The Healthy Thread

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  • 672 Responses
  • instrmntl1

    Well done Boz! You're an inspiration to us all. I'm gonna get back on track.

  • notype0

    • I had back pain in my 20's from sitting all day. Started lifting weights, and that shit went away. I still sit all day, but strong back muscles fixed my issue.section_014
    • Core exercises and magnesium..set
    • ^. back problems are why i ever started yoga. worked wonders. Also, just hanging from a pull-up bar aligns your spine.MrAbominable
  • M01XXX-2

    • only get the real shit, properly farmed.…
      Worried the affect of hipsters jumping on these trends. but I am a tad of a "gatekeeper"
    • I don't care if it's trendy or if hipsters do it. If it's good for you who cares.M01XXX
    • ^ more if it destroys the eco structure and culture and history value.mugwart
    • its a trend now? I've been drinking that shit since i was a kid. didn't like it then, love it now.pango
  • M01XXX-2

    Can't eat anything anymore...

    • just cut out meat and dairy, go from theremugwart
    • or just buy nitrate-free meat - plenty about, in fact most of it if you don't buy crap.detritus
    • I love the taste of meat but let's not kid ourselves that it's healthy. Maybe if you kill a wild Elk in the mountains once a week, other than that, lets be realset
    • no, set - nitrate free meats do actually exist (eg. all traditional cured meats that use salt, or just fresh meat) and all meat can be part of a balanced diet.detritus
    • ^ or just cut it out. lets face it "real" meat is almost impossible to get and if so fucking expensive.mugwart
    • paging sureshotsarahfailin
    • No, and no. I mean, yes - it's not cheap, but nor should it be. I'm happy simply cutting back, thanks.detritus
    • It's part of who he is so he'll defend it until the end, lol.set
    • Sorry, I can't help myself, it's your petty defensiveness like eating meat is WHO YOU ARE that triggers meset
    • It's amusing how you polarise things so absolutely.detritus
    • ^ sign of the times!mugwart
    • You defend its like its your identity. Its cute i guess.set
    • This phone has no commasset
    • I think you're reading too much of your struggles to come up with your own identity in my responses here.detritus
    • I seeset
    • It can be argued that mankind and meat eating go hand in hand and that it is entirely natural to eat meat as a normal part of diet.monospaced
    • Oh it is, but torturing them and pumping them full of antibiotics and hormones and GM grains and then consuming them isn't..set
    • i dont know what to eat anymore after watching this video. so depressingBennn
    • Just don't eat processed meats. Get your meat fresh from the butcher, avoid sausages or any kind meat that was pureed and pressed into a shape.sarahfailin
    • ^ doesnt help that much. Cant trust any meat these daysmugwart
    • I'm not sure you trust much of anything, mugwart ;)
      Personally I'd be wary of hexane in my soy, boyee! x
    • lol at that childish defensiveness. It's like you're offended because eating meat is who you are and someone is attacking you for discussing health. Hilariousset
    • You really are a limply-obsessive prick - what's this got to do with you, anyway? Why not jump on Mugwart's 'defensiveness'?detritus
    • Did you wholly forget my posts a few weeks/months back about my decreasing meat consumption, or does that simply not fit your narrative here?detritus
    • Honestly, you are such a pointlessly competive, needlessly contrarian prick with a blinkered, self-concerned and self-important perspective.detritus
    • AND you're on holiday, aren't you? have you really not got anything better to do with yourself? Sad, cretinous twat.detritus
    • Go eat another McDonalds, hypocrite.detritus
    • What's doubly-amusing for me here is that I'm actually staying late to help do some graphic work for a good friend's vegan food pop-up thing.detritus
    • Hahahaha fuck me, hit a nerve did I. Someone needs to do some meditation.set
    • I'm back in England now but thanks for being so aware of my doings, it really is very much appreciated.set
    • Love youset
    • And mugwart speaks from his passion for the greater good, not defensiveness. You speak from your petty feeling that your idea about yourself is being attacked.set
    • But I don't for a second expect your ego to allow you to admit to that so instead I bid thee a fine dayset
    • Just got home and on the walk back realised - I haven't eaten meat in three days. I must be immensely internally- conflicted, by your assumptiondetritus
    • Eggs, Cheese and Milk, sure.
      No Meat though.
      I feel uncomfortable realising I've breached my own defensiveness...
  • Gnash2

