Girlfriend advise
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- ********0
Well Jaline, I just need that card by about August when I need to grow a moustauche for a moustauche party in September.
So ... have fun with it, haha!
* Every year since Dave Wannstaedt took over as coach for the PITT Panthers we have held the Wann-stauche Bash. Where we all grow moustauches and have a huge tail-great, haha. Just in case you were wondering what kind of moustauche party this was.
- Jaline0
Sounds like one immature and selfish girl if you ask me.
Don't get me wrong, but you might want to prepare yourself with the thought of breaking up with this chick. She obviously doesn't give a damn about you.
Good luck man.
(Apr 28 07, 23:44)I agree.
If you have expressed your feelings about this guy, then it looks like she doesn't respect you. Talk to her again and make sure she clearly realizes your feelings, and then if she continues her behaviour you should probably think about leaving her.
- Jaline0
Also, I agree with everything para posted.
If you two don't figure out how the relationships in each other's lives work, then maybe you should reconsider the entire thing.
- Jaline0
I just spoke to her and he isn't coming over as far as I can tell.
(Apr 29 07, 05:16) it because you expressed yourself?
- AndyRoss0
Well, near as I can tell, everybody has issues. So, saying somebody has issues, is like saying they have a small intestine.
Anyway, I think there are several key things everyone must decide, preferaby in advance, about their relationships:
1) What do you want in a mate, and in a relationship? For instance, do you want someone to live with, and go to the movies with, and have all the same friends with? Or would you really prefer someone to see at weekends to party heavily with, with no further involvements or attachments? Do you want permanent, or do you want temporary? Etc. I mean, you really need to decide if you want the whole hog, or if you just want a few strips of bacon. And you should make clear your goals to the other person.
2) What behavior will you absolutely not tolerate from your mate? Do you care if they have sex with others? Are there people they cannot talk to? Are there certain situations they cannot allow to happen with certain other people? What is the code you expect the other person to follow? If you want to feel happy in a relationship, you have to find someone who will live by your code. Not give lip service to your code, but actually live by it.
And it should be your code. Not Hugh Hefner's, or Sting's, or Jerry Falwell's--your code. If that means you want this, and this, and this fetish, but that one is beyond the pale, and they can sleep with anyone they like as long as they're always ready for you, well, if that's your code, that's your code.
You gotta figure out who you are and what the fuck you want before you can expect someone else to know it, and abide by it.
It's like buying a sweater: you gotta know how you want it to fit before you waste everyone's time trying it on.
- Ginja0
I expressed myself last night about it and I guess shes just realised.
- ********0
Kelpie has no moral fibre. Don't listen to him.
Listen to me.
I am the guardian on your shoulder.
Kill them both, chop them up and place them in a skip.
- gramme0
cut the cord chum, she isn't 100% yours.
- ********0
It's like buying a sweater: you gotta know how you want it to fit before you waste everyone's time trying it on.
(Apr 29 07, 19:22)mm yes .. yes he's right.. its a bit like..
i have issues - dont judge me..
- joyride0
ughh... why is this the normal situation between a lot of couples.
First, you're in the worst place possible. If you demand she cannot see him, you're the bad guy, she'll just sneak around it anyway.
Second, when you talk to her about it, you're showing jealousy.
- kelpie0
"Kelpie has no moral fibre. Don't listen to him."
this might sound rude but based on your info, that's the typical behavior of somebody that's cheating on you. BREAK UP WITH HER and move on.
- ********0
moth, jump on msn for a minute will you... I have a question about that thingmie.
- joyride0
damn, it chopped off the rest... =(
Anyway, jealousy is bad bad bad. it's a weakness for many people, and if you show it you show a lack of confidence.
Third, you need to change it up. Make her step up her game. You should go out with friends, flirt, get numbers (let them give them to you!), etc. Let her know that you're the catch, not her. And if she wants to keep you she needs to prove it, because it will be obvious you can replace her.
Is it a bit crazy to play these games, yeah! but it's part of the game. you don't want to be the bitter jealous bfriend that tells her who she can hang out with and is going through her phone etc. Those never turn out well if you think about it.
And just have fun, that is what a relationship is for, fun, if it's not, move on.
- ********0
Did anyone mention that he spelled "advice" wrong?
(Apr 30 07, 12:15)
OK, I'm back. Sorry I was throwing up after reading kona's love declaration to flav and realizing flav had a man card his PE teacher gave him for skipping prom to go to his house and 'watch a movie'.
Now, about the mustache, I really don't want to know more about D>SAnchezs flav. Altho Jaline might be interested...;)
- AndyRoss0
See, there's a good example!
In my book, a crowbar to the face would end a relationship. A crowbar to the face is outside my code, and beyond my personal pale.
Keep in mind, I'm not here to judge you. Merely to determine if you would abide by my code. And you don't--crowbar to the face--so we'd never make it.
You should know that to start.
Plus you should know that no one in their right mind would have anything to do with anything--"El Paso"--for fear you'd break out that awful old Marty Robbins tune. Which would merit a crowbar to the fac, and the code's violated. Again.
Face it. It's not meant to be. But for Christ's sake, be a man about it.
- FrdmOfSpch0
the first rule of fight club is, don't ask for relationship advice on an internet forum.
- enjine0
Kinda reminds me of The Hills, Season 2