Proud dads...

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  • mathinc4

    My twin girls started riding their pedal bikes at 3.5 yo. Now just 8 mo later they're riding at our local bike park and loving it. We went last weekend and one of them did something I thought was really amazing. She crashed pretty hard doing this circle track, skinned up her thigh. But right after we inspected it she got back on her bike and started riding it again. As she rode by I heard her kind of chanting to herself, "Come on brain, my brain is strong, my legs are strong, my brain won't let me fall again." Honestly it choked me up a bit. I don't even know where it came from. The only thing I can think of is that she took a pretty good fall 3 months ago and I told her that it was okay, it was part of learning, and that every fall gives her brain a chance to learn something new. Definitely a proud dad moment. Here she is after the chanting.. I really wish I had caught that part on video.

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