Girlfriend advise
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- emokid0
i would suggest more open communication but if that doesn't work then i suppose that is really it.
i had a similar experience with my (ex) girlfriend of a year and half very recently. i tried to ignore clear signs that she was being too chummy with her ex from a long time ago (and she was hiding it from me). i was hoping for the best but instead got the boot. and a week later they were engaged and here i am still trying to figure out what really happened.
- MelC0
Shit. Being single doesn't sound that bad when you think about it.
- stewart0
now i understand that glance in your profile emokid
- emokid0
but i suppose it was a learning experience. sure, it still feels like shit and i wish i was smarter (and stronger?) so i could have ended it myself when i began seeing the signs. but i really am better off.
- emokid0
why are you kids still up?
stewart, haven't seen you forever on here. i hope all is well.
- Ginja0
Its 10AM where I am.
- emokid0
mel's profile said she was in canada but her site says she is in amsterdam. so really, i am the only one who is up at 2am.
i should hit the sack soon. ginja, i wish you the best of luck in trying to figure it out. but nothing wrong in making some mistakes and learning along the way.
- MelC0
I was living in A'dam. Now I'm in Vancouver, so yes. I'm up at 2 A.M. on feckin' NT.
And doing housework. I can't sleep.
- Bullitt0
Ginja, either have a word with him or kick his fucking ass, seriously....
- emokid0
- kick ass first
- talk later (this step optional)
- drgs0
age of love- age of love
- paraselene0
my husband gets on really well with almost all of my exes. and so do i. they're some of our best friends.
i think it's a question of maturity. we would never even consider reading one another's text messages, that's just beyond the pale.
and as for him being the only man in my life? well, that's just absurd. he's the only one i sleep with, but my male friends are some of my best friends, and whether or not i've had relationships with them in the past has nothing to do with my friendship with them now.
perhaps you and your girlfriend have a different understanding of the way your relationship works. you should probably split up if you don't see eye to eye on the subject.
- emokid0
i wish all women were as cool as para.
- JerseyRaindog0
Para's a woman?!
I feel like such a noob. All over again.
- honest0
The guy has issues, there's an obvious crush and dare I say he'll 'DO' something at the party just keep your guard up and remember to rise above it.
- paraselene0
google has email!!?!?!
- JerseyRaindog0
- paraselene0
right, that's me off out to enjoy the sunshine and find a fancy dress costume. have a lovely sunday, all.
and thanks for the compliment, emo! x
- paraselene0
also, ginja, he was probably just acting like a twat out of jealousy, either realised he was being a twat and decided to grow up and/or met another girl and now has no reason to be a twat and is trying to salvage what friendship he can with her.
be the bigger man and give him the benefit of the doubt.
he also might be the cuckoo in the clock, the python in the toybox, etc. but if she falls for it then you don't want to be with her anyway. good luck!
- MichaelFelt0
Ive only read the first few posts...
My opinion is ditch the bitch!
yeah you might like her blablabla, but its going to get messy really messy! I bet she still wants to sleep with her old boyfriend as girls I know want nothing to do with ex's