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  • SimonFFM11

    People around me act as if everything was normal again. They say it’s the new normal.

    My 2020 is miserable and I have no idea when I will be able to proceed with my projects.

    Maybe some of you feel the same. Just wanted to say how this feels for me at the moment.

    Please no upvoting. I am ok.

    • upvoted.Nairn
    • here for you bro +nudes
    • +1 from @nudes ;)hardhat
    • Can you pivot and photograph something different for a while? Maybe do a session something where all the photos are taken from a distance?eryx
    • Simon, you'll bounce back. The only way is UP from here.Krassy
    • Sorry - not to be that guy, but: You seem to have a fairly successful career? I appreciate that appearances can be deceiving, but...?Nairn
    • That said, I am highly successful and even I have my occasional down points, so I guess I understand.
    • +1uan
    • You'll get back to it soon enough, it can't last forever. BTW, you've got a few upvotes that you clearly said you didn't want, do you want a downvote from me?Wolfboy
    • Can you shoot at a distance of 2m? Seems pretty safe. Or is it that no one is hiring?nb
    • Upvotes? Ok, another one 4 you Simon ;)OBBTKN
    • Take solace that we're in the shits together. The new "normal" is anything but, and will likely be very temporary. Cheers, mate.Gucci
    • Im surprised no one is hiring for masked photoshoots. I personally find it really sexy.noRGB
    • I know this feeling, and its awful. I work in the film industry so I know we will return to work but the uncertainty of when is brutal.FawnDog
    • Thanks for cheering me up, guys. I tried to explain that I am ok, just feeling odd, because there's no perspective yet.SimonFFM
    • My projects involve traveling, models, locations. All is extremely vague at the moment. Lost already several thousands and won't want to risk another time.SimonFFM
    • I could shoot, but I am in Frankfurt. No models here. It will work out again in the future, just sucks. And it's not normal. Not "new normal" for me.SimonFFM
    • Thanks for your support, guys! I just don't want to sound like a crybaby. I was just describing my situation.SimonFFM
    • The uncertainty around travel is very frustrating. I booked a flight a couple months ago, the next day the airline basically went out of business.yuekit
    • What about a new "quarantine project"? Shoot cats, dogs, stills, etc, with some kind of theme? Just something to keep your skills fresh and your head in the...elahon
    • This is definitely some crazy shit. I never thought we'd all experience something like this in our lifetime, yet here we are. =(elahon
    • I have plenty of stuff to do, right now I do an art project. My new calendar has been printed, etc. Just can’t work on my usual things and feel stopped.SimonFFM
    • My 2020 is miserable and I have no idea when I will be able to proceed with my projects. I have plenty of stuff to do, right now I do an art project.srhadden
    • I'm going to say this once. Simon, you don't know me, my opinion doesn't matter at all, I respect your work, but everytime you post it's about yourself.srhadden
    • I like naked ladies like the next guy, but if QBN would offer a way to mute you I would have long ago. It's all about the Simon in your posts. Always.srhadden
    • Anyway, keep doing what you're doing, you're doing a great job, I don't hate you or anything, I know you hate me by now, but I just want to say oncesrhadden
    • that the more you just uninterruptedly post about yourself and your work and your problems, the less I care about all of it. peace out.srhadden
    • I could have said all this in a PM also I guess, so I'm probably just as egotistical in wanting to be the first to give you some flack for a change.srhadden
    • I don't want to start a war. I love everybody here, I love QBN. Now everybody can shit on me. byebye.srhadden
  • monospaced2

    So ... time to buy more toilet paper then?

