The Russia thread.

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  • Nairn2

    Jesus, what a shitshow. I knew it was bad, but this bad..?

    • (This is the dismal tale of the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier)Nairn
    • A Potemkin Village sums it up.utopian
  • drgs3

    There are rumors that Putin's circle has convinced him that if he lives for another 10 years, they will be able to digitize his brain so he can rule forever, and he genuinely believes it

    • Lol. Little Putin Bot.
      Would he be steam powered?
    • "Let's take that baby outta your head before your body kills it. Don't worry..."formed
    • RiiiightNBQ00
    • https://www.yourprop…misterhow
    • Please, ,please, please make this happen, cronenburg writing an episode of black mirror on 20 hits of acid couldn’t conjure something more horrific_niko
    • he'd need elon for that, if you wanna get conspiratorialscarabin
    • Didn't the Simpson's already do this? :-)PhanLo
  • utopian3

    Russia bans 963 Americans from the country including Biden, Harris, Zuckerberg. But not Trump.…

    • LOL!oey_oey
    • Then why's he angry? I'm sure he'd love to record another pee-tape in MoscowNBQ00
  • Continuity0

    And because Germany neeeeeeveeeeeer learns ...

    'Germany to relax visa rules for Russian workers despite spy warning

    Process to be eased to exempt applicants with special expertise from case-by-case assessment'…

    'Germany is to relax visa requirements for skilled workers from Russia, just as the country’s domestic intelligence agency warned of a heightened risk that Russian nationals working for German firms could be recruited for industrial espionage.'

    • Germany relies heavily on low-paid workers in the automotive and housing industry. It was only a matter of time.jmckinno
    • or they are doing their own operation paperclip.slappy
  • Gardener5

  • grafician3

  • Nairn2

  • drgs5

    Russia is fighting to keep their imperial status. The truth is the Russian empire died in 1991 and for the last 20 years Putin has been putting post-mortem make-up on the corpse, but the layers are so thick now they are scaling off in pieces.

    A country which has failed not only as a military power, but as a state which does not meet any requirements of a human society, as a cultural phenomenon (they have 19th century literature, maybe some Tarkovsky movies, all of it is in the past), and most importantly, a country which has nothing to offer to the world ideologically (USSR had communism, US has liberalism) -- Russia cannot be the center of any empire.

    They should abandon all imperial ambitions (like all European empires have done) and build a purely Russian ethnic state. Since they hate gays: modernization without westernization, like Japan, which is openly racist and pedophile.


    • See above. They had, potentially, one of the richest, most accomplished and educated countries in the world and.. where the fuck did all the money go?Nairn
    • Properties in London?drgs
    • Yep. And after 2022 the demographics would make drafting a large army difficult.shapesalad
    • Day Watch and Night Watch were good movies, but a whole country can't rest on those. :-)PhanLo
    • as soon as i saw, :the truth is", i stopped reading - sorry!toemaas
    • But first they should go fuck themselves.allthethings
    • I thought Red Heat sorted out any cultural issues the Russians had?!Ianbolton
    • Red Heat and Hasselhoff ended the cold war :-)PhanLo
  • PhanLo3

  • yuekit1

    Meanwhile in Russia...some workers entertain themselves by blowing up a bear with explosives.…

  • NBQ001

    Had a dream last night...

    I was in Moscow attending some talk by Putin. There were some other western politicians and celebrities attending. No idea why and what it was all about.

    And I was wearing some kind of black robe that reminded me of Neo’s outfit in the Matrix 2-3.

    Then somebody passed me a joint for whatever reason. And I smoked a bit.

    Putin immediately noticed the smoke and called security. The security guy came over to me and took the joint out of my hand and threw it to the ground. He then said he’s gonna call reinforcement even though he was bigger than me, lol.

    While he was gone I could escape through a window or back door and I knew they were after me and would hunt for me.

    It was middle of then night and I hopped on some bus to nowhere. We drove to some shady suburbs and I exited the bus at some gas station or some kind of shop. It was dark and I noticed some teenage boys hanging out there.

