Punches For:

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  • jagara2

    The colleague at my office, who microwaves stinky ass fish.

    • In my college years I had a roommate that started microwaving shrimp. That was his go-to meal. This paired with a probable vitamin deficiency made him and..garbage
    • ..any room he was in smell like utter shit and fish. It was a deal-breaker.garbage
  • Nairn0

    Fucking webp.

    I don't know why I didn't check for this sooner:


    • Or get it into Safari, then drag & drop to desktop, that will make it jpg/pnggrafician
    • Je suis un PCNairn
  • scarabin13

    “_________ Designs” as a company name

    Just having that word in it makes you sound like a ghetto nail shop owner

    • that's why all my businesses have been __________ Designz_niko
    • The Z is crucial. Sets you apart from the restscarabin
    • Yup, gotta Z that bitch upGnash
    • GR8 DEZIGNZKrassy
    • Omahaomahadesigns
    • What store just sells nails? Maybe screws too?omahadesigns
    • I don’t like designs plural at all. Design or not. Not designs.monospaced
    • Lol. completely not intentional, omaha. I drove past a run-down place today that made me think of itscarabin
    • __________ & Walshutopian
    • I put it to a vote on QBN and was told that
      http://lukeandrewsde… was the best option. (not a company though, just a dude)
    • The Designers RepublicNBQ00
    • DezignsOnU Tattoo Parlourfadein11
    • That's weird because my new post lock-down company (branding and deli sandwiches) is going to be called Ghetto Nail Shop.Wolfboy
    • 99 designsmort_
    • _____ ProductionzGuyFawkes
    • All the designsNonEntity
    • Krassy made me LOLsarahfailin
  • grafician1

    the world today...

    Not one, not a single normal or even happy news title:

    not one!

    • that's the business they're in, you'll be happier ignoring all of them. There is absolutely nothing beneficial from consuming news, does noting for you_niko
    • it's not that all these got reported, it's that they happened - for that, punches!grafician
    • if anything is really newsworthy, a stranger will fill you in. like hey dude, why are you heading downtown? didn't you hear about the escaped murderous donkey?_niko
    • imagine if 'good' news (there is plenty of it) came w/low Bounce Rates high ClickThruRates-Conve... Visitors *deep breath... just imaginePonyBoy
    • *punches for auto-truncating QBN demon bots fucking w/my comments!!PonyBoy
    • Sure, you guys are right, but still, all of that still happening somewhere...smhgrafician
    • if the internet has done one good thing - is that I source my own news. nerd news. like design, movies, tech, filmmaking etc news.inteliboy
    • ^username checks out but again, punches for all those bad things happening today, not for cnn reporting only bad newsgrafician
    • actually, punches also for cnn for reporting mostly bad news dailygrafician
  • CyBrainX2

    HR Harassment Training
    In my case Solomon Page, the recruiting company.

    It took me 2 and a half hours to complete it. The questions were terribly worded with misspellings and they made you listen for 40 minutes before asking any questions by which time your mind is completely numbed over. Fuck these miserable fucks.

    • and this was I can work on a project that will last from Wednesday to Friday.CyBrainX
    • Also, punches for QBN for not letting us correct posts for more than 20 years.CyBrainX
    • Isn't this run by NYS? Every single person takes the same training statewide, and repeats every year?nb
    • I don't think so. A lot of it related to federal law.CyBrainX
    • You're learning how to harass HR?

      That's a great idea!
  • section_0141

    Programmers and "Web Developers" putting their stupid fucking articles on medium.com. You shit-heads can't put a blog on your website? I'm not paying these pricks to sift through 100 worthless posts just to find the one that might be worth reading.

    • Personal Brand Developers said to post often on Medium and Linkedin so ppl think you're an expert in your field

    • “Thought leader”Chimp
  • NBQ001

  • Ramanisky22

    The POS who sucker punched a parent during a youth flag football game.

  • _niko0

    this fucking thing:

    my wife picked up some CBD oil and it came in this dispenser, you need 20! drops for a single dose, how the hell can you possibly tell? you can barely feel a single drop on your tongue, and it barely comes out, I was vigorously shaking and trying to count and probably got half of it on my face and one in my eyeball ffs.