    • seriously, is that going to happen again? i hope not. but am expecting empty tp shelves soon.capn_ron
    • buy more copper (see 2 posts up)Krassy
    • Bought 1000 pennies last night on eBay for $800 plus shipping, gotta stop covidnb
    • lolKrassy
    • Pretty sure that was all because of the terms ng new article a truck was robbed at gunpoint in China for toilet paperdeathboy
    • Funny how msm news outlets can alter behaviordeathboy
    • Supermarket here still hasn't got back to 'normal' stock wise on soap.webazoot
    • Fuck off you stupid cunt. You’re not welcome here and your input is a cancer. I hope you and your family die sooner than later and your bloodline ends.monospaced
    • I also acknowledge you are so fucking retarded (deathboy) that you totally missed the joke and went full idiot literal AS USUAL you fucking idiot.monospaced
    • It’s quite possible you are so stupid that your own genes are actively trying to ensure they don’t replicate. For the good of our primate species I hope you diemonospaced
    • it wasnt much of a joke mono... maybe dad jokeish.. far more interesting to look at human behavior and medias role in it.deathboy
    • still surprised mods let you be with all your death shit to me and everyone. id encourage them to let it stay, just seems quite hypocriticaldeathboy
    • Fuck off, you loser piece of shit. I hope you have a horrible accident and are deemed physically incapable of breeding. I'm surprised you haven't left, CUNT!monospaced
    • Mods can ban me if they want. It wouldn't be the first time. But I'm not making death threats, I just hope you die painfully, suffering for a very long time.monospaced
    • Icing on the cake would be if you died alone too, without ever knowing the touch of a woman besides your own mother/sister.monospaced
    • so nice to think it through. here i just think i possess every ability to see a turd and easily avoid it by stepping over it.deathboy
  • nb-1

    Actually, has anyone else noticed a lot of things slowly becoming unavailable? I'm trying to buy stuff and finding lots of things are becoming sold out everywhere.

    Here's a few off the top of my head
    Skate decks, trucks, wheels
    Certain clothing brands
    Rental cars (might be an nyc problem)

    FWP, I know.

    • Starting to wonder about camera film and developer....nb
    • Bikes too_niko
    • Supply chain blew up. It’ll take time to resetGnash
    • Duhdeathboy
  • deathboy-11

    The media blasted Trump for slow concern. Than the media pushed protesting. And now pushing numbers. Think they will mention a possible increase by their boosting and promoting protests as only ok activity. Still seeing activities shutdown one after the other. I wonder if they are going to try to push protests as only fun until Jan. Have to see the political game on funding it though with unemPloyment. That gets cut well it all gets cut

    • It's all a conspiracy to make Trump look bad! Something that would definitely never happen otherwise...yuekit
    • Go fuck yourself to death deathboy. You’re not welcome here and should know that until the moment you’re banned. Fucking piece of shit.monospaced
    • Protests in Canada haven't shown any spikes after. Neither have big gatherings in parks though.i_monk
    • 120,000 Americans are dead dude..inteliboy
    • Why did my ban contract tracing involving protests? Seems all a bit hypocritical and a joke on basic journalismdeathboy
    • Inteliboy.. perspective... Average deaths by this Time vs previous year?deathboy
    • To be ignore this shit with all the data available now as anything outside politics and power is laughabledeathboy
  • whatthefunk6

  • utopian4

    New coronavirus cases in the U.S. soar to highest single-day total

    Across the United States, more than 36,000 new infections were reported by state health departments on Wednesday — surpassing the previous single-day record of 34,203 set on April 25. Texas, Florida and California led the way, with all three states reporting more than 5,000 new cases apiece.

    Three states — California, Florida and Oklahoma — reported record highs in new single-day coronavirus cases, while hospitalizations hit a new peak in Arizona, where intensive care units have quickly filled.…

    • stop looking at cases. Just look at mortality stats alreadysrhadden
    • I mean, if you can find them. The Netherlands for example have a regularly updated weekly mortality count from their national statistics body
    • Official mortality across the board tells you everything you need to know. Stop checking case count or whatever, compare current mortality with previous yearssrhadden
    • The Netherlands' official case & death count are way off, but their total mortality count is published. It shows a clear COVID impact, but also a clear declinesrhadden
    • Total mortality counts compared to previous years per country is what we all should be looking at I thinksrhadden
    • srhadden great point about looking at mortality statsMondoMorphic
    • The thing is cases are a leading indicator. Right now deaths from the virus HAVE gone down which is great.yuekit
    • But seeing cases surge like this along with hospitalizations is telling you deaths will almost certainly rise in a couple weeks.yuekit
    • A week ago you could have credibly said high level of cases is because of increased testing, but it's now looking like a bad situation in some of these states.yuekit
    • Will it turn into an out of control New York or Brazil type scenario? No one knows, but looking at historical mortality alone isn't going to tell you muchyuekit
    • until it's already too late.yuekit
    • srhadden you cant even look at mortality stats when it has been incentivized to come to the conclusion of covid19deathboy
    • especially considering hospitals suffering right now. They need what ever tidbits they can getdeathboy
  • imbecile3

    • Waht is the strategy in that?

