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  • drgs4

    Do you ever eavesdrop on a conversation, and its complete gibberish nonsense, and you think to yourself: "The computer simulation I live in is saving resources by not fully rendering the surrounding world."

    • Just overheard two women discussing their friend couple, who are trying to make a baby, but one of them is not allowed to sleep in beddrgs
    • LolHayoth
    • lol.shapesalad
    • lolKrassy
    • I heard someone say that their friend lets someone live in his shed ... and he's called 'Ben'.mugwart
    • for all those not in the uk (and young!)
    • lolcannonball1978
    • I overheard a conversation that went "I know right?" "I mean can you even?" "Where do you even start with that?" "I mean..." "Right?" "I mean.." "Seriously"cannonball1978
    • ^ the source of every intelligent and deep conversation LOLhelloeatbreathedrive
  • plash1

    Someone Made a Bot Watch 1,000 Hours of Hallmark Christmas Movies and Write a Script…

    Hope everyone is feeling "Hallmark Hot" today!

  • pango7

    So I was at this listening party (ya it's a thing people do) where everyone share drinks and music. Also it's important to note that I was the only not musician in the room. Ya seriously everyone plays, performs and records. I made them listen to the entirety of free bird.
    Very proud of my self. So proud.
    Pat my self on the back.

    • Doubt I'll be invited back ever again.pango
    • were there people who weren’t familiar with it already?monospaced
    • noway anyone of them never heard of annoying people yelling free bird at shows. lolpango
    • oh I know all about that ... just wondering if any of them were new to the songmonospaced
    • Listening parties; where the decibels are low enough that everyone yakks at each otherBustySaintClaire
    • Party. You were at a party.DRIFTMONKEY
  • pinkfloyd4

    Another tax question. For the fourth quarter payment, that can still be an estimate? The final numbers can be done next year?

  • freedom-1

    Been browsing job sites and see quite a few listing for real estate companies.

    What do designers do for them that is a full time job? Like manage the website or open house handouts?

    • website related..updates, new listings, photo touch ups etc.pockets
    • Must be boring.freedom
    • flyers for open house for sure.. real estate is gearing up for the next housing crashpockets
    • Sounds awfulmonospaced
  • freedom-4

    Is your job boring? Is it your fault or your employer's?

    • 'Client' You should know this by now. Always blame the client.shapesalad
    • yes.mugwart
    • we're here to work! not to be entertained!pango
    • true, true dat but its in their best interest to make sure that employee minds are productive and excited. We aren't in the victorian times no more!mugwart
    • we have a power problem at a facility in edison/nj, servers are down for 20h now. i have a guy in california who knows the system, i'min budapest for christmassted
    • my question is how fast can you get there?sted

    The Chinese qbn users are very active this morning...

  • mugwart1

    Spam is much!

  • Nairn0

    Just spent 3 hours making a playing card box for my in-laws — laser cut stained wood, double thickness with hidden details, lid with the name of their game etched into it as a pattern, the stained over for depth relief rather than contrast - bottom and inside bottom are covered in dark felt and the lid inserts with a plug like thing tha also has a felt rim.

    It might have had a chance at being wonderful had I not about 2 hours ago slightly over-tightened one of the clamps when I was setting the adhesive for the main walls, so now it's ever so slightly pissed.

    Too late, I'm flying in the morning. Another grand waste of time/ overwrought confirmation of failure.

    Also, I've assumed a certain card-size - if their cards are different, it's going to be doubly shit. HAHAHAHA.


  • freedom0

    Ways to make extra cash during the holidays?

  • imbecile2

    Aquaman is worse than Venom. Characters you never relate to. Poor comedic efforts and timing. The entire time I was wondering who this woman they got to act in this that looks like Nicole Kidman, are they related? Then holy shit, that plastic surgery abomination I think they’re trying to make look like Nicole Kidman is actually Nicole Kidman! Plus, the other big name actors they hired barely did anything but float in the water and talk. Visual masturbation with no substance. Do not see.

