Punches For:

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  • Fax_Benson0

  • i_was0

    Punches for companies who make mobile phones with square corners, fuck you!

  • PonyBoy0

    The asshole at the local grocer that keeps labeling the cilantro as coriander... yes yes... they ARE one and the same however I live in the southwest... if I asked someone to "add a bit of extra coriander to the guac" I'd get my ass kicked.

    • first world problem right therehans_glib
    • why dv? this happens a lot, and im saying this as a guy who lives in MX, yes they fuck that up down here tooGuyFawkes
    • Probably some Brit... you proper chaps can’t help but call it coriander... and I agree in reference to the seeds but damnit—the plant is cilantro!!PonyBoy
    • I'd be amazed if any Brits care what you choose to call coriander, correctly or otherwise.Nairn
    • It was a Brit that I first heard call it coriander... and he was astonished by the word ‘cilantro’... he had never heard of itPonyBoy
    • hehe... case in point nairn (yes yes, he doesn't represent all brits, come the fuck down <3 )
    • *calmPonyBoy
    • Cilantro = the leaves
      Coriander = the seeds
      Cilantro & Coriander = garbage
  • kingsteven3

    Gardener, not that one... The one that was working on my neighbours yard with a huge leaf blower. I thought it was a chainsaw until he decided he'd clean up by pumping a cloud of street dust under my hedge and in to the final fucking coat of white wall paint I've spent 4 days prepping

    • We get a leaf blower every damn day. Constantly revving them. Watched one of them blow shit all over my clean truck and into my yard. They should be illegal.lemmy_k
  • Nairn4

    Artificial Sweeteners.

    I just started quaffing a can of something I didn't notice [stated quite blatantly] is sugar free. Yech't! This after accidentally buying a can of Pepsi a couple of weeks back, not realising it by default now contains artificial sweeteners too (here in the UK, anyway).

    I don't get how this shit's become so accepted - it's disgusting. Stuff I've just had now has Steviol in it, which I thought was the one that tasted least bad, but it's immediately and horribly apparent :(

    • oops i fell and accidentally bought a PepsiGuyFawkes
    • I was tipsy at 1am going home from work and bought a shitty chicken meal thing, so chose a Pepsi. Awoke the next morning wondering why I had a can in my bag.Nairn
    • ..before remembering. It sat there for a week before I drank it. Fucking disgusting. I can't stand artificial sweeteners. I just want occasional treats.Nairn
    • wtf is this front page? ffsNairn
    • Fully agree. That shit is poison.monNom
    • Steviol is not artificial, it's from a plant. It just doesn't taste like cane sugar that's all.zarkonite
    • yahyah, I get that. but you know what I mean. Xylitol is wood sugar, same diff.

      it ain't fucking sucrose.
    • Why are you attached to consuming sucrose over steviol? it's unnatural and harmful and it's artificially decanted from a plant.zarkonite
    • (and xylitol is a polyalcohol, it tastes sweet because of its molecular structure but is not a saccharide)zarkonite
    • because it's a catch-all term and it breaks down into glucose and fructose which are 'real' sugars which my mouth appreciates?Nairn
    • it doesn't taste like shit, is what I mean.Nairn
    • I'm 'attached' because i'm a human being and i naturally crave sugars, to one degree or another. Shit ain't rocket surgery, as much as you'd try to wish.Nairn
    • yes, sorry, mis-spoke about xylitol, it being an -ol not an -ose. Whatever.Nairn
    • hehe I thought you had some kind of health concern with sugar alternatives, and I was thinking WTF you're drinking coke who cares what's in there =)zarkonite
    • "health conscious coke drinkers" - I kid you not they have that as a consumer type. *eyeroll*zarkonite
  • Nairn2

    Me, for every time I plug my laptop in beside my desktop here and then 6 hours later it starts complaining BECAUSE I DiDN@T ACtuALLy FUCKiNG PLuG It IN prOPERLY.


    It's like my subconscious deeply wants to spend £100 on a replacement battery for some reason.

