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  • sofas0

  • ApeRobot4

  • ApeRobot5

  • sofas-3…

    How to Stop Believing in Chain Letters

    • Surely it's a one part course of action:

      1/ Fucking grow up!
  • sarahfailin4

  • R_Kercz0

  • maquito7

  • utopian4

    'It's what Jesus would do'
    Televangelist instructs followers for
    $54m to buy private jet, amen.…

    • It's a sad joke how many line up like sheep. I just can't get how anyone can justify giving these punks a second of attention, let alone a penny.formed
    • because you’re not a scared, insecure, gullible, naive pathetic moron ... all requirements for this level of lifelong faithmonospaced
  • chukkaphob1


    Marilyn Monroe’s iconic pose in front of Stamford church draws mixed reactions…

    • Don’t blame themmonospaced
    • *i dontmonospaced
    • agree it's kind of weird to have it right there. c'mon now, it's a place of worship. i wouldn't want that to be the first thing I see (even the front) each timenotype
    • i leave. no good!notype
    • an aside, kudos to the LGBT flagnotype
    • more importantly, it's a crappy sculptureGnash
    • i'm more bothered by the man undiespinkfloyd
    • wait til it gets vandalized. LOL!chukkaphob
    • lol good point Gnashnotype
    • His atelier in New Jersey is bad ass though. My father-in-law has work there. Not a lot of support out there for sculptors anymore.toemaas
    • What that saying? If you don't have an idea, just make it really big...?monNom
    • guess so monNom. look @ the presidency in the US.notype
    • her bloomers are yyugenotype
  • PonyBoy7

    Pastor performing baptisms killed by crocodile

    Docho Eshete was with 80 others Sunday at Laka Abaya in southern Ethiopia when the crocodile attacked during the baptism ceremony.

    "He baptized the first person and he passed on to another one. All of a sudden, a crocodile jumped out of the lake and grabbed the pastor..."…

  • _niko1

    Here’s my philosophy on life from what I’ve gathered in my forty something years of existence.

    It all means nothing. We don’t matter. The universe will disappear just like it appeared and all will be forgotten. We are no more than fireflies in the night.

    We are a cosmic fluke and shouldn’t really exist but since we do we should live, love and enjoy every single minute of it and ensure everyone else does too.

    • AmenMrT
    • Nilistic Optimism.pango
    • you are a cosmic fluke, everyone else means and matters, just you don'tnudes
    • Welcome to the apathetic church of pragmatic nihilismthumb_screws
    • omnipresenceutopian
    • lol and you were worried about me? It's all a lark, just have fun and leave when you want.garbage
    • lol at cosmic fluke.set
    • preach itfuturefood
    • and here lies the problem: person 1 claims to have found the truth, person 2 and 3 are bullshitting about it; war. Have some respect.mekk
    • cosmic fatalism = religious predestination = justifying being a shit person because it's beyond your will (the will of god/ nature/ science)... same shit.kingsteven
    • If you don't matter, kill yourself and find out.robthelad
    • You're just spouting nonsense. Mattering is just a human construct. Things only matter if we make them matter. The meaning of life, for me, is to find meaning.set
    • Being a good person is never beyond will. That’s just something religious people say to justify their awful tendencies.monospaced
    • When did this become about free will.
      Just a reminder:
    • and
    • @_niko
      What I really want to know how racism fits in to your world view.
    • Is your church accepting donations? I'm a believer. Praise _niko the disciple. He's going to save us all from sin. Oh! save us all _niko!shapesalad
    • oh totally, religious predestination is that the will of god is carried out via individual free will. in effect it's a surrender to lack of control, and as akingsteven
    • mantra this is the same ideology, but based in scientific dogma...kingsteven
    • Hello there old friend!
      ELI5, where in _niko's post he's referencing free will.
    • I honestly never understood why people find a lack of "meaning" in the universe depressing. Like set said, it's an incoherent concept.yuekit
    • Ultimately your own subjective experience is all that matters. Think of your life like a film or a book. It's up to you to direct it and write the plot.yuekit
    • @yuekit
      Probably because some are unable to have an objective view of specific elements within a structure. Ex: atheist = immoral
    • @soundofreason, denial of meaning/ roll with it ideology is hardly an objective viewpoint. as personal philosophy it only serves the same purpose askingsteven
    • aforementioned religious (+ as you point out) scientific concepts on the nature of free will... as a coping method for not knowing, and an excuse for not caringkingsteven
    • about your actions.kingsteven
    • OKsoundofreason
    • kingsteven, why would you expect there to be meaning in the universe?yuekit
    • so basically qbn is full of nihilistic satanistspinkfloyd
    • So we exist out of pure luck? I may not believe in jesus and the single old man in the sky but I do think we're part of something bigger.Maaku
    • people believe in what they want to believe in. in the end, we're all clueless apespinkfloyd
    • i don't expect, but i'm not going to say there's not because i don't know. i'm not religious, but just as wary of the certainty of atheist 'beliefs'.kingsteven
    • Why should we ensure everyone else does too? That's on them.cannonball1978
    • Not saying I have any answers either... but it seems awfully convenient and self-serving to think that reality would conform to human psychology or morality.yuekit
    • When you consider the tiny amount of time we've been here, not sure I would put the chances of that on par with the alternative.yuekit
    • It was natural and intuitive for humans to think the universe rotated around the Earth too.yuekit
    • cannon I just mean respect everyone so that they could do the same._niko
    • pinkfloyd is right ... we're just "clueless apes" at the end of the daymonospaced
  • sea_sea3

    Sky cake.

  • PeterPancake4

    Reality in its true form is metaphorically similar to a surface of infinite complexity, like a frying pan with microscopic imperfections, a fractal mountainscape with rising peaks and descending troughs. The reality we see drapes over this surface, like a cosmic pancake. Where the pancake touches the peaks, we see elements of true reality, yet it hangs suspended over valleys, with wonders hidden beneath. As we progress, we shape the pancake to the forms upon which it rests, revealing more and more. To reveal the infinite complexity beneath in futility.

  • chukkaphob1

  • colin_s-3

    religion is like politics in that the major representatives of any ideology will likely be more mechanisms of control than empowerment, of hypocrisy than enlightenment.

    faith is a deeply important aspect of all lives, whether one identifies as a devout (insert ideology here) or somewhere in between.

    the truly faithful will likely either engage in the most basic and sincere tenants of their chosen religion or find a way to self-define god that works for them while (hopefully) maintaining a decent moral standard.

    fuck bill maher.

    • (ideology includes athiesm)colin_s
    • I agree mostly. I would also add that any good person, including those that consider religion an absolute joke, can maintain morality with easemonospaced
    • faith is not important in my life in any way, and I am an incredibly moral personmonospaced
    • also, atheism isn't an ideology, it's a lack of one ... calling atheism an ideology is like calling "off" a television channel :)monospaced
    • agree with mono_niko
    • mono ftw +1fadein11
    • thanks, and I'm prepared for the backlash, and the name-calling, and the myriad of acrobatics people will take in their attempt to say thta I'm wrong :)monospaced
    • wait, what did bill maher do? hahafuturefood
    • He made a movie about it:…
    • @mono i equate faith to whatever one finds meaning in / belief in the structure of the universe, an over-arching guiding principlecolin_s
    • and athiesm is an ideology because it requires a dedication to an absolute, even if that absolute is simply "the opposite of those guys over there"colin_s
    • me too, colin! I have faith in the natural order of all things known and unknown, and I find it awe-inspiringly beautiful, and powerful, and amazing!monospaced
    • that is absolute atheism, and so far, there is no evidence for anything else, except for anecdotal hearsay of supernatural happenings and "feelz"monospaced
    • btw, atheism requires no "dedication," considering all living things are born default atheist until otherwise indoctrinated by man-made ideasmonospaced
    • To call atheism an ideology is hilarious. It's no more an ideology than black is a colour — which is isn't. Black is the absence of light, and atheism ...Continuity
    • ... is the absence of belief in your (and others') mythology. To say otherwise is intellectual dishonesty.Continuity
    • Use the classic "like bald is a hair colour" analogy, please.i_monk
    • ^ This means I have a very colourful head, according to this according to this argument.Continuity
    • And, colin, it seems you need a refresher on what the word 'atheism' actually means, so I give you the OED definition:Continuity
    • atheism /ˈeɪθɪɪz(ə)m/
      Disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.
    • Disbelief, lack of belief != 'atheist beliefs'.Continuity
    • mono and the rest, u guys can't be serious. u really don't see how atheism is as much of ideology as the one used by people using bible "facts"?pr2
    • Serious ... not the same in any way at all. The comparison is a joke.monospaced
    • One is faith. The other isn’t. One is myth the other is reason.monospaced
    • BOTH are faiths. Sorry to pop your bubble.pr2
    • did you ever ask yourself how we transformed our universal thinking away from beliefs to facts? I hope u don't image it's because of advancement in knowledge.pr2
    • we've chosen (wasn't really personal choice, but rather imposition by forces of society) to BELIEF one set of data points over another.pr2
    • Sorry. There is no faith involved in atheism. Just a lack of it. Your argument requires DISBELIEF in supernatural entities. Sorry, that is NOT a faith.monospaced
    • If you insist that atheist believe in some sort of myth, then we might have a discussion. It’s simply not true.monospaced
    • Actual knowledge and progress is believable. Miracles and other impossible things on the other hand are simply nonsense.monospaced
    • And anyway, if you’re gonna make the case for supernatural faith, you have to choose one of them. You can’t accept that ALL gods exist or else you’re an atheistmonospaced
    • think u r too stuck into assuming that disagreement with your trajectory of thinking automatically gives credence to myths.pr2
    • what i'm proposing is that your belief in power of knowledge is as much a myth as thinking that there is an old bearded guy in the sky.pr2
    • moreover that knowledge is still filtered through perception that takes one further away from "facts".pr2
    • As far as intellectual gymnastics go, pr2, you're a gold medal winner.Continuity
    • i just accept that my ways of thinking were shaped by forces outside of my control, so i like to question if another way might now also be correct.pr2
    • Mm-hm.Continuity
    • yeahhhhhpr2
    • pr2 you talk some serious bullshit word salad.Reeno
    • I’m sorry. I can’t accept that a mythical supernatural invisible god is somehow comparable to reality. And which god? All of them throughout all time? Please.monospaced
    • If you are saying that the western modern monotheistic God is an acceptable theory, then what about the other hundreds of gods and religions? All BS?monospaced
    • You can’t be taken seriously about these mythical supernatural beings if you can only choose one? Otherwise that’s non belief in MOST godsmonospaced
    • Anyway. Gods are stories for children. There’s no evidence any ever existed or do today.monospaced
    • All religious people are “atheist” when it comes to other religions gods. Atheists just take it one step further and choose to accept none.monospaced
    • At which point did i say any of it???? You can't even see through your personal ideology: disagree with you about religion = god is awesome.pr2
    • Again, what i'm saying is that the "reality" is much less fluid than you anticipate. That's why the whole "antheism is religion too" mantra.pr2
    • But it’s not a religion. It’s not a belief in any religion at all. The argument makes no sense. Anyway, all religious people also have “faith” in progress.monospaced
    • I’m not accusing YOU of being religious, just making a point that religious people are usually mostly atheist, except for their own god(s)monospaced
    • And once again. Atheism is a religion like “off” is a tv channel. It’s simply not. It can’t be, by literal definition.monospaced
    • The "off" is a TV channel too - which again i'm surprised noone is picking on such obviously wrong analogy - especially now where we spend so much time in...pr2
    • ...virtual world the boundary between "fiction" of the screen and the "reality of the off button is so blurry.pr2
    • In a way it's a perfect analogy for MY point. you hope to keep the boundary very rigid while i, whether i like it or now, accept the fluidity of it.pr2
    • i would LOVE if the boundaries were more defined - but, like it or not, i accept they are not.pr2
    • and i think today this search for scientific "rigidity" is a sort of cry for help in a world that has less and less obvious definitions. (VASTLY different...pr2
    • ...meaning then in say XVII century).pr2
    • Im no more an atheist than dogs, cats and birds are. Gods only came to be when our primitive brains created them to help us make sense of things._niko
    • Depends how you define atheism. I can see how modern atheism could be considered an ideology because it promotes a certain worldview (science, reason etc).yuekit
    • OTOH imagine a person born on an island somewhere who was never exposed to religious indoctrination.yuekit
    • They are "atheist" by default because the concept was never introduced to them. That's not really an ideology, it's the lack of one.yuekit
    • "all living things are born default atheist until otherwise indoctrinated by man-made ideas" — Atheism is a man-made idea... no?robthelad
    • Atheism isn’t an idea. It’s just a refusal to believe in gods that men make up.monospaced
    • Atheism is a science dogma. Even religious people have faith in science. They have to. Deep.monospaced
    • *ISN’Tmonospaced
    • Your idea that atheism is science faith is simply just naive confusion. It’s not. It’s just a rejection of supernatural entities that control lives.monospaced
    • Religious people aren’t anti science, because they rely on it daily. They have for all time and will for all time. Scientific process IS the only progressmonospaced
    • Mono, i see you're till churning out the same old dogma. Keep the faith brother.Morning_star
    • I see you still have yet to look up what dogma is. When you do, you'll realize I am devoid of one, which is what atheism is.monospaced
    • I have no "faith" in anything supernatural, buddy. That's the realm of religion and children's stories. I prefer reality.monospaced
    • There has been absolutely no evidence at all, in all of human history, of the existence of any of the hundreds of man-made gods. That alone should be enough.monospaced
    • Dogma: a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true. Mono: "There has been ABSOLUTELY no evidence in ALL of human..etc"Morning_star
    • that's not dogma or a set of principles, it's just the truthmonospaced
    • In this case, you're making ME the "authority" and I'm not.monospaced
  • chukkaphob6

  • ApeRobot5


  • Morning_star1

  • chukkaphob5

    • yupmonospaced
    • my dad grew up not believing in anything like santa or the easter bunny as then the kids wouldn't believe. didn't work.jaylarson
    • i believe in you jayimbecile
    • I told my 6 year old that zombies aren't real, and he said, "Mum, I believe what I believe. You don't judge people for believing in Jesus, so don't judge me."Melanie
    • your 6yr old rocks!chukkaphob
    • ^^ awesome :)Gnash
  • Bluejam9