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  • neverscared4

  • detritus4

    We should've stayed in the EU - but - done what all EU countries do, especially France & Germany, when things don't suit them: break the rules.

    I remember reading a while back - and wish that I'd kept the link - that there's a large scoreboard somewhere in Brussels with all the EU countries listed on, noting their compliance across EU rulesets. Who was top of the compliance list? The UK.

    We're a weirdly spineless country sometimes, quick to blame others for our own failings, slow to act and amend our own failings .. on our own.

    Look at Portugal -…

    The UK is - for now - still one of the larger economies in the world, especially for its size. What's to stop us occasionally bending rules for our own benefit?

    We really are a nation of meek, curtain-twitching idiots.

    • “Listen, smile, agree, and then do whatever the fuck you were gonna do anyway.” – Robert Downey Jr.sinjun
    • Hah, indeed... was in Berlin smoking cigarettes with branding on the packet, in a bar - somewhere in the UK there's someone blaming all 3 on the EU.kingsteven
    • I think it's the Ozzies we have to blame for that particular game, no? I quite like the camo green everything comes in now.. :)detritus
    • Yep, Australia’s doing. And the government here is just as messed up as back home in Blighty. Let’s move to Portugal.MrT
    • On Portuguese tv last night, there was a l best regional meal+wine competition, each region cheering on it's specialities.shapesalad
    • Couldn't imagine that on BBC 1, too nationalist, not including enough minorities etc.shapesalad
    • National debts, money owed to banks that create money buy typing digits into a computer, it's all nonsense.shapesalad
    • Soz shape but there’s been quite a few series on regional food in the ooo k.MrT
  • fadein112

    Boris resigns and powerplay begins. I am leaving the UK if becomes PM lol.

    • if he*fadein11
    • fucking embarrassingBluejam
    • It probably can't get any worse than Maybot but I have an inkling he will give it a good shot haha.fadein11
    • PM should have told him firstly "On your bike mate - get on your stupid Boris bike and F off, and get a hair cut you baffoon."shapesalad
    • Wasn't May originally a Remainer? I'd quite like it if she just said "now all those cunts are out, I'm undoing the referendum, it was always a terrible idea".detritus
    • Adios Baw Jaws.PhanLo
    • Government is slightly less shit than it was this morning I supposeFax_Benson
    • Now if we can just trebuchet Walter the Softy across the Channel, we're done.detritus
    • Trebuchet is such a Rees-Mogg word, too.Fax_Benson
    • lolfadein11
    • Should be hung for fucking treason!microkorg
    • Rope around neck, attached to a trebuchet, flung across the channel.
      All of them.
      God, I wish I had a trebuchet...
  • Bluejam6

  • kingsteven5

    The DUP then, these guys only exist to exploit the good friday agreement. If you remember that in the 90s, the DUP was the only party to oppose the agreement. They exploited problems in IRA decomissioning of arms to destroy the main unionist party at the time (the UUP) and take power (the rules of the local assembly are designed so that this guarantees the biggest party the "first minister" role).

    They exploit the political tension here to keep people protest voting and stay in power (vote DUP to keep Sinn Fein out... ) but are not at all representative of political opinion here. They are quite happy to destabilise NI as a region as it is guaranteed to benefit them - they would love for the region to be ruled directly from Westminster so they have no incentive to negotiate anything.

    And predictably, they're getting paid to do shit all right now... we have had no assembly for nearly a year. Which gives them all the hours they need to concentrate on this shit.

    The DUP refuse to negotiate over a bill that protects Irish (up here Ulster Gaelic). Insisting that a language bill must protect "Ulster Scots" - essentially a dialect that unionists have promoted in order to split language funding so that it doesn't all go to the nationalist side. Ulster Scots is heavily politicised but essentially it's the dialect that derives from Scottish Gaelic speakers' speaking English. but because Irish and Scottish Gaelic are more or less interchangeable they are vey careful not to adopt any words that are actually derived from Gaelic!... The kick in the teeth for Irish speakers here is that Scotland even have Scottish Gaelic protection but with less speakers there than Irish in NI.

    TBH, I don't speak Irish, don't have a nationalistic bone in my body and I don't care that much about languages but that should give you an idea of how nationalistic things are here in general. If you are just a regular person with a normal sized dick (I don't pretend to understand nationalists) things can be very difficult. A few years ago our Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure became the department of Communities and was given to the DUP, they sliced Arts funding (on top of existing austerity cuts). Allocating massive funds to Orange marching bands. We've now got actual arts organisations that have their entire budgets allocated to staffing/ running costs and young creative talent is fleeing like it's the feckin 80's again.

