Canada is doomed...
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- 121 Responses
- spiralstarez0
Actually I think nothing is in too bad of a position right now because for anything to get done politicians are going to have to cooperate.
Oh wait, I just said 'politicians are going to have to cooperate'.
We are doomed.
- ********0
yeah but since it's similar it should give us some insiigh into how people think and from where.
- spiralstarez0
I'd say for sure this is true for both the States and America:
- horton0
yeah but since it's similar it should give us some insiigh into how people think and from where.
(Jan 24 06, 11:18)farmers/ working class..
= Conservativeurban centers, ports etc..
= Liberal/ Socialist (NDP)french
= Bloc Quebecois
- MrRemote0
Who here watched it on CBC last night. The coverage was awful and I wanted to punch George Snuffleupagus, what a puppet.
- ********0
yeah but since it's similar it should give us some insiigh into how people think and from where.
(Jan 24 06, 11:18)farmers/ working class..
= Conservativeurban centers, ports etc..
= Liberal/ Socialist (NDP)french
= Bloc Quebecois
(Jan 24 06, 11:23)hmmm seems similar here, 'cept for the French part
- Jaline0
It's different in Canada, because I'm sure the Liberals would've had a better chance of winning if Paul Martin had resigned before, or if the sponsorship scandal didn't exist. There was constant bashing just b/c of that one issue. So if it didn't exist, more people would've voted for the Liberals. You can see that by how many votes the NDP and Green Party got from frustrated people (specifically students), who didn't want the Conservative agenda, but didn't want the Liberal 'corruption' either.
I know that about 47% of Canadians were for gay marriage (about 40% opposed, the rest of the people didn't care), whereas I'm sure it was different in America.
- Cactus0
Stop your crying. As if this guy is going to change anything in your wintery, nanny-state. You had the same party in power for something like 40 fucking years!
You think that's healthy for a democracy?
Get a grip.
- Xrtions0
too much of a fuss is being made. yes it sucks harper is in, but its a very slim minority government, which means he wont be able to push his bullshit through the house very easily.
and like someone mentioned, it will be a good clean up for the liberal party. who will come back next election far more left and with a better leader.
- Jaline0
I totally agree, Xrtions.
And Cactus, ummm...the Liberals have been in power for about 12 years, not 40.
- Cactus0
I stand corrected Jaline but the premise of the sentence remains true.
- mrsparkle0
Are you adding any value to this discussion Cactus?
You are the weakest link. Goodbye.
- horton0
yikes.. too much agro peyote for Cactus.
you need to stop yelling at your crop and show those plants some love.
- Cactus0
Bye mrsparkle
And respect to BC growers such as horton but cacti are stubborn, surly plants that don't need much love.
- ********0
always too much fuss made, Xrtions. people get angry when their boy doesn't win, then they pick, pick, pick away at every detail.
- Cactus0
"Bland sells"
Stephen HarperSay what you want about him but one thing is for sure, he understands the Canadian electorate.
- danthon0
the bland leading the blind
- horton0
Say what you want about him but one thing is for sure, he understands the Canadian electorate.
(Jan 24 06, 12:25)umm no, he overturned a Government caught up in internal corruption. pretty much a no-brainer.
and what's a peyote farmer in France doing schooling Canadians on Canadian politics?
- sherman0
today is becoming a bummer.
- danthon0
today I am buying a hummer.
(Jan 24 06, 12:38)