    • The covid numbers will go down if we stop testing! He's a genius!Akagiyama
    • So, case numbers will go down and people will stop dying? Sounds great!nbq
    • He will start closing Funeral homes and cemeteries nextzaq
    • Reading this makes me want to cry for the first time since this outbreak began.SlashPeckham
    • fucking moron is doing everything he can to lose the election.utopian
  • imbecile0
  • nb1

    Florida Governor and local idiot Ron DeSantis is now acknowledging that increased testing can not explain the surge in cases. He admits Floridians’ behavior is causing the spike.

    He blamed people for making bad decisions. (Decisions he was advocating ealier!) So how about telling people to wear masks? Ah, no, let’s trust them to make good decisions (without even telling them to wear a mask!) haha

    “If you say you're going to be prosecuted or wear a mask, people will say 'geez, they were telling me not to wear one in March now they're saying to do it,'” DeSantis said. "We're going to trust people to make good decisions.”

    Meanwhile, Trump is trying to move his next rally to Florida specifically because Florida is going to allow people to make their own (bad) decisions. Other states are trying to keep their citizens out of the morgue.

    This would all be funny if it weren’t for the massive body count.

    Good luck Florida. Hopefully you can make your own good decisions in spite of a complete lack of leadership from people who would rather see 1% of you dead next month than hold a rally over video.

  • drgs0

    Number of daily new cases went up since April, number of death is stable. Maybe its true that the virus is "burning out" or mutating into harmless strains

    • ...eath..sssdrgs
    • Yeah hard to say WTF is going on. Probably multiple things true at the same time...yuekit
    • Increased testing results in increased cases, many of which are mild. I would imagine hospitals also getting better at treating it.yuekit
    • Also different trends everywhere. In the USA deaths dropped significantly but now climbing back towards 1,000 per day.yuekit
    • could also be that the most at risk have already succumbed, meaning population relatively better at recoveringFax_Benson
    • Sadly I don't think that'd be it, fax - I suspect more harmless strains, hotter and more UV weather is having an effect, as to obetter treatment as YK suggestsNairn
    • I've been thinking for a while now that we'll have no idea 'Who Did Best' for at least two years. My concern is for what happens come Autumn-time..Nairn
    • ..when we'll really find out if it's mutating into weaker (but 'fitter') forms.Nairn
    • Is this a particular area or worldwide?monospaced
    • Worldwide
    • Deaths are a lagging indicator.. give it 10 days.mathinc
  • yuekit0

    How the Virus Won

    The Times analyzed travel patterns, hidden infections and genetic data to show how the epidemic spun out of control.…

  • mg330

    I’m in the worst spot right now... my dad and stepmom are packing up their house in South Texas and preparing to move back to the North Texas area. She asked for my help and for it to be a surprise to my dad for me to come down and spend a little time with them helping them pack and go through things, and I was all prepared for the past week to leave tomorrow and drive from the Chicago area to Texas over three days. The cases down there are skyrocketing and I’m just so torn on whether to go or not. I know I could stay really safe and keep away from people, but it’s still so hard to decide.