    So, that's the reason our parliament is still fucked... why did it collapse in the first place? Because of a massive fiscal fuck up by the DUP where they botched a renewable heating scheme. Arlene Foster refused to stand down, Martin McGuinness resigned as deputy first minister (and pure just died like a feckin drama queen)...

    On top of all this most of our media comes from the British press who treat the DUP like a serious political entity (backed up by the tories' decision to put them in government) while treating Irish nationalist politicians like terrorists and while moderate politicians very little but running between them trying to maintain government.

    Did I mention they're also evangelical christians that continually veto changes to our laws that will bring us in line with the rest of the UK by exploiting a mechanism designed to protect their "community".

    Things that are fine in the rest of the UK that DUP has blocked:

    - Abortion (nope, not even for foetal abnormalities)
    - Gay people donating blood (even though there is a shortage of blood)
    - Gay marriage (even though who gives a shit)
    Accountability (yep, they veto investigations in to their own members misconduct)
    - Shared education (the vast majority of schools are Catholic/ Protestant here)
    - Alchohol Licensing (finally eased up last year but our pubs still closed on christian holidays!)

    Anyway, that's just a primer... there is so much other cuntery I could go on about but it requires a bit more knowledge of the political situation here... but on to brexit.

    The DUP were key...

    Routed money for brexit advertising from saudi billionares through their party (doners to political parties here are not disclosed for security reasons) - paid for the majority of advertising in the UK press.

    As a region we voted 54% remain but even though we have a "power sharing government" as I mentioned our first minister (currently Arlene) is always loyalist/DUP (British nationalist) and our deputy first minister is always nationalist/Sinn Fein (Irish nationalist). McGuinness' health coupled with Sinn Fein not taking their seats in Westminster meant that the DUP were able to misrepresent us as a region in the negotiations -really the vote may as well not have happened here.

    Formed government with Theresa May. If it wasn't for the DUP, Labour would have formed government and most likely Corbyn would have gone for a similar border deal (without being propped up but the DUP - it's insane she thought she could do that with them on board) or been ousted by neo-libs that would drop brexit entirely.

    Blocked the deal... they probably threatened to withdraw from government (that would trigger a general election right?). The fact is that anything other than this deal will be blocked by the Irish govt (and not just Sinn Fein, who May has totally screwed over in the North during this process.)

    So it's no brexit or hard brexit... and apparently May likes it hard (hence why she walks like a tangled marionette)

    Sorry, bit of a rant but all the aforementioned can get fucked. Locally I'm a bit more worried about the fact that the DUP have been allocating money for years to organisations openly fronted by the active leaders of 100k+ strong Loyalist terrorist organisations.

    • how Arlene foster can be still in government after wasting nearly half a billion of tax payers cash on the RHI is beyond. some brass neck.lowimpakt
    • pretty good as rants go. depressing as fuck, though.Fax_Benson
    • zero accountability, not even to their vote base. it's terrifying.kingsteven
    • Great post but yep utterly depressing. thanks for sharing.fadein11
  • Ramanisky25

    lol ... fucking John Oliver

    • the ice cream cone thing made me lol choke on my coffee this morningprophetone
    • cheeky, but a distraction for people who think they are smart.yurimon
    • fucking last-word-yUrine againRamanisky2
    • this stuff used to be funny, but now its just wanking off to the 1%. something i dont like to wank off to. sorry.yurimon
    • the icecream part was funny btw.yurimon
    • STFU dummyRamanisky2
    • I dont get why are you upset, you didnt write the skit.yurimon
    • you have to be a moron if you think this show is targeted at the 1% you fucking trollmonospaced
    • this show is the 1%, targeting people like you.yurimon
    • well, you know you've been wrong about me with your wild (dumb)ass-umptionsmonospaced
  • autoflavour5

  • ApeRobot5

  • kingsteven5

    comment on the Guardian website, sums up Boris Johnson's current situation quite well...

    If Boris Johnson looked downbeat yesterday, that is because he realises that he has lost.

    Perhaps many Brexiters do not realise it yet, but they have actually lost, and it is all down to one man: David Cameron.
    With one fell swoop yesterday at 9:15 am, Cameron effectively annulled the referendum result, and simultaneously destroyed the political careers of Boris Johnson, Michael Gove and leading Brexiters who cost him so much anguish, not to mention his premiership.