    I felt a bit uncomfortable so I walked around and waited until another bus came by that I could hop on.

    The next I can remember is I was able to get to the airport and that I had to bribe the customs to get through. I gave them each $500.

    Then finally I was able to escape to Dubai and I knew Putin was fuming as he couldn’t catch me.

    • that sounds exhilarating!
      my dream last night was one of my exes asking me to play a bit part in her new bf's low budget spaghetti western. It was bizarre.
    • Yours sounds like way more fun.BuddhaHat
    • My dream last night was that I was watching a documentary about Elvis, how he mixed and sampled his early tracksdrgs
    • NBQ is the chosen one!pango
  • Nairn2

  • Nairn1

    Lost in translation.

    "The Russian dictator can be attributed to malignant daffodils"…

  • Nairn1

    • Ignore the terrible 'YT personality' covershot here, this is actually quite a good description, from a born Russian.Nairn
    • what about his dead soul? will I die in 12 hours if i click this?uan
  • drgs1

    Gogol, who was Ukrainian himself, is not really popular among Ukrainians...

    From the same book^:
    "Russia, Russia, from my beautiful home in a strange land I can still see you! In you everything is poor and disordered and unhomely; in you the eye is neither cheered nor dismayed by temerities of nature which a yet more temerarious art has conquered; in you one beholds no cities with lofty, many-windowed mansions, lofty as crags, no picturesque trees, no ivy-clad ruins, no waterfalls with their everlasting spray and roar, no beetling precipices which confuse the brain with their stony immensity, no vistas of vines and ivy and millions of wild roses and ageless lines of blue hills which look almost unreal against the clear, silvery background of the sky. In you everything is flat and open; your towns project like points or signals from smooth levels of plain, and nothing whatsoever enchants or deludes the eye. Yet what secret, what invincible force draws me to you? [...] What do you want of me? What is that mysterious, hidden bond between us? Why do you look at me like that? And why does everything in you turn eyes full of expectation on me? And men­acingly your mighty expanse enfolds me, reflected with terrifying force in the depths of me; my eyes are lighted up with supernatural power—oh, what a glittering, wondrous infinity of space the world knows nothing of!"

    According to Dugin, Russians define themselves through space (Russians can only be Russian together, ie. if you're not within Russian borders you're not Russian, heritage means nothing).
    Maybe the reason to why they are obsessed with taking back those Russian-speaking areas:…


    • They will split in over a dozen "states" many of them with nuclear weapons...grafician
  • Krassy3

    Russia To Quit International Space Station "After 2024" and Plans on Building Its Own…

    • “Plans on Building Its Own“ :)zaq
    • Just for the context, ISS is the most expensive thing ever builtzaq
    • yup. good luck with that.Krassy
    • they own already like half of it...will they decouple their modules? In that scenario this would make the operation of the iss quite challenging for eu, jp, us.uan
    • it's a political pressure move.uan
    • So, a rickety piece of orbiting space junk adorned with tatty wall rugs?Continuity
    • Space wars are about to begin.zaq
    • Good for them.monospaced
    • Cue Imperial Marchslappy
    • Russia should stick to drinking Vodka.utopian
    • First space rage quit? They also announced major gas cuts to Europe this week. This will be interesting and eventually very expensive stateside.garbage
    • Fuck Russia.Nairn
    • I’m going to build my own moon theme park! With alcohol! And hookers!
      - Bender
  • formed2

    If there was ever a reason to promote accelerated renewable investments....anyone paying attention to the economic well-being of Europe should have been preparing for this decade ago.

    "Russia Cuts Gas Flow to Europe, Intensifying Fears It Is Weaponizing Fuel"…

    • that's pretty much the main discussion in europe for some monthuan
  • drgs0

    A. Dugin's predictions for Russia:

    "Today it is fairly easy to see what Russia will look like tomorrow.

    There will be no global social networks at all. They will be replaced by something domestic, not too attractive. But all the better - society will discover the forgotten charms of the offline. This is the end of migration to 2D and cyberspace, and a return to 3D.