    • You're young so will be fine. Your bad points here are the airports and planes. Everything else is risk management.Nairn
    • The problem you have is whether you then become a vector for your parents to get it.Nairn
    • *folks, not parents - sorry! I have a step mum too, so I should know better.Nairn
    • Just go. Do it. Make sure the only person going out for supplies is healthy and safe and keep it amongst yourselves. Mitigate spread you’ll be fine.monospaced
    • After spending time in the UK and coming back here, it seems like anytime Americans have a choice between choosing the safe option or choosing the dangerous...cherub
    • option, they choose the dangerous option.cherub
    • Example: All the New Yorkers who fled NYC for Florida at the start of the outbreak. You shouldn't travel during a pandemic. Really bad life decision.cherub
    • There is no evidence that NYers traveling to Florida either caused the issues there or worsened them. NY is one of only 4 states doing well, btw.monospaced
    • And your blanket statement about all americans is grossly ignorant. There are many areas that chose to be safe, and many other that didn't.monospaced
    • Remember, the entire UK is the size of Wyoming. Congrats on the UK making safe decisions. You're like a single state here ;)monospaced
    • Finally, DRIVING in a car to your family, all of which have been quarantining for months, is a relatively safe endeavor. It's not a dangerous decision ffs.monospaced
    • Wyoming apparently has just over a half million population - it is absolutely incomparable to the UK.
      NY or Cali, more maybe.
    • Ahh, mg33's intending to drive? I missed that, sorry. Just do it. Sorry, sorry, I got the wrong end of the stick.Nairn
    • "Youre young so will be fine." I believe the cases skyrocketing were people between 21-39Maaku
    • Yes, they make cars now that can drive from Chicago to Texas without having to stop for gas. No chance of catching coronavirus at a gas station. 100% safe.cherub
    • Personally I would not go. Yes chances are you'll be fine, but the thought of passing the virus to my family would ruin the trip for me.yuekit
    • @maaku - but in that context, he'll likely be ok? The transmissibility to his folks is a different matter, but if he's worried about his own health?Nairn
    • Tough decision, mg33 :( You don't want to get your parents sick... and you don't want to bring something back to your family... I'm w/yuekit on this one.PonyBoy
    • i helped my mom move back in April and she lives in New Rochelle, NY. It was stressful, but we were safe. I think you would be ok.OP31
    • Shame on her for asking you to do this and not taking the pandemic seriously. You'll need to isolate for two weeks when you return. Don't go.SlashPeckham
    • mg33, you'd be fine man. You go by car and will be only with them, just wear a mask when needed and wash your hands oftenBennn
    • Maybe they need more than help moving. It's a difficult time for everyone.nb
    • I think it's a risk worth taking. if you adhere to strict rules you can keep yourself safe.nb
    • You can santiize your car, gas pumps, etc. Stay outside or in your car the entire trip. Don't get close to anyone! Wear a mask and santiize yourself often.nb
    • Why does autocorrect suck so hardnb
    • Just dont feel guilty if u kill them carrying it . All life is a riskdeathboy
    • I don't think it's fair to spring a surprise visit on your father. He should have the right to decide if he wants to risk the exposure. I wouldn't do it...Melanie
    • ... unless they really need the help because they're not capable of the move on their own. BUT if you've been isolating, maybe expanding your bubble is okay?Melanie
    • Not to be a downer but...…Melanie
    • "Congrats on the UK making safe decisions" - we wish.fadein11
    • big OOOOF. tough decision indeed. i'd definitely lean toward helping out your folks. but you know your situation better than anyone of us here.pango
  • BusterBoy5

    Ron DeSantis...what a halfwit.

    After constantly ripping New York and crowing for weeks about how great a job Florida was doing and jumping on the "open up" bandwagon...Florida is now seeing a huge spike in new cases. Hospitalisations now 5 times the level of New York and getting worse.…

  • PonyBoy3

    Anyone post this cure yet?!!!…

    • :PPonyBoy
    • “We were totally stunned at first, and then we were really happy"yuekit
    • Ha this point it's anyones claimsdeathboy
    • They’ve got high hopes for this._niko
    • Now we can weed out the fake cures and focus on this._niko
    • Researchers aren’t taking individual credit, they said it was a joint effort._niko
    • Thanks for dragging that out, _niko... the article is obviously no puff piece

  • microkorg1

    Love this UK doctors to-the-point corona update videos. Really informative.

    Some amazing info in this one about the genius uk vaccine that's being trialled.