    • haha I do this all the time. and it's always when you actually really need to not be near a power outlet that the battery is dead.inteliboy
  • Nairn5

    Not Punches For really, just in relation to my Artifical Sweeteners post above:

    My local corner shop started selling American Fanta. Fuck yeah! Real sugar, not fucking sweetener bullshit! Yaay!

    Except, no.

    Ingredients are HFCS and a shitload of artificial colours and wood extracts and sodium-based chemicals for mouthfeel or whatever.

    Sort it out, America.

    • Do you mean Mexican soda? (can you get that over there?) I always grab a Mexican Coke or Sprite (comes in a glass bottle) as they're straight sugar.PonyBoy
    • Get yourself a case!
    • Mexican Coke is amazing!utopian
    • Come to Europe - no HFCS here.jagara
    • Coke is one of the very few drinks here in the UK that doesn't have artifical sweeteners in, to reduce Sugar Tax exposureNairn
    • ..and otherwise we don't really have HFCS in stuff other than American Import products.Nairn
    • Put a Liquorice Imp in a glass, then 11 spoonfuls of sugar, a drop of vanilla essence, green tea extract, carbonated water, stir. Chill, serve with ice.shapesalad
    • In America, Mexican Coke is made with cane sugar. For a time they only sold it for export, and HCFS Coke was sold in Mexico. Not sure if that's still the case.garbage
  • sted0

  • jagara1

    t’s hot outside, we all have our windows open.

    New neighbor. Whatever he’s doing to, or what is being done to him, it sounds highly pleasurable. He screams his enjoyment out of open windows 4 or 5 times a week, all times of day or night. As loud as humanly possible. It echoes in the courtyard of my apartment complex where hundreds of people live. Last night, he woke me up. Again. AAAAAAAAAARH! OH YEAH! AH! AH! AAAAH. *sighs* oh... *sniffs* oh... mmmh... *silence*.

    FFS, dude. Scream into a pillow.

    • *it’sjagara
    • Online gaming?inteliboy
    • Very orgasmic sounds. Sounds like a dude cumming.jagara
    • He's training to be a Pirate.Morning_star
    • Whatever that fucknugget is doing, he should keep it down a bit.jagara
  • face_melter3

    Looking for reference material for my paintings / pictures I drag through tumblr quite a bit and save a bunch of material to sort later. But every now and then I'll find a grot merchant who describes their blog as '...straight, male embracing the darkness and exploring dangrous obssessions...' or somesuch supercilious horseshit.

    Nah, man. All you're doing is posting high contrast b/w shots of women's arses and badly-cropped blowjob gifs. Spare me the fucking nonsense, Lidl de Sade.

  • PhanLo0

    Audi drivers accelerating into junctions.
    Nearly drove into someone yesterday on a roundabout, it's like they can't control the speed of the car, I'd have driven right into the drivers side and probably crippled killed her if I hadn't had to break endangering my own life.

    • dickhead driving is out of control. Hammering flat-out between junctions a few hundred yards apart in built-up school zone area.Fax_Benson
    • when I was their age, nobody could afford a car fast enough to do that. Now every cunt's got an audi or a bmw with clown car exhaust.Fax_Benson
    • audi drivers are the worst. anytime i'm run off the road on my bike it's by some turd driving an audi. audi suv drivers are even worse.hans_glib
    • audi + bmw + any SUV driver = worse drivers.shapesalad
    • Edinburgh has a combo of all those cars, I actually saw less SUV's on the Isle of Skye than the tiny, busy cramped streets here.PhanLo
    • So are you talking one lane roundabouts, or the big scary UK carousels? Because almost every intersection in my neighborhood is a roundabout..garbage
    • ..and the only vehicles that can't seem to navigate them are delivery trucks.garbage
    • Both. today on the small roundabout by my house, which is a one lane one, a guy joined it as I was going round so was parallel to me, fucking bellendPhanLo
    • He didn't even seem to think he was doing anything wrong. Probably a delivery driver.PhanLo
    • My house has a zebra crossing outside because there's a school nearby, folk routinely run though it without slowing down too.PhanLo
    • lol, had to google zebra crossing, love it. Pre-COVID my friends and I had a game of spiting on any cars that blew threw crosswalks. Very satisfying stuff.garbage
  • bezoar1

    "Hey, let's show how creative and 'merican we are by painting this piece of trash. And there's a perfect spot for it by the porch swing. All the neighbors will be so jelly as they see us patriots stare across the street, even though the backyard has more privacy."

