let's do this.
      You said that MR was not commie (like I had said) but "centrist at best" meaning that it was actually on the right.
    • You then said:
      "What's centrist in America is right wing in other countries." given the context of you previously calling the MR centrist...
    • This country is bought, plain and simple. It's just that the left leans more to thinking and not doing, the right leans more to killing and not thinking.garbage
    • ... at best it would mean that the rest of the world also sees them as right wing.
      I think this is a wild exageration, wilder than me calling them commies.
    • What are talking about here?
      We're talking about practice.
      Not the game.
    • To me this just looks like you posturing how radical you are. It's ridicously, like my first comment but in a sadder way.
      I don't even listen to the MR.
    • We're talking about practice!palimpsest
    • I hope you realize we arguing just for the sake of arguing. Both of our opening statements are wrong.

      We're talking about practice.
    • Airing out your beef with Pelosi on the side notes of a post on the Coronavirus thread.
      That's what we're doing.
      We're talking about practice!
    • lol that was an absolute dime, props. The Answer is a peacemaker for me, childhood hero.garbage
  • hans_glib9

    can't we just nuke this thread now?

    • It's one of the most active threads at the time.
      It stays!
    • Tenacious like the virusdrgs
    • And like the virus, it harms no one.palimpsest
    • it's just people shouting at each other. pointless thread is pointless.
      terminate with extreme prejudice.
    • No.
      It stays.
    • You can't just ask to delete threads because you don't like them. In that case nuke the whole of QBN.palimpsest
    • If you're taking part of it it's another vote for the thread to stay.palimpsest
    • Fuck off, Hans.crazyprick
    • wilco crazyhans_glib
    • 100%MondoMorphic
  • crazyprick2

    John Campbell, that old cunt, has a video about Pfizer's recent press release, and he has no idea that it's about that heavily edited fuckery from Project Veritas cunts. So professional. What a fucking joke.

    • you sound riled.zardoz
    • you sound gay.crazyprick
    • But Pfizer have confirmed that Jordon wasnt making shit up.. The editing does not misrepresent anything.zardoz
    • Now, Pfizer dont call what they're doing Gain of Function. But it fits the definition.zardoz
    • Signs i'm getting old: Cheerleading Big Pharma is A okay.zardoz
    • Signs I'm a retard: Listening to Robert Malone is a good idea.crazyprick
    • So riledRendle
  • yuekit3

