Proud dads...

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  • slappy2

    My two, I know its a cliche but man they grow up fast.

  • elahon4

  • fooler2

    That's some scary shit!
    Our first birth went very smoothly. The second one made think why anyone would ever want to go through this process ever again.
    My second son was turned around in the whom (sunny side up - OP) which made it very difficult to push out. I guess when this happens people usually get emergency C sections but it was to late for that. After the final push the doctor put my son on my wife's chest and he was completely blue and not moving. They tried to clear his throat and he was still unresponsive. My wife just kept repeating "is he all right? is he alright!" They pulled his tiny blue body off her chest and he looked lifeless and they had to call the NICU unit. He hadn't breathed in almost 2 minutes and within a few seconds about 10 people were hovering over him working on him. At this point I turned white and had the cold sweats and thought I was either going to puke, pass out or both. Finally they got him breathing, all the extra nurses and doctors left and they acted like it was business as usual. It was the scariest 5-10 minutes of my life.
    Here they are side by side, nearly 4 years apart...

    • wow, glad you all are okay. scary stuff. congrats on the new babe.sea_sea
    • utopian
    • woah, sounds about as scary as ours... but glad things are ok.slinky
  • cruddlebub0

    my boy has worked out how to reverse words in his head, give him a word and he'll read it backwards... without writing it down.... thats pretty cool!

  • BrokenHD0

    bout to have my first in 25 days!
    any advise qbn?

  • BusterBoy0

    My 10 year old daughter won the MVP for her entire basketball division for the second time recently - about 150 girls compete. No idea where she gets it from...I have never played basketball in my life!

    My 8 year old son also won won a writing!

    BUT, the thing that makes me most proud is they say "I love you dad" every night before they go to bed.

  • faxion0


    The amazing adventures of
    Cooper Brown

    Welcome home son

    • shit, congrats man,
      you got a super hero right there,
    • Cutie! I'm due in 3 weeks. Can't wait to meet my little girl.nessdog
    • very nice!panacea
    • Congrats!! He looks like he'll be a sturdy lad.mathinc
    • gorgeous!sea_sea
  • fresnobob0

    My monsters maybe 6 months ago? They'll be 4 in a month

  • moldero0

    here's mine:

  • faxion0

    Any advise for a father to be? (practical or otherwise)

    Uncharted territory ahead.

    • Nope. The best part is learning it all, every kid is unique, getting to know who they are is the thing. Doing stuff for them is 2ry.mikotondria3
    • dont worry... thats my best advice, just go with the flow!cruddlebub
    • dont let his mum eat cauliflowers - it makes small babies cry :'(
    • Don't stress! Stresshead parents have stresshead kids.Amicus
    • cheers lads
      I'm as laid back as they come, but this is pretty heavy, even for me.
  • eryx3

    Son 3 and daughter 5.
    Playing duck hunt of NES first time.

    Daughter played first, missed every duck.
    Brothers turn
    Daughter say to brother "shoot the dog!"
    Brothers figures out you can hold zapper against TV and is kicking ass!

    Proud dad for sure!

    • My 7 year old boy is really into NES games I set up on my RetroPie. His favs are 1942 and any other airplane shooting game. Gotta start 'em with the classics!nocomply
    • He also likes to play my favorite game with me, which is Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2. He gets so excited and hugs me when I unlock new levels. It's pretty perfect.nocomply
  • Nairn0

    Any duel-language parents here?

    If so, I'm curious to know how you dealt with describing two (+) languages alongside each other.

    My Italian is terrible, but helping her is helping me too. My Italian vocabulary for entirely random animals is quite commendable.

    I try and describe every new concept in ‘Mamma's Language’ and ‘Daddy's Language’.

    • She's 26.Nairn
    • lol ‘duel-language’.

      Fuck you, Freud.
    • my father speaks racist and his wife is fluent in ignorant. i cry a lot. i hope that helps.imbecile
    • hahahahaNairn
    • I'm portuguese, she's german. I speak portuguese with our daughter. she speaks german. we speak to each other daily stuff in german. serious stuff in englishoey_oey
    • Mom makes some exceptions using portuguese words that my parents used with our daughter.oey_oey
    • Why "Serous stuff in English"?
      I'm so weirded out when I hear couples from different places here in LDN, speaking Enlish with each other.
    • I mean,it;s lovely - linga franca and all that - but it feels odd for me to place myself in that dynamic.Nairn
    • I speak enough Spanish to get along in a conversation, but right now we are focusing on French, which my wife speaks. She's so young she just likes learning.ben_
    • @Nairn: because of three reasons 1) fairness cause it's for both a neutral language and my German which is still good is not enough to be at her leveloey_oey
    • cause she's finishing her PhD in German Studies and her job is in the Literature institute at the local University.oey_oey
    • 2) My English is sounding more and more like Arnold 3) She wants to better her English and the extra reason: we need a secret language cause of our kid ;-)oey_oey
  • stoplying4

    After last weeks tropical storm rolled through here, there's a ton of fallen logs/branches out at the curb for the town to pick up. I saw a nice pile this morning, so I sent my boys down the street with our wagon and told them to fill it up and bring it home. They did it. They actually were excited about it. We got some free firewood gang.