    • That is beautiful, (wipes tear from face).PhanLo
    • Stack my shit on that so it dont get wetGuyFawkes
    • Going totally tangential here, but I have to rant. I have some neighbors across the street that think it's alright to let their toddlers run around..garbage
    • ..in the front yard, butt-ass naked. THEY HAVE A FENCED IN BACK YARD. I'd much rather see 20 stars and 9 stripes out my window when I'm making dinner.garbage
    • It IS alright to let toddlers play naked in the front yard.monospaced
    • A 3-year-old running around and pissing in the front yard on a very busy street with foot traffic in the hundreds, cars uncountable?garbage
    • Big nah. I've had to close my blinds while cooking dinner because they wouldn't put the disgusting little bastard behind their privacy fence.garbage
    • If it was a communist flag the QBN elite would be cheering.Hayoth
    • I'm cheering for how dumb this is. I'd ask you what you thought the supposed "commie flag" is..garbage
    • ..but I'm guessing you're the type that thinks the Tennessee Battle Flag is the actual Confederate Flag? Most right wingers are slow on their history.garbage
    • I would much rather see an actual US flag. This wood pallet thing is just trash.bezoar
    • 20 states? I don't think I can even stomach 10 of them.CyBrainX
    • Flags are stupid. They serve no other purpose but to express a baseless loyalty to a government that would watch you drown to save a nickel.CyBrainX
    • It's when you see that the house this is in front of is in major need of a paint job.ShenanigansTV
  • spl33nidoru2

    There's no way the Podcast app development team at Apple use this app in their daily life.

    It has to be one of the most counter intuitive apps out there, and they still managed to make it worse!

    • It is absolute shit. And so is the new iTunes Music interface. Garbage.dasohr
    • Seriously, at this point these are unusable.
      The podcast function was added to iTunes in 2005 and it was simple and perfect back then, just copy that already.
    • I switched to the overcast app because apple kept making theirs worse. Highly recommendrobotinc
    • ^ will check it, thanks robotincspl33nidoru
    • Google podcasts here. Simple & clean.jagara
    • I've been using Windows for the last year and a half. My iTunes is the old version and I was fine with it. I hate to think what Apple did to it.CyBrainX
  • _niko3

    Apple and this counter intuitive piece of shit UI

    was standing in a gas station for like 15 minutes trying to figure it out, finally had to look up how it worked.

    Then to prove I wasn't so retarded, I gave it to 3 other people and they did the exact same thing I was trying to do.

    • User error*grafician
    • 15 minutes before double clicking the side button? That's the same double click you use to pull up the wallet too. :/monospaced
    • What? That’s how you bring up the wallet? FFS lol_niko
    • What's in your wallet?utopian
    • Looks like it’s time to top up your Dunkin card.Chimp
    • Lol not my wallet_niko
    • yes, double click brings up the wallet ...monospaced
    • how do you double click on a touch device?uan
    • the idea is protection from random paying...it's like those lighters kids can't figure out.uan
    • Lol yeah, I’ve been using it forever, usually I open the wallet or go near the terminal and wallet automatically pops up. I guess they changed it for security_niko
    • But that doesn’t excuse their terrible functionality. I felt like zoolander figuring out computer tapping double tapping and trying to swipe that little bar lol_niko
    • You're an idiot.trondlandvik
    • Double clicking that button does nothing on my iPhonenb
    • Lol trandlanvik probably but not as idiotic as a trillion dollar company if that’s the best they can come up with. “Double click SIDE BUTTON to pay would fix it_niko
    • "Double clicking that button does nothing on my iPhone" You have to enable that. I was asked to by iOS at some point and declined.Gucci
    • I totally agree with this, all of a sudden, the power button has a new function. Took me ages to realise what I was /actually/ supposed to do the first timekalkal
    • fruitlessly tapping at the screen like WTF IS WRONG WITH THIS POS?! Terrible UX design.kalkal
    • I tried to swipe too. Granted it's so obvious now but where else does an app require to press one of the few physical buttons on your device? NEVER!kalkal
    • Exactly. Ridiculous._niko
    • Perhaps it's a bit opaque, but in their defence, it does sound like a good way to prevent inadvertant or doubled payments.Nairn
    • As already stated, it's a good function communicated very poorly and would be an easy fix.kalkal
  • fooler1

