MediaTEMPLE Liars ••
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- czawada0
The promotion is still on.
(mt) Media Temple is offering 50% off new hosting accounts for all Newstoday Citizens. Use this special offer code on their website "newstoday0105".
If you are a currently a (mt) Media Temple customer, contact Jason McVearry, for instructions on how to get hooked up.
QBN, Newstoday
(jan 17 05, 09:19)Doesn't say anything about the deal being lifelong.
- chossy0
every time a creamie gets put in coffee part of me dies, coffee I hate you I hate you so much
*cries into hands and swipes coffee mugs off table as they try to crowd me out and hurt me so deeply inside .
- lambsy0
the second post down confirms it as well:
- ********0
50% off for *life for NT members
*by life we mean if you have brain cancer that can't be cured when you sign up to this deal
- horton0
yeah they did promise lifetime.. i signed up for it.
- ********0
What the hell is this 50% off shit, we're talking about coffee.
- ********0
bloody protestants!
- ********0
always making my day go faster....
oh wait it's only 11:00 :(
(Jan 10 07, 07:34)Well played sir.
Well played.
- horton0
can't find anything on record in my emails atm.. but i'll be mega pissed if they back out on that deal.
- mpfree0
Indian givers, is it?
- ********0
- Soler0
fuck, ididnt know about the promotion and just signed up fullprice
*** slap ****
bitchslaps myself
- digitalswarm0
*slaps soler again
- version30
so have you taken your complaint to anyone in the company? or were you just met with a "]no" in your initial call?
- lambsy0
3 friends of mine also signed up, and also confirm the 50% off for life of account promo...
but can't find any documentation. it was clearly offered, but it is nowhere in writing.
- version30
"but it is nowhere in writing."
(Jan 9 07, 16:26)please explain how this was "clearly offered" then
- Bacillo30
two words... media temple.
media temple is bullshit. i know alot of people on the web (expecially on this website) are way gay about media temple and how amazing they are. so ill either get bashed or erased for saying this.. but my experience has been that their service absolutely sucks. as the manager of interactive media at my company, i was in charge of finding a host for our projects. we went to media temple first, because they had what we needed, and were supposed to be the best. well turns out they are not. didnt want to work with us in fixing problems (they had alot of issues with their coldfusion services at that time), and were basically just assholes about it. something along the lines of "it's not our problem".
- lambsy0
i've written them 3 times, and they just say it is no longer valid, or redirect my email to someone else.
- horton0
yup no documentation to be found and i'm guessing that Jason McVearry doesn't work there anymore.
- kerus0
you might want to wait until they get the grid working properly to downgrade. I have a really simple and fairly empty wordpress setup on my site and it absolutely crawls.
id imagine a bigger site might have serious issues. hell, ive had on an off problems with even my shell account. they have a lot of work left to restore the reputation they had.
tying to be patient but its getting kinda rough.