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  • rabbit2

    A couple of months ago I blogged about an old man dying in our small apartment block, he was in the original Star Wars movie. Tonight, I had the police knock on my door, another dear old friend has passed in the apartment below the Star Wars guy.

    Oscar, the man that I just found out passed away was a loner, but a very nice, intelligent old man, who I found to be very interesting.

    There are detectives everywhere, and they questioned me like 'how was he behaving the last time I saw him' etc etc.

    Is this normal to be treated like this? Or is this just due process because he died alone?

    The really strange thing to me is, that in the past week I noticed an old suitcase out the front of his door - never in 10 years had I seen such a thing in front of his door.

    I am weirded out.

    • RIP Oscar. You were working on a new combustion engine. I am sorry I never got to read the paper. RIP old friend.rabbit
    • Ok 'cool'..."The site is to be treated as a potential crime scene until the coroner is satisfied"rabbit
    • All I can say is guys, talk to your old neighbours. Life is sad and abruptly short.rabbit
    • RIP in PeaceGeorgesII
  • i_monk0

    My former employer reached out for a quote on a job, which has me worried I'm about to give them a figure that's half what it could be or more than they're willing to pay. I don't do this enough to have any idea if I've been lucky or selling myself short.

    • same - always. go in high but not too high whatever that is ha.fadein11
    • Look eager but not desperate.
      Be expensive but affordable.
      Maintain value but don't seem cheap.
    • Quoted proportionate to past jobs for other clients, so we'll see...i_monk
  • detritus4

    A warehouse-based business next door to here had to move a few months back and now the Hassidic property owners have temporarily turned it into a Passover shop, presumably off the radar so no tax and because-bulk-sales, no VAT to account for, so much cheapness, etc, etc. The usual penny-pinching peripherally-illegal bullshit.

    Inevitably, this has meant that the road outside has been absolute fucking chaos for about a week now, with tens of Toyota Previas or old boxy Volvos blocking the road in various states of apparent abandonment as the owners obliviously and autistically struggle to make sense of the reality outside of their safe environs (we're about a kilometre from the main Hassidic area here — it must be like an alien world to them, poor confused things).

    Now, ordinarily this would irritate the shit out of me, witnessing a clusterfuck of socially-inept arrogant-ignorant self-entitled morons blocking a public street because they're too self-involved, rude and badly-mannered to decently interact with greater goy society, but this time there's a silver lining —

    See, ordinarily the road outside is the one stretch of road in this part of London that is comparatively straight, camera and Polis-free, and is hence used as a small speedway for varying types of small-penised, over compensating fuckwits who crave nothing more than 6½ seconds putting their foot down in whatever rinky dink vehicle (often Audis) they've ascribed their personality to. This means that usually there's the roar of some bike or car every few minutes, lots of screeches and clouds of oil and fuel particulate matter to enjoy. I'm genuinely amazed no one has been killed. In fact, I'm genuinely amazed someone's not killed every month or so. It makes sitting out the front not particularly enjoyable, anyway.

    Oh, also — the road is a throughway for a lot of goods and trade vehicles, including fuck-off huge aggregate lorries, clearing earth from a large, on-going infrastructure job around the corner. These are invariably driven by the O'Doherty clan, who seems to be a mafia of red-faced ginger-mopped over-muscled bubble-head Irish boors quick to grievance and the threat of violence (I know, I had an argument with one of the elders a couple of months back after he threatened to kick a local shop's dog for no apparent reason).


    I now find myself going to sit outside every half hour or so, just to witness the carnage.

    It's fucking great.

    I mean, the constant sounds of irate horns going off is a little trying, but the spectacle — so very worth it. The various shades of anger, rage, befuddlement and sheer, undiluted ignorance — a delight.

    The scene is like one of those old naval battle paintings.

    Passover starts in six days — I'm curious to see just how bad it gets out there.

    • lol. take comfort wherever you find it...Fax_Benson
    • it's shit like this that inflames me about LDN, but it's shit like this that makes me wonder whether I could ever leave this godforsaken hell hole.detritus
    • If they do this again next year, I'm setting up a time lapse camera and setting it to benny hill music.detritus
    • Paints a vivid picture. Thanks for taking the time to write this.calculator
    • please do share next year's spectacle.brandonp
    • you can most certainly leave LDN shithole and you'll be so very glad you did.fruitsalad
    • I know. I know.
      Right now, it's not my choice.
      Laterally, I wonder —
      If so, would that be my life, over?
    • I mean, LDN is shit, but then so is life.detritus
    • I would've never made it in LA.detritus
    • You just live in a shitty district polish immigrant.i_was
    • I do?detritus
    • Erm , London is not a shit hole thank you very much.see_thru
    • But a hell hole?detritus
    • Those that don't think London isn't a shit-hole haven't stepped out of shoreditch, or tried to raise a kid here on an average salary.fruitsalad
    • I miss Stoke Newimgton. Just the other side of the river lea you don't get this exotic mix of clusterfuck.LukeO
    • Pix or it didnt happen.Mattjanz3n
    • @fruitsalad - talking shit again.fadein11
    • having cycled down that street i can confirm everything detritus says, except there was no jewish presence when i passed thru.hans_glib
    • ..but you do know how fun cycling through Stamford Hill's nether regions is, don't you?detritus
  • since19790

