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  • kona0

    We're quickly approaching the deadline to deliver our app live. We've got about 3 weeks left and there's probably 2 months worth of work left for the developers to catch up on, so I get it, they're under a ton of stress and maybe not thinking clearly.

    But daily, I shit you not daily I get requests like this...

    "D, you used the wrong button for linking w/Amazon. You need to use the Amazon button found here" and I get a link to download Amazon buttons from the Amazon site. All sliced in 1x, 2x, and 3x sizes for 2 different dps. My team and I are being asked to download sliced pngs, put the 2x png into 1 screen, save screen, export screen to zeplin, so dev can download the 1x, 2x, and 3x png assets from there to use in their code. Suck me sideways.

    Yesterday it was a JIRA ticket to fix a spelling error... in live code text assigned to me with the request that we fix it in the PSD, resave, export back to Zeplin so they can copy the new word.

    The day before I inquired about the shadow on a FAB (floating action button) and was told "If you want it different you'll have to create a JIRA ticket. And, you'll have to flatten the image to include both the shape and '+' symbol." I responded that we'd never supplied the image and that it just showed up with a too dark and too close to the surface shadow. The response back was they'd copied the code from google to which I responded they hadn't as the shadow is way off. Regardless, if I want it changed I'd have to copy-paste the correct shadow (6dp) to a JIRA ticket so they could copy-paste it in.

    I love this place and I hate this place. With each day it's more and more obvious the dev team is funneling all reasons why they won't hit their deadline to something my team and I didn't deliver. "We didn't provide x, we didn't document y, we never provided the correct text..." I've never been more anxious or had more anxiety than at this place here. It's killing me.

    • I have no idea what most of that even means.detritus
    • time to start logging the dev's internet traffic or straight block access to anything not related to developing from their machines.uan
    • you aren't missing muchkona
    • you need a good pm in between. someone who gathers the review and change wishes, filters them into priorities and communicates them in lists to the devs.uan
    • then give them time to finish the tasks and brings the next round of review / wishes the next day...otherwise it ends in an endless fight forth and backuan
    • agreed uan. our pm is pretty great but we're constantly overruled by the dev manager who will just tell the devs to change whatever, wheneverkona
    • so we'll get requests from QA or the devs to fix something we had no clue even existed. it's a mess. there is no way they'll hit the deadline.kona
  • robotron3k0

    Interesting article on Tinder, but I assume it covers most all dating apps...

    It basically says almost ALL single women, regardless of how they look, swipe right on the most attractive men.

    "The bottom 80% of men are fighting over the bottom 22% of women and the top 78% of women are fighting over the top 20% of men."…

    • whoever writes this kind of 'research' is condemned to eternal virginity.uan
    • here's to being in the top 20%imbecile
    • "you can gauge your attractiveness level if you “like” all girls and keep track of the percentage of girls that “like” you back with a simple equation"imbecile
    • attractiveness%=16.8...imbecile
    • Idk. I've never tindered, but on other sites, I thought it was pretty easy to setup dates with girls. I'm not in the top 20% of guys either.section_014
    • And from what girls have told me, it's non-stop messages. Most guys seem to message literally every person no matter what.section_014
    • I was wondering why most women have cracked phone screens.utopian
  • pinkfloyd4

    This is, my favorite, emoji

    • whatchathinkinabout?capn_ron
    • it's a facade when i'm really thinking about nothing, yet pretending i'm thinking about somethingpinkfloyd
    • works well with clients on slackpinkfloyd
    • thinkingaboutanythin...capn_ron
    • that didn't work. (emoji with arms up)capn_ron
    • works well with Trumpardsutopian
    • The 'pointing out the hot chick to your right without her seeing' emojiset
    • lolpinkfloyd
  • bainbridge0

    Person in front of me in line at Starbucks was having a hard time ordering one drink for Postmates.

    Do people really order one coffee to be delivered?

  • dorf0

    ctrl-click on tabs to move more than one. wow!


  • bainbridge0

    Why are people obsessed with Hamilton?

