
Out of context: Reply #27

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  • jay_jay0

    I have mentioned on here once before in a diff thread that I suffer from anxiety & panic attacks daily, I dont't mind sharing any help you may need, 'cause I have suffered with it for 9 years now, 18-27, so pretty much what should have been the best years of my life.

    my anxiety lasts literally 24/7, even when I'm asleep I get bad/negative dreams.

    It's particular bad around new people, crowds, shopping centres/malls and for some reason a supermarket check out is hell.

    On a recent trip to the USA I head on the radio about the Midwest Center… they have a great 16wk course you can buy, using CDs/DVDs and relaxation & some handy credit card sized cards you can carry around with you (one for each weeks new technique) thats lists coping skills.

    Anyways, after 9 years being failed by the NHS and Drs I bought this pack and so far so good, I'm only into session 3 so far. Its fun to use and fills me with confidence that I can and WILL get better.

    First you have to realise that its YOU who creates anxiety, it's our negative thoughts, so you jave to learn how to change ya - thoughts into +

    I also read above about alcohol, for me, it eases the symptoms in social situation but the next day I'm a wreck, so I don't drink much these days & instead workout at the gym 4 times a week and jog on my rest days which works a treat. Burns off all that negative energy.

    this is whats written on the 2nd sessions card, 6 steps to putting an end to panic attacks:

    1.ACCEPT - float dont fight
    2.PERMISSION - I know what this is
    3.BREATH - inhale for 2 seconds (thru nose) exhale for 4 (thru mouth)
    4.INNER DIALOGUE - think positive, comforting thoughts
    5. DISTRACT - action, mental & physical for at least 15 mins.
    6.LET TIME PASS - discomfort always passes

    use the 6 steps for waves of sadness, anger, worry etc

    FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real

    I hope some of the above can be a help to any of you that suffer with the problem cause I know its a real bitch to live with.

    Hope you feel better soon, I think catching it in early stages is a big advantage.


    • bless you jay_jay, glad things are getting betterRand
    • I truly feel for you. After my first attack I was anxious for about 2 days non stop, it was hell. I hope things get better for you.sofakingbanned
    • Thank you for sharing your info. I will for sure remember that list you provided.sofakingbanned

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