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  • omahadesigns3

    • Have the common decency to stand up you cunt.BusterBoy
    • All the time you can see him thinking, let me talk, you've waffled enough. Not even really listening to what she is saying. Total sack.PhanLo
    • i just see the political gears of non profits moving and meeting a fool who doesnt understand the smile and sympathize fakely gamedeathboy
    • both are pretty shitty. same as middle east problems we have had a hand in. but this video does little to remind people of our direct role or party involvment.deathboy
    • ironically trump has done the most to get out of syria... pissing off warhawks that resigned.deathboy
    • as much as i hate the guy i like to see him throw the monkey wrench into the status quo of public expectations of thingsdeathboy
  • allthethings0

    Watching Mueller testify. Unbelievably embarrassing...Jim Jordan? Louie Gohmert? How the fuck do idiots like this get elected to public office?

    • Mueller has zero hard evidence except observations and feelings. Mueller the fence walker.robotron3k
    • You are a tool.allthethings
    • yes he does, robomonospaced
    • In the end Mueller decided not to decide. What? WHAT!?!robotron3k
    • I can think of no better way to show the collapse of the USA by comparing the Watergate hearings to today.allthethings
    • Mueller says to Congress that Trump committed multiple felonies, and the Trumpers are squawking about FBI biasallthethings
    • Where are the Rs of principle? Of substance? Of putting the country before party?allthethings
    • It's a party of lunatics in tinfoil hats, spouting conspiracy theories.allthethings
    • I'm old enough to remember when everything wasn't viewed through a partisan lens.allthethings
    • $$$ is king, and every one of these R's that are so willing to cast aside their values share a single trait: greed for $$$.mg33
    • do the dems not see $$$ mg33? is really only one party focused on self interests like money?deathboy
    • u dont even have to answer... ppl believe what they want and the more naive or emotional the farther detached from reality, thats lifedeathboy
  • youngdesigner3

    "Trump says Boris Johnson 'will be great' as Prime Minister"

    To my friends in the UK...who could have imagined two leaders like this? This is a time of real change in our countries a nd the world.

    • brothers from a another mother.utopian
    • the latest wacky adventures of Lloyd Christmas and Harry Dunne?_niko
    • Tote missing that Mayor if Toronto hererobotron3k
    • yes, a crackhead would complete thismonospaced
    • Robo, Rob Ford is dead, lol. His doofus brother is in charge of Ontario now.ben_
    • Fun fact... Boris Johnson was also born in NYC.mg33
    • Fun fact ... Neither Trump nor Johnson are welcome in NYC.monospaced
    • ^ LOLmg33
  • Krassy2

    Mueller hearing is a joke!

    Q: {loooong question}
    A: "can't comment on that"

    Q: {loooong question}
    A: "can't go into detail"

    Q: "in the report it states that... blah blah blah...is that the case?"
    A: "correct"

    Q: {loooong question}
    A: "not sure"

    • He explained right from the start what he wouldn't talk about bc of ongoing investigations. He's answering a lot more to the committee this pmallthethings
    • trueKrassy
    • "We're still investigating these chumps. Can't comment."jaylarson
  • Ramanisky21

  • Ramanisky20

  • mg332

    But go ahead DrudgeReport, do focus on the full picture of things...

    • Hatriots out in full over there I'm surejaylarson
    • You guys sucking it up. The punch line to all the BS they feeding Hillary Boyz hope is that, Trump gets reelected by landslide! Boom.robotron3k
  • deathboy-3

    more pandering by (mainly) the left as tocqueville said "The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money."

    this is going to be the new norm since people do not realize the destruction they are asking for. hence civil discourse of check and balances of public slush funds and fiscal costs. The PC moral good feelies conquers reason.


    i just don't think many who support this kind of shit have any idea of history or what real effects it will have on their lives. good intentions and hell. good intentions and hell.