    • I don't even like Formula 1.MrT
    • In Sweden, 'Hamilton' is the name of a Jack Reacher-type character with a series of books and films. Lots of shouting and running with guns.face_melter
    • hip hop for people who don't listen to hip hop. an NPR wet dreamsarahfailin
    • It's a good musical that's why.monospaced
    • Alonso 4 lifesection_014
  • studderine0

    Working with a know-it-all twerp of a designer. He does/says smart things but then he negates with his dickish ways. I've had to bite my tongue a few days; he wears a backwards hat and shorts on to work (what a tool).

    • I wear a backwards hat.bainbridge
    • I wear shorts all summer long.
      No hat though.
    • He actually wears different clothes to you? You're fucking joking. Seriously? What a colossal fucking cunt. That guy.set
    • Backwards hat is to stop getting sunburn on the back of his neck maybe?microkorg
    • don't have a cow mansarahfailin
    • Backwards hat + shorts in an office? Looks like he is 13 years old lol.studderine
  • bainbridge0

    Why is iPhone embedding photos in email instead of attaching them now?

    • any chance to show off their incredible screen. i know... annoying.pango
    • was a pain in my ass too...
      now i'm back on android :)
  • HijoDMaite1

    My 20 year old sister is visiting from college in Mexico City. This is her first time in the U.S. Here are a few of the questions she's asked and the answers I came up with.

    Q: Why does everyone have a flag in front of their home?
    A: Because we are very patriotic and we are at war. Also Trump made us do it.

    Q: Hey, is that a Target? I've seen it in blogs, I want to see what it's like.
    A: It's just a fancier Wal-Mart and it's pronounced "Tar-Zhay"

    Q: Why are all the roofs on houses shaped like an "A" frame if there is no snow and it doesn't rain here?
    A: Good question. Frank Lloyd Wright?

    Q: Why is all the paper currency the same color and size?
    A: Haha true! I don't know.

    • a flat roof is more prone to leaks and more expensive to install and maintainGnash
    • the flag thing is weirdGnash
    • 1 you can't forget where you are
      2 your one and only destination
      3 snow->collapsed roof->insurance money
      4 cheap to manufacture, easy to fake
    • very easy to fakeGuyFawkes
    • very, very easy to fake ;Gnash
    • not reallymonospaced
    • +1 for correct target pronunciationdorf
  • pango1

    Vigan wings.... it's a thing now.
    it's actually pretty good.…

    • It took her two years to work out how to add off the shelf buffalo hot sauce to seitan?detritus
    • i didn't actually read the link i posted... just a reference so you guys know what i was talking about. it is an oxymoron name...pango
    • vegan wings...pango
    • Seitan and jackfruit are the way forwardset
    • I was massively disappointed by jackfruit when I finally got to try some - it's ok, but it's absolutely nothing at all anywhere near a meat pretentitude.detritus
    • Give this place a go...

    • The fact is you can't replace meat with veg, they're two very different things. Luckily we're evolving away from the horrendous animal abuse that happens dailyset
    • Choosing to support the horrifying way animals are treated simply because your dinner might taste slightly better is slowly being seen as the awful thing it isset
    • Fortunately! I'm not preaching though, I'm not 100% vegetarian yet, but anyone with a brain and a conscious can see that it's the way forward...set
    • conscience, even.set
    • It's very difficult to even talk about it without coming across as a wanky self righteous preacher, though.set
    • Yes, you've made that clear enough! :)detritus
    • I guess once you realise the sheer level of abuse that goes on, you mind if overlook the conceited idea of what people might think of you talking about itset
    • As in worrying about what people might think of you mind if pales in comparison to the issue at handset
    • I really can't type on a phoneset
    • I just need more veggie in my diet...pango
    • they've been a thing... good shit!scarabin_net
  • set4

    Women are impossible to argue with. Even if they're 100% in the wrong... The second they cry, you're the bad guy.

    Fucking impeccable tactics.