    • It‘s overhyped snake oil and waste of $$NBQ00
    • when dosing drops (i learned this the hard way with acid), put it on the back of your hand then just lick it off. way too difficult going straight into your gobscarabin
    • for 20 drops i'd use a shotglassscarabin
    • add 20 drops of acid to shot glass, Roger that!_niko
    • an eyedropper/pipette would probably work better for you at that volume, _nikosarahfailin
    • Just crack the top and boof the whole bottle. It’ll time release on its ownscarabin
    • ^dr. scarabin sayssarahfailin
  • Ramanisky23


    Footage of the NRA's Wayne LaPierre and his wife Susan shooting and killing two elephants in Botswana.

    • the best and brightest people_niko
    • I wasn't aware of the need for elephant culling in Botswana; still reading as I share this: https://www.mahohboh…Krassy
    • Sickening...the laughing.BusterBoy
    • And it's beside the point if they're culled. Taking pleasure killing these majestic animals is sick.BusterBoy
    • taking pleasure in the killing is sick, no doubt .. and regarding the culling, leave it to the locals to handle , etcKrassy
    • agree, culling is necessary and the locals get the meat and make a ton of money off of these losers, but getting joy from killing these animals is pretty sick_niko
    • YupGuyFawkes
    • goddamn that's not hunting that's executionhans_glib
    • I wish them cancerBennn
    • Her joy at the end is beyond creepy.bainbridge
    • How can you stand so close to what is so rare in this universe and take joy from executing it.shapesalad
  • sarahfailin1

  • Fax_Benson8


    1. For the truly awful update. What the fuck.

    2. Refusal to increase artist royalties despite subscription increase.

    3.The fact that I'm so tied in to it.

    • What update? Desktop or mobile?NBQ00
    • Desktop.Fax_Benson
    • They've fucked every useful feature in an effort to push curated playlists. Self-vandalism.Fax_Benson
    • try Apple Music, the UI is not amazing, but at least they give more to the artistsgrafician
    • Fax, you’re exaggerating? I don’t really see so much negative about the latest desktop update.NBQ00
    • The only thing that sucks is that Podcasts on desktop have no chronological episode view of latest shows like on mobile.NBQ00
    • Miss old layout, seems 'apple-ified' now with all the roundnessshapesalad
    • It seems Spotify changes the UI like every month.NBQ00
    • What's important here: "The fact that I'm so tied in to it"i_was
    • What version are you on? i just updated to and it looks identical to what i was using before..mantrakid
    • Fuck spotify, such a shit platformXanderCage
  • Ramanisky29

    This hypocritical POS

    • Beautiful womanNBQ00
    • golf isn’t really a sport, now is it?Gnash
    • Not a sport. Agree with the sentiment, but not the context. Regardless of sarcasm. Also, fuck this dumb bitch.DRIFTMONKEY
    • Is the same chick that killed an innocent woman while painting her fingernails while driving her Hummer on a highway?utopian
    • Homophobe! If you don't support trans people get out of here! Racist.Hayoth
    • shut up you libtard!pango
    • Cheating at golf kind of a guy thingnb
    • He's ugly.cherub
    • She looks amazing for a 71 year old mandrgs
    • She does look amazingnb
    • Play golf 4 days in a row (walking, not riding), and then tell me it's not a sport.section_014
    • Oh and also
      she still a massive fucking hypocrite
    • commi fascist!renderedred
    • I don't give a shit about her gender or appearance. She's a vapid, reality show piece of garbage.CyBrainX
    • Ok were going that way now?
      All lives matter! Hitler was a cool dude!
    • he did have cool pubic hair on his face he called mustachepango
    • The chaplan, he killed that trend quickGuyFawkes
  • Nairn0

    I'm at home during daytimes at the moment, looking after the kid before going in for an hour or two in the evening, then working weekends. Childcare not booked in for another couple of weeks.

    I have a note on my site about requiring appointments for people popping in, right alongside my contact details. I don't want people randomly dropping in. It costs me time and money and is usually the behaviour of nutters or people who don't have a clue/don't have their shit together. A learned filter, from experience, if you will.

    Just had a snotty phonecall from someone who'd turned up to the studios, which are currently a construction site, complaining that he couldn't find my studio. "The building's closed and I'm not there", I say.

    The job they want doing is some piddly but faffy thing - ordinarily a complete waste of my time anyway (I *know* it'd be met with surprise along the lines of "but I only want to spend a tenner on this!"), but i play along and get them to describe the situation, I realise it's something I technically can't help with anyway, so suggest alternate (ie. more practical, less pew-pew) means to resolve it.

    This is met with insistence that we meet up with the insinuation that I'm incorrect (I'm not, I've been doing this a wee while now).

    All the while, the crêpe I'd just made for my daughter is getting cold and this guy just won't take the fucking hint.

