Canada is doomed...
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- vealemoble0
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"Much like Chuck Norris, us American NT regulars are waiting.... watching... crouched and ready to strike. For when the day comes when your shitty government out shits our shitty government we will strike with a furious round house kick to the face of Canada and inundate you with NT threads on the topic of YOUR shitty governemnt.
*strokes beard
(Jan 24 06, 12:50)"Sorry, but no gov't can be as shitty as yours... sad but true.
(Jan 24 06, 12:53)i second that chz
- Mimio0
Harsh Cancucks...
We Americans have surpassed the Sudanese, North Koreans, and Iranians have we?
- nooner0
i like this thread. so hilarious to me. keep the whining coming!!! i'm lovin it!
- ********0
May I extend an invitation to come to France. Apparently we accept all sorts of jetzum and flotsam from North America and elsewhere.
(Jan 24 06, 13:33)I wish you would accept bathing and a goddamn toothbrush.
- ********0
NO Mimio. The North Korean goventment should be the model for ALL governments.
- Mimio0
Or maybe the Canadian government should be?
It's the pinnacle of efficiency and social trust. I mean you've got 5 major parties to govern a population and economy smaller than the state of California and one little scandal and the voting public knee-jerks to the closest opposition. Good work, you have nothing to be proud either.
- Cactus0
Get it right kOna.
An aversion to bathing is the French stereotype. Bad dental hygene is for the English.
- ********0
You're not doomed just yet, they just found more oil in Alberta than what exists in Saudi Arabia, once it's processed.
Edmonton Oilers here you come!
- ********0
Get it right kOna.
An aversion to bathing is the French stereotype. Bad dental hygene is for the English.
(Jan 24 06, 13:59)lolz
- spiralstarez0
"they just found more oil in Alberta than what exists in Saudi Arabia"
It's beyond me why this is getting such massive media attention just now, they've been extracting that shit in Ft. Mac since the 70s and it's been ridiculously booming for more that 15 years.
There's a 0% housing vacancy rate there, you get paid $15/hr to work at McDonald's.
Friends I know grew up there, moved to go to uni, and can now ever afford to move back.
- ********0
I'm just stating what was in the article. Might be or not be true.
- neue75_bold0
clearly, Canada is doomed....
- spiralstarez0
Not giving you a hard time - just simply saying I don't understand why it's so big in the media all of a sudden when it's nothing new.
Mind you I did grow up in Edmonton.
- ********0
Ahhhh.... got ya' as if it's been well known for years. my bad.
You're a regular Edmonton Oiler then?
btw, what's the difference between a Winnipeg Jet and an Edmonton Oiler and what about Thunder Bay? ;)
- spiralstarez0
Yeah I don't expect that everyone knows about, just weird that it's all of a sudden big in the media like it's the new eden of oil discovery.
Alberta's been riding on the wealth of that oil for decades.
I am an Oilers fan though, the difference is that Edmonton still has an NHL team :-)
- danthon0
simply saying I don't understand why it's so big in the media all of a sudden when it's nothing new.
Mind you I did grow up in Edmonton.
(Jan 24 06, 14:33)I could not figure it out either. At first I thought there was a new break through in processing or something. This is old news and I live on an island!
- Visia0
"btw, what's the difference between a Winnipeg Jet and an Edmonton Oiler and what about Thunder Bay? ;)"
Answer: Well, first of all about three different provinces.
- chossy0
Canada would only be doomed if I came over with my good buddy kelpie and went out on the tap.