    • It's ok if you want to cry toosr_rosa
    • do what i do -- use their own tacticsdrgs
    • I can't cry, I'm dead inside.set
    • Worst excuse for bad breath eversr_rosa
    • Stop projecting your fear of having cock breath on to everyoneset
    • I'm more concerned about butthole rimming aftertastesr_rosa
    • Cock first, butthole to finish off. Fair play.set
    • Is that cock obsession what I smell?sr_rosa
    • You certainly have the nose for it

    • A cocknnoisseur indeedsr_rosa
    • lolset
    • Sounds like a randy dinosaurset
    • if you cry in an argument with a woman, you still lostimbecile
    • I hate the wtf look they give youpinkfloyd
    • What did you do? Call her a cunt?Longcopylover
    • Bitches love crying. That much I know.section_014
    • SuccubusBennn
    • if you admit that you just don't understand but you're really trying, even though it's impossible to ever understand, would that help?Ianbolton
    • As soon as they feel they're losing, they turn it into something psychological to fuck you up?Ianbolton
    • Just repeat what she says to you back to her, she'll stop cryingrobotron3k
    • I just pull up the set psb thread on my phone and show it to her. Always gets a "THEY ARE STILL DOING THAT?!" and a laugh.garbage
    • So maybe next time you argue just pull it up and say: "Look. Look what they've done to me."garbage
    • lolset
    • lol @ "they are still doing that?"pinkfloyd
    • if they start crying you're fucked, except when you want to break up with themsted
    • lol @ "they are still doing that?"Krassy
    • (Pango, I copied/pasted you cause I'm lazy to type.... But now I typed more. And keep typing. Beeeedooo dooo. Type type. Keyboarding. Weeee)Krassy
    • wat? i posted something?
      what did i post last night? i was pretty drunk...
    • lol @ "they are still doing that"... yep just say "but I'm a meme now I can say what I want" or just pull the meme face - she will melt.fadein11
  • face_melter0

    On the t-bana on my way home and and I saw a guy with a script-style text tattoo along his left forearm which I initially thought said 'Fuck Canoes' - strange attitude to have towards canoes and even stranger to have it as ink I thought.

    Then after a moment I realised it said 'Fuck Cancer' but because the script was so badly stylised and rendered it reads as 'Canoes'.

    • while one tattoo is more heart wrenching, i feel like both 'Fuck Cancer' and 'Fuck Canoes' would be great conversation starters.capn_ron
  • bainbridge0

    What do you do when a client goes quiet on you?

    Was working on a project with tight deadline, sending versions, then client says will send feedback.

    And then no contact.

  • Bennn5

    I'll get my new PC at work this afternoon, this is a good day :D
    I like getting a new computer!

    • Getting mine today too, but it's not getting setup til this weekend. Been working with the current rig for past 7 years. Too long..futurefood
    • 6 years here, it was overdue!Bennn
    • damn 6 and 7 years is a long long time. I never go more than 4-5 years...sarahfailin
  • detritus0

    Currently looking at various marking systems from Chinese companies. On one of them, the examples given for materials to work with includes amongst usuals like plastics and USB sticks and othersuch tat — crabs.

    Fucking crabs.

    • Go home, China, you're drunk.…
    • Hah! I foresee an whole new business opportunity - designer-branded crustaceans. Get in there man, it'll be the new bitcoin.face_melter
    • if they're the new bitcoin, that means I'll never be able to work out how to install crabs on my machine... which is probably for the best.detritus
    • Like you haven't had crabs on your machine beforeset
  • pinkfloyd0

    I've been noticing more people falling down lately for some strange reason. I was around Columbus Circle and this old lady just fell and I heard a loud bump from her head. I was at Barnes and Nobles and this guy feel back on the escalator and I heard a loud bump again. I was walking down the street and saw this middle aged woman stumble and fall forward. Then a couple of days ago, I saw another middle aged woman just fall down. I get the feeling they were on some meds with side effects?

    • You sure it's not you on meds and you're going around pushing over old people?detritus
    • i'm sure i'm not on meds, especially doing research on thempinkfloyd
    • But I do shove people down on the subways if they give me shitpinkfloyd
    • *not down the platform, meaning inside the subway cartpinkfloyd
    • Old people just spontaneously fall.
      Waiting for this older guy to push cart across the street. Hit the curb and the cart went up in the air....
    • ..laying him out on his back. I couldn't believe what I saw, the strange physics involved. I had to run out of car to help get the cart off him.futurefood
    • A couple of times, they were middle aged ladies (in the forties, and another in the early fifties)pinkfloyd
  • mg332

    Pinkfloyd, they're probably just emulating what they see on YouTube...