    Throughout the campaign, Cameron had repeatedly said that a vote for leave would lead to triggering Article 50 straight away. Whether implicitly or explicitly, the image was clear: he would be giving that notice under Article 50 the morning after a vote to leave. Whether that was scaremongering or not is a bit moot now but, in the midst of the sentimental nautical references of his speech yesterday, he quietly abandoned that position and handed the responsibility over to his successor.

    And as the day wore on, the enormity of that step started to sink in: the markets, Sterling, Scotland, the Irish border, the Gibraltar border, the frontier at Calais, the need to continue compliance with all EU regulations for a free market, re-issuing passports, Brits abroad, EU citizens in Britain, the mountain of legistlation to be torn up and rewritten ... the list grew and grew.

    The referendum result is not binding. It is advisory. Parliament is not bound to commit itself in that same direction.

    The Conservative party election that Cameron triggered will now have one question looming over it: will you, if elected as party leader, trigger the notice under Article 50?

    Who will want to have the responsibility of all those ramifications and consequences on his/her head and shoulders?
    Boris Johnson knew this yesterday, when he emerged subdued from his home and was even more subdued at the press conference. He has been out-maneouvered and check-mated.

    If he runs for leadership of the party, and then fails to follow through on triggering Article 50, then he is finished. If he does not run and effectively abandons the field, then he is finished. If he runs, wins and pulls the UK out of the EU, then it will all be over – Scotland will break away, there will be upheaval in Ireland, a recession ... broken trade agreements. Then he is also finished. Boris Johnson knows all of this. When he acts like the dumb blond it is just that: an act.

    The Brexit leaders now have a result that they cannot use. For them, leadership of the Tory party has become a poison chalice.
    When Boris Johnson said there was no need to trigger Article 50 straight away, what he really meant to say was “never”. When Michael Gove went on and on about “informal negotiations” ... why? why not the formal ones straight away? ... he also meant not triggering the formal departure. They both know what a formal demarche would mean: an irreversible step that neither of them is prepared to take.

    All that remains is for someone to have the guts to stand up and say that Brexit is unachievable in reality without an enormous amount of pain and destruction, that cannot be borne. And David Cameron has put the onus of making that statement on the heads of the people who led the Brexit campaign.…

    • I do believe Boris didn't intend to win this thing and just wanted to go for some easy support figures in places where tories are not strong.Ranger
    • it must've seemed like a good idea at the timeRanger
    • Sad but true, Some of the destruction already started through larger EU based corps in hiring and moving.yurimon
    • For long term thinking its better to leave, but there has to be a good economic plan in place in place for the chaos. this where strong UK leadership is keyyurimon
    • ^ which we do not have - the PM has resigned and the opposition leader is about to get kicked out. And the Brexit 'winners' look terrified that they won.fadein11
    • @ranger - yes you are right. and the strange absence of him over this weekend is proof of that.fadein11
    • I saw this on Reddit yesterday and loved it straight away. What a clusterfuck this all is.detritus
    • Do you have to be born in the UK to be a leader in the UK? Boris needs a visit from Tony Robbins.yurimon
    • BORIS if you are reading this. Call Tony Robbins. Who the fuck names a Brit Boris anyway. WTF!yurimon
    • I doubt he is reading thisRanger
  • autoflavour7

  • drgs9

    EU has now 1 GB free space

    *bu dum tishh

  • sofakingback0

    Damn, seems pretty crazy.

    What will be the repercussions of this for the average citizen?

    Whats the general take on this from British citizens before this whole thing went down, did you guys always want out?

    I once talked to a guy in Spain about the whole EU thing and he said they mostly hated it.

    Well... Congrats / Sorry to hear. Cheer up its Friday.

