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  • mg330

    Spent the day shooting headshots for young kids at the acting school my daughter goes to. About 12 kids from 10am-4pm. First time shooting that many young kids, first time shooting against a white backdrop with a light against the background for a high-key look, with one speed light as a key light and one as a fill light. Lucked into a Bowens Gemini for the background light that was at the school and might get a good deal on three of them with stands, soft boxes and umbrellas.

    But the fun of the whole day was really that this was my first time shooting this way (way more familiar and comfortable with black backgrounds and flashes or continuous light) and just doing it was an infinitely better learning experience than any class could have been. Watched some videos, reviewed some lighting diagrams, got some urgent last minute tips and questions answered from a long time QBN member (Tuan Bui, can’t remember his screen name), and just went for it, with fantastic results. Now the editing starts... 800 photos to narrow down to 30 per kid...

  • maquito3

    I work for some of big pharma’s lung cancer treatment blockbusters and for one of South America’s biggest tobacco industries.

  • SimonFFM2

    Since the beginning of January, I decided to abandon news consumption for a better and more focused life. It works well, but I can't come here as often anymore since Corona has become a fancy topic here, too.

    Just wanted to let you know that I rather keep looking for disarming vixens and nonchalant renegades, to discover the live I was meant to live.

    With adventure in my eyes and laughter in my smile, I can show you in my pictures what it means to be alive, when I return (post Corona).

    • Avoid the Politics and DT thread for a better tomorrow.PhanLo
  • Continuity0

    This is what my nascent ETF portfolio looked like this morning. Not too bad, all things considered. I shudder to think what it will look like tomorrow morning, though, after today market massacre.

    • I'm not logging in to my account for a few weeks. I don't want to panic sell.section_014
    • Well, it's not like I have a whole lot in there right now anyway, this is more toe-dipping for me. All the same, I'm not going to sell at all.Continuity
    • I'll keep feeding it every month, and hold.Continuity
    • It just struck me as ironic (and actually quite funny) that I picked now — of all times — to get in on the investing game.Continuity
    • I'll wait until the end of the year to check my accountOBBTKN
  • Nairn4

    fuckit, I'm probably never going to do it anyway, so to expand on my musings here...… :

    After the Borough Market attack in LDN a couple of years back, I was thinking that people might want to get a bit flyover state American about things and start arming themselves. Trouble is, in the UK, you're not really allowed to sell weapons, especially when marketed as such. So, I figured a solution would be to sell coshes (which were, in LDN of yore, quite a popular item, used by Peelers and miscreants alike to bash the shit out of people), but not as coshes per se. As dildoes.

    At first blush, this might seem a bit limiting, but when you consider what makes for a good dildo in material terms, you get some interesting cross-over between pleasure and fuck you *thwack* pain.

    I figured there'd be options in both wood and moulded silicone, with embedded elements that would give some heft and potential lethality to what might otherwise be quite an ineffectual twatting devie.

    I came up with branding, sketched out a number of unit types that could reasonably be fabricated at small scale without too much investment, and then easily scaled up. I considered the marketing and pitch, especially in relation to aesthetics and getting around the whole 'can't advertise a weapon' thing.

    The idea being that people so willing could carry around a device that ostensibly skirted illegality, but could also be wielded for self-defence.

    Also, the prospect of a bunch of limp dick Jihadists getting the shit beaten out of them with dildoes seemed like a great idea.

    i mulled it over with a few friends who have the means to manufacture or invest, and they looked at me wryly with a "oh ffs, here we go again" faces. One person i talked it over with thought it was a great idea - but he was thinking more in terms of personal defence for sex-workers - an avenue I'd not considered, but wasn't particularly inspired to target.

    It was only after I'd fleshed out the idea that a memba'd:


    i still think it's not a terrible idea.

    • The thing is, it actually *is* a pretty good idea.Continuity
    • Do it! Copywriter will have fun with this oneGnash
    • Or make a Milwall Brick from a daily ragmicrokorg
    • lofl. I'd do the copy, but it's really going to be hard (har har) if these were actually used. Brace for headlines including "sexual assault".garbage
    • Have you seen 'assault torches'? Think they are in the same kind of area you are thinking about and a lot less embarassing if your bag falls open.microkorg
    • They are solid CNC metal torches with a brutal spike pattern around the lens which is 'meant' for breaking glass in emergency.microkorg
    • brand name:
      "cosh the driver"
      or more qbn perhaps:
      "Coshes fFor:"
    • Ooh, what about Lithium Ion battery packs, as coshes, and with a button that sets them to explode?Nairn
  • mg336

    Struggling so hardcore with that human condition of wishing other people would enforce better tech and social media habits on vacation, but realizing it's a waste of my time to care about what other people do or thing it's my place to "fix" them.

    Case in point, some family members are on vacation in Ireland right now. It's just non-stop in-the-moment Facebook posting about what they're doing on their day trips. "We were at Blarney Castle TEN MINUTES AGO, here are the photos!" "Here are the [insert breakfast foods] we had this morning!"

    It kills me to see people - in particular 65+ retirees, succumb to this incessant need to broadcast whatever it is they're doing RIGHT NOW, on a great vacation on another continent, as if that info will be any less meaningful to people if they just posted it at the end of the day or at the end of the trip as a nice edited summary. When I am ever on a nice vacation or out of the county, the last thing on my mind is to need to tell people exactly what I'm doing right when I'm doing it. I like to tune out, connect to the people around me, engage with the place I'm visiting to my memories, not to focus on the thing I need to tell other people about five minutes later. It's just so weird.

    And therein lies the problem. Why should I even care what other people do? Why should I waste a single second letting it bother me? When I saw a therapist last year, that subject was a common one - figuring out that balance of just worrying about myself and not losing any sleep on the decisions others make. It's just that when you discover habits, processes, benefits, etc. out of self reflection, you really want to espouse them to others and just say "try it out... put your phones down, tune out of technology, just enjoy what you're doing. Be present. The only person who actually cares the most about what you're doing right now is YOU. Everyone else will be just fine waiting to hear about the thing they don't even know you're doing." Know what I mean? There's also a particular vapidity to the "gotta tell everyone right now what I'm doing on the other side of the world" that just makes me cringe.

    Serenity now... It's not my problem... It's not my problem...

    • #DeleteFacebookNBQ00
    • Those damn millenials just can't seem to stop showing off on Facebook.pango
    • This needs to be in the Signs your getting old thread, we all feel this, we all feel bothered by the stupidity of it...grafician
    • this is because we also grew up in the "before era" where we were happy without devices and the need to expose ourselves for no good reasongrafician
    • technology mainly amplifies our deepest weaknesses so you're a narcissist person, social media is there for yougrafician
    • if you're not, then social media will only make you cringe about how shallow some persons aregrafician
    • anyways - create more, post lessgrafician
    • Bourdain always showed what he ate and where he was, and I loved it! LolHijoDMaite
    • And all this make people so damn depressed. Always living in the eyes of the others. Social medias are really corrupting our minds on multiple levels.Bennn
    • And they're good on multiple levels too.Bennn
  • blog9

    so many post in my thread .. Love it!!!

  • grafician2

    lost the will to post anything on social media these days

    I got tons of projects and photography, some new poems, some smart comebacks and deep statuses, lots of interesting links, but feel like nobody will bother to take a look with the status quo right now...

    • why do you post on social media?
      what for?
    • self promo? do you forget we are creatives and also this is a creative forum?grafician
    • working on my folio now, might post it here even, take the heat from you guys :))grafician
    • then it really depends on how you market yourself. expose the your platform to the right audience.pango
    • don't lump your self with selfie taking demographic. have different account for none work related stuffs.pango
    • @pango what are you talking about, I never post that shit, I only post what I create, like works, design, photos, as in NOT selfies!grafician
    • not sure how exactly the algorithm works. but i think if you interact with certain content and user category, your stuffs gets pushed towards that side of sociapango
    • geez so hostile. i wasn't even talking about you posting that shit.pango
    • oh my bad, not being hostile pango, just surprisedgrafician
  • BusterBoy29

    Couple of weeks ago my wife notices some irregularities in one of her breasts. Not a lump, but some other hings not quite right. She goes to the doctor who says "this is all very odd" and sends her off for a scan.

    She gets the results of the initial scan and heads back to the doctor who this time says "sorry to break this to you...but these scans are not good. I need to send you off for more tests and a biopsy...if they offer you cancer counselling, I'd suggest you take it. This type of irregularity can often be a sign of extremely aggressive cancer".

    So the next few days waiting to get the tests done were pretty sombre. Lots of crying and just a giant pall over our lives.

    Friday we go to the specialist surgeon...she looks over the original scan and doesn't look as worried...but she was still quite concerned.

    Had the tests done later that ultrasound, an MRI, another unscheduled ultrasound, 3D mammogram, biopsy...all pretty full on and very emotionally draining for her.

    Then was told it would be a week before we'd get the results. Horrid weekend...just rank her contemplating death and me thinking all sorts of terrible outcomes.

    Then out of the blue we get the results today. All clear!

    I have to say, the sense of relief was just overwhelming. I haven't seen my wife yet since she got the news...I think we'll be due a little celebration tonight!

    I know many don't have happy "cancer stories" my thoughts are with all those doing it tough.

    • glad things came up clear, man... I will now go hug my wife and call my mother <3PonyBoy
    • Good to hear a happy story in these sinister times. Yes, you should celebrate and we all should check our breasts and balls regularely.Longcopylover
    • Congrats man, great news, cant imagine the stress of that week waiting for results.pedromendez
    • Thanks...huge cloud lifted. Makes all the other crap we worry about seem insignificant.BusterBoy
    • Fuck cancer! Iam happy it went ok for you guys.Bennn
    • Big congrats to you all.fadein11
    • went through this with my wife a while back... know what it's like Buster...glad everything was ok (same with us too :)exador1
    • Health is wealth.ideaist
    • Glad this has a positive ending. I often feel like a family cancer scare is just around the corner now that I"m in my 40s with older parents still living.mg33
    • I'm glad the test results were negative but be sure to examine those breasts nightly just to make sure ; )fooler
    • So what was it?omahadesigns
    • lol @fooler! Follow his recomendation, nightly... Congrats!OBBTKN
    • Cheers! Great news!robotron3k
    • Compared to a biopsy, all other tests are 20% accurate.Turboslacker
    • huh, happy for you!api
    • Sorry to hear about the rollercoaster. Glad it's all clear! Go celebrate!aslip
    • Me and my girl went through this as well. She had to have stuff removed. All worked out so far.DRIFTMONKEY
    • Amen - glad you're both doing okay.timeless
    • Thanks again everybody. Was benign fibrous tissue or something...before diagnosis can apparently be a more dangerous sign than a lump.BusterBoy
    • Great news Buster happy for you, your wife and your family.Ramanisky2
    • Huge Exhalestoplying
    • I was holding my breath reading that. Delighted for you all xHayzilla
  • hans_glib1

    update on nairn's personal defence / bog paper hoarder cosh idea

    i remembered last night how a bloke at school made a lead weighted club for killing fish (or so he claimed)... a quick google brings up the "fishing priest"…

      french chef shows how to use it.
    • There should be a crazy-like-a-fox biz concept threadGnash
    • Excellent - yeah, I figured large ball bearings and even thick metal cabling would be good for embedding into sillicone for some violent heftNairn
  • Nairn1

    I just spent a wee while packaging up a job, then had it on my desk here to write the address on.

    Then I dropped a slice of chorizo on it accidentally, and now there's a red-hued oily circle on it.

    Sigh, fuckit - I'm not re-doing it.

    • It made contact for literally 3 seconds or so. How much fucking oil's in tehse things?

      *continues omnommnig
    • spotlight that smear with a red circle,
      and write:
      It wasn't me!
    • haha, yess!Nairn
    • also that's an irreversible way to say it's
      hand made with love :D
    • Take a photo, post it on "Art of the Day Thread", sit, wait until you became famous...OBBTKN

    Drawing the Soyuz module in the ISS, for my comic, and... oh my... the Russian engineering is a pain, very "organic", full of weird looking electronics.

    C'mon Yuri, give me a break!

    • I got a 3d model of it the other day, for parts to make machines, will see if I can look out the link. Look forward to seeing your drawing.PhanLo
    • Will share when finished, be sureOBBTKN
  • Nairn0

    I was helping an older friend load her kiln yesterday (aye, aye, phwoooar etc) when I noticed something embedded in the bottom, so before I put the large and fragile ceramic piece in on top of it, I tried to scrape it out with my thumb. I made three efforts before I realise that it's an incredibly sharp shard of glaze and I've deeply-scored the living shit out of my thumb. Bloody everywhere, not particularly happy.

    Fixed with superglue, move on. Except I keep trying to open my phone with the fingerprint reader, which is signed to said thumb and fucking hell, nope every time.

    So annoying.

    Also, any time I presgrasp something my thumb compresses and the wounds open up and owowowowfuck. Nngh.

    • Thankfully not doing any work on paper or card at the moment - those jobs are a total cunt with bleeding fingers...Nairn
    • ouch!monospaced
    • Ooyah. Hope it doesn't scar differently so your fingerprint won't work.PhanLo
    • Expect a week of "gosh, do I really use the thumb for everything I do?", and all full of blood, etc... lolOBBTKN
    • superglue makes sharp cuts heal quick - it'll be good in a day or so.Nairn
    • Carry one of these in your pocket http://saudade-shop.…shapesalad
    • ^<stops bleeding super quick, antiseptic.shapesalad
    • or a pack of these https://www.giftsand…shapesalad
  • grafician3

    Just went out to the non-stop supermarket - it's 1AM here - as I did most of nights this week for obvious reasons...

    Was surprised that only the breads disappeared from the shelves - and 2 people stocking up on water but nothing serious, just 6-packs.

    The supermarket people wearing gloves, all spirits high, joking, no panic. Lots of toilet paper to go around.

    Bucharest, Romania, Eastern Europe.

    We have about 40 confirmed cases in the country (probably more under the radar but nothing serious yet) and half of those here in Bucharest.

    It was in the news that one guy left the quarantine to go to city hall for some papers, but a neighbour stopped him and beat him up to stay put!

    • Oh forgot to mention, just bought an extra protex soapgrafician
    • I'm going to supermarket in two hours, pantry and freezer are full, as always, I'm not paranoid... But I'm low in bredOBBTKN
    • Zombis raid over markets in the evenings, I'll be okOBBTKN
    • In Hungary they have 13, state of emergency, export ban on medicare products, +the most lovely of all:
      body search, perquisition without warrant or suspicion.
    • While the head of the local CDC (recovering alcoholic grandma) talks bullshit, and they rip out the mike from the hands of reporters who ask difficult questionssted
    • Oh and prison for fake news, about COVID.
      But they decide what falls under that category, so the press is like fucked with any revelations like
    • they are currently can't find a kid from Iran who was tested positive while the gov is talking about an other onested
    • im working with a developer in romania strugglin. have to say if he is sick his work ethic is still huge.deathboy
    • Estonian and Romanian coders are very enthusiastic. And as I remember in Romania starting an IT business has some government subsidized benefitssted
    • @sted yeah I think in Ro we don't pay taxes for IT companies/salariesgrafician
  • Gnash0

    Dang. In the middle of working on a big gig for a university — branding/ wayfinding/ marketing for a multi-day event. it just got WuFlu’d. It was a fun project.

    • Yup, had a job WuFlu'd a couple of hours ago, after I suspected it might. Still needs doing, just not ASAFP, which is a bit of a relief - q busy otherwise!Nairn
    • Wasn’t totally unexpected, but would have loved to have seen it through.Gnash
    • https://media.giphy.…PonyBoy
    • ^ lol. Some people have lost the plotGnash
    • :P I'z just being silly... but fuck if some aren't serious about it...PonyBoy
    • https://www.nbcnews.…PonyBoy
    • 3 projects in stand-by hereOBBTKN
  • Continuity2

    Hey-ho, what gives?

  • drgs0

    Internet outage next, then goes the electricity, dark age ahead

    • thanks god I've got spare parts for our bikesOBBTKN
    • and a pair of very sharp axesOBBTKN
    • and we're not even allowed to hold hands to comfort each other!inteliboy
  • Gardener3

    live tonight from 10pm :

  • Nairn1

    ew. The London Graphics Centre is now part of the Theo Paphitis retail group, according to the signature on an email I just received from them.

    Not sure why they think that would be attractive - it kind of makes me want to never buy from them again.

  • sarahfailin3

    Life is shart.