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  • Beeswax-2

    happy mother's day guys!

    I think Qbn is the last place to celebrate this.

    We need more mothers here!

  • grafician-4

    Any designers on OnlyFans?

    • isn't that the platform to sell nudes?pango
    • Depends what your defenition of "designer" is. Walsh maybe?BusterBoy
    • As a platform to get subscriptions, I know a few illustrators using it. No nudes involved lolgrafician
    • This was more of a rhetoric question tho' lolgrafician
    • why would one pay to see work of a designer whose work doesn't pay the bills?MrT
    • Do two rights make a wrong?utopian
    • Dew do two 2 rights writes make wong dong wrong?utopian
  • zarkonite0

    Which vaporizers do you use for dried flowers? I had a davinci for the longest time but it's dead now... I need a replacement pronto.

    • PAX 2; had the 1 and it died and was covered by warranty. Great company, product AND warranty.ideaist
    • I like the PAX. I've had the 1 and the 2 too.fooler
    • I hear great things about the 3; can you even imagine the 4?!

    • recently got a mighty and love itrobotinc
  • Gardener0

    the spuds I just found in the cupboard seem to have mutated,
    this is what happens when left to cope on my own...

    • You're lucky they grew and didn't rot in a sealed bag, which then pops because of gas build up, resulting in The Worst Smell You Can Imagine.Nairn
    • This is how virus’s start.Gnash
    • I shall wait for the knock on the door from the anti-viral investigation squadGardener
    • Plant them in your garden... Near to your horseOBBTKN
    • DON'T put them in your garden. I made that mistake a couple of years back and we ended up with an entire corner covered in the cunts. Worse than weeds!Nairn
    • Same with fucking parsley. It pains me, because potatoes and parsley are two of my favourite things...Nairn
    • What's the con Nairn? Free potatoes for ever! ;)OBBTKN
    • And, lucky you... I've tried for years to get parsley in our garden, and it's imposible, same with thyme and oreganoOBBTKN
    • huh, that's weird - Thyme, Parsley and Potatoes grow like weeds in our shitty garden. Potatoes grow well in cyprus, so it's not a temp. problem. Soil type?Nairn
    • And for me, there was no con - the parsley especially was wonderful. To my partner's aesthetic taste though, things weren't so good! Flowers better...Nairn
    • You could plant those and get new potatoes ;)zarkonite
  • Gardener1

    another small teaser vid for this Friday nights 12"s mix #2

    • do you live stream?canoe
    • mix goes out every Friday from 10pm via
    • then I upload to Mixcloud afterwards, not done live streaming before, I am so old lolGardener
  • Nairn3

    A company I used to do web stuff for a fair while ago has employed someone on a monthly retainer to look after their web presence. Naturally, a decade or more after I did their sites originally, using JQuery and pre-responsive layouts, he's re-doing their stuff. Can't complain, my stuff had a good run, but it really could benefit from a refresh using contemporary web technologies.

    But.. the replacements are.. not good. Built on layers of untrimmed frameworks and dependencies, the pages are a clusterfuck of over-information and heavy media. They're business sites - not media ones, so {imo} 6Mb for a frontpage with a fuckload of seperate assets that take forever to load in is not what I'd consider a well-made site.

    it's entirely anathema to the way i do stuff, and symptomatic i think of much that is wrong with the bloated modern web.

    But I can't really say anything because I'll just sound like a dick.

    So here I am instead, whinging into the void.

    They're also not as pretty as my sites were.


    • there's no craft left, that's the problem. with fibre broadband who needs to care about page weight?hans_glib
    • No one cares, and that is a problem. I have no internet at home right now, just on my phone, and is a pain in the ass that any random site is hundreds of MBs...sr_rosa
    • ...or any phone app is asking for a new full download twice a week with no visible changes or new features.sr_rosa
  • Bennn16

    I am now officially a graphic designer. I've got a new position at my work. And we're working from home for many months to come. Like maybe 'til March - April or more next year. And I am very happy about this, it was a dream of mine to work from home! That means I will basically live in my office room at home lol

    • Congrats!Gnash
    • thanks!Bennn
    • Nice oneMrT
    • Nice one Benn!PhanLo
    • You passed the test! Congratulationsmonospaced
    • Thanks! :)Bennn
    • that's great and all... but CAR UPDATE ALREADY?!
      (congrats, mannn!)
    • car's in quarantine man lolBennn
    • Well done! Maybe they will let you WFH forever since it's starting off that way.yuekit
    • i really hope!Bennn
    • Congrats and lol st the car jokeSimonFFM
    • Awesome! As someone who moved into home office recently, I have to remind myself to take some time for myself (exercise, goof off, etc).ArmandoEstrada
    • Awesome!. best part is getting to work in your speedos!_niko
    • Congrats, Bennn! Onwward!Krassy
    • dont fap too much!pango
    • Consider work/travel when the current crisis is over...nice thing about working remotely is you don't have to be stuck at home office.yuekit
    • You could rent one of the places in the I Want to Go There thread and work from a lake in the middle of the mountains or something :)yuekit
    • Finally gonna get that adobe subscription? :)dyspl
    • Congrats Bennn!! Enjoy your dream, Yarisman...OBBTKN
    • Thats great!webazoot
    • big congrats! sounds great, lovely to hear some good news.fadein11
    • Congrats!dmay
    • congrats on passing and becoming a graphic designer :)microkorg
    • nice one BennnFax_Benson
    • thanks guys!Bennn
    • Sooooooo...didn't I say it's gonna be okay?! Good for you!grafician
    • Congrats Bennnn!mg33
    • Congrats!instrmntl
    • Wait. What were you beforehand?
      Congratulations though, bennn nnn nnn nn nn nn nnnnn nnn nnnnn nnnnnn nnnn nnn nn n nn nn nn nnnnnnnn nnnn nnnn nn nn nn n nnnnn
    • Yes Bennnnnnnnnstoplying
    • That's fantastic! Congrats!Melanie
    • congrats man!renderedred
    • thanks guys!! :DBennn
  • Bennn-1


    I have a Dell desktop (personal) and I have a Dell laptop (work) ... I have 2 monitors for work and 2 monitor for personal PC.

    HOW can i ditch my personal monitor and use the same 2 monitors (work) with both computers? Not simultaneously. 3 monitors takes too much space on my desk, i'd need to ditch one.

    What are my options??

    • *1 monitor for personal pcBennn
    • use different inputsimbecile
    • I want to use the 2 monitor while working and then use the same 2 monitor when I open my personal PC and turn off my work laptop...Bennn
    • yeah maybe you'Re right imbecile, i will try thisBennn
    • Dude,,.why did you get a Dell?utopian
    • use one input from your personal computer, use another input from your work computer. you should have hdmi, vga, etcimbecile
    • It works, i should have thought about it! Thanks imbecile, you just saved me 200$ i was about to buy another desk!Bennn
    • KVM?
      so you have only 1 keyboard and mouse on your desk.
    • As pango said, get a display switcher!microkorg
    • hmmm just check. KVM for dual monitors are all around $200+ oin amazon. maybe you can find it cheaper somewhere else.pango
    • so how many monitors you want on your desk? and how many monitors for each computer?pango
    • if you just want to switch m&k, cheap kvm will do. cuz you dont need to hook up monitors.pango
    • or maybe its time to get an ultra wide.pango
    • thanks pango, i'll go with imbecile's option, its all for meBennn
    • I read this and was so confused, thinking "he wants to carry his monitors home with every day? wtf?" I have not adjusted to quarantine, apparently.nb
    • i used to work on 2 computers and having 2 sets of M&K on the desk. it gets annoying after a while.pango
    • i have a bluetooth keyboard that can connect to 3 computers by the push of a button, so i have only 1 keyboard now, but two mouseBennn
    • check if your monitor has a picture in picture PiP mode, lets you put a 2nd input in a window and switch both views.uan
    • Sharing a wireless keyboard between work and home computers is too weird of a risk for me. Afraid a bug or error could cause an awkward message to get posted.nb
    • bluetooth, 3 devices. 1 button switch
  • microkorg0

    My 13" Macbook Pro is dead.
    Won't start up, doesnt show ANY signs of life.

    This is the second time this has happened. Last time was 2 months ago and it had to go get a new Logic Board, Power/TouchID and Screen (the whole lid!). Came to about £730 worth of repairs - thank fuck its under warranty and thank fuck it's a work computer.

    I've been a PC user both personal and for work since graduating at the turn of the Millennium. Started a new job in December and they gave me a Mac.

    I love the mac for some things especially the form factor, this 13" can sit on your lap and just feel like a tablet not a laptop.

    But as for the build quality. Poor show apple.

    So apple are sending me a box to send it to them. I'm hoping it doesnt just get another £700 fix and likelyhood of this happening again.

    • Get this 700£, and buy a Lenovo, asus or dell laptop, and you're doneOBBTKN
    • I have a 2011 15in mbp, still kicking itGnash
    • It's a Dell I have as my personal computer and that i'll be working on for the next few weeks until my work Mac comes back.microkorg
    • Gnash, I know a lot of people with older macs that are still going strong. It's these new ones that are built to break!microkorg
    • Ya, I though that as I was hitting save on my messageGnash
    • The build quality is usually very high, except for they keyboards. I wouldn't just jump to the conclusion that Apple doesn't build quality machines anymore.monospaced
    • It's like all manufacturing, sometimes you get a lemon. The more complex the product, the more difficult it is to have perfect manufacturing.nb
    • Highly recommend this podcast on GM/Toyota NUMMI. https://www.thisamer…nb
    • i expect that my mbp machines work for 9 years. 5 for business and 4 for private use or for the kids. this is why i buy and trust apple laptops!api
  • Nairn0

    A response for some these days rarely-done design work:

    "Please bill as you see fit . We have always found your charges reasonable".

    I've mooted my cost and not heard back from them in ages, haha.


    The one time I've actually tried suggesting a real amount to this particular client.

    • they're just busy. i hope.scruffics
    • Ah, they paid today!
      Thanks :)
      I forgot I posted this.
  • shapesalad2

    Working at home with wife in house, average argument flare up is approx ever 1.5 weeks. Is that average or too much?

    • pre lockdown did you argue and was it more or less than now?Bluejam
    • It’s a reduction in sex you need to worry about, not increase in argumentsGnash
    • No wiser words spoken, Gnash.Nairn
    • before lock down it was approx every 3 weeks a big argument. and to note, she starts all of them, I'm calm and going about life, she keeps exploding...shapesalad
    • But does she works too or only you work and she feels neglected and starts these fights just so you give her some attention/"attention...grafician
    • ok but when was the last time u guys had a nice fuck?sted
    • Clearly men need a "marriage manual" before saying "yes"grafician
    • she doesn't work, we f'd 2 days ago, twice.shapesalad
    • Chill, shape, all is fine then. Doubles are the unicorns of monogamy. You goodGnash
    • that's sounds okay, but was it nice? :)
      idk man must be hard, is she the working type or the stay at home version?
    • I think she's got low self esteem and confidence, she was looking for work when covid-19 came about...shapesalad
    • ...and so any minor thing tips her over the edge, I'm walking on eggshells around her trying to avoid any light joke/tease that could be heard as criticismshapesalad
    • I was trying to work this am, it's work time, I'm being paid for my time, and she's carrying on shouting at me ffs.shapesalad
    • must be hard for her... is it possible that she feels stuck and superfluous, and this causes her to attack the stable things in her life? just love her...sted
    • Woooo! poor girl... Be suportive, and get rid of these negative thoughts. She needs your help, but if you're all day trying to cheer her up...OBBTKN
    • it will down her self steem, ugh! Not easy, man.OBBTKN
    • But, imho, a double, deserves it ;) Good luck!OBBTKN
    • aw, you guys still argue. cherish these days.mantrakid
  • PonyBoy0

    I've been doing a bunch of freelance for a small corporate group that owns some restaurants here, in LA, Chicago etc...

    They have a low-end 'Celebrity Chef' who somehow got on the daily email. He provides a constant barrage of angry outbursts usually pertaining to items he doesn't understand. He's not picky on whom he lashes out at either. Today was HR... they offered to finally give him a corporate email (as his yahoo account often rejects files (pdfs, word docs etc)). He lost his shit at the thought of having to setup another email in his phone (an iphone 7 that his kid set up for him years ago... dude doesn't know and WILL NOT LEARN how to add a new email account to his phone).

    Somehow I've been tasked with having to go out and meet the fucker when he flies into town on Friday. I not only have to add a new email account to phone but they need me to customize his signature and 'attempt' to bring all his email into one email app (he apparently has other accounts that he accesses through a browser).

    I'm the company's goto Graphic Designer / web person... once again I'm now also someone's fucking IT department w/out having any say in it... :/

    • the two of you will be just fine,
      just look at what u did here lol :)
    • I would move things around in a way where urguy has to cook something in advance.sted
    • #ThanksObamacapn_ron
  • doggydoggdog3

    Lesbian porn is boring?

  • doggydoggdog0

    My 3 year old Macbook Pro says "Service Battery" now. And the other day I opened up my computer and the screen was blue.

    • Change battery now! you might risk it getting fire or some shit, as the new batteries are glued to the motherboard in these new MBPros!grafician
    • Can I change it with corona?doggydoggdog
    • that will cost you, send it overseas now, a change in that motherboard will cost you a lot moregrafician
    • Back up NOWmonospaced
  • grafician-2

    Is talking like a thug offensive?

