Girlfriend advise
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- 267 Responses
- jaybee0
no hard feelings man, but she's probably banging him or viceversa??
- rafalski0
2 days and no news uh?
Someone please go check his basement
(May 2 07, 06:15)he used us
- kelpie0
this might sound rude but based on your info, that's the typical behavior of somebody that's cheating on you. BREAK UP WITH HER and move on.
(Apr 30 07, 07:07)Dead on! You know when she told you that she's going to get drinks with 2 of her friends while you were working? Yep, most likely friends that she was talking about are that ex boyfriend's nutsacks.
If you can't see this then you are very naive. Your girl has issues man. That's why she's now going along with everything, she realized that you might get suspicious, so she needs to calm down the situation so she can continue squeezing his nut juice while you're blissfully think everything is A OK.
I mean wtf, what girl invites her ex boyfriend to a place with he current boyfriend and says her boyfriend that she still likes the ex. That's fucking disturbing.
old girlfriends/boyfrien ds = potential fuck buddies..ALWAYS
This is simply true and mostly girls are the ones saying they can be friends with ex-s (la-la-la-la) and not have anything sexua. This just a lie (they either lie to themselves or others), and it is such because they feel comfortable as the penetration already happened, and most girls want to make sure they have a reserve and backup plan for sex and cuddiness. They will disagree with this, say it's possible for a girl to be a friend with a guy (lol), but we all know what's up, don't we.
Just remember how many times you banged your ex who just wanted to get a cup of coffee with you an see how you were. Guys and girls can't be friends, it will always inevitably lead to sex.
That takes us back to you again.. She is banging or wants to bang her ex or other people as she's probably not super happy with you in some things. Sure, you are fine for her for marriage, a house etc as you probably work hard as you said and women want security, but on the other hand she wants monkey sex with someone without obligations and strings.
By everything you posted in this thread, you should DUMP this girl and go find someone normal. Not that there's a lot of them (girls) with some values left, but you can still find a few.
(May 1 07, 10:11)ooft!
watch torture-porn much?
2 days and no news uh?
Someone please go check his basement
- Jaline0
cha cha cha!
(May 1 07, 11:38)lol, that's exactly what flavor would say.
As for my "C", I was way off and will never reveal what I actually thought. But most can guess.
- exador10
- exador10
funniest advice scene ever.
just get past the music at the begining..and let alan arkin share his wisdom
ok, only really marginally appropriate for this thread...still...this part of the movie made me laugh my ass off...
- ********0
chips, chips and mare chips.
cha cha cha!
- e-pill0
now i want to know what are Jaline's perceived 3 C's
- ********0
I'm guessing none of them are capitulate...
- acedeuce0
All you gotta do is use the three C's....
(May 1 07, 11:10)what are the "3 C's"???
(May 1 07, 11:30)glad you asked. its real simple actually.
1) Confidence is key.
2) Challenge (to be one)
3) self-Control (ok so it doesn't start with a C but u get the point. this one basically has to do with not jizz'n your pants every time she strokes her hair, that and not call'n ever 5 minutes.)
- Jaline0
I bet one of them is...
you know...
what those Brits always say.
- e-pill0
All you gotta do is use the three C's....
(May 1 07, 11:10)what are the "3 C's"???
- scransom0
cliche & selfish..actually the same as a player except not self aware.
- Jaline0
anyway, I still agree with his post.
- Jaline0
nah, I was just talking about this specific line:
"And remember, you're the fuck'n catch! Until she proves herself to YOU, you have no reason to be inclined to be monogomous. Now I do believe once you're in a relationship, that its. This game ends, another one begins. And even still, never give up your balls."
- joyride0
right on ace, that pretty much sums up this thread
jaline, what's the problem?
- Jaline0
but yeah, nice post ace. You actually managed to keep it respectful towards both sexes, unlike many of the other posts here...
- e-pill0
i agree with Boz..or maybe Boz agrees with me.