    My new neighbors wind chimes. Who the fuck ever though these things were relaxing to sleep to?

    • probably people who get crazy in silence, you know, the people who need radio on all the timerzu-rzu
  • rzu-rzu0

    That couple I've seen again yesterday, walking their two Huskies in hot and noisy Barcelona (they live here, not just visiting).

    Next time I see them I should probably ask them "why the fuck are you doing this, you retarded, flip-flop wearing monkey?" though probably their answer will be "because we love dogs!"

    • I mean not punches for walking the dogs, but keeping them in this climate and noise levels in the first place, but sure, maybe they have a soundproof flat and..rzu-rzu
    • ...keep steady arctic temperatures there :)rzu-rzu
  • shapesalad2

  • Salarrue1

    • haha, my first step gran used to be in to this shit. So odd, as she was otherwise quite an intelligent woman.Nairn
    • Listening to Funhouse by The Stooges does all those things for me and more. I don't need to shell out for some fucking Kinder Egg wigwam.face_melter
    • Something like this was in a Seinfeld episode.bulletfactory
    • how else are we supposed to communicate wit da alienz?GuyFawkes
    • I hate those meditating wankersbabydick
    • Highly recommend to use during a lightning storm to increase Chakra alignment.dibec
    • I disagree with ascribing this to meditation. It's a ploy to sell something based on 100% bullshit.CyBrainX
    • LOL @ Kinder egg wigwammort_
    • you smell like a patchouli fartneverscared
    • But it acts like a conduit. A conduit guys. Wow.monospaced
    • I grew up in family who did this shit. think is why react so negatively towards conspiracies and pseudo-science...inteliboy
    • QAnon 5G anti-vax workstation mobilisedfadein11
    • A CONDUIT.monospaced
  • grafician-1

    Apple for that moment when you drag just one more image from the browser to an overcrowded-but-carefully-aligne... and all of a sudden all the files re-align randomly and it's a mess and you need to align everything again on a 27" screen one by one


    • "but carefully aligned desktop icons"grafician
    • There are a lot of customized desktop organization tools built in. But there isn’t really a good case for having icons all over the desktop at all.monospaced
    • If it seems like it’s aligning randomly it’s not. It follows a set of rules that you can define.monospaced
    • Half of the icons are aligned on a grid on half the screen - the other half of the screen is fucking clear! Makes no sensegrafician
    • Check your settingsmonospaced
    • You might have it set to arrange them by a specific variable. They don’t just rearrange randomly. That’s not how it works.monospaced
    • You really shouldn’t store your important stuff on the desktop anyway. Very un-Mac way of doing things, IMO. There’s no good reason to.monospaced
  • Nairn5


    • Undo?grafician
    • lol. Delete the to: line, write the email, proof, then send.garbage
    • grammarly.com is pretty greatcapn_ron
    • Btw if you close by mistake a tab in Safari you can undo it real quickgrafician
    • @garbage uhm...most people just "reply all"grafician
    • If you close a tab in any browser you can undo it. Anytime you want.monospaced
    • @mono with Ctrl+Z? Works only in Safarigrafician
    • No. By opening it back up.monospaced
    • That's not "undo" mono LOL
      ctrl+z = undo
      also gmail has "undo" function but Nairn is a cry baby
    • came across this one...somehow made me think of this post by Nairn: