
Out of context: Reply #70629

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  • BusterBoy29

    Couple of weeks ago my wife notices some irregularities in one of her breasts. Not a lump, but some other hings not quite right. She goes to the doctor who says "this is all very odd" and sends her off for a scan.

    She gets the results of the initial scan and heads back to the doctor who this time says "sorry to break this to you...but these scans are not good. I need to send you off for more tests and a biopsy...if they offer you cancer counselling, I'd suggest you take it. This type of irregularity can often be a sign of extremely aggressive cancer".

    So the next few days waiting to get the tests done were pretty sombre. Lots of crying and just a giant pall over our lives.

    Friday we go to the specialist surgeon...she looks over the original scan and doesn't look as worried...but she was still quite concerned.

    Had the tests done later that ultrasound, an MRI, another unscheduled ultrasound, 3D mammogram, biopsy...all pretty full on and very emotionally draining for her.

    Then was told it would be a week before we'd get the results. Horrid weekend...just rank her contemplating death and me thinking all sorts of terrible outcomes.

    Then out of the blue we get the results today. All clear!

    I have to say, the sense of relief was just overwhelming. I haven't seen my wife yet since she got the news...I think we'll be due a little celebration tonight!

    I know many don't have happy "cancer stories" my thoughts are with all those doing it tough.

    • glad things came up clear, man... I will now go hug my wife and call my mother <3PonyBoy
    • Good to hear a happy story in these sinister times. Yes, you should celebrate and we all should check our breasts and balls regularely.Longcopylover
    • Congrats man, great news, cant imagine the stress of that week waiting for results.pedromendez
    • Thanks...huge cloud lifted. Makes all the other crap we worry about seem insignificant.BusterBoy
    • Fuck cancer! Iam happy it went ok for you guys.Bennn
    • Big congrats to you all.fadein11
    • went through this with my wife a while back... know what it's like Buster...glad everything was ok (same with us too :)exador1
    • Health is wealth.ideaist
    • Glad this has a positive ending. I often feel like a family cancer scare is just around the corner now that I"m in my 40s with older parents still living.mg33
    • I'm glad the test results were negative but be sure to examine those breasts nightly just to make sure ; )fooler
    • So what was it?omahadesigns
    • lol @fooler! Follow his recomendation, nightly... Congrats!OBBTKN
    • Cheers! Great news!robotron3k
    • Compared to a biopsy, all other tests are 20% accurate.Turboslacker
    • huh, happy for you!api
    • Sorry to hear about the rollercoaster. Glad it's all clear! Go celebrate!aslip
    • Me and my girl went through this as well. She had to have stuff removed. All worked out so far.DRIFTMONKEY
    • Amen - glad you're both doing okay.timeless
    • Thanks again everybody. Was benign fibrous tissue or something...before diagnosis can apparently be a more dangerous sign than a lump.BusterBoy
    • Great news Buster happy for you, your wife and your family.Ramanisky2
    • Huge Exhalestoplying
    • I was holding my breath reading that. Delighted for you all xHayzilla

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