    Just came from a small city in Pennsylvania called Greenburgh. Anyone been there? It rocks.

  • grotesk_neue1

    Anyone going to the documenta14 opening this weekend?

    • I might go. Been thinking on it for a while as the last time I was in a Documenta was 20 years ago. And I don't live so far from Kassel.oey
    • Not going to Greece though...oey
  • scarabin2

    up til 5:30 am working last night. just one more day of busting my balls on this project, then sweet, sweet, music festival

  • BabySnakes0

    Anyone just given up on a project that is 85% complete just because you are sick of working on it and the platform it is built on?

    Literally just sick of the BS issues that come up.

    • Sure, even if I compete every project, I've definitely given up along the way on some level before.monospaced
  • HijoDMaite3


    Eh brah, you got da kine new product? I see choke new posts and logo yeah? New concept? Redesign?

    Brah! You come tell us when you pau wit da' chili peppers yeah?

    I may like try new taco grinds cuz, they look ono!

  • sarahfailin0

    One man's opinion: OJ did that shit.

    • You're watching that series? My partner is too, and that's all I could say for the first episode.detritus
    • Also - just imagine the opportunity that was missed: What IF he'd shot himself in Kim's room? The trauma would've kept that cunt out of the limelight forever...detritus
    • Ah, shit. Spoiler alert - OJ Doesn't Die.
      Shit, sorry guise.
    • yah i'm watching it. it's good. even if dramatization, the basic facts of the trial are amazing. such insanity.sarahfailin
    • who cares nowsince1979
    • it was that dramatic when it happened for real, toomonospaced
  • BusterBoy0

    Just when work is kicking you in the teeth, something to brighten the day. A client that I have been dealing with for about 5 years, but have never met - spoken to a million times...sends me a link to a photo to be used on a website I look after. She's uploaded it to her Instagram and sent the link to of course I have to take a look at her other pics.

    Jeebus! :)

    • Link or it didn't happen.pango
    • LOL. No freaking way!BusterBoy
    • in 5 years you never googled the gal? what's wrong with you? :)Gnash
    • Never!BusterBoy
  • bainbridge0

    Went on an interview for a good paying job at a company I don't like.

    • whoreBusterBoy
    • eww we don't use the w word around here, cunt.sted
    • hoepango
    • trollopmoldero
    • retire early and with style and it could be worth itscarabin
    • It better be change your life quickly money, otherwise you're going to be miserably complacent.imbecile
  • ApeRobot0

  • i_monk0

    I've had a low-grade headache for nearly three weeks now. Started at my right temple and has slowly migrated to the left frontal lobe.

    • Go see a doctor.DRIFTMONKEY
    • deadsince1979
    • are you pissing clear? make sure you're hydrated. lower your sodium intake to reduce blood pressure and try to eat unprocessed foods. see if it helps anyscarabin
    • sleep toomonospaced
    • +1 on staying hydrated. 2L of water/day minimumGnash
    • Magnsiumset
    • What Scarabin MD saidKrassy
    • yep scarabin's adivce with a side order of mono.fadein11
    • shotgun a pepsi or caffeine drink. I've heard that sometimes the jolt of caffeine can help in this instance. Or just listen to mono and scarabin.capn_ron
    • never listen to me ;)monospaced
    • You sound like a bunch of hippies, but I'll give it a try if trepanation doesn't help.i_monk
    • Sounds like "Taenia solium", especially if you've eaten pork recently.fruitsalad
    • Most people are deficient in magnesium. This can cause headaches, and even if this isn't the cause, you probably need more magnesium anyway.set
    • Aye, make isotonic drinks with sugar and a wee bit of salt and some ibuprofen. If it keeps on, doctor, Stat.detritus
    • Eat more iron.
      and what scrab said.
      cut out all fizzy drinks, as well as tea nd coffee.
    • a simple bad teeth can do this... but yeah dink more :Dsted
    • Probably a brain tumour...don't worry about it. But seriously...go see a fucken doctor man!BusterBoy
    • Hold on - you said WEEKS?! I read Days last night. Doctor, stat.detritus
  • monospaced2

    Looking for a Senior Designer for our in-house team. Will lead their own projects, plus oversee a team of 3-4 designers. Joining a subset creative team that focuses primarily on events and environments, and everything related to them, large and small. Multi-disciplinary design with plenty of required learning, a sort of jack of all trades management design position.

    Location is anywhere in the US, work from home if you like, or go to any office in the nation. Work-life balance is highly valued and respected, and benefits are as good as they get. Let me know if you are interested, or if you know anybody who is.

    • I'd like to toss my name in the hat please.capn_ron
    • Cool. I just sent you an email with details.monospaced
    • I just faxed you my resume. Looking forward to working with you!chukkaphob
    • Thanks mono. Reply coming to you with info and possibly some questions.capn_ron
    • Are you leaving your current gig?pinkfloyd
    • Can you do it from Europe?valentim
    • No, I'm not leaving my position, and this job is in the US only.monospaced
    • Lol "looking forward to working with you." So certain, are we?cannonball1978
  • BusterBoy0

    Just on my daily walk a couple of hours ago. I walk along a road that crosses a train line. Pretty quiet street normally. As I crossed, I could see a train had stopped and some commotion near the middle of the train. So I walked down a path alongside the train line.

    To my horror I could see a person, obviously dead, under the train. Shockingly violent way to go and extremely confronting. Have seen a few dead bodies before, but never in such extreme circumstances.

    • not a good start to the day to say the leastfadein11
    • Sadly it's a common way to suicide... its very possible...pango
    • Nothing on the news other than a train disruption. So probably suicide sadly.BusterBoy
    • Obviously terrible for the family, but think about the poor train driver and emergency services.BusterBoy
    • And the clean up crew...pango
    • A friend used to work on high-speed train maintenance and would often tell of finding bits of gore waaay back from the front, detrital remnants of death.detritus
    • An efficient and generally guaranteeable manner of death, but an absolute cunt for all the poor bastards who have to witness it, suffer its delays or clean up.detritus
    • Whenever it happens in London and the cause is announced over the tannoy the response is rarely sympathetic, more 'fucking selfish cunt'.detritus
    • Dumb slag who was on the train posts on Twitter she was annoyed at being kept on the train so long. Fucken idiot.BusterBoy
    • Just saw a guy in a bio hazard suit from the cleanup crew. Very confronting.BusterBoy
    • Sorry — I agree with her. The cunt who killed themself under a train traumatised a driver and inconvenienced hundreds, perhaps thousands, of people.detritus
    • Mental illness can make it very difficult to be considerate of other peoples convenienceGnash
    • Sure. Still no sympathy.detritus
    • @gnash - precisely - like someone ready to be chopped into little pieces gives a shit about commuters lol - oh det - silly comments.fadein11
    • I couldn't give a fuck if you think my responses 'silly'.detritus
    • Indeed, I'm bemused you find such actions in any way at all forgivable. Frankly, I think it's selfishness bordering on evil...detritus
    • ...and I'm first in line in any argument to defend one's right to suicide.detritus
    • These people aren't choosing suicide. They don't have the kind of control over their actions to consider it a rational decision.Gnash
    • These types of suicide are rarely the hollywood, drama queens we're used to seeing in fiction.Gnash
    • They're often on a cocktail of anti-depressants, anti-covulsants, anti-anxiety drugs... they live in a haze of depression and often fear.Gnash
    • driven by forces often out of their control. no one chooses to die this way.Gnash
    • Sure, I've known a few suicides and have no objection to their wanting to duck out. However <this sort of shit is a mind-level beyond with no logic..detritus
    • ..beyond selfishness, vindictive imposition or pathetic ultimate attention-seeking. It's akin to murder in my mind, but worse—with no option for responsibilitydetritus
    • Also, it's one of the more cowardly forms of suicide - as I say, i appreciate its general effectivity, I just don't respect those who choose it.detritus
    • And people do choose. I think, down that avenue, it's the single-only mote of control and ownership left in their lives. I think that's why it angers me so.detritus
    • lol - we got another one ere :)fadein11
    • if you ever jump in front of my train - I won't hate you I promise.fadein11
    • My walk home crosses the main North/South East Coast line, with Virgin trains speeding past. It would be so easy. So fucking easy. Done. ...detritus
    • but such a murderous infliction upon the poor bastard who has to see it happen in front of him; to the people who have to deal with consequence.detritus
    • The world needs
    • or just a shitload more hallucinogenics.detritus
    • Only pulling ya winkie old chap. we all view suicide differently depending on how we have been affected by it I guess.fadein11
    • Suicide is shit, by the way.
      Don't try it.
      No fucking Ctrl Z.
  • i_monk1

