Canada is doomed...
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- Visia0
amen Danthon.
Blind indeed. How can anyone call Paul Martin a wanker? Fuck, know your Ottawa man. If it wasn't for Paul Martin we'd probably be broke right now.
The man is by far the absolute best Minister of Finance this country has ever seen.
Don't give me this sponsorship scandal shit either. That was a bunch of Quebeccer Liberals that did that. Well below the upper ranks of the party. Martin had nothing to do with it.
What he did have something to do with is fixing our busted-assed economy after the Mulroney gov. decided that Free-Trade and Reganomics was a good idea for Canada. Which plunged us into a MASSIVE deficit. Hence the reason why the Liberals won a huge landslide in 93.
And if you think Harper's economics are any different than you're kidding yourself.
I realise that his minority won't get much done but I don't really see that as a good thing.
The idea that I should be happy because the government I have is evil, but can't really do much is rediculous to me.
I'll be pissed off if I want to be and trust me, today, I want to be.
- Gucci0
cactus is right.
it's healthy to have a multi system. Check the history book and get back to me about how many of our PM's have been red.
Essentially the Conservatives blew themselves up years ago, and this PC government is a thinly veiled Reform Party. That's the only difference...
- Visia0
sorry folks, not to be picky, but this isn't a PC government. The PC stopped being when they merged with the Reform. The new party is the CPC.
That's been bugging me.
- Gucci0
I must admit...
i saw preston manning in the audience with a big smile on his face when harper was giving his speech and i t made me feel uneasy.
- sherman0
things always have to hit rock bottom before they can get better. i wish this wasnt the way.
- Visia0
I must admit, I liked Preston Manning a helluva lot more than I do Harper.
- uhohseangettio0
Thats mofo's eyes are too red.
Bush eyes.
Im prung.
- ********0
Much like Chuck Norris, us American NT regulars are waiting.... watching... crouched and ready to strike. For when the day comes when your shitty government out shits our shitty government we will strike with a furious round house kick to the face of Canada and inundate you with NT threads on the topic of YOUR shitty governemnt.
*strokes beard
- chz0
"Much like Chuck Norris, us American NT regulars are waiting.... watching... crouched and ready to strike. For when the day comes when your shitty government out shits our shitty government we will strike with a furious round house kick to the face of Canada and inundate you with NT threads on the topic of YOUR shitty governemnt.
*strokes beard
(Jan 24 06, 12:50)"Sorry, but no gov't can be as shitty as yours... sad but true.
- horton0
today is becoming a bummer.
(Jan 24 06, 12:38)obviously suffering from post-natal depression.
no worries, it'll clear up soon.
- ********0
now that whats his neo nazi PM is in power, i will support as a nationalist
- Jaline0
things always have to hit rock bottom before they can get better. i wish this wasnt the way.
(Jan 24 06, 12:45)uhhh, I don't think it's actually going to hit rock bottom. Rock bottom is the worst possible place, and that's unlikely. I'm guessing some major changes will be made, but Harper himself said that he would have the same Liberal judges b/c otherwise people wouldn't elect Harper. They want the same rights and priviledges they had with Martin.
A part of me wants Harper to be horrible and change everything and ruin Canada so that people think twice about voting Conservative again and to prove something, but a part of me also wants Harper to succeed and have the Liberals and NDP keeping him in line until the next election.
- Jaline0
Not to say that I would ever vote for the Conservative party, b/c I wouldn't.
- ross0
goodbye arts funding, hello conscripting. How do you spell "draft dodger?"
- Cactus0
Draft-dodging Americans go to Canada to find safe haven from the Bush Reich. Where would you go?
- wedgehead0
is that a real picture or did somebody have fun with photoshop?
- ross0
i guess we go to greenland.
or quebec when it seperates.
- Cactus0
guess we go to greenland.
or quebec when it seperates.
(Jan 24 06, 13:30)May I extend an invitation to come to France. Apparently we accept all sorts of jetzum and flotsam from North America and elsewhere.
- mrsparkle0
I heard today on the CBC that Stephen Harper, Stockwell Day and Jason Kenny (and other prominant conservatives) attended the 2004 Republican convention.
Why doesn't the media broadcast these Matzah Balls before the election?
I think rock bottom was hit when jason Kenny said that Canadians "...have chosen hope over fear."