    Not my fault you wasted a journey rather than just phoning or emailling like every non-moron I deal with does, fucko. Oh, it was somehow more convenient for you and your schedule? Shit, funny how that works in some people's minds.

    It think it's 50/50 he'll turn up again during the hours I carelessly admitted I'd be in later today.

    I googled his phone number and have his name. Currently trying to make a relevant analogy based around his profession that I can casually drop in to explain why I can't do his job, should we speak again. PA, I know. It's all I have.

    • Why not simply tell him you're fully-booked for the next x-number of weeks, and can't take on additional assignments?Continuity
    • Why lie?Nairn
    • Well, it's ... diplomatic.
      Otherwise, you'd have to resort to, 'Now, look here, you fucking creep. I don't want to do your piddly job. Get bent.'
    • Plus, any reasonable person would get the hint when told that this isn't something you can technically help with anyway.Continuity
  • bainbridge0

  • Ramanisky21

    David Cross doppelgänger.

    Full story

    • well.... discovered bathroom leaking, so ran to front desk, but.. maybe firstly try the taps? I presume front desk call 'taps values'?shapesalad
    • even if her kids broke it, even if she was being a Karen, it's no excuse for how douchy the owner is._niko
    • "Stop being a dumb Democrat".
      Seriously...America really is fucked.
      What a shithole.
  • i_monk5

    Every last person at Microsoft involved with Powerpoint or really any of what passes as 'design' in the Office suite.

    Every last one.

    • surprised its still around, doesnt google do all that shit for free now?GuyFawkes
    • Apples keynote is a billion times better_niko
    • ^ even bigger punches for shitty Google 'software'. You do get what you pay for there, at least.Nairn
    • We're stuck with Office.i_monk
    • @Nairn
      I work for travel companies that run their logistics on Google Suite alone. They have great tools.
    • Perhaps, but with sorely deprecated functionality.Nairn
    • Google over office any day, but theyre all text documents they can all go to hellGuyFawkes
    • My partner works with companies who use Google Docs and my estimation of it from the swearing and constant tech support I'm required for, is that it's a bitshitNairn
    • Google Script is 80% of my bidnez. Panopticon runs on Google Spreadsheets.
      Hook me up. XD
  • omahadesigns-3


    • Especially the ones that work at the Museum, fuck those guysGuyFawkes
  • rzu-rzu6

    • my favorite part about Amsterdam, this is not toleratedjpgjpg
    • pedestrians walking on the bike lane or the bike lane being on the sidewalk?

      punches for both anyway...
    • Get the bike lane off the sidewalkGnash
    • Ugh to all of that. That's a very irresponsible 2-way lane.garbage
    • Meanwhile in America...the cyclists weave in and of traffic, blow stop signs and lights, use the sidewalk as a shortcut and think that they own the roads.utopian
    • In most of America. I can roll down from my place and have access to a 27-mile bike highway. We also have 2-ways in parts but honestly I hate them.garbage
    • Berlin? Bulgaria?i_was
    • capitalism, look it up!
      *looks like spain or budapest
    • Love how nobody blames the fucking catering units, and restaurants which have a wider terrace than the bike path...sted
    • It's a wonderful way to start a beef social classes and at the end everybody hates the biker.sted
    • *betweensted
    • Restaurants pay fees for that space and need special licenses to serve thereGnash
    • That's still bureaucracy as it contributes to the formation of such conflicts...sted
    • I eboard on a path like this where im at in mx every morning, mexicans dont give a fuck about those linesGuyFawkes
    • @guy setting aside my hatred for eboards because people sidewalk them here. Do you think the two-lane system is good?garbage
    • Because I see better discipline from other cyclists when the lanes aren't dialed like this, and contra-flow lanes tend to end in ghost bikes.garbage
    • All those conflicts are in your heads.
      People in the picture are all relaxed and enjoying life.
    • @uan let me pull back you to my level: so you thing that bad spatial planning does not generates social conflicts?sted
    • it's not bad spatial planning. it's patched spatial planning. bike lanes were introduced years after into a functioning street concept. (it's in Spain).uan
    • makes sense garbage, yeah kill the lines, the lines just make us all like "this is my side"GuyFawkes
    • I own the only 2 eboards in my city, tons of fuckin bikes down here thoughGuyFawkes
  • PonyBoy5

    peloton commercials

    • Last time i seen a commercial was back in the statesGuyFawkes
    • They’ve been on heavy rotation in CanadaGnash