Girlfriend advise
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- Ginja0
You know what, your right.
- welded0
Call an ex-girlfriend for that hug.
- stewart0
"shes now moved in with me..."
i'm a little curious here about the length of the relationship before she moved in with you.
- Ginja0
Been in the house 3 weeks now... Together about 6 months, seeing each other for 11. I'd have to agree with any, moving to fast comments.
She already comments about kids and marriage. HOLD ON...
- VectorMasked0
Vectormasked - are you in Vancouver?
(Apr 28 07, 23:49)Yep.
Were you just curious? or do you know something I don't know about my ex-gf?
- IRNlun60
sounds like a pattern. she might be great but you should get used to it or move on. chances are she won't be changing any time soon...
- MelC0
Hehehe. Just curious. I'm in Vancovuer too.
I don't know nuthin' bout no ex girlfriends.
- VectorMasked0
Hehehe. Just curious. I'm in Vancovuer too.
I don't know nuthin' bout no ex girlfriends.
(Apr 29 07, 00:18)downtown? If so what's the address?? hehe
we might be neighbours y'know :o)
- Ginja0
Thanks for the advise, I'll wait it out and see how it goes.
- stewart0
o my goodness.
going to move in with each other is always a kind of a risky undertaking, but i'm sure that when you do that after half a year you'll face a lot of unexpected characteristics.
in my situation, after two years of hanging out with her intensively and both having our own homes - we're ready to really live together.
two years that's short too, believe me. that's why we bought a house with 6 rooms so you're able read a book in your own space when you want to ;)
- MelC0
Gastown. Abbott Street. Soon to be in the Edge on Alexander
- MelC0
Wow. This relationship advice really helped me out too! Got me thinking about my boyfriend and how I sometimes don't tell him when I'm upset and how if affects us.
I just sent him a big email. Just to let him know how much I love him, then I listed all the things I was pissed off about. :)
- stewart0
"i just sent him a big email"
it's weekend and you're not together?
- Ginja0
I think the only way I can say what I want to is to write her an email or letter or something because I got so hmmm...... so something when I try and talk it out.
- VectorMasked0
Gastown. Abbott Street. Soon to be in the Edge on Alexander
(Apr 29 07, 00:31)haha! I was joking.
But be careful girl.I work near your place. If you ever see a nice handsome fella with a weird sense of fashion and smoking cigarettes like crazy, say Hi coz that might be me. :o)
- VectorMasked0
This is depressing me.
I want someone to hold me now
(girls only please)
- MelC0
Be careful!? I live in Gastown. I ain't afraid of nuthin'!
- VectorMasked0
tough girl huh?
I guess I should stop my plans of stalking you then.
- MelC0
Write a letter!!! Yeah.
- MelC0
Tough, tough, v.tough.