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  • nicole_marie0

    before immediately going to prescriptions try to balance everything out with exercise and new hobbies to keep you busy and get your mind off of the things that can give you anxiety. doing something active can help balance out chemicals in your brain and really help get your mind off things.

    prescriptions may help but they also bring on a whole new set of problems, sleepiness, motivation problems, they effect everyone differently and it is always best to use them as a last resort.

    • Yeah, sometimes we look for the quick fix, but perhaps a change of lifestyle is what is needed.kgvs72
    • I hate that doctors just throw medicine at you instead of first offering other suggestions.nicole_marie
    • +100 A huge problem. A little pill to fix all your problems. BS! Even worse when they give 9 year old kids behavior pillsbaseline_shift
  • morilla0

    I was diagnosed with an extreme anxiety disorder way back in '95. My serotonin levels were completely shot. I had some doozies, blacked out in my car on the freeway doing 85mph. My doc put me on Xanax, seemed to do the trick. The attacks started to subside over time after I started taking better care of myself and exercising more again. I haven't filled a script since 05, so for now they are gone.

  • iheartfun0

    I used to have panic attacks for about 2 years when I was like 19-20. They were pretty bad, to the point where I would hyperventilate so much my hands would clam up and sometimes end up in the ER. But then I just stopped by kicking myself in the butt and realized there was no point and it wasn't helping in any way....

  • Mal0

    First, relax your shoulders and become conscious of any tension that you may be feeling in your muscles.

    Then, with gentle reassurance, progressively tense and relax all the large muscle groups. Tighten your left leg with a deep breath in, for example, hold it, then release the leg muscles and the breath. Move on to the other leg. Move up the body, one muscle group at a time.

    Slow down your breathing. This may best be done blowing out every breath through pursed lips as if blowing out a candle. Also, place your hands on your stomach to feel the rapidity of your breathing. This may allow you to further control your symptoms.

    Tell yourself (or someone else if you are trying this technique with someone) that you are not "going crazy." If you are concerned about not being able to breathe, remember that if you are able to talk, you are able to breathe.

  • moth0

    1. acknowledge your having a panic attack
    2. say to yourself I'm not going to die.
    3. acknowledge that it's going to pass."

    Some good advice


    Unless you're having a heart attack. In which case, you might fucking die!

    • a heart attack would be a whole different set of symptomsMal
  • Rand0

    the worst panic attack I ever heard of was when somebody was driving and suddenly perceived everything upside down

  • jay_jay0

    I have mentioned on here once before in a diff thread that I suffer from anxiety & panic attacks daily, I dont't mind sharing any help you may need, 'cause I have suffered with it for 9 years now, 18-27, so pretty much what should have been the best years of my life.

    my anxiety lasts literally 24/7, even when I'm asleep I get bad/negative dreams.

    It's particular bad around new people, crowds, shopping centres/malls and for some reason a supermarket check out is hell.

    On a recent trip to the USA I head on the radio about the Midwest Center… they have a great 16wk course you can buy, using CDs/DVDs and relaxation & some handy credit card sized cards you can carry around with you (one for each weeks new technique) thats lists coping skills.

    Anyways, after 9 years being failed by the NHS and Drs I bought this pack and so far so good, I'm only into session 3 so far. Its fun to use and fills me with confidence that I can and WILL get better.

    First you have to realise that its YOU who creates anxiety, it's our negative thoughts, so you jave to learn how to change ya - thoughts into +

    I also read above about alcohol, for me, it eases the symptoms in social situation but the next day I'm a wreck, so I don't drink much these days & instead workout at the gym 4 times a week and jog on my rest days which works a treat. Burns off all that negative energy.

    this is whats written on the 2nd sessions card, 6 steps to putting an end to panic attacks:

    1.ACCEPT - float dont fight
    2.PERMISSION - I know what this is
    3.BREATH - inhale for 2 seconds (thru nose) exhale for 4 (thru mouth)
    4.INNER DIALOGUE - think positive, comforting thoughts
    5. DISTRACT - action, mental & physical for at least 15 mins.
    6.LET TIME PASS - discomfort always passes

    use the 6 steps for waves of sadness, anger, worry etc

    FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real

    I hope some of the above can be a help to any of you that suffer with the problem cause I know its a real bitch to live with.

    Hope you feel better soon, I think catching it in early stages is a big advantage.


