
Out of context: Reply #6299

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  • yuekit3

    • Campbell is laughing all the way to the bank... $4 to 7 million a year making anti-vax conspiracy videos in his basement.yuekit
    • Noooooo! But Pfizer bad! Noooooooooooooooo!
    • He is the highest paid retired nurse teacher in UK. Nurse Johnny never lets the truth get in the way of a good story.utopian
    • With all of those $$$ millions earned...Nurse Johnny should go back to medical school to become a doctor and then go get his PhDs in immunology & epidemiology.utopian
    • But he got his credentials - degrees, Phd etc. This gives him the right to 'beat his chest'zardoz
    • You guys are nuts - never address arguments being presented, resort to personal attacks every timezardoz
    • Zoomers, the lot of ye.zardoz
    • of course, there are millions of morons out there as a captive audience, ready with money in hands and tinfoil on heads_niko
    • yes, grifting, laughing to the bank etc, morons in flyover country, far right etczardoz
    • None of this refutes Dr Campbell's arguments.zardoz
    • so all ideas from anyone making money means they are wrong. this makes it easierGnash
    • No, only wrong if the money is going to the worlds experts on the subject. YouTube money isn’t to be questioned. Just science money.monospaced
    • @yeukit & mono. Should we reject any information by any source that has profited because of the pandemic?Morning_star
    • His ideas have been debunked already...this is just adding some background.yuekit
    • What ideas? The man has been broadcasting since the early days of the pandemic and is still monetised on YT. How?Morning_star
    • Not everything he broadcasts obviously but some of the claims about ivermectin, vaccines etc. Being monetized on YT isn't a guarantee of being accurate.yuekit
    • Here's an example, some videos another scientist made explaining why he's wrong.…
    • I was being satirical Morning.monospaced
    • As I said before this is opinion. If you read the comments you will see how there are challenges to this guys interpretation. He's also earning money from YT...Morning_star
    • ...asking for donations, patreon etc. So, using your approach, we should reject this man too.Morning_star
    • @mono. Apologies, it's been a long dayMorning_star
    • Ah ok. Since Prof Greg has less followers and views, means he’s making less $ from YT and therefor more reliable info source. Got itGnash
    • lol, there are lots of doctors and scientists calling out you really think it's impossible to tell who's right?yuekit
    • bwah ha ha. well played old fella, well bloody played.shapesalad
    • The BBC also wrote a story on this…
    • It's not a question of different interpretations...he makes basic mistakes, leaves things out etc.yuekit
    • Watch him explain himself here in response to the BBC article:…Morning_star
    • I don't expect you to view it but what it shows is the resolution we have to interrogate opinion at. The nuances, the speculation, the theorising are lost...Morning_star
    • ...with sweeping claims like 'he's an antivaxxer only in ot for the money'. Challenge the claims.Morning_star
    • I do understand that this interrogation and analysis takes time and it's rare we have the leisure or understanding to analyse at origin levels.Morning_star
    • Morning_star it's not that complicated...just look at what the majority of experts or people working in that field think. That's what you'd do for anything elseyuekit
    • Here's one on his more recent claims about vaccines and excess deaths.…
    • No. No it's not. Majority rules is not the way scientific decisions and facts should be analysed. You should know this more than most, the Skeptics Guide...Morning_star
    • ...SBM, the Novella Dynasty ;) are constantly saying this.Morning_star
    • I'm not saying it's bad to make money. But he's making millions while putting out false health information during a pandemicyuekit
    • ...and explaining himself when he's questioned.Morning_star
    • "Majority rules is not the way scientific decisions and facts should be analysed" Why not? Unless you're going to spend a lot of time researching somethingyuekit
    • yourself, which most people don't have time for, this will usually give you the right answer.yuekit
    • There's no qualifying criteria for this, no fact, just opinion. Mostly biased and flawed. The 'majority' put Trump in the Whitehouse. The 'majority' would haveMorning_star
    • ...told Einstein to fuck off because he was a patent clerk.Morning_star
    • You just cant win with bigyoutuberobotinc
    • lol at idiots demanding information to change their mind when they don't actually read any informationimbecile
    • "No fact, just opinion" cmon Morning_star not everything is just opinion. I think we can safely say Dr. John Campbell isn't Albert Einstein.yuekit
    • https://www.psycholo…yuekit
    • Carl Sagan had a good quote on this... "They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown."yuekit
    • In this case there isn't even much debate going on...Campbell isn't putting out research, he's just making YouTube videos that contain errors and misinfo.yuekit
    • For instance he doesn't seem to know how a death certificate works. Sometimes he leaves out numbers that would have undermined his point.yuekit