    • lol, I remember seeing thesepinkfloyd
    • These guys are so dumb but they're definitely my favorite of YouTube pranksters. I constantly want to send them ideas...mg33
    • i remember this one years back…
    • ^^^ fuck yeah. Gallon smash was the best.section_014
    • lol so silly but so funnyset
    • I laughed a little. But with shame. Cool that most ppl asked if he was okbklyndroobeki
    • 2:40 is the only bit that even remotely raised a smile from me :-(Hayzilla
  • imbecile0

    Launching a new project. A bit of spam. Finally live. I'm sure there will be issues. Thanks for looking.

    • I think it is a rule or bylaw on QBN that you need to at least offer a discount code if you self promote here. I don't make the rules, i just follow em.capn_ron
    • oh yeah my bad...
      $5 Off - cherishlaunch2017
    • nicely presentedGnash
    • some issues on osx chrome:…
      the slider feels buggy, if I click it (1st image) it reloads the page, 2nd slide only clickable on...
    • ...button. then the delayed free shipping banner makes the whole page jump, maybe you could just overlay it. good luck! page has a good feel, vibe!uan
    • soild feedback uan, thank you!imbecile
  • deathboy6

    ran out of coffee and finding it hard to poop

    • Eat grapes mofo!pango
    • prunespockets
    • cherries!futurefood
    • 3 taco bell tacos and you should be able to poop out everything youve ever eaten within 6 minutes.kona
    • watch some coffee stockphotos, smoke a cig but whatever you do don't fap.sted
    • ^dasohr
    • apple/apple jbklyndroobeki
    • go to the store and get some coffee manGuyFawkes
    • hopefully he's pooped by now Guybklyndroobeki
    • Coffee stock fail rookie move. Get your ass to Costco.HijoDMaite
    • i did the fap. that could have been the problem. didnt hit the store for coffee but got a red bull for tomorrow. quikimart only had instant folgersdeathboy
    • i have instant folgers but that shit is like day old potatoes. i really thought i had some nescafe 3in1 left packets but no go. and to go out and get coffee indeathboy
    • the morning means putting on pants an i have a routine where i dont where pants until i poop. its very confusing for my bodydeathboy
    • you poop coffee? no wonder it's hardernexbcn
  • kona2

    So the guy and the developers I've been talking about for a week...

    Last Friday we had an app review with the Senior Leaders and it couldn't have gone worse. Actually, the only way it could have gone worse is if the guys phone exploded in his hand. The app failed. It was riddled with errors and bugs and every screen had at least 3 major design flaws that the devs didn't care to code correct.

    The app is shit. We utilize Zeplin which GIVES the devs code and assets, yet, they still completely fucked up the screens and flow.

    So I'm told today that we - the designers - are being pulled from the app. The devs are being given a week to change whatever they want following the direction of the guy who I've been griping about for months. He somehow seems to have convinced the bosses that I'm the problem.

    The CEO is to review the app next Wednesday and I can't wait.

    It's going to be a full on dumpster fire.

    • ouchGnash
    • yikes :/scarabin_net
    • total crap.capn_ron
    • Do we work at the same company? I feel like I'm dealing with the same bullshit these days.OP31
    • Seen this loads of times. When goes tits up you'll get the blame. Guy(girl) seems a dick head so I'd write an email to the ceomugwart
    • Explain the situation and why you feel this is a bad idea. Dont blame dont be angry. Be professional.when shit hits the fan you have covered your basesmugwart
    • And it has been declared out right.mugwart
    • Its heart breaking and i wish you the bestmugwart
    • ios or android (or both)? ios is much easier to implement designs due to the gui designer thingy (even though I never used it).section_014
    • Additionally, using generated code isn't always easy. Maybe xml in android for gui implementations.section_014
    • The good news is I've been explaining it to my boss and she 100% gets it, and agrees. As do the PMs and other Sr leaders who have to deal with this guykona
    • ios and android section_014. We outsourced the android portion and wouldn't you know its been fabulous. the devs here are ioskona
    • and don't fully understand the difference of screen densities.

      thanks for the advice and feedback!