  • notype0

    Is There A Cure For Misophonia


    • i have this. makes it really hard to concentrate. basically, it sucks.cbass99
    • my gf might have a moderate form of this.
      smallest repetitive sounds break her concentration. never understood why she'd get so mad.
    • i also play synths, so she's kinda f*cked.

      but i will suggest the hypno thing.
  • autoflavour0

    IF fasting has been working well.. lost 10kg in the last month.. once you get used to it, you don't even notice. I eat between 1pm and 5pm and the rest is fast.

    I eat normally, perhaps a little less than usual, but even then most days it gets to 1pm and I'm not even hungry, I eat just to keep the routine.

    • I meant to write Intermitted Fasting.. or IF..autoflavour
    • that said, I have heaps to loose, so I guess its just easier when your fat ass like meautoflavour
    • ahhhh just like my poor college days. ya... i was skinnier.pango
  • Bennn0
  • notype0

    Friends, what do you think about this

    • goodbye, braindrgs
    • lol @ using that meme image in a serious way.sarahfailin
    • too effing long. what is the thing?sarahfailin
    • another youtube quack?pinkfloyd
    • @sarahfailin smack yourself with the bristles of a brush... if that doesn't work... go fuck yourself with the handlenudes
  • sofas0

    "Rosemary Herb Reduces Anxiety, Depression and Insomnia"……

    • dont tell the drug companies!mugwart
    • spoiler alert: rosemary is a girl, herb is weedsarahfailin
  • notype0

    Anyone want to do a fitness challenge with me?
    No idea what this would look like. I need to hit yoga for 5 days or run a mile a day or something, not at all motivated though.

    • can i play? i need motivation.capn_ron
    • Bring back qbn run club?thumb_screws
    • Yeah capn_ron, I’m going to take a look @ what platforms to use. You gotta fax? Let’s get in touch.notype
    • Thumb, there was one?notype
    • Also trying to go ketonotype
    • notype, i got strava we could use. There is already a QBN club there too. But we could track there or somewhere else.capn_ron
    • Let's do it capn_ron. just downloaded Strava (i have nike run club but haven't used it). Maybe we can start something new on here.notype
    • you can find me on nike at my email, but I'll fire up Strava today too.notype
  • capn_ron2

    We could start a qbn-runs club if we want it to be running, or just jump on the cycles club to keep track. Motivation is absolutely needed.

    qbn cycling club -…

    my profile - it's dormant cause i'm dormant right now…

    • QBN Run is gone, Orazal was the Admin.dmay
    • But we can make a new one, I would love to join.dmay
    • been away for a couple days. just seeing this now! thanks!notype
  • capn_ron1

    I just started a starve club.

    QBN Runs…

    I like the idea of the run a mile a day to at least get us started. Any other ideas to keep us motivated? Winner gets to pick the QBN PSD source image?

    • We are on Nike+ btwVectorMasked
    • Joined indmay
    • VectorMasked, got a link. I don't use Nike+ but would like to check it out and see if it is strava compatible.capn_ron
    • I was away on biz! getting back on it... promise!notype
  • shapesalad0

    I used to snack on sugary based foods during the day. A biscuit for example. But Energy levels tended to spike and hunger feelings amplified.

    Recently been trying to cut out all processed sugars from my diet. Sweet food items are only fruits or dried fruits.

    Instead I've been eating lard - using it as filling for omelettes, adding it to cooked lentils/rice etc.

    Also switched to water biscuits or oat thins sandwiched with lard for work day snack. Result, even energy levels throughout the day, no hungry feelings.

    My grandmother's neighbour lived to be 97 and was in perfect health, used to eat a lard sandwiches everyday. I used to think lard was gross... maybe it's Portuguese lard, which has a slight BBQ smokey flavour, getting quite addicted to it. Everything tastes better with a good chunk of lard in it.