  • Nairn2

    Partner's just sent me some photos of the bairn in some clothes my folks bought her, so I can report back to them.

    Clothes look lovely, and my partner's a better photographer than I am (really, not hard at all - I suck at taking photos).

    Except.. it's a photo taken in the kitchen and the floor is a bit less than spotless. Now, do I ask her to take another photo, or do I spend awhile in photoshop, clone-stamping out all the bits of glob?

    I sodding mopped that floor but two days ago too - children are disgusting creatures.

    Can't have my folks having confirmation of every suspicion I no doubt feel they have about our living in squalour... .

    (Our daughter recently discovered the joys of soil in plantpots, and the kitchen leads right out into our wee back garden, so it's right i nthe firing line...)

    • Ha! I had a friend that wanted me to PS out all the mold on his bathroom tile from this cute picture of his kid taking a bubble bath in the tub...fooler
    • I told him it would be quicker and easier for him just to clean his bathroom once and awhile. It was disgustingly dirty!
      I'm sure yours is fine.
    • Your folks were once parents with young kids. They'll understand.Morning_star
  • timeless3

    Had a few proud moments this year –

    • our son decided, without letting us know, to take entrance tests to get into advanced placement art, math and an academically talented class that meets during lunch, he got into all of them, never told us, found out in passing conversation when he said he needed to work on a project for his AT group

    • went to see him perform at band performance, there's no written program, just announced what's next. Kids standing up doing solo songs, the group doing songs together. The next thing we hear "Up next we have Firstname Lastname with his rendition of "This land is your land" - well it was almost comical how we looked grasping for our phones not knowing he had a solo. We knew he was performing this song, he was practicing like crazy, and doing great. We just didn't know it was a solo!

    typing it out like this makes me think we're not doing something right, like we're missing some big things in his life, this just proves that he's not mine, or that he takes after his mom: I had won an award when I was young, but not that young, I was one of many "recipients". I said to my mom, I know I'm a recipient, I can't wait to go to the dinner to see who actually wins!"

    • I'm not doing something right - that last paragraph doesn't make sense to mecanoe
  • slinky2

    Does anyone have a child with Trichotillomania (pulling out hair)? Our 8yr old son has been dealing with it for about 6 months. (goes along with his major anxiety/adhd/ocd struggles)...

    anyone have success with helping child stop?

    • Did all theses symptoms just start 6 months ago? Do you remember if he had strep or some other staph infection then?Gnash
    • pulling started at about 6 months ago... major increased anxiety started a couple years ago (has had anxiety disorder for entire life)...slinky
    • never confirmed for strep, but we are looking into PANDAS/PANS and Bartonella.slinky
  • mg334

    Cranked off a horrible fart under my 4 1/2 yr old daughter’s covers while reading to her tonight. Five seconds later she goes “DISGUSTING! AGAIN?!? I need to get out of here!”

    Then when I left the she said “don’t close the door keep it open, I need fresh air in here.”

    Never a dull moment in this life.

  • mathinc4

    My twin girls started riding their pedal bikes at 3.5 yo. Now just 8 mo later they're riding at our local bike park and loving it. We went last weekend and one of them did something I thought was really amazing. She crashed pretty hard doing this circle track, skinned up her thigh. But right after we inspected it she got back on her bike and started riding it again. As she rode by I heard her kind of chanting to herself, "Come on brain, my brain is strong, my legs are strong, my brain won't let me fall again." Honestly it choked me up a bit. I don't even know where it came from. The only thing I can think of is that she took a pretty good fall 3 months ago and I told her that it was okay, it was part of learning, and that every fall gives her brain a chance to learn something new. Definitely a proud dad moment. Here she is after the chanting.. I really wish I had caught that part on video.

  • dbloc2

    I have a 2 year old girl and having twin boys in January. Life is about to get real interesting......and tiring.

    • Congrats! And good luck!nocomply
    • Oooo shit.. if you need twin advice hit me up. That's about the same spread we had. Our son is 2 years older.mathinc
  • microkorg4

    8 month old wee boy did his first bit of shoplifting yesterday.

    Were getting a Gruffalo book for his big sister so the focus was on her. We paid for the book, get out the shop and along the road only to see the wee one in his pram swirling a mini gruffalo book with teether attached around.

    Must've liked the look of it and swiped it off the shelf and stashed it until he got outside!

    Clever boy! lol.