    • bless you jay_jay, glad things are getting betterRand
    • I truly feel for you. After my first attack I was anxious for about 2 days non stop, it was hell. I hope things get better for you.sofakingbanned
    • Thank you for sharing your info. I will for sure remember that list you provided.sofakingbanned
  • lukus_W0

    There's something called cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), which has been proven to help with depression and anxiety related illnesses. Basically, it's a way to teach you how to respond to situations where you thoughts are causing negative effects.

    Because it involves working through a process - it's possible to use a software application to teach yourself these skills .. there's a free program here ->

    Might be worth trying out.

  • ceiling_cat0

    Anyone develop social anxiety? How do you cope?

    • yep, as abovejay_jay
    • control your social environment
      ie. invite only close friends over who you feels safe with maybe stick to socializing at home for a while
    • while or just going to friends housesMal
  • Mal0

    I like the positive and helpful advice in this thread.

  • jysta0

    Panic attacks are horrible. At first I thought I had light sensitive Epilepsy but realised it only happened in public/busy areas. I have had a couple of really bad panic attacks. One in a supermarket, the other in a clothes shop. Afterwards I was totally shot for the rest of the day and had to sleep it was so bad.

    Also almost had a full blown panic attack in my car when driving at excessive speeds which was really stupid of me.

    I decided to check out the Linden method. You have to pay for it but it helped me a lot in managing my panic attacks.

    Distraction, exercise are very important. Also try to avoid hypnosis as it made my symptoms worse :-( Too much coffee also not good. Being in the company of friends or family when going out in public helped me massively with stopping my panic attacks. The busier you can make your social life the better, and I find if I start becoming a recluse my symptoms get really bad again.

    It usually stems from stress at work or underlying problems that you have little or no control over. Finances/ health issues/ dwelling on negatives thoughts, too much procrastination.

    They say the secret to success in business to not give a shit.
    Keeping a good sense of humour always helps, I might invest in one of those lol cubes, they seem like a really good idea, its raining here and I've had my blinds shut all day.

  • seed0

    I found out that I was having anxiety attacks years ago after going to the doctor for chest pain. I was given a prescription but never took them. Depending on your symptoms what worked for me was realizing that it really isn't physical and that the more you worry about the symptom, the worse it gets. Basically just ignore it.

    Getting in shape can help you to reduce stress, improve your cardio, make you realize that your body is capable of handling stress and isn't the cause of your symptoms.

    I still go through bouts of unrealistic worry occasionally. I think exercising and taking vitamins and supplements can be very helpful.

    For instance the B vitamin Inositol is said to be as effective as Prozac and helpful for anxiety and especially OCD.

    Get out and exercise in the morning sun light. I have read that morning light is most effective as sun allows your body to switch from melatonin to seratonin production.

    There are a lot of books out there on how to feel better naturally.



  • ceiling_cat0

    When I was 14

  • Benja820

    my girlfriend is a psychologist, she is a cause and a cure for anxiety

  • uncle_helv0

    Will you all stop crowding this thread, and talking at once.

    *Cradles head in hand, rubs forehead, lights cigarette!

    Thats better!

  • detritus0

    There's always the chemical route, too.

    Not much use for immediate alleviation of anxiety, but if you know your system is in that kind of space, pop some of this down your gullet in the morning..

    • But by God, address the root cause - a few days on this, without introspection will seriously fuck the comedown.detritus
  • roundabout0

    I suffer from anxiety and paranoia for nearly ten years now. It started after taking to many Drugs at college, going out every week and doing E in 1991 was not the best idea I ever had. One day it all cached up with me and I got a Bad E and collapsed at a House Party, at the time I was lucky a vomited the pill up and regained consciousness, but it was bloody scary moment, my mates thought I was goner. and that is when the problem started.

    I still have anxiety and paranoia attacks know. :(

    • how many pills were you dropping in a night, and how often did you roll?scarabin
    • lately i've been feeling kinda down, and i was wondering if it was e-relatedscarabin
    • One might almost say "e-lated".detritus
    • thats what I did too. I've always thought its the drugs that caused my problem, but Im hoping its notjay_jay
    • E can burn out the Seratonin receptors which make you feel that natural high/happyMal
  • xcreonx0

    I don't like medication at all but I will say the occasional low-dose Xanax has really helped my anxiety. Just takes a bit of the edge off but not enough to make me groggy.

    As said before, exercise is great. If I am feeling a bit crazy a long walk or hitting some tennis balls against the practice wall always helps. The release of tension and increased oxygen works wonders.


  • creez0