  • GeorgesII-4

    faux pas of the day:
    once again, I should just keep my mouth shut..
    any ways, we are storyboarding this ad, and the main character is this fairy (man in drag),

    Me: Well he does look a lot like a man:

    Girls: well it's a drag, it's a drag, you know,

    Me: yeah I get it but he's doesn't look at all like a woman,


    Me: you know who said the same thing!! ADOLF.. (silence)

    Girls: (silence)

    My colleague: burst laughing
    Girls: (silence) two of them walk out,

    this happened 10min ago and we're still laughing about it with my colleague,

    Am I fucked?

    • lolOP31
    • ahaha no :Dsted
    • hahaha! you are royally fucked, but so worth it!capn_ron
    • lolGnash
    • I wish I could illustrate thisMaaku
    • Haha. Maybe they need just accept you Georges.Ianbolton
    • you're in Germany?monospaced
    • It's still too soon for Hitler jokes in DE, Georges. You should know this by now.Continuity
    • Im with the girl, ure dumbdrgs
    • Sounds like common sense. Prepare for the qbn wrath.Hayoth
    • qbn wrath? oh hayoth, always seeing things that aren't there :)monospaced
    • Needs more boobs, just saying.fruitsalad
    • Soooooo edgy.severian
    • To girls: "so what you are saying is that men in drag should be distinguishable from women because they are bad at looking like them?"cannonball1978
    • Correct, you can forget about getting laid.zarkonite
    • deadsince1979
    • lol, its sitcom readyBennn
    • "just accept it" ffsIRNlun6
    • Ya pretty fucked. They will never forget.
    • why must u impose gender? lolsince1979
    • Literally Hitler.DRIFTMONKEY
    • They probably told HR you sexual harassed them right after.
      They are coming for you now!!
    • What these girls need is a sense of humor.sea_sea
    • even I laughed a little.bklyndroobeki
    • xDsea_sea
    • yaeh pretty sure aint going to work so wellautoflavour
  • fourth2

    Thinking about dipping out on client work to go hang out with a chick for the weekend. I knew I'd get slammed with requests at the end of the week. Fuckers. I need a break.

    • sounds reasonablehans_glib
    • do it.since1979
    • do her.Gnash
    • everyone gets slammed :)monospaced
    • I think you should stay, ya know? Get some of those requests done.letterhead
    • of course letterhead is going to tell you to get requests done. letterhead and business card always want you to work.capn_ron
    • Don't listen to capn ron, he always puts "having a good time" ahead of achieving business goals. As a result, he is a pirate. Sad. Now get to all that work!letterhead
    • but, but, but....pirates get the booty!capn_ron
    • She ghosted me. Fuck it, money over bitches. Time to get some work donefourth
    • boomsince1979
    • also, its funny that one of the project requests was a letterheadfourth
  • shellie6

    Booking isn't really my official gig, but I've been pulling down some good ones lately. Today my client is playing direct support for Ghostface Killah. Im pretty stoked.

    Took a great meeting yesterday and got a green light on a new vinyl release with a well known american indie label (can't drop the name yet). I'm looking forward to exporation on double LP packaging.

    • wheres future? wheres Big Sean?since1979
    • who is ghostface?since1979
    • You mean the guy who ripped off Action Bronson's style?wagshaft
    • Lol wagshellie
    • Lol*2 @ wag.ideaist
    • ah yea limosexsuperstar! totally forgot about this track i found from you. good stuffdeathboy
  • HijoDMaite3

    If an illegal alien fought a child molester would that make it Alien Vs. Predator?

    • I think that white lead paint is getting to you Hijo, crack a window up in there for some ventilation.capn_ron
    • lol I just cut off my earHijoDMaite
    • Funny... the coming predator plot involves predator chasing this kid...
    • You're not entirely wrong...pango
    • pango are you breaking the agreement you signed? I'm calling the Hollywood police!HijoDMaite
    • yessince1979
    • pango is predator.omg
    • yessince1979
    • What!? Are you gonna snitch on me?! >:( https://media.giphy.…pango
    • Hijo, this is not your thought. Please use quotations next time and quote the source. Thank you.chukkaphob
    • yessince1979
    • yessince1979
    • i believe this is a quote from Abraham Lincolnmoldero
    • LOLmaquito
    • oh gawd, sorry philosoraptor..HijoDMaite
    • @moldy yes it is, I saw it attributed to him on a Geocities website one timechukkaphob