    • or maybe it's dishonest intentions. prime intention is hardly not self interested. the marketed "good" intention is usually always secondarydeathboy
    • here's the question for the fools. what is the difference between 15 or 20 dollar minimum wage?deathboy
    • and cut the jokers off i know a 5 dollar difference....deathboy
    • The people who support it have a better grasp of history and the effects of the policy than you will ever have.monospaced
    • The fact you brought up slush funds, as if one exists to pay wages for tipped servers, is proof of your ignorance. This wouldn't come out of tax dollars, ffs.monospaced
    • Oh, and the difference is night and day for the people receiving the wages. 25% increase is not a joke, and it ensures a living wage when tips run out.monospaced
    • Just ask your mom.monospaced
    • show me where in history a raise in minimum wage has been a disaster or has had a negative impact on the economy.dorf
    • he can't
    • mono you are always so cute. like a cuddly lil baby with no knowledge of the world in secure blanket. dorf can you show it has had no ill effect?deathboy
    • dorf, or even mono. if prosperity comes by raising minimum wages why not go bigger? Basic question. Doubt any answers thoughdeathboy
    • oh and mono. the slush fund comment didn't relate to the article. i apologize if that wasn't clear. it was more targeted at the larger picture and quotedeathboy
    • gov can use force to bribe people with money that which is not their own for votes. tax or wage controls are all the same. sometimes i think these are quitedeathboy
    • obvious when clearly they are notdeathboy
    • If you can point one thing that I do not know about the world in regards to this scenario, please explain. I'll wait.monospaced
    • Now you're equating this policy as a bribe? You're on another fucking planet, dumbass. I dare you to explain how it's a bribe. Fucking retard.monospaced
    • You're the one making the idiotic claim that raising minimum wage for tip-based restaurant staff would be bad for the economy. Burden is on you to show it.monospaced
    • Acting like you're somehow more informed or intelligent than me is hilarious. You're clearly less educated, poorly informed, and in a lower place in life overalmonospaced
    • well did you know minimum wage was tool used to keeps negros from working on the railroad? In western EU you have 9 countries with no minimum wage that dodeathboy
    • better than the others. some countries are those touted by local US ppl as GREAT!deathboy
    • https://www.nytimes.…deathboy
    • plenty of articles to local markets that artificially inflate wages that end badly if you just google. its pretty simple when a business has thin marginsdeathboy
    • and now has added cost, either you pass the cost on to customer as inflation or find ways to cut overhead. can do this by advertising no tip, losing staff,deathboy
    • more part time. Where do you think the money will come from for arbitrary "minimum wage" numbers? I'm more curious about that. Where will the money come from?deathboy
    • And mono its a bribe to every person who makes less than the minimum wage. You vote for me you get more money. They don't tell them they'll likely also get firedeathboy
    • d. they need the cheap labor that more than likely not smart enough to figure it out, to buy the lie. And some times that net traps simps like you to cheerleaddeathboy
    • it on. And maybe your not a simp, maybe educated. maybe indoctrinated to believe dumb shit. LOOK IT UP. Unless you like the ignorance is bliss. I have no probdeathboy
    • lem with people who go that route and admit it. Personally they might be the "smarter" ones.deathboy
    • Here's another question. Would you hire a completely unskilled laborer for 15 dollars an hour? Do you think everyone can command that price? If not youdeathboy
    • just forced them to beg instead. Since illegal for even unpaid internships. Or do you think these people who aren't worth minimum wage should go to school untildeathboy
    • worth it. k-12 not enough will higher edu expense really be in best interest? think it through a lil. watch some friedman https://www.youtube.…deathboy
    • ?deathboy
    • wages aren't bribes, and as long as you keep getting hung up on this kind of thing, you can't have a real discussionmonospaced
    • You keep asking where the money will come from. It comes from the employers, dumbass. It's not a governmnet subsidy. You keep making that mistake.monospaced
    • If someone is currently making less than minimum wage, their employer is breaking a state or federal law.monospaced
    • If someone can't pay minimum wage for even unskilled labor, they're just assholes and don't deserve the work. Your arguments are absolutely full of holes.monospaced
    • Your entire argument is that employers should be able to pay less than minimum wage, and unskilled labor isn't worth a living wage. Right? Asshole.monospaced
    • I seriously hope you lose your job (if you have one), and are forced to work minimum wage. You might change your heartless, unethical, morally fucked view.monospaced
    • Disturbing how conservatives are so ethically challenged. Family values my ass.monospaced
    • mandatory wages pitched by politicians are 100% bribes. you can say no but your an idiot for it.deathboy
    • employers dont magically create new funds. a higher wage means higher costs on all products. do you think profit margins wont be effected and have no effect?deathboy
    • to make up for funds they raise prices. that is articial sector inflation. A larger push for higher pay low wage jobs will increase employmentdeathboy
    • simply because stupid robots will be better than those simps. I love it that you want to force the worst out of having a job. increasing homelessnessdeathboy
    • you will pay for it if you have any asset. remember this in ten yearsdeathboy
    • and funny such a good soul u hope i lose my job.... get the hypocrisy right?... any ways i have always done above minimum wage (legal jobs)deathboy
    • I struggle mos tin college and when i gave that up and dropped out I did far better. could buy groceries without calculating costs in headdeathboy
    • i dont think you have ever had to work for it. i bet you never even worked pre teens. or even high school.deathboy
    • just a person being manipulated at guilt. trust me if you were born into a better situation i could careless. carry no guilt sondeathboy
    • oh and you didnt mention if you believe all souls are worth 15 an hour. strong question for the base.deathboy
    • you are such a naive, yet vocal person. reminds me of my pup barking at anything it think it intrudes on its beliefsdeathboy
  • Fax_Benson3

    So the US has just vetoed congressional efforts to block Saudi arms sales and resumed the federal government’s use of capital punishment. Almost simultaneously.

    What's with the Saudi boner? Why can't the Christian right see that they emulate the very worst aspects other religions they claim to be fighting a culture war against?


    • dolla dolla bills y'all. all fatcats running the show here.capn_ron
    • C.R.E.A.M.jaylarson
    • A lot of christians would love to make the USA like Saudi Arabia.zarkonite
    • ^ Sandy?Maaku
  • jaylarson0

    I diggit she's in my disctrict:

    Ilhan Omar: It Is Not Enough to Condemn Trump’s Racism
    The nation’s ideals are under attack, and it is up to all of us to defend them.


    • she probably speels better than me toojaylarson
    • Do you believe the high concentration of Jewish people in her district will back her in the next election like they initially did?robotron3k
    • how does it feel to be nazi but have brown skin robotron?dorf
    • Trump's daughter is Jewish.monospaced
    • I could have made a good Jew, but not a nice one.robotron3k
    • no, you couldn't have, actuallymonospaced
  • allthethings0

    Beyond Pelosi
    Why impeachment can’t penetrate the cult of D.C. savvy.


    None of this is to say that Pelosi is not personally horrified by what’s happening. Perhaps she is. But whatever she’s experiencing is obviously not compelling or severe enough to make her violate her notions of institutional decorum or consider the long-term consequences of looking the other way when the most corrupt, bigoted, and incompetent president in modern history continually escalates his corruptions, bigotries, and incompetence.

    Those long-term consequences should be Pelosi’s primary consideration, but here she exhibits an unfortunate flaw of the entire party: the inability to think past the next election cycle.

    • and here i just happen to think shes a cog in place by her making that never will shine.deathboy
  • sarahfailin0
  • drgs-3

    Today is July 25, 2019. Donald Trump is still alive.

    • I am torn on whether this should be up or down voted.formed
    • The most aliveFax_Benson
  • colin_s2

    sorta surprised the epstien thing isn't picking up more steam around here.

    i'm not a tin foil hat guy but that dude's black book has so many fucking names in it, and whenever these documents leak, the fall out is gonna be popcorn.gif

    • Trump and Clinton probably get balanced out. As much as the Clinton name isn't relevant any longer, the legacy is strong. So there's no real will to push this.BusterBoy
    • You reckon someone tried to have him killed? Hopefully he gets stabbed a bit. Not enough to kill him though.PhanLo
    • trump talk is strong with you @phan :)renderedred
    • @phan i'd place odds he dies before he can testify, by "suicide" or by suicide. but they have troves of evidence i'd love to see wikileaks get a hand oncolin_s
    • "I love wikileaks".BusterBoy
  • Ramanisky23

    THIS ... this is who they’re running up against Representative Ilhan Omar in Minnesota.

    Fucking Republicans are EMBARRASSING.


    • She was also recently charged with felony theft. #MAGARamanisky2
    • Jesus.garbage
    • haha it reminds me of a former bartender who ran her mouth and it paid off.deathboy
    • Sounds like she's got some good policy ideas.mandomafioso
    • This is Bachmann cuntry afteralljaylarson
    • It's all about the press release, they know they can't win but they want the headlines to manage their base. Don't forget that most conservatives only watch Foxzarkonite
    • so if they can spin it on Fox it's all they need really.zarkonite
    • That backpack.omahadesigns
    • #RobosGalutopian
  • sted0

  • allthethings5

    Actually, Robert Mueller Was Awesome
    History will show that he had one big goal, and nailed it.


    Mueller did that all day long. He refused to answer leading questions whenever answering the question might draw him too close to the political fight, force him to say things that could spur controversy, or cause him to veer outside the four corners of the report. Mueller wanted to go no further than his report and he rarely did so, despite both sides egging him on. He swatted away Republican attempts to elicit answers about the origins of his probe as readily as he ignored Democratic attempts to get him to make their case against Trump.

  • imbecile0

    Tech giant Oracle lobbies Trump to scuttle Amazon's shot at $10B Pentagon contract with complicated flowchart showing Jeff Bezos' 'conspiracy' to win the bid


  • colin_s4

    nancy pelosi is the fucking worst

  • allthethings-1

    From this thread...a good thought exercise, as he calls it.