    The dollar and the euro will be canceled. The reign of the ruble will begin. It will only be possible to exchange it for goods and services. Or simply to share with those who need more.

    Corruption - which is primarily associated with betrayal of the Motherland - will be prosecuted first, then imprisoned for a long time, and then (since the first measures will not help much) even sent to the DNR.

    Russia will be a kind of Imperial States.

    Zelensky will sit where another clown of the color revolution is sitting. But only the sentence will be real. A life sentence.

    At first, it will be hard and unusual. Then everyone will even like it.

    There won't be a single one of today's pop artists on TV or radio. Not one. All channels will have ethno-folk - Russian and Eurasian psychedelics. And also Peter Leshchenko and Vadim Kozin.

    New people will come to power. Our ordinary people. Not bastards.

    The Gosplan (State Planning Committee) will be restored to the economy. All those who think in short cycles will be sent to work in restaurants as waiters.

    Since we like to whine, many people will not like everything. Nostalgia will be remembered with something from the past (your choice). But no one pays attention to this now, and tomorrow it will not.

    There will be a lot of products from Belarus. Even more than now. Including textiles and cosmetics. And also basins. But Belarus will be an Imperial State.

    There will be a sharp increase in the number of weddings, because getting married is interesting again in the 3D world. Entire flotillas of wedding ships will sail along the Moskva River and other rivers. Wedding music will be blasting from everywhere. People will get into the swing of things.

    The government will be situated in the air, in a luxurious suspended structure attached to a huge airship. The blimp will float over the Imperial States, and from there the government will watch through binoculars to see if everything is in order, if everything is according to plan. As in Ancient China, the post of Minister of the Clouds will be introduced, as well as the Head of the Department of Federal Dreaming and many other fascinating positions - Lord of the Forest, Guardian of the Waters, etc. There will be quite a few women in the government. Beautiful and stern.

    There will be a qualitative leap in music theory. The ternary division of the fraction will be restored - that is, the quarter will again be divided into three eights, not two. This is how modern music will be defeated. By listening to it, people will better understand the universe, each other, and the decisions of the authorities.

    Masks will be worn only on holidays - animals, birds, fairy tale creatures, and as yet unknown objects and figures. So that everyone can guess whose mask it is.

    The definition of a thing in the explanatory dictionary of the new country would be: a thing is a rhetorical figure, an ironic trope, an enthymeme. Such a definition would fix the sad state of affairs in the natural sciences and make them fun and entertaining. A disciplinary continuum will be established between quantum mechanics and Traumdeutung (Gaston Bachelard's new scientific mind ).

    The walls of houses - even high-rises - will be covered with ivy."

    • ok boomerhans_glib
    • Russia's second greatest love machine?Fax_Benson
    • LSD's a helluva drugGardener
    • Is this the geopolitical equivalent of Bitcoin fantasplodge?Continuity
    • It was all sounding somewhat realistic until the he got to the bit where Putin flies around in a blimp using binoculars to spy on everyoneyuekit
    • Yeah this is too "fantasy" for me, I like hard sci-fi: cannibalism in western Siberia etcdrgs
    • The blimp gives the first wink that this is a completely fantastical view of a future Russia. There will be no weddings, no musical innovations. Only rot.monNom
    • this is .... uh.... wonderfully wrong?exador1
    • I low-key want to see it happen, just for the memesdrgs
  • drgs-1

    A plot for a patriotic musical practically writes itself…

    The Nazino tragedy was the mass deportation of about 6,700 prisoners[1] to Nazino Island in the Soviet Union in May 1933. The deportees were forcibly sent to the small, isolated island in Western Siberia, located 540 kilometers (340 mi) northwest of Tomsk, Russian SFSR, to construct a "special settlement" and to cultivate the island.

    Deportees were primarily "lumpenproletariat and socially harmful elements", meaning former merchants and traders, peasants who had fled the ongoing famine in the countryside, petty criminals, or anybody who did not fit into the idealized worker class structure.

