Canada is doomed...
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- Gucci0
Hes a professor of the practice of human rights at Harvard and has written numerous books... I'll vote for him over Harper anytime of the week...
(Jan 24 06, 10:02)He recently said torture was acceptable in "certain situations"...
he'd get my vote if for no other reason than he says what's on his mind.AND he seemed like a hard-ass when he was fighting the media on it.
- derek20050
thats the tree!! :)
and, im not too upset about harper. at least its not a majority gov.
- t_rock0
yeah. just glad that Harper won't be able to pass through any of the social agenda he wants to. even though he "promised" not to.
- nooner0
does this mean we'll have a down turn of canadians pumping each other's ego's about how awesome they are. prob not. hehehe watch out.
- Carty0
harper is in bush's yard.
harper is bush's bitch.
harper is happy to be bush's little whippin boy.everyone i know including my rasta ass voted yesterday to try to stop harper. but ya notice, much like the US election that even if absolutely no one you know is voting pc, they still get in?
like michael moore said best about us, we are against the war in iraq, and then we vote a guy in that supports the war in iraq. we are all for gay marraige, and then we vote a guy in that is against gay marraige.
and we are supposed to be a smart country. now bush has the continent on lock. lets count the days till we are using american money.
- ********0
goes to show you, those with the biggest mouths aren't generally the ones that's actually vote and control things. that;s why Bush won here, I'm assuming the same in CA
- Carty0
i think this was a huge voter turn out this time and i know that somehow this guy still got in.. when every one i know voted "other than pc"
- horton0
you can thank Alberta; 100% blue.
- ********0
hmmmmm.. interesting, from that set of data, it seems you have more in common with the US than you think. Almost as if the Eastern part of US is the same as the Eastern part of CA. West = West too.
- ********0
canada's politics are still way more interesting than the states, like interesting, not absurd and amusing...a minority conservative government can still do wonders for this truely progressive and wealthy, social nation, if only to see where the balance of our principles lie
- ********0
but you say that being from CA, which is biased and non-objective, regardless of whether it's true or not.
- spiralstarez0
I don't think this election is anything to scream about. Short term it looks bad, but long term that wanker Martin and the liberal party should get a good clean up that it needs.
And the numbers just don't add up for any sort of 'agenda' to get through parliament, unless Conservative ally with the Bloc and they don't have the same shithead views as the Conservatives.
- sherman0
The thing that boils me is all the Albertans who are retiring out in BC and especially on the island.
They bring their political views and drive up housing prices. Call me bitter but it makes me mad.
- ********0
So. In geek terms what you guys are saying is Canada is Fux0r3d?
- ********0
- horton0
hmmmmm.. interesting, from that set of data, it seems you have more in common with the US than you think. Almost as if the Eastern part of US is the same as the Eastern part of CA. West = West too.
(Jan 24 06, 10:52)yes its similar but not all that interesting.. just geography really.
- monNom0
it could have been a lot worse.
I'd much rather a hamstrung Harper than a carte blanche Harper.
This may improve the relations with our friends south of the border too. Even if it is a token conservative gov't, it's bound to make the republicans happy.
- MrRemote0
Ok, first it wasn't a high voter turnout, and b... Micheal Moore can kiss my ass. I mean I like the guy but he needs to concentrate on his own back yard. Harper got voted in because voters wanted to slap the Liberals on the knuckles. He's got a minority and there is no way he's gonna send us to iraq or ban gay marriage. He tries that shit and he will be out so fast his head will spin.
Going to be fun to watch him try and handle his party membership over the next 8 or 10 months though, there are gonna be a lot of requests for PC members to step down for idiot conduct.
- horton0
So. In geek terms what you guys are saying is Canada is Fux0r3d?
(Jan 24 06, 11:11)not at all. Harper can't do much damage in a minority gov and we'll be having another election in about 18 months.