    • *Changes username to lardsalad ;)microkorg
    • Enjoy it whilst you can - decent lard's hard to come by back in Blighty. I really miss manteca colora - it's one of the few things I still bring back from Spaindetritus
    • something with how the word sounds -- "lard" -- which throws me offdrgs
    • I threw up a little when I read "lard sandwich".section_014
    • When I was a kid I found the idea absolutely disgusting - esp. watching old Spanish men in bars wolf that shit down.
      As an adult? nomnom nose2tail4eva
    • It's quite seasoned in Iberia - not just plain rendered fat. Think of it like 'essence of the most delicious thing ever cooked'.detritus
    • Lardo!
    • groog. i had some seasoned lard in köln once, utterly vile.hans_glib
    • manteca colora? bleargh, like a pure fat version of sobresadahans_glib
    • Yep, deeelish! My folks are in Mallorca now - I've asked them to bring back some sobrasada for me to collect from their place in a month or so. Can't wait.detritus
    • Mind you - I had some Polish lard a couple of years back and it made me feel sick as a dog all evening. Not so deeelish.detritus
    • Beef drippings and lard, chicken fat too. Best fats/oils for you. For 1000's of year humans have got fat in their diet from animals and fish.shapesalad
    • Then it was olive oil, good fresh, not so good heated up. Only in modern times are we having crap like margarine and veg oil. No thanks to that.shapesalad
    • I've started using rapeseed oil for high temp cooking this year. Watched a 'how it's made' on Canola Oil last night and... yeah. Really not sure about that shitdetritus
    • Lard best for high temp, really high smoke point.shapesalad
    • yeah. but it stinks the kitchen out. I'm banned from using dripping and lard for frying in my house.. flol.detritus
    • why not Ghee tho?notype
  • Gnash-3

    • Can 'self' be pluralised?detritus
    • selvesmonospaced
    • Super fat body positivity... no thanks.robotron3k
    • tattoos = unintelligencefooler
    • she'll die soon, no worries.imbecile
    • are those two hamburger menus?hotroddy
    • how about side by side on a plane Gnash?notype
    • ^ seats suck regardless of who's next to you. but this wouldn't helpGnash
    • If she weighs more than me and my luggage combined, why do I have to pay extra for my luggage?imbecile
    • you guys are horriblepinkfloyd
    • #MAGA for Lifeutopian
    • don’t setup a gofundme for her funeral.BusterBoy
    • pinkfloyd ?notype
    • there is a difference between calling someone fat and pulling a joke about it.sted
    • anyhow nothing changed in 30+k years:…
    • I don't get it. Firstly you want to be fit and healthy. Secondly men/women want to attract a mate. So with that in mind you try to keep a healthy weight.shapesalad
    • If you get medically/scientific... speaking overweight for a homo sapien, then there must be either a biological reason or a mental heath issue.shapesalad
    • I think we can all be reasonable and accept those as valid reasons. But I don't think it's healthy to for overweight people to try to normalise it.shapesalad
    • We can be kinder, less bullying towards them, as in some cases that is fuelling the over eating. And we can hope they find a route out of it.shapesalad
    • I get annoyed that airlines don’t allow 2 seaters for someone who can’t comfortably fit into one on long flights.notype
    • Airlines should be pay per poundimbecile
    • feel bad feeling this way but i do think it's the airlines fault. while folks do have control over their health they should be more accommodating. airlines...notype
    • in general fucking suck. While I'm fit I've had my own problems with airlines (namely TSA) can sympathize to some deg.notype
    • I do agree with the title. Why should we care. Btw that's an awful masthead.notype
    • Hey Tess, I don't think anyone's worried about YOUR health but about the image and health you're pushing on those w/minds of mush (kids). Grow up—not out, ffs.PonyBoy
    • Isn't this really about feeling aesthetic disgust towards fat people and not really worrying about their health as @notype pointed out?soundofreason
    • I still don't understand why people need to justify body shape with health. I'm not saying that at some point they are not related.soundofreason
    • I still don't see the relationship between 6 packs abs (ex:Men's Health covers) and actual health issues.soundofreason
    • As I don't see anything wrong with admitting you find fat flab disgusting. Are you REALLY worried about this person's health?
    • It just seems to me that this whole "I post my workout routine in Instagram because I'm healthy" trend a moral justification for vanity.soundofreason
    • Again, I'm NOT saying obese people are healthy. #get hooked on phonics
      I'm asking if this is this really the issue for your "hate" towards them.
    • I think it's stupid of fat people to have taken the bait into this health red herring and trying to somehow say that being obese can be healthy.soundofreason
    • They should have tackled the issue head on.soundofreason
    • On the real,
      How many of yous' first thought was:
      a. I would never hit that
      b. I hope she has good health insurance
  • e-wo5