    • Yeah I've been watching these. Was interesting to hear him interview people from developing countries (Thailand, Vietnam, etc) that often did a betteryuekit
    • job than Western onesyuekit
  • Hayzilla1

    The greatest minds all over the planet still not found a cure!
    Come on earth! I had faith in you.

    • Well, there are 'potentially' cures already created. They can't be rolled out until tested though. The UK vaccine is in stage 2 testing.microkorg
    • And it seems to be working but seemingly we'd be lucky if its rolled out September 2021.microkorg
    • Have a friend who was invoved in some of the UK testing. He was told they have 2 vaccines that work but just need to see which is most effective.webazoot
    • No cure has ever been made for a corona virus or any similar virus. Ever.monospaced
    • it isn't bad, we don't have to wait generations, or decades just a year or so.
      look at the phases here:
    • What surprised me more is the lack of consistent information about the virus... it's been all over the map.yuekit
    • Even if the vaccines in trials work...would you really want to release them to billions of people without knowing potential side effects etc. No. So we wait.BaskerviIle
    • The problem with these things that none of the authoritative voices has an obligation to explain things in detail. Like vaccine development these days aren'tsted
    • just clinical trials. for example before you can reach that point you've done an insane amount of simulations.sted
    • What do we need a cure for, to keep destroying the planet and each other? Humans are the infection.imbecile
    • Cures have been found, but testing takes a long time...grafician
  • imbecile1

    wait, what? fucking twat...…

    • Mental illnessGnash
    • wrong thread…PhanLo
    • right thread.imbecile
    • that finger point thoughBluejam
    • ^ fair enough, it straddles both nicely.
      It's like a religion. The church used to want to imprison scientists too. I suppose it's all wrapped up in christianity
    • somehow anyway.PhanLo
    • i too, blame god.imbecile
    • I reckon even a selfish middle eastern sky god wouldn't claim responsibility for that mess.PhanLo
    • i was referring to 'murican godimbecile
    • 'murica god is really a giant turtle carrying the earth or something, the one you now worship is a middle eastern god concocted by wait for it... the jews! lol_niko
  • nb0…

    Many traditional vaccines are based on a weakened or modified form of virus, or parts of it, but the Imperial vaccine is based on a new approach, using synthetic strands of genetic code, called RNA, which mimic the virus.

    Once injected into muscle, the RNA self-amplifies - generating copies of itself - and instructs the body's own cells to make copies of a spike protein found on the outside of the virus.


  • nb1…

    Deaths per day are averaging about 600, compared with a high of about 2,200 per day in April. One explanation for the drop offered by public health experts is that many of those recently infected are young.

    Much depends on how the government continues to respond to the pandemic.

    "It is possible, if we play our cards badly and make a lot of mistakes, to get back to that [April] level. But if we are smart, there's no reason to get to 2,200 deaths a day," Dr. Ashish Jha, director of Harvard's Global Health Institute, told The Associated Press.

    • “If we are smart“ lolololnb
    • context nb. what is average deaths per day medical based in us?deathboy
  • imbecile3

    little bit of inside information regarding the "policy" regarding returning to work / contact tracing / limiting exposure of a pretty fucking big business that is about to tell it's employees to return to work in the office...

    "if anyone is leaving home, then you are taking the same risk as going into the office"

    management is receiving a lot of push back based on all the science, news, everything else we discuss here and their management says pretty much... if you're not afraid to leave your house for 20 minutes and see 2 people as you pick up your supplies from the store, you should be just as comfortable spending 8 hours in an office space sharing a common ventilation system all day for weeks on end again.

    no one is happy, everyone is scared. thankfully i don't work there, sadly, i know plenty of people who do and have friends who know others. the idea of this first wave never going away and a surge mounting on top of it is becoming reality.

    this is the worst I have felt since it all began. i've even decided to buy some bulk masks and just politely offer them to people who don't have one on just to keep helping.

    • You do wonder if in 3/4 weeks time are we all going to be back to square one where things were in March or worse...webazoot
    • We’re already back to March numbers.imbecile
    • dude data is out and not much to worry aboutdeathboy