    • We don't know the repercussions yet - noone does. And that's why voting out was so stupid.fadein11
    • EU has loads of problems - like any administration. It's weird how people expect it to be perfect when their own govts are just as bad...fadein11
    • But being in had v.little impact on us and way more benefits. It's xenophobia ramped up by our right wing mainly Murdoch press.fadein11
    • I know the long term big stuff is unknown. Im talking more like... mmm.. travel? Ability to work in EU countries... If you're from Spain and you live in UK,sofakingback
    • first thing we'll do with our independence is get a new, unelected new prime minister overseeing a new, unelected governmentFax_Benson
    • Do you have to leave now? Shit like that.sofakingback
    • in 2 years time we're gone. see ya! hello border controls and queues to get to france yayhans_glib
    • There is a convoluted process, i think there is a timeframe of two years to begin the actual process of leaving. So nothing will happen overnight.face_melter
    • Damn, thats pretty fucked up.sofakingback
    • But after Cameron is shit-canned, who knows how fast whole thing will go. The swivel-eyed gonks may just jam on the accelerator and gun it towards the EXIT signface_melter
    • Sounds like the EU big boys want us out quickRanger
    • I'm sure I read that this could escalate into several other countries proposing to leave the EU too. Like France, Spain and Italy.Ianbolton
    • @Ian, so far that narrative has been limited only to the likes of Geert Wilders, Marine LePen, the Italian Northern League, the AfD, et al.Continuity
    • It just ocured to me, actually, the enormous (but frightening) irony of the solidarity amongst the anti-EU extreme right.Continuity
    • @Ian, those countries know they're stronger within a "big" EU than going their way alone...OBBTKN
    • I think the changes the EU is going to do now after the uk leave, it's going to strengthen the Union, i wishOBBTKN
    • I wish this, too. We need the EU. We need a strong EU, and we need to stay true to its values.Continuity
  • face_melter6

    No-one looks good after this - Cameron is a busted flush who can now spend more time with his family and fuck dead pigs, Corbyn is a dead man walking after he snoozed through the entire campaign and obviously couldn't give a tuppenny fuck about the whole affair, Farage now sees himself as some kind of bucolic kingmaker but remains the sleazy, boggle-eyed, skidmark he always was and as for Laurel and fucking Hardy - fuckface Gove and cunthole Boris - they finally manged to get that piano up the stairs and leave a huge trail of Union Jack-coloured shite behind them.

  • utopian5

    Meanwhile in Russia...

    • I'm not sure he's giving a shit...gonzalle
    • Actually, he does. Putin would like nothing more than to see the EU broken up. Dark, dark times ahead.Continuity
    • chicken littles are out todayDillinger
    • they love this day.sted
  • grafician3

    "Move to EU to avoid Brexit costs, firms told.

    Exporters advised by Department for International Trade officials to form EU-based companies to circumvent border issues"…

    "British businesses that export to the continent are being encouraged by government trade advisers to set up separate companies inside the EU in order to get around extra charges, paperwork and taxes resulting from Brexit, the Observer can reveal.

    In an extraordinary twist to the Brexit saga, UK small businesses are being told by advisers working for the Department for International Trade (DIT) that the best way to circumvent border issues and VAT problems that have been piling up since 1 January is to register new firms within the EU single market, from where they can distribute their goods far more freely."

    • Looking out for the little guy.PhanLo
    • 'This will mean laying off a small number of staff here and taking on people in the Netherlands.'
      Lol. What a farce.
    • still my long term plan to do this. UK, England specifically has fucked itself, it's all downhill from here, next 5 years those deadlines are fucked.shapesalad
    • abandon ship mates!grafician
    • Boris Johnson = Donnie Trumputopian
    • yeah nobody could have seen this coming....Nutter
  • shapesalad2

    Should have had that on a bus, though gammon heads would have said they don't care for retiring to sunny southern Europe.

    • Not sure Ireland should be on there.shapesalad
    • Ireland is in the Common Travel Area, so the graphic is correct.Sparky
    • yeah, but he campaigned to remain, his bollock-brained son went for Leave.face_melter
    • his mother and grandmother were natural French citizens and he was an MEP for 40 years.face_melter
    • *40 years agoface_melter
    • Haha...oh the irony of Brexit at work.utopian
    • this is BS you can still work, live and study abroad, just like i could if i wanted to in a non eu country.trooperbill
    • Trooper the key word is 'free'- It was visa and cost free pretty much. Now it's visa's and fees. Freedom. Free. Now. Gone.shapesalad
  • PhanLo5

    The nightmare never ends

    • 'sex arse tycoon' is a dynamite combination of words and furthers my theory that people who work for The Sport are literary geniuses.face_melter
    • lolutopian
    • this is BS the only hold up is a wait for a covid test before you get through.trooperbill
  • shapesalad8

    Enjoy your free 2-week trial of Brexit. Your subscription will automatically renew at the end of the month.…

  • PhanLo6

    Have a very merry Brexit

  • MrT6

    LOLS. Merseyside pub changed its name to The Three Bellends.…