Canada is doomed...
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- Carty0
harper is in bush's yard.
harper is bush's bitch.
harper is happy to be bush's little whippin boy.everyone i know including my rasta ass voted yesterday to try to stop harper. but ya notice, much like the US election that even if absolutely no one you know is voting pc, they still get in?
like michael moore said best about us, we are against the war in iraq, and then we vote a guy in that supports the war in iraq. we are all for gay marraige, and then we vote a guy in that is against gay marraige.
and we are supposed to be a smart country. now bush has the continent on lock. lets count the days till we are using american money.
- ********0
goes to show you, those with the biggest mouths aren't generally the ones that's actually vote and control things. that;s why Bush won here, I'm assuming the same in CA
- ross0
goodbye arts funding, hello conscripting. How do you spell "draft dodger?"
- Carty0
i think this was a huge voter turn out this time and i know that somehow this guy still got in.. when every one i know voted "other than pc"
- horton0
you can thank Alberta; 100% blue.
- ********0
hmmmmm.. interesting, from that set of data, it seems you have more in common with the US than you think. Almost as if the Eastern part of US is the same as the Eastern part of CA. West = West too.
- ********0
canada's politics are still way more interesting than the states, like interesting, not absurd and amusing...a minority conservative government can still do wonders for this truely progressive and wealthy, social nation, if only to see where the balance of our principles lie
- ********0
but you say that being from CA, which is biased and non-objective, regardless of whether it's true or not.
- sherman0
it wasnt me it was my mom. I gave her shit last night and told her i wont be home for christmas.
- spiralstarez0
I don't think this election is anything to scream about. Short term it looks bad, but long term that wanker Martin and the liberal party should get a good clean up that it needs.
And the numbers just don't add up for any sort of 'agenda' to get through parliament, unless Conservative ally with the Bloc and they don't have the same shithead views as the Conservatives.
- Cactus0
Draft-dodging Americans go to Canada to find safe haven from the Bush Reich. Where would you go?
- wedgehead0
is that a real picture or did somebody have fun with photoshop?
- horton0
Canada is not doomed...
All considered we came out of a sticky situation in not bad shape.
Harper has a minority gov, and its a really powerless one at that. The seat numbers don't add up, nothing far right is going to pass through parliament.
See y'all again in about 12-18 months... same bat-place, same bat-channel.
- ross0
i guess we go to greenland.
or quebec when it seperates.
- Cactus0
guess we go to greenland.
or quebec when it seperates.
(Jan 24 06, 13:30)May I extend an invitation to come to France. Apparently we accept all sorts of jetzum and flotsam from North America and elsewhere.
- Cactus0
Strange aspect of this result although not directly connected is the fact that of all the western leaders (and their parties) who opposed the Iraq war are getting kicked out of office and the three musketeers, Bush, Howard, and Blair were all comfortably re-elected by their people.
Wasn't it supposed to be the other way round?
Daft eh...
- sherman0
The thing that boils me is all the Albertans who are retiring out in BC and especially on the island.
They bring their political views and drive up housing prices. Call me bitter but it makes me mad.
- mrsparkle0
I heard today on the CBC that Stephen Harper, Stockwell Day and Jason Kenny (and other prominant conservatives) attended the 2004 Republican convention.
Why doesn't the media broadcast these Matzah Balls before the election?
I think rock bottom was hit when jason Kenny said that Canadians "...have chosen hope over fear."
- vealemoble0
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"Much like Chuck Norris, us American NT regulars are waiting.... watching... crouched and ready to strike. For when the day comes when your shitty government out shits our shitty government we will strike with a furious round house kick to the face of Canada and inundate you with NT threads on the topic of YOUR shitty governemnt.
*strokes beard
(Jan 24 06, 12:50)"Sorry, but no gov't can be as shitty as yours... sad but true.
(Jan 24 06, 12:53)i second that chz