    • modern mainstream cinema?mugwart
    • these are my words from that night:
      who the fuck is this cheap nicole kidman with pakalu papito?
      this underwater bladerunner has one face: ANGRRR
      Nice ending*
    • *3 times, but it didnt' stopped :(sted
    • I'm sure it was made for a different type of viewer. Like the chick i went with had this idea of an aquaman dildo on the way home.sted
    • should've known better than to watch a children's movie. superhero movies are killing the art of movie making and sucking the life out of hollywood.hotroddy
    • it's a disease which you shouldn't be funding by purchasing ticketshotroddy
    • ^OBBTKN
    • They should have a "kid's fantasy" movie genre, so I don't have to see these marvel movies in sci-fi sectiondrgs
    • thank you.. I saw it and walked out about 20 mins before the end. Just god awful. How they can give it as high ratings as they do is mind blowing.Boz
    • hotroddy, the problem is the writing and reliance on computer graphics. One could argue that these are some of the most technically advanced movies andfreedom
    • everything from the costumes to the sets is art.freedom
    • Imagine if they cut 1 or two of the overly long gratuitous fight scenes and actually hired some writers for these movies?monNom
    • Truly bad film. Eye vomit.RumperChunk
    • This has nothing to do with content and everything to do with delivery. DC is flailing looking for the Marvel formula.imbecile
    • Of course it's extra cheesy and not great, it's a DC superhero movie. It's "better" than Justice League, tho.Maaku
    • Also, expect lots of CGI when it's supposed to be Atlantis and underwater.Maaku
  • shapesalad-2

    Everyone, should have to watch and understand this video:

    • everyone should learn how to drive.
      everyone should be more understanding.
      everyone should shut up.
    • I get a "Jared from Subway" vibe from this dude.section_014
  • mugwart0

    Is is possible to sue for damages for PTSD/ mental health etc?

  • pango0

    Not sure how long I can hang with my family with out speaking my mind....
    Trying my best not to be "the crazy uncle"...
    Watching the clock closely...

    • politics? too religious? ...are they vegan?PonyBoy
    • what’s so hard about it?monospaced
    • Pango gets sent down 10 times to the grocery store and cant say a word because he wont be allowed to sit at the table.sted
    • lol be happy that u have a family.i was slapped by my drunk father every christmas dinner until he was gone.sted
    • my brother and sister is like my dad (they got their own places nobody matters anymore), and i had to travel to hungary so that my mother isn't alone.sted
    • so cheer the fuck up, put this attitude aside, eat everything u can, and enjoy these few days.sted
    • Asian vegan Scientologist! More powerful than anything!pango
    • Dude I'm Asian. Getting whacked was a daily thing lol
      Lets just say I moved out when I was 15/16. Really not used to family gathering...
    • And they're not used to me not being 16.pango
    • And no booze!!!pango
    • lol that's why the store joke :) you aren't alone with that.sted
    • Have I mentioned no booze?! O_Opango
    • is there any gay twist to this?utopian
    • Lol sorry utopia. no.pango
  • shellie5

    I went on my first date after being newly single. It was a really strange experience -- my friend pressured me into going. But, I feel a little better just knowing men out there still think I'm hot. It was a nice holiday ego boost because I was SO down going into it.

    • Bowchickabowow~pango
    • Was it Morgan Freeman?pango
    • haha that would be like dating the voice of God.shellie
    • You’re hot :)monospaced
    • Wow, impressive. You rebounding quick!robotron3k
    • hey shellie... who'd you pay to get your adorable likeness on the AI launch screen? :P…
    • Draw me like your french girls, pony.shellie
    • Still didn't feel quite right robo. But, i've been really lonely for months. I just had some drinks and talked. Will never see him again. Baby steps.shellie
    • hehe <3
      Hope you find a good man!
    • Good luck Shellie, you look like a cool woman... Hope you get the right kind of macho ;pOBBTKN
    • Yeah, it's a mix of feelings Shellie, after me and my ex-bf broke up, I felt I couldnt even look at the mirror, felt so unwanted... these ego boosts are good...Fabricio
    • But I feel they dont quite fix the problem, which is for us to love ourselves again and feel complete, even if we are alone.Fabricio
    • But when the timing (and the person) is right, things will just happen :) Wish you the best of luck!Fabricio
    • Nothing beats a healthy romance to make one feel better! Hope our feeling better.mugwart
    • Just go get a winter cling
      Warm and cuddly. Probably has HBO pass.
    • Haha I have my own HBO go. I'm an independent woman pango. He needs to have an Omaha steaks subscription.shellie
    • Mmmmm steak subscription is a win too.pango
    • The dating scene has changed so much even vs. 10 years ago with apps etc. In a way better to be single now because you can meet so many more people andyuekit
    • hopefully find the "right" person. As opposed to just ending up with whoever happened to be in your circle of friends back in the days.yuekit
    • have only seen a few photos.. but I have to say, you are smoking hotautoflavour
    • So hot…
    • You are hot shell. Glad you had someone to remind you about it. Best feeling ever when you take back your power. xosea_sea

    Just realized all my tech and work stuff is black, my smartphone and its case, my surface's case, my kindle's case, my work backpack, my cintiq, my computers, my monitors, my mechanicall pen, my fountain pen, my paper notebook and sketchbooks...

    But also, my cat, my bike, my tshirts and underwear.

    Man in black is my favorite Cash's song. Ouch, am I becoming in Scarabin?


    (Nervously takes coffee... Back to work)

    • is your coffee black too?imbecile
    • Crushin' it.DRIFTMONKEY
    • Yes, imbecile, I'm on panic now... LolOBBTKN
    • you're white?renderedred
    • Is this you?…PhanLo
    • i dont see this being a problempockets
    • Black masks dirt, filth, scuffs & stains. Shows dust.BustySaintClaire
    • do you listen to techno tho?Krassy
    • Black is practical, like Busty points out. Only problem w black is that damn dust.formed
    • is your coffee black?CALLES
    • hahaha! +90% of my cloths are black. the rest more or less.oey
    • In same boat. I wont even buy another colour, i also have an unhealthy interest in the occult, so yeah... Scarbins soul lives on in qbn!!mugwart
    • ^ yes, scarab's soul is flying over us...OBBTKN
    • ♪♫ The boy's a time bomb! ♬♩PonyBoy
    • Most of the time I can't find my stuffs it's because they're all blackpango
    • The Black PantherHayoth
    • Now Known The Big Black One
    • actually we're having that discussion about clothes in discord...LOL!oey
    • wait... do you wear white shoes?PonyBoy
    • Ewww white shoespango
    • Black eyeliner?sephil
    • No white shoes Kev, please, grey, brown or black shoes ever. My only pair of white shoes are the SIDI ones, for bikingOBBTKN
    • "black like my heart"drgs
    • lol - even my presents given to me were wrapped in black!mugwart
    • You win mug... Black paper for presents, oh my...OBBTKN
    • ;-) no competition just nice to have a fellow goth on QBN. Though I should have said even my qbn stickers are black! ;-0mugwart
    • Well let's make it a competition. I have a black notebook. Literally all the pages are black. You write with graphite and read with specular highlight...pango
    • Cool for 5 min and stupid for rest of its life span...pango
    • all black everything here every day :)Krassy
    • The Smiths told me when I was 15 "I wear black on the outside cause black is how I feel on the inside"Krassy
    • https://cdn1.thehunt…Krassy
    • ^Venta blackpango
    • Lolsea_sea
    • @pango still a kind of black thoKrassy
    • I can't ever find anything because most of my clothes are black as well.sea_sea
  • imbecile0

    Get Hagerty insurance if you own a classic or collectible vehicle. They've been letting me tow my FJ from inspection to home then to another inspection from which it will be towed home again, all in an effort to assist in getting it registered; using their roadside assistance plan that I purchased along with my insurance. Highly recommended.

  • pango5

    Holy shit
    remember that new girl at work I talked about?
    She bought me a shirt from A/E. It's 5 or 6 times more expensive then any gift I've ever got from any coworker.
    Now I feel bad I didn't buy anything for her ... And or anyone.
    It an alright shirt. I kinda question her taste now but really impressed she fork out that much money to buy me that.
    She's is either trying really hard to kiss ass or a real senpai notice me vibe.
    I'm giggling here. Lol

    • First!! Is she hot?OBBTKN
    • Not hot. But shy and cute type.
      Really young. I think 24
    • someone likes pango!renderedred
    • an you're paying for that shirt mate, just wait...renderedred
    • LOLpango
    • she wants the PD!Krassy
    • ^ police department?dorf
    • https://discriminati…soundofreason
    • ::brazzers::pinkfloyd
    • Guess I missed the beginning of the story, but, A/E? 1) Ew, 2) 5/6 times more expensive than any gift from a coworker?VectorMasked
    • Those A/E shirts can cost as little as 9.99 and during the holiday season prices are ridiculous. Were you given half a timbit and a half a small coffee before?VectorMasked
    • ^you're no funpinkfloyd
    • Get in there, my sondrgs
    • @dorf the Pango D ;-)Krassy
    • A/E that's racist!robotron3k
    • Usually gifts from coworker are around $20.
      @soundofreason. Lol thx. I'm in the green since I didn't initiate.
    • @Robo. How?pango
    • eew A/E lolcannonball1978
    • @vector. Usually I have this unapproachable act when I'm at the office. Yet she (6 months at the office) were really keen to learn from me. Surprised me.pango
    • Armani Exchange. Not American eagle.
      Still eww. I know. Lol
    • the choice in style/brand is a lot more troubling than the price tag! Run! LOLKrassy
    • LOLpango
    • @pango. jeezuz! thank gawd! thought you meant "murikan eagle. She would have deserved a beatin' had that been that awful brand. Still AX sucks.VectorMasked
    • This means one of 2 things. 1) She actually put some thought into it and went to Robson to browse AX. 2) She wanted to save $ and got it at WinnersVectorMasked
    • My eew was correct. Prediction about your shirt fit: you can see man nipple and the shoulders sit on your traps like little turkey wing flaps.cannonball1978
    • It had receipt in the box. Definitely from AX store. Oh ya it came in a box. I'll try in on and let you guys know the cut lolpango
    • Do you expect to get away from this one without pics??drgs
    • ^ 1kOBBTKN
    • "old enough to pee, old enough for me."
      - Pango
    • I'm with drgs ... pictures with the shirt or this isnt happening ;-)mugwart
    • yup! pics!renderedred
    • ^^^utopian lol wtfpinkfloyd
    • I was like: AE t-shirts?! After Effects? wtf are they talking about?oey
    • tread with care dude, I'm sure its all cool and maybe she has an honest crush on you, thats cool but its work and post #metoo I'd be very safe. I'm such a dad!!mugwart
    • most long term relationships that work out well (what I've seen anyway) and started at work. mine including! Well creative offices anyhow.mugwart
    • @utopian... I still don't get you man...
      @everyone else. Lol I'll take a pic soon.
    • Start a new thread when you post it, call it QBN Photoshop Battle 2019drgs
    • ^ LOL!oey
    • What's sweet about this is that she probably was trying to impress you with her expensive choice. Brand hoe. Pics. ;)sea_sea
    • ^lol
      Conclusion I think she definitely has a crush on me. Although I'm on the fence. My friend advises, do it first think later.
    • nooooo especially if you're at work. but you already know that. she will stalk you. kidding idk still procede with caution and fill us in on every detail. x)psea_sea
  • Krassy9

    wow! this is truly incredible!
    some guy identified and compiled the samples used in one of the best albums ever made!

    • this is one of the few reasons why I love the interwebzKrassy
    • i love the avalanches but wow im going to have to grab all these songs and add them into my mixes!shellie
    • Also how tf do they ever clear this shit???shellie
    • No problem if you are super white dudes.robotron3k
    • So goodBeardy
    • Thanks for posting this! I love this album and have always wondered about the samples.stoplying
    • ^ same here!
      was so happy when I came across this!
  • SimonFFM2

    I am not into SciFi but the poetry of A Trip to Venus delights me.…