MediaTEMPLE Liars ••
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- 95 Responses
- horton0
That's a standard renewal email horton. If your credit card is still valid they'll go month to month.
(Jan 10 07, 09:02)yes i realize that, but my point was that the email confirms that my 50% discount will be continued beyond 2 years...
unlike lambsy who apparently lost the promo after his first 2 years.
- formcounterform0
crouwell have you tried surpass?
i have had their reseller plan for over 2 years with no hiccups what so ever. tech support with blazing turn around time...and guess what
no scare of my current price of my plan changing!!!!!
- moural0
As a courtesy, (mt) Media Temple is automatically switching your billing to a monthly service while keeping the same discounted pre-paid rate that you where previously accustomed to.
(Jan 10 07, 08:57)As a courtesy? Pfft. And I dont want to be billed monthly. I was on a two-year plan, why can't they just continue to bill every two years? Grrrrrrrr!
- OeufOeuf0
media temple is overhyped fashionable hosting. for the life of me i can not understand why people are paying that much to let them host their sites.
(Jan 10 07, 09:29)
-------------------------That site scares me. I had finally decided on going with Mediatemple, but thanks to you guys i'm second guessing myself.
Perhaps Lunarpages?
Ugh, back to square one.
- Jaline0
Media Temple has one of the best designs for a hosting site (mainly because hosting companies don't know how to choose a design for their own site), and I haven't had problems with them.
But I still prefer my local host and the guy who runs the site always returns my questions promptly. I also use Dreamhost, and it's still one of the best in terms of price and what you get. I heard the support isn't as good, but I rarely contact my host about anything.
- mpfree0
I can't apply for a job at (mt) because I was never picked last in gym class... [gif]
(Jan 10 07, 07:56)hhaaaaa
- Dancer0
On a SS here (have meant to migrate to GS but do not have the time/or patience yet).
Media temple are honoring the discount and I have sent me an email to state so. I have heard nothing else.
SOOOO where is the problem the dealio is on going and for me to pay $4 a month (about $2.20) I really don't have a problem.
Man you guys moan – Any chance and your on it....
- horton0
moural, just fyi i clipped the email short.
If you wish to renew service again for 1 year, or 2 years we are happy to switch your billing back to this renewal method. We hope you find this courtesy email notice to be useful.
all said and done, i will continue to be a very satisifed customer, with a 50% discount :D
- Dancer0
jaline = techy geeky type
- moural0
Ah, thanks for that, horton!
- Jaline0
heh, Dancer, my post is actually a compilation of the responses collected here at NT over the years (regarding hosting).
- Dancer0
OMG you archive all your posts on NT eva.... your even more techy than I thought.....
- Jaline0
just good memory, I guess ;)
but I've actually used the companies I posted about too...
- undo_undo0
media temple is overhyped fashionable hosting. for the life of me i can not understand why people are paying that much to let them host their sites.
(Jan 10 07, 09:29)I gotta say in nearly a decade of web design MT have cost me the least amount of stress that other hosts have.
although GS doesnt seem to have gone that well for them
- OeufOeuf0
Maybe it's time for them to do another 50% off for life of account, on their GS servers...
*hint hint wink wink
- chossy0
media temple lie into their cups of coffee whilst dropping creamies all over the place.
- Jaline0
I think chossy could write a hilarious show about douchebags.
- kerus0
honestly you dont even WANT mediatemple right now.. its a miserable mess
- Mick0
Anyone else been thinking about changing hosts since the introduction of the Grid Server?
- anayafx0
just recently i was sitting with a client and was discussing some hosting solutions for them... I told em that MT was the way to go for reliability and all that stuff... we go onto the MT site and the whole freaking grid server thing thru me off.... I couldnt even find any plans.... the client was like 'you recommend them and you dont even know how to use them'?
He went with yahoo hosting..
mt (get it together!)