MediaTEMPLE Liars ••
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- OeufOeuf0
So who else has got the 50% off and got it pulled?
- monkeyshine0
I signed two clients up for this deal as well and remember distinctly the "for life" clause. One of my clients called himself to confirm because he didn't believe it.
- chossy0
I hate liars almost as much as I hate coffee and boy do I hate coffee,
**throws hot cup of coffee all over another hot cup of coffe to teach one of the cups of coffee a lesson >:|
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lifetime it was indeed! remember some (mt) dude pimpin' it pretty clearly here in the pvn.
- Jaline0
I hate coffee.
- radar0
- chossy0
all coffees are assholes.
- ********0
But not all assholes are coffees...?
- jpea0
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I hate coffee.
(Jan 10 07, 07:19)Ditto.
Well, I don't know if I hate it, I like the smell for sure.
I never tried it, heh. I see too many people rely on that thing like a drug every morning.
- radar0
let's start a revolt, everyone remove the (mt) logo from your websites!
// We'll teach them a lesson!
- ********0
take sugar out of lies. put sugar on coffee.
- ********0
Wait is that why so many people have (mt) on their sites when ... they probably aren't sponsored?
I could understand something like the 50% off for life if you can continue to link them.
That's just niche marketing ... but considering I believe 75% of the sites I see with (mt) have absolutely nothing to do with them I think they pretty much started their own bandwagon.
I mean ...
I host with Brinkster, and I put a (mt) logo on my site for Christ's sake.
- OeufOeuf0
HAHA! chossy and flavorful always making my day go faster....
oh wait it's only 11:00 :(
- Jaline0
I hate coffee.
(Jan 10 07, 07:19)Ditto.
Well, I don't know if I hate it, I like the smell for sure.
I never tried it, heh. I see too many people rely on that thing like a drug every morning.
(Jan 10 07, 07:28)I feel exactly the same way. The smell is alright, but I will never like coffee (or tea) and I won't be addicted to it either. Nearly every student in uni needs coffee to stay alive. I've tried it once and it was disgusting. My sister loves all that stuff, but she uses SO much sugar and creamies that I can't imagine that she actually tastes the coffee.
- ********0
I love coffee, but don't drink it because it's an idiot.
- lvl_130
would you people shut the fuck up about coffee already!!
*starts drinking 9th cup of coffee in 1 hour ;)
- chossy0
every time a creamie gets put in coffee part of me dies, coffee I hate you I hate you so much
*cries into hands and swipes coffee mugs off table as they try to crowd me out and hurt me so deeply inside .
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50% off for *life for NT members
*by life we mean if you have brain cancer that can't be cured when you sign up to this deal
- ********0
What the hell is this 50% off shit, we're talking about coffee.