    • What these people generally do is exploit the complexity of the topic at hand to confuse people. If you watched the video rebutting him and then Campbell'syuekit
    • response, it's obviously he's BSing. But Campbell (and Weinstein etc) count on the fact that most people won't do that.yuekit
    • They understand most people are strongly influenced by tribalism and what they want to believe is true. Once an issue becomes politicized, people will side withyuekit
    • their tribe and not even bother looking at the evidence or checking what most scientists think.yuekit
    • Not to mention most of us don't have time to sit through these hourlong videos discussing extremely technical science topics.yuekit
    • Hey yeukit, i appreciate you. Respect. We disagree fundamentally about how to assess the principle value of information. I'm afraid we won't find an...Morning_star
    • ...answer in these QBN side bars. :-)Morning_star
    • Yeah of's yuekit BTW :) I do think if people are going to say someone like Campbell is right, you should be able to name at least one thing he'syuekit
    • right about. Once you look into the details I think it backs the criticisms people are making of him.yuekit
    • He cites his sources in every video and you want to talk about him making money? He literally cites official numbersRendle
    • Why aren't you focusing on the actual data? You know... real data. You'd rather slander him for making money? That's proof you don't want the truthRendle
    • How much did governments and big pharma make from the vaccines? Yuekit? How much did the 1% profit from lockdowns?Rendle
    • There's a very in-depth take down of how he misrepresented the numbers around excess deaths in the videos I posted above.yuekit
    • I'm not avoiding the data. I've posted tons of links in this thread. It looks suspiciously to me that people say they want to read them but thenyuekit
    • You haven't answered my questions. You dismiss him because he makes money from it, but lockdowns and vaccines are...Rendle
    • ... were at least a thousand if not ten thousand times more profitable for the people providing them. ShrugRendle
    • Lockdowns were profitable? lolyuekit
    • Like I said already, I'm not dismissing just because he makes money from his channel. The point of this post was not the more money you make, the more wrongyuekit
    • you are. Strangely both you and Morning_star interpreted it that way.yuekit
    • No. Yuekit, Why would you point out that he makes money if you didn't think that in some way he was compromised because of it?Morning_star
    • Yuekit, you're telling me that you're not aware that the lockdowns were responsible for the largest wealth transfer in recorded history?Rendle
    • Millions of family businesses bankrupt but corporation profits sky rocketed. You didn't know that though, did you...?Rendle
    • This is why we can't have a proper conversation, you're diabolically ignorant. If the TV doesn't report it, you don't know about it.Rendle
    • You no longer possess your own mind. Orwell would be proud.Rendle
    • You're nothing but a mouthpiece for the elite that have not only just poisoned half the world but transferred major wealth from the common people.Rendle
    • Alright mate let's take it down a few notches...I'm not a mouthpiece for the elite that's poisoned the world. I love the common people, I want to be like them.yuekit
    • You're right that inequality increased during the pandemic. I wouldn't personally describe this as "lockdowns are profitable." In fact many businesses heavilyyuekit
    • lobbied against lockdowns and were even responsible for promoting things like ivermectin that meant they wouldn't have to lockdown.yuekit
    • Of course businesses prefer to stay open and continue making $ as usual. That doesn't mean that wealthy people aren't better positioned to weather a crisisyuekit
    • like this. And the wealthy coming out better from the crisis doesn't mean they planned the crisis. Overall there's a lot of black and white thinking and jumpingyuekit
    • to conclusions going on here. As far as Orwell goes, this is a good essay I was reading recently, has some relevance to these discussions IMO.yuekit
    • https://www.orwellfo…yuekit
    • @Morning_star I didn't say Campbell was wrong because he makes money. I said he's wrong AND he makes money doing it.yuekit
    • And he's likely incentivized to keep cranking out more of the same kind of content that makes him more money. Do you really disagree with that?yuekit
    • You just said a whole load of nothing. Lockdowns were responsible for the largest wealth transfer in recorded history. And you want to talk about JC making moneRendle
    • I agreed with you that the rich did better during the pandemic while the poor got steamrolled. Absolutely saw this in SE Asia and it was terrible.yuekit
    • That doesn't mean "lockdowns are profitable" just that the rich came out better. No one is going to demand a lockdown so they can make money lolyuekit
    • But you believe 5G beams caused the pandemic apparently. So it's unclear why you trust someone like Campbell in the first place who isn't saying that.yuekit

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