    15% of my way into losing 30 lbs by Sept 1st

  • notype4

    I don't smoke but I hear this book is awesome if you're trying to quit ciggs; so much so that I think I'll give it a listen bc I'm kind of amazed to hear all of the good things about it.

    • i loved the sample audio on amazon, can hear his sincerity.notype
    • really glad this made front page.notype
    • built a website on smoking, stock photos got me started again. a bunch of smoking cessation programmes advertise with ashtrays, stubbed out fags. difficult tokingsteven
    • explain the appeal of that imagery to non-smokers.kingsteven
    • I read it. Haven't listened to the audio. I found it so annoying, badly written, patronizing and opportunistic that I had to quit because not doing soFax_Benson
    • Would have felt like the most criminal waste of time.Fax_Benson
    • hmmmmm altho i'm not exactly trying to quit...pango
    • @pango the fact that you even posted something. It's in your subconscious.notype
  • shapesalad0

  • notype3

    Got high cholesterol.
    Doc is ordering me to work out more.
    Will be back, jacked (like Boz)

    Taking a break. Wish me luck.

    • I just started Kito. Wondering if that's what kicked it up...?notype
    • you started eating a ton of fat and you wonder why your cholesterol is up?zarkonite
    • Stay away from extreme diets, we aren't cavemen anymoreformed
    • I had only just started kito- maybe for a week, I didn’t tell him which wasn’t smart. Going to ease on the diet and eat regular w/ exercise.notype
    • I may try it with a nutritionist in the future. Thanks for the link drgsnotype
    • What kind of fat did you eat?…shapesalad
    • Count calories. I was at 2000 didn't lose a pound, nutritionist said cut to 1800 and balance protein, pounds flex offformed
    • I changed nothing about my diet, just calories and dispersion of protein.formed
    • Isn't it keto?.yuekit
    • Mediterranean diet for high cholesterolpinkfloyd
    • I'm going to get stick for this but ... vegan/ raw food?mugwart
    • Why is high cholesterol a bad thing? Based on what research - and had that research be properly countered and proven absolute?shapesalad
    • Oatmeal every day bitches, nature's broom.robotron3k
    • I'm doing Keto for a year+ so far and my levels went down. My doc was kind of uneasy when I told her (at my annual physical) but the numbers were favorable.Squiddy
    • lol @ keto ... it’s just low carb. Call it what it is please.monospaced
    • I highly recommend:
      joe rogan with Nina Teicholz is an investigative journalist and author of "The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, M…
    • and one more:
      joe rogan with Dr Rhonda Patrick…
    • yeah none of you are ketogenic, you're just eating low carbs.zarkonite
  • imbecile0

    Cooking in a cast iron skillet can add significant amounts of iron to your food and into your body.

    • yeah apparently it's good for, personally prefer chicken liver to get my iron intake.shapesalad
    • you dont need irondrgs
    • Keep water in a copper jug overnight, drink in the morning...set
    • https://en.m.wikiped…R_Kercz
    • the more seasoned the pan, the less iron is transferred to the food in itmonospaced
    • for extra points, drop a magnet into a box of cereal and see what happensGnash
    • Both extra iron and copper are bad for youdrgs
    • Iron deficiency anemia is the most common form of anemia in the United States. Almost five million Americans have it.imbecile
    • too much water can be bad for you too, thanks for that great insight drgsimbecile
    • The anemic ones are mostly women, because they menstruate. This is why you have multivitamins with iron (for women) and without (for men)drgs
    • Most common deficiencies are vit d, zinc and some B-vitamins. Your body reuses iron, you only need to supplement if you lose blood
    • https://www.everyday…drgs