    I mean I'm trashing these young guns on twitter, can't help myself bro' destroyin these fellas bro' straight up! they thinking they be up to sumthin' but they just lame af bro' they having no street cred bro' talking about my figma being lame and all that, can't stand these clowns connectin on these social media shit brah, we straight my fella what 'bout that dribbble sheeeit my bro' all that stuff no real shit brah, just they be having all that rounded corners brah, mean whattaup with that? I'mma be on these corners man, look both ways befo' you cross me my fella, that ain't even funny shit brah, I got some apps from this fella brah 50 percen' down on that Adobe subscription thang brah, I recognize that shit but we good, we good on God up in this!

    • Maybe not like a thug, but just real talk, you feel me?grafician
    • ahha holy fuck its like listening to the two yungster gds at the office.
      i really enjoyed it :)
    • for me it isn't, just dumb :)sted
    • We realist here my thug, sted, don't be droppin those bad vibbez up in here brah!grafician
    • But seriously I could be som'a'that Wesley Snipes vibez up in here, watching that slick rick james brah, that Demolition Man vibes up in there watchingrafician
    • But no, just so e'body know dis, we good dawg, I mean no disrespect, we good, we straight my fellagrafician
    • yoyoyo holdon ma'men me vibe is like a kanye album always has da sound n mastering shetz locosted
    • don't be commin with thad kanye shieet my thug, that man my brah, I be respectin' that music brah, he b a lil' loco on the side, but that's how we roll thuggingrafician
    • but kanye he be straight dawg, that fella elon straigh too, he be pushing them rockets up in here, trynna advance us to mars and all that, word!grafician
    • But no seriously if I talk like this in LA would I'd be cut? I can hold my own in bad hoods I lived in them projects part of my life, I just be askin?grafician
    • Whatever you’re doing here. It isn’t what you think it is. It’s not even close. It sounds like some stupid borat shit, nothing like any thug in the USmonospaced
    • I mean no disrespect mono, just asking... I find the culture fascinating that's allgrafician
    • What culture? Whatever you’re doing has no resemblance of any thug culture or speak that I can figure out.monospaced
    • I’m not offended. I’m just blown away with how out of touch this is. It’s like you have never heard what you’re trying to imitate. Weird.monospaced
    • This is like some weird Ali G impression.monospaced
    • All this from rap music videos, trying to understand if this is "real talk" or something elsegrafician
    • wut?pango
    • Nothing you wrote is in a rap video. “Fellas?” Just stop. This is so lame.monospaced
  • Bennn0

    dont know where to post this.

    what an odd couple :…


    Not easy to focus at work in this crazy times.

    Most of the big projects are down or delayed, clients paying late and most of them don't know or don't want to work remote, which makes that easy quick things become tedious.

    I've started two personal art projects for this year, but can't concentrate in them, did'nt touch them in 2 months!

    Can not complain; No money issues for now, no debts, stopped retirement plan for this year, do not need to touch savings and got lots of bills to get paid from solvent clients, ok, this is helpfull.

    But this continuous "sound"; my daugthers' schools chaos, wife's at work inexistent security plans (virus related, she works in a warehouse, going back to work in Aug.), industry sinking, old parents, my asthma, all our future plans fading away... Ouch!

    Don't get me wrong, I'm always positive and gratefull; but another big crisis when you think you're in the right direction... C'mon!!

    • And this "expensive, i've did'nt touched, shinny" bike is asking, over and over, to get it out for a ride... Putting me more anxious!OBBTKN
    • But, with this fear to the virus, this cold and rain... You're going to have to wait, my friend!! LolOBBTKN
    • </rant> I'm going back to sleep, for two hours more... Take care guys!!OBBTKN
    • OBBTKN get your priorities straight.
      u need those bike rides to because it helps keep things in order up there. these next few months will fly away pretty quick
    • no need to say goodbye to your plans.
      those projects are on pause for a reason, don't force yourself because thats death for these things.
    • Thanks sted, you're right, I'm forcing myself, I try not to do "stiff" future plans, I'm more chaotic than this... but I'm too old for to lose a year :(OBBTKN
  • sted7

    Where is the real utopian?

  • sarahfailin1

    Got an unusual craving to go to an all night dinner and drink bad coffee and eat hash browns. Haven't done that in 10+ years. It's only when you can't do something that you start to want to.

  • shapesalad0

    Spotifree stopped working for me this week.... now have to listen to adverts. Miss the 30 second silence between tracks...