    • Campbell is laughing all the way to the bank... $4 to 7 million a year making anti-vax conspiracy videos in his basement.yuekit
    • Noooooo! But Pfizer bad! Noooooooooooooooo!crazyprick
    • He is the highest paid retired nurse teacher in UK. Nurse Johnny never lets the truth get in the way of a good story.utopian
    • With all of those $$$ millions earned...Nurse Johnny should go back to medical school to become a doctor and then go get his PhDs in immunology & epidemiology.utopian
    • But he got his credentials - degrees, Phd etc. This gives him the right to 'beat his chest'zardoz
    • You guys are nuts - never address arguments being presented, resort to personal attacks every timezardoz
    • Zoomers, the lot of ye.zardoz
    • of course, there are millions of morons out there as a captive audience, ready with money in hands and tinfoil on heads_niko
    • yes, grifting, laughing to the bank etc, morons in flyover country, far right etczardoz
    • None of this refutes Dr Campbell's arguments.zardoz
    • so all ideas from anyone making money means they are wrong. this makes it easierGnash
    • No, only wrong if the money is going to the worlds experts on the subject. YouTube money isn’t to be questioned. Just science money.monospaced
    • @yeukit & mono. Should we reject any information by any source that has profited because of the pandemic?Morning_star
    • His ideas have been debunked already...this is just adding some background.yuekit
    • What ideas? The man has been broadcasting since the early days of the pandemic and is still monetised on YT. How?Morning_star
    • Not everything he broadcasts obviously but some of the claims about ivermectin, vaccines etc. Being monetized on YT isn't a guarantee of being accurate.yuekit
    • Here's an example, some videos another scientist made explaining why he's wrong.…
    • I was being satirical Morning.monospaced
    • As I said before this is opinion. If you read the comments you will see how there are challenges to this guys interpretation. He's also earning money from YT...Morning_star
    • ...asking for donations, patreon etc. So, using your approach, we should reject this man too.Morning_star
    • @mono. Apologies, it's been a long dayMorning_star
    • Ah ok. Since Prof Greg has less followers and views, means he’s making less $ from YT and therefor more reliable info source. Got itGnash
    • lol, there are lots of doctors and scientists calling out you really think it's impossible to tell who's right?yuekit
    • bwah ha ha. well played old fella, well bloody played.shapesalad
    • The BBC also wrote a story on this…
    • It's not a question of different interpretations...he makes basic mistakes, leaves things out etc.yuekit
    • Watch him explain himself here in response to the BBC article:…Morning_star
    • I don't expect you to view it but what it shows is the resolution we have to interrogate opinion at. The nuances, the speculation, the theorising are lost...Morning_star
    • ...with sweeping claims like 'he's an antivaxxer only in ot for the money'. Challenge the claims.Morning_star
    • I do understand that this interrogation and analysis takes time and it's rare we have the leisure or understanding to analyse at origin levels.Morning_star
    • Morning_star it's not that complicated...just look at what the majority of experts or people working in that field think. That's what you'd do for anything elseyuekit
    • Here's one on his more recent claims about vaccines and excess deaths.…
    • No. No it's not. Majority rules is not the way scientific decisions and facts should be analysed. You should know this more than most, the Skeptics Guide...Morning_star
    • ...SBM, the Novella Dynasty ;) are constantly saying this.Morning_star
    • I'm not saying it's bad to make money. But he's making millions while putting out false health information during a pandemicyuekit
    • ...and explaining himself when he's questioned.Morning_star
    • "Majority rules is not the way scientific decisions and facts should be analysed" Why not? Unless you're going to spend a lot of time researching somethingyuekit
    • yourself, which most people don't have time for, this will usually give you the right answer.yuekit
    • There's no qualifying criteria for this, no fact, just opinion. Mostly biased and flawed. The 'majority' put Trump in the Whitehouse. The 'majority' would haveMorning_star
    • ...told Einstein to fuck off because he was a patent clerk.Morning_star
    • You just cant win with bigyoutuberobotinc
    • lol at idiots demanding information to change their mind when they don't actually read any informationimbecile
    • "No fact, just opinion" cmon Morning_star not everything is just opinion. I think we can safely say Dr. John Campbell isn't Albert Einstein.yuekit
    • https://www.psycholo…yuekit
    • Carl Sagan had a good quote on this... "They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown."yuekit
    • In this case there isn't even much debate going on...Campbell isn't putting out research, he's just making YouTube videos that contain errors and misinfo.yuekit
    • For instance he doesn't seem to know how a death certificate works. Sometimes he leaves out numbers that would have undermined his point.yuekit
    • What these people generally do is exploit the complexity of the topic at hand to confuse people. If you watched the video rebutting him and then Campbell'syuekit
    • response, it's obviously he's BSing. But Campbell (and Weinstein etc) count on the fact that most people won't do that.yuekit
    • They understand most people are strongly influenced by tribalism and what they want to believe is true. Once an issue becomes politicized, people will side withyuekit
    • their tribe and not even bother looking at the evidence or checking what most scientists think.yuekit
    • Not to mention most of us don't have time to sit through these hourlong videos discussing extremely technical science topics.yuekit
    • Hey yeukit, i appreciate you. Respect. We disagree fundamentally about how to assess the principle value of information. I'm afraid we won't find an...Morning_star
    • ...answer in these QBN side bars. :-)Morning_star
    • Yeah of's yuekit BTW :) I do think if people are going to say someone like Campbell is right, you should be able to name at least one thing he'syuekit
    • right about. Once you look into the details I think it backs the criticisms people are making of him.yuekit
    • He cites his sources in every video and you want to talk about him making money? He literally cites official numbersRendle
    • Why aren't you focusing on the actual data? You know... real data. You'd rather slander him for making money? That's proof you don't want the truthRendle
    • How much did governments and big pharma make from the vaccines? Yuekit? How much did the 1% profit from lockdowns?Rendle
    • There's a very in-depth take down of how he misrepresented the numbers around excess deaths in the videos I posted above.yuekit
    • I'm not avoiding the data. I've posted tons of links in this thread. It looks suspiciously to me that people say they want to read them but thenyuekit
    • You haven't answered my questions. You dismiss him because he makes money from it, but lockdowns and vaccines are...Rendle
    • ... were at least a thousand if not ten thousand times more profitable for the people providing them. ShrugRendle
    • Lockdowns were profitable? lolyuekit
    • Like I said already, I'm not dismissing just because he makes money from his channel. The point of this post was not the more money you make, the more wrongyuekit
    • you are. Strangely both you and Morning_star interpreted it that way.yuekit
    • No. Yuekit, Why would you point out that he makes money if you didn't think that in some way he was compromised because of it?Morning_star
    • Yuekit, you're telling me that you're not aware that the lockdowns were responsible for the largest wealth transfer in recorded history?Rendle
    • Millions of family businesses bankrupt but corporation profits sky rocketed. You didn't know that though, did you...?Rendle
    • This is why we can't have a proper conversation, you're diabolically ignorant. If the TV doesn't report it, you don't know about it.Rendle
    • You no longer possess your own mind. Orwell would be proud.Rendle
    • You're nothing but a mouthpiece for the elite that have not only just poisoned half the world but transferred major wealth from the common people.Rendle
    • Alright mate let's take it down a few notches...I'm not a mouthpiece for the elite that's poisoned the world. I love the common people, I want to be like them.yuekit
    • You're right that inequality increased during the pandemic. I wouldn't personally describe this as "lockdowns are profitable." In fact many businesses heavilyyuekit
    • lobbied against lockdowns and were even responsible for promoting things like ivermectin that meant they wouldn't have to lockdown.yuekit
    • Of course businesses prefer to stay open and continue making $ as usual. That doesn't mean that wealthy people aren't better positioned to weather a crisisyuekit
    • like this. And the wealthy coming out better from the crisis doesn't mean they planned the crisis. Overall there's a lot of black and white thinking and jumpingyuekit
    • to conclusions going on here. As far as Orwell goes, this is a good essay I was reading recently, has some relevance to these discussions IMO.yuekit
    • https://www.orwellfo…yuekit
    • @Morning_star I didn't say Campbell was wrong because he makes money. I said he's wrong AND he makes money doing it.yuekit
    • And he's likely incentivized to keep cranking out more of the same kind of content that makes him more money. Do you really disagree with that?yuekit
    • You just said a whole load of nothing. Lockdowns were responsible for the largest wealth transfer in recorded history. And you want to talk about JC making moneRendle
    • I agreed with you that the rich did better during the pandemic while the poor got steamrolled. Absolutely saw this in SE Asia and it was terrible.yuekit
    • That doesn't mean "lockdowns are profitable" just that the rich came out better. No one is going to demand a lockdown so they can make money lolyuekit
    • But you believe 5G beams caused the pandemic apparently. So it's unclear why you trust someone like Campbell in the first place who isn't saying that.yuekit
  • grafician-1

    "All countries remain "dangerously unprepared" for the next pandemic, the Red Cross warned on Monday, saying future health crises could also collide with increasingly likely climate-related disasters."…

    • Managed to escape this one, so far.
      Guess we'll see each other at the next one, best of health to you and yours!±
    • I'm not worried...Nurse Johnny Campbell has all of our backs, he will save us all!utopian
    • lolyuekit