    About half were so-called lumpenproletarians from Moscow and Leningrad. The authorities who were to be in charge of the labor camps were first informed that they would be sent on 5 May. These authorities had never worked with urban deportees and had no resources or supplies to support them.[17]

    The deportees were kept below decks on the barges and apparently fed a daily ration of 200 grams (7 oz) of bread per person. Twenty tons of flour – about 4 kilograms (9 lb) per person – were also transported, but the barges contained no other food, cooking utensils, or tools. All supervisory personnel, two commanders, and fifty guards were newly recruited and had no shoes or uniforms.

    The barges unloaded their passengers during the afternoon of 18 May, on Nazino Island, a swampy island about 3 kilometres (1.9 mi) long and 600 metres (660 yd) wide. There was no roster of the disembarking deportees, but on arrival 322 women and 4,556 men were counted, plus 27 bodies of those who died during the trip from Tomsk.

    Over a third of the deportees were too weak to stand on arrival. About 1,200 additional deportees arrived on 27 May.[19][1] A fight broke out and guards fired on the deportees as the twenty tons of flour were deposited on the island and distribution began. The flour was moved to the shore opposite the island and distribution was tried again the next morning, with another fight and more firing resulting. Afterward, all flour was distributed via "brigadiers" who collected flour for their brigade of about 150 people. The brigadiers were often criminals who abused their privileges and ate everything themselves.

    Initially there were no ovens to bake bread on, so the deportees ate the flour mixed with river water, which led to dysentery.[20] Some deportees made primitive rafts to try to escape, but most of the rafts collapsed and hundreds of corpses washed up on the shore below the island. Guards hunted and killed other escapees as if they were hunting animals for sport. Because of the lack of any transportation to the rest of the country except upstream to Tomsk, and the harshness of life in the taiga, any other escapees who made it across the river and evaded the guards were ultimately presumed dead.

    Order on the island quickly broke down and devolved into chaos: the majority of the population were city dwellers, most of whom knew nothing about basic agricultural practices such as clearing and cultivation that would make the island properly habitable. The sparsity of resources led to gangs forming, who began to terrorize and dominate weaker settlers. People were frequently murdered in fights over food, money, and the bodies of those in possession of anything of value such as gold tooth fillings and crowns were often looted. The latter were used for exchange for food and cigarettes by gang members.

    In the meantime the guards established their own reign of terror, extorting settlers and executing people for minor offences despite being apathetic towards the gangs. The guards were also assigned to keep the settlers in and killed people who attempted to escape. Even the doctors sent to monitor the island's population, who were supposed to have protection, began to fear for their lives. The lack of proper food and the frequency of death by late May led to cannibalism becoming widespread, to the point that settlers eventually began murdering individuals for the sole purpose of consuming them.

    On 21 May, the three health officers counted seventy new deaths, with signs of cannibalism observed in five cases. Over the next month, guards arrested about fifty people for cannibalism.

    In 1989, an eyewitness reported to Memorial:[28]

    "They were trying to escape. They asked us, "Where's the railway?" We'd never seen a railway. They asked, "Where's Moscow? Leningrad?" They were asking the wrong people: we'd never heard of those places. We're Ostyaks. People were running away starving. They were given a handful of flour. They mixed it with water and drank it and then they immediately got diarrhea. The things we saw! People were dying everywhere; they were killing each other ... On the island there was a guard named Kostia Venikov, a young fellow. He fell in love with a girl who had been sent there and was courting her. He protected her. One day he had to be away for a while, and he told one of his comrades, "Take care of her," but with all the people there the comrade couldn't do much really... People caught the girl, tied her to a poplar tree, cut off her breasts, her muscles, everything they could eat, everything, everything ... They were hungry, they had to eat. When Kostia came back, she was still alive. He tried to save her, but she had lost too much blood."

  • sted3

    • Did they slap a body sock on that thing?
      Oh dear.
    • lol ninja pijamaSalarrue
    • i would like to try if i can make this unstable ninja fly :Dsted
    • Sells them to North Korea for 1.5 million each.ETM
    • China/alibaba removed them from their online stores in an attempt to save face for putin.shapesalad
    • is that some military-grade